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Level 1
Clear or update flagged
Spray Operator Morning Level 2
dropdowns with proper
Mobilization Level 3
Level 4
Date of Inspection : Vehicle Make:
Country: Vehicle Model:
Level 1: License Plate Number:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
GPS Coordinates
Number of operators:
Number of days of operation at this site:
Name(s) of Inspector(s):

Respons Follow Up Follow up

Question e Question Response ECO Action Work List
Morning Mobilization
1 Are you conducting this inspection at Yes
the beginning of the spray day? No

2 Have the spray operators eaten Yes If "no", "Advise all spray If "no", "Problem reported:
breakfast and had plenty of water to No operators to eat breakfast Spray operator(s) not properly
drink prior to donning PPE? and drink plenty of water fed or hydrated prior to donning
before donning PPE." PPE."
3 Are SOP in full PPE before boarding Checkbox If "no", "Advise all spray If "no", "Problem reported:
truck? (Helmet, Face shield, overalls, operators to be in full PPE Spray operator(s) not wearing
boots, gloves, mask, neck protection, before boarding truck." ___list unchecked boxes___
flashlight, None of the above) before boarding transport."

4 Are any spray operators eating or Yes If "yes", "Advise spray If "no", "Problem reported:
drinking after donning PPE? No operators not to eat after Spray operator(s) eating or
donning PPE. Make note of drinking after donning PPE."
spray team and suggest
5 Do the Team Leaders do a casual Yes If "no", "Ask the Team If "no", "Problem reported:
physical inspection of SOP, i.e., look No Leaders do a casual Team Leaders not conducting
out for any obvious breathing physical inspection of SOP casual physical inspection of
problems, fatigue, weakness, alcohol to look for signs of any SOP in the morning."
intoxication, etc.? obvious breathing
problems, fatigue,
weakness, alcohol
intoxication, etc."
6 Do operators fill spray pumps using Yes IF "no", "Ask spray team If "no", "Problem reported:
the contents of drums 1, 3, and 5 and No supervisor to demonstrate Spray operator(s) not using
7 from the previous day's progressive correct procedure for filling insecticide left over from
rinse? up spray pumps for spray previous day."
7 Are barrels 1, 3, 5 and 7 empty when Yes IF "no", "Ask spray team If "no", "Problem reported: Not
Spray Operators depart for the field? No supervisor to demonstrate all pesticide and contaminated
correct procedure for filling rinse water used up to fill SOP'
up spray pumps for spray tanks."
8 Additional Comments
Transportation Vehicle Inspection (TVI)
9 Was this vehicle inspected and Yes If "yes", "Is If "no", "Perform full Pre- If "no", "Problem noted: Vehicle
approved by ECO or authorized AIRS No the AIRS- contract vehicle inspection. was not inspected prior to
representative before contract issued Contact Logistics and notify contract."
signing? certificate in of vehicle substitution, and
the of inspection results."
10 Is a special license or certificate Yes
needed for driver or vehicle No
transporting hazardous goods or
numerous people?
If "yes", Yes If $F$33 is no, 'Contact If $F$33 is no, 'Problem noted:
"Does the No operations coordinator Vehicle does not have required
driver immediately and advise of license or certificate.'
and/or violation.'
vehicle have
the needed
etc.) for
goods or
If $F$33 is
yes, 'Date of
11 Has the driver attended safety Yes If "No", "Provide safety If "No", "Problem noted:
training? No training for driver" Provide safety training for
If "Yes" or
"No", "Date
of training:"
12 Other than the pesticide sachets or Yes If yes, "Notify driver and site
If "yes", "Problem noted:
bottles for the day's use, are any No supervisor of violation. Separate transportation
pesticides transported in the same Supervise correction of the needed for operators and
vehicle with the operators? problem." pesticides other than the day's
13 Are food products, animal feed, or Yes If "yes", immediately If "yes", "Problem noted: Mixed
consumer goods transported in the No remove all food products, goods transportation violation,
same truck as pesticides? animal feed, and consumer suggest re-training."
goods from all trucks
transporting pesticide.
Instruct driver and logistics
personnel about prohibition.

14 Is there 1. a spill kit (sand, shovel, Checkbox If "no", "Provide (List If "no", "Problem noted:
bucket), and 2. unchecked items) for the Missing (List unchecked items)
spill/emergency/accident response vehicle." for the vehicle."
procedures in the vehicle?

If "no", If no, "Call main stores to If "no", "Confirm delivery date

"Date of ____/_____/_____
determine delivery status of for (List missing items)."
delivery:" missing item(s)."
15 Is there a fully-stocked first aid kit Checkbox If "no", "Provide missing If "no", "Problem noted:
(eye wash, Band-Aids, gauze, items (list missing items) for Missing (list missing items) for
antibiotic cream, hydrocortisone first aid kit for the vehicle." first aid kit for the vehicle."
cream/calamine, aspirin) in the
If "no", If "no", "Confirm delivery date
"Date for for (list missing items) for first
delivery of ____/____/____ aid kit."
missing first
aid kit items:
16 Do drivers have a cell telephone and Yes If "no", "Instruct driver to get If "no", "Problem noted: Drivers
appropriate PPE (boots, gloves, and No PPE from stores." do not have cell telephone
filter mask) in case of a spill or and/or appropriate PPE."
17 If this vehicle transports pesticide, N/A If "no", "Provide materials If "no", "Problem noted: Need
can the pesticides be adequately Yes for securing and tying down to provide materials for
secured and tied down in the No pesticides in the vehicle" securing and tying down
vehicle? pesticides in the vehicle"
18 Does the vehicle have a fire Yes If "no", "Instruct the driver to If "no", "Problem reported:
extinguisher? No get a fire extinguisher from Pesticide transport vehicle
stores." must always carry a fire
19 If this vehicle transports operators, N/A If "no", "Arrange for vehicle If "no", "Problem noted: Spray
does the spray operator transport Yes to be fitted with seats and operator transport vehicle must
vehicle have seats and railings? No railings ASAP" be configured with seats and
If "no", If "no", "Confirm date for
"Date transport vehicle to be
vehicle will ____/____/____ modified."
be fitted
with seats
20 Are the operators properly seated in Yes If "no", "Instruct the spray If "no", "Problem reported:
the transport vehicle with the pump No operators to be seated with Spray operators must be
secured between their legs? the pump secured between properly seated with the pump
their legs." secured between their legs in
the transport vehicle."
21 Is the vehicle overcrowded? Yes If "yes", "Find alternate If "yes", "Problem noted: Need
No transportation for some to provide additional vehicle for
operators." Dimagi: program spray operators."
phone to ask for picture.

If "yes",
"Take a
picture of
22 Is there evidence of pesticide Yes If "yes", Instruct driver to If "yes", "Problem noted:
leakage in the trucks? No decontaminate the vehicle Evidence of pesticide leakage
before next use" in vehicle."
23 Have there been any incidents of Yes
pesticide exposure? No
If "yes", Yes If $D$52 is yes, and $F$53 If $D$52 is yes, and $F$53 is
"Has an No is no, 'Get as much no, 'Problem noted: Pesticide
incident information as possible and exposure incident reported.
report form ensure that an accident Follow-up to ensure that an
been filed?" form is filed immediately.' incident report form is
completed and sent to COP,
ECO, Operations Manager,
Technical Coordinator and
ECM immediately.'

24 Have there been any vehicular Yes

accidents? No
If "yes", Yes If $D$54 is yes, and $F$55 If $D$54 is yes, and $F$55 is
"Has an No is no, 'Get as much no, 'Problem noted: Vehicle
incident information as possible and accident reported. Follow-up to
report form ensure that an accident ensure that an incident report
been filed?" form is filed immediately.' form is completed and sent to
COP, ECO, Operations
Manager, Technical
Coordinator and ECM
If $D$54 or
$F$55 is ____/_____/_
yes, 'Date of ____

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