Conditionals Types 0 - Test

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Conditionals types 0,1,2

Name and surname: ___________________________________________ Class: _____________

I. Complete the sentences using the FIRST conditional.
1. Callum _____________________(stay) at home if he _____________________(feel) better.
2. If you __________________(ask) her, she __________________(help) you.
3. ______________________(your dad / be) angry if he _________________(find out) about this?
4. If you ___________________(finish) at six, I _________________(meet) you at the station.
5. If they _________________(be) tired, they __________________(not / go) to the park.
6. If we _________________(not / make) any sadwiches, we ____________________(get) hungry.
7. If she __________________(go) to Paris, she __________________(send) us a postcard.
8. He ___________________(phone) us if he __________________(see) our manager.
9. We __________________(not / go) out if it __________________(rain).

II. Complete the sentences using the SECOND conditional sentences.

1. If I _____________________(have) his phone number, I ________________(phone) him.
2. I ____________________(not / lie) if I were you.
3. We ____________________(get) a dog if we ____________________(have) a bigger house.
4. What ____________________(you / say) if somebody __________________(ask) you the same
5. If I ____________________(be) you, I ____________________(not / spend) so much money on
6. If that jacket ____________________(not / be) so expensive, I ____________________(buy) it.
7. If we _____________________(not / have) to go to school tomorrow, I ________________(stay) at
in bed all day.
8. He ____________________(not / call) you if he ___________________(not / like ) you.
9. I _____________________(tell) you if I ___________________(know) the answer.
III. Complete the sentences using the FIRST or the SECOND conditional.
1. Your cough sounds awful. If I __________________(be) you, I ____________________(see) a doctor
2. We’re going away for the weekend. I ________________(ask) Sandra to join us unless she __________
(have) other plans.
3. We still don’t have hot water in the room. If they _______________(not / fix) it today, I _____________
(call) the teravel agency.
4. I think Sarah is lonely because she is too shy. If she __________________(go) out more often, she
____________________(make) new friends very soon.
5. It’s a pity it’s raining again. If the weather ____________________(be) better, we _______________(go)

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