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Access – Lab 1 – exercise 1

Creating a Client Database

1. Mngeni is a B&B with several Mdantsane locations. Up until now the B&B owner, Luyolo has kept separate records at each location. She is finding,
however, that several of the B&B clients frequent more than one location. Therefore, Ms Luyolo has asked you to build a database that will enable
her to keep information about B&B’s clients in one central location.

2. To create the client database, follow these steps:

a. Create a database named Empolweni. Design a table using the following field information:

Field Data Type Description Field size

Client # Text A unique 5 digit number 6
Last Name Text 25
First Name Text 25
Home Phone Text 10
Cell Phone Text 10
Street Address Text 20
City Text 20
Postal Code Text 4
E-mail Text 30

b. Make the client No field the primary key field.

c. Save the table as Clients.
d. Switch to Datasheet view and enter 5 records into table.
e. Adjust the column widths appropriately.
f. Change the page orientation to landscape.
g. Save.

Sample output
Client # Last Name First Name Home Phone Cell Phone Street Address City Postal Code E-mail

Access – Lab 1 – exercise 2

Creating an Advetiser Database

1. You are a member of SGB of the local school in your community. To keep the residents informed about issues and events, the school distributes a
monthly newsletter, Indaba Zethu. Consequently, the newsletter is now the size of a small magazine, and the parent’s dues are not covering the
expense of publishing it. The editorial staff has already begun selling ad space in the newsletter to local businesses, and based on your background
in database management, they have asked you to set up a database to keep track of the advertiser contact information. You agree to design such a
database and tell them you will have something to show them next meeting. To create the client database, follow these steps:

2. To create the client database, follow these steps:

a. Create a database named Empolweni. Design a table using the following field information:

Field Data Type Description Field size

Billing # Text A unique 5 digit billing code and business ID 5
Business Name Text 25
Business Type Text 25
Contact Name Text 25
Contact Phone Text 10
Street Address Text 20
City Text 20
Postal Code Text 4
E-mail Text 30

b. Make the Billing # field the primary key.
c. Save the table as Advertisers.
d. Switch to Datasheet view and enter 5 records into table, using Copy and Paste for fields that have the same data (such as the city).
e. Switch back to design view and change the field size for Business Name and Business Type to 30 and 20 respectively. Save changes.
f. Switch back to Datasheet view and best fit the column widths.
g. Display the records in primary key order.
h. Change the page orientation to landscape.
i. Save.

Sample output
Billing # Business Name Business Type Contact Name Contact Phone Street Address City Postal Code E-mail

Access – Lab 1 – exercise 3

Creating a Hawker Database

The Umzabalazo Hawker, which you helped the owner, Amandla, get off the ground, is an overwhelming success. The clientele is growing every day, as is
the demand for products you serve. Up until now, the information about the vendors has been kept in in an alphabetical card file. This has become quite
unwieldy, he would like you to create a database containing each supply item and the contact information for the vendor that sells that item.

1. To create the database, follow these steps:

a. Create a database named Supplies. Design a table using the following field information:

Field Data Type Description Field size

Item # Text A unique 4 digit product number 4
Description Text Name of product 25
Hawker Name Text Name of supplier 25
Contact Text First and last name of contact person 25
Contact Phone Text Include the area code in parentheses (043) 708 5200 10
Street Address Text 20
City Text 20
Postal Code Text 4
E-mail Text 30

b. Make the Item # field the primary key field.

c. Save the table as Vendors.
d. Switch to Datasheet view and enter 5 records into table, using Copy and Paste for fields that have the same data (such as the city).
e. Add another record in Data Entry.
f. Return to Datasheet view and display the records in primary key order.
g. Adjust the column widths appropriately.
h. Display the records in primary key order.
i. Change the page orientation to landscape.
j. Save.

Sample output
Item # Description Hawker Name Contact Contact Phone Street Address City Postal Code E-mail

Access – Lab 1 – exercise 4

Creating an Informational Database

You have been hired by Bolt Travel to create and maintain a database containing information about the tours they offer and the accommodations that are
part of each tour package:

1. To create the database, follow these steps:

a. Create a database named Bolt Travel. Design a table using the following field information and copy repetitive text where possible:

Field Data Type Description Field size

Package # Text A unique 3 digit number 3
Destination Text 25
Length of stay Text Enter as # days, # nights 25
Description Text Package details (20 words or less) 25
Accommodations Text Name of hotel, B&B, or other lodging 25
Contact Name Text 20
Contact Address Text Street address, city, province, postal code 20
Contact Phone Text Enter as ###-###-#### (e.g. 043-708-5200). 10
E-mail Text 30

b. Make the Package # field the primary key field.

c. Change the size of the Contact Name and Accommodation field sizes to 30 and Contact Address field size to 50.
d. Change the size of the Description field to 50 and its description field to 10 words or less.
e. Save the table as Travel Packages.

f. Switch to Datasheet view and enter 5 records into table, using Copy and Paste for fields that have the same data (such as the city).
g. Add two another records in Data Entry.
h. Return to Datasheet view and display the records in primary key order.
i. Adjust the column widths appropriately.
j. Edit any record for to replace Contact name with your name.
k. Add four-digit postal code extension of any record to 9999.
l. Delete any record.
m. Change the orientation to landscape.
n. Preview the table, then save and close it.

Sample output
Package # Destination Length of stay Description Accommodations Contact Name Contact Postal Code E-mail

Access – Lab 1 - – exercise 5

Creating a Tracking Database

As a volunteer at the Animal Rescue Foundation, you offer to create an Access database for them, to help them keep track of the animals that are picked up
from local shelters. It needs to show where and which animals were boarded at the foundation, placed in foster homes, and placed in adoptive homes.

1. To create the database, follow these steps:

a. Create a database named Anima Rescue. Design a table using the following field information and copy repetitive text where possible:

Field Data Type Description Field size

ID # Text A unique 3 digit number given to animal when picked 3
up from shelter
Type Text Type of animal (cat, dog, horse, etc) 50
Gender Text Enter M (male) of F (female) 1
Name Text Name of animal, if any 50
Boarded Date Date/Time Date animal was boarded Short Date
Foster Date Date/Time Date animal was placed in foster home Short Date
Adoption Date Date/Time Date animal was placed in foster home Short/Date
Photo OLE

b. Change the field size of Type to 10 and Name 30.

c. Make the ID # field the primary key field, and save the table as Tracking.
d. Enter six records; two for animals that are still being boarded (make one of these a dog), another two for animals in foster homes, and
another two for animals that have been adopted.
Enter [your name]’s Pet in the Name field of the last new record you add.

e. In Datasheet view, select the Photo field in a record you entered for dog that is still being boarded. Insert the picture of a dog as an object
in the selected field. View the inserted picture.
f. Display the records in primary key order. Adjust the column widths appropriately and change to landscape orientation.
g. Preview the table, then save and close the table.

Sample output
ID # Type Gender Name Boarded Date Foster Date Adoption Date Photo


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