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“What is the effect of increasing concentration of hydrogen peroxide on the rate

(0,0M – 1,0M) of reaction by the addition of the enzyme catalase
from the blood of Bos taurus as measured by the volume of oxygen produced?”
1. BACKGROUND When Catalase meets H2O2, it decomposes H2O2
a. Enzyme and substance. into H2O + O2. This reaction is called oxidoreductases
(The enzyme Oxidoreductase catalyzes the oxidation
Enzymes are biological catalysts (also known as reaction where the electrons tend to travel from one
biocatalysts) that speed up biochemical reactions in form of a molecule to the other) (Enzymes, 2020). So,
living organisms, and which can be extracted from the substrate is H2O2, and the reaction products are
cells and then used to catalyze a wide range of Water and Oxygen.
commercially important processes (Robinson,
Enzymes: principles and biotechnological
applications, 2015). To know what factor affects the
reaction speed of enzymes, we do an experiment with
Catalase – a key enzyme that uses hydrogen peroxide,
a non-radical ROS*, as its substrate. This enzyme is
responsible for neutralization through the
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, thereby
maintaining an optimum level of the molecule in the
cell which is also essential for cellular signaling
processes. (Ankita Nandi, 2019).

*ROS: A type of unstable molecule that contains

oxygen and that easily reacts with other molecules in a Figure 2. Enzyme decomposes reaction.
cell. A build-up of reactive oxygen species in cells may
b. Background knowledge of variables.
cause damage to DNA, RNA, and proteins, and may
cause cell death. Reactive oxygen species are free To define the independent variables, dependent
radicals. Also called oxygen radical. Catalase protects variables, and variables must be controlled. We must
cells by decomposing H2O2. know that enzymes are proteins. So, any factors that
can denature protein also can make the enzyme work
As an enzyme, Catalase also has the common
unnaturally. These factors are temperature, pH,
properties of enzymes. It is a compound made of
chemical substances, the concentration of soluted salt,
protein: four identical, tetrahedrally arranged subunits
UV, etc which can change the charge of amino acids or
of 60 kDa, each containing in its active center a heme
break the bond on protein. In this experiment, we tried
group and NADPH. Its functional sides such as the
to prevent these factors to affect the result as much as
active side – are where the substances are reacted.
possible. Specific materials and methods are explained
later in this research paper.

c. Speed of reaction.

As it has been told in 1. a Enzyme and substance,

the enzyme will react if these are substances that are
fit to the react site of the enzyme. It means if these are
a number of enzymes, the speed of reaction is
maximum as long as these are the maximum react site
that bonded substances. A change in the concentration
of substances with a constant number of enzymes leads
to a change in the speed of reaction, as long as that
number is not more than the number of react sites, the
increasing of substance always leads to an increase in
the speed of the reaction.

The relationship between substrate concentration

Figure 1. Catalase structure, with 4 heme active sites where
and rate of reaction is shown in the following graph.
hydrogen peroxide reacted.
The speed of reaction keeps raising the fastest before
Km, then, it slows down and keeps the constant speed
of reaction as all of the react sites are used. (University If the concentration of H2O2 to react with
of Birmingham, n.d.) Catalase increases, then the speed of reaction also
increases because more substrates are likely to meet
enzymes and react to produce water and oxygen gases.


These are some hypotheses in cases the result is not the

same as the main hypothesis expects.

1. If there are no gases released during the

experiment, then there might be no Catalase in
Bos taurus blood.
2. If there is a big gap in data between trials, then the
result might be wrong because some variables
To measure the speed of reaction, we use H2O2
might not be controlled well or the volume of
from 0,0M to 1M and reacted with 25ml of Bos Taurus
H2O2 or Bos taurus blood might not be kept same.
blood. Then measure the oxygen released after 60
seconds of swirling it.
Speed of reaction: a. Independent variables.
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑑 (𝑚𝑙) Concentration of Hydrogen perioxide (M)
𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑠 (𝑠)
The concentration of Hydrogen Perioxide are
In a reaction of enzymes, the maximum reaction 0.0M, 0.2M, 0.4M, 0.6M, 0.8M, 1.0M. As it mentioned
speed changed by many reasons: the property of in 1.c (…A change in the concentration of substances
enzymes, number of substrates – enzyme complex at a with a constant number of enzymes leads to a change
time and kinetic of environment. In an experiment, in the speed of reaction…), because it is difficult to
sometime when only one of these value (number of know and control excatly the concentration of catalase
substrates or enzymes) increases, the speed of reaction on Bos taurus blood, so Hydrogen perioxide will be a
increases but stops later when all of enzymes has better choice to measure effect on speed of reaction.
bonded the substrates or there is no more substrate to
be reacted. It explains why controlled variables in 3.c In this experiment, we use 10ml of Hydrogen
must be keep constant. perioxide in different concentration for every trial.

d. Method of calculation the result b. Dependennt variables.

The reaction rate by measuring oxygen
To know that the final result is accuary and fair, released (ml/s)
in scientific method, we use Standard deviation:
When we drop the H2O2 into a constant amount
of Bos taurus blood (25ml), oxygen will be released
until there is no more H2O2 hasn’t been reacted yet as
the reaction by Catalase. All of the experiments finish
after 1 minute. To count the reaction rate, we divide
the volume of oxygen released for 60.

As the main hypothesis said, we supposed that

the reaction rate (volume of oxygen released by
second) increases as the concentration of H2O2

c. Controlled variables. speed of reaction (ml oxygen released / second). We
need to prepare 1 controlled experiment (0.0M of
To get a fair test, these variables must to be H2O2), 5 trial experiments (0.2M, 0.4M, 0.6M, 0.8M,
controlled (keep them constant). 1.0M of H2O2) in test tubes. Then, pure one by one to
the arm flask (contains 25ml Bos taurus blood),
Variable Likely impact How will quickly close it and measure total volume of oxygen
upon the the released goes on graduated cylinder on 1 minute.
investigation variables
be b. Materials.
Volume of Different volume Measure 1. Bos Taurus blood (500ml)
hydrogen of these values carefully by
perioxide. causes different suitable
(10ml ± 0.02ml) total volume of pipette. 2. Hydrogen Peroxide (0.2M – 1.0M)
Volume of Bos gases released
taurus blood and speed of 3. Distilled Water (100ml)
(25ml ± 0.05ml) reaction*.
Concentration of Use the same 4. Water (1000-2000ml)
blood (same blood from
sample) same sample
(prepared 5. Test Tube Rack
Time of each trial Different time Use same 6. Buchner Flasks (1)
(60 seconds) causes different stopwatch on
total gases can be the same
released. Long time. 7. 25ml Test Tubes (6)
time is easier to
cause gas 8. 1000ml Beaker (1) (Wastage)
*Explained in 1.c.
9. 25ml volumetric pipette (+/- 0.05ml) (1)

10. 10ml volumetric pipette (+/- 0.02ml) (1)

d. Uncontrolled errors.
11. Pipette pumps (2)
These factors are difficult to be controlled but not
affect too much to the result.
12. Rubber stopper (1)
Errors Likely impact How will
upon the the 13. Rubber tubing (1)
investigation variables
be 14. Beehive Shelf (1)
The power of More power it is, Try to swirl 15. Graduated cylinder (1)
swirling arm the more likely the arm flask
flask. reactions happen. in the same
Sometime, way all of the 16. Trough (1)
overpower cause experiments.
bubbles on blood, 17. Masking Tape
which prevent
gases released to
the graduated 18. Marker
Temperature At 37-degree, Try to do all 19. Timer
Catalase work at experiment at
the best. (SE, 2005) the same time 20. Safety goggles
and avoid
from heat,
cold. 21. Lab coats.

a. Ideas.

This experiment is about measure the affect of the

change in hydrogen perioxide concentration to the
1. Prepare all lab equipment and materials, making sure AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS.
that everything is clean. Follow correct Lab Set-Up a. Safety
procedures being sure to wear eye-protection and lab
coats. The experiment requests to use Hydrogen
2. In preparation for the experiment, label 6 test tubes perioxide which is strongly reducing and can be
using masking tape according to the concentrations harmful to eyes, wounded skin. We use the safety
specified in the materials section. goggles and lab coats to protect from it. Hydrogen
3. Place the beehive shelf in the trough with the top perioxide at high concentration (3%) causes
opening facing upward. respiratory irritation in close contact. But in this
4. Fill your trough with approximately 2000ml of tap experiment, the concentration was low and safe.
water or till the water level is about 20mm from the top
of your beehive shelf. Blood from Bos taurus can have bacterias and
5. Using the 10ml graduated pipette and suction device, parasitics, storage it on the fridge prevents these
decant 10ml the hydrogen peroxide (at their various dangerous living things reproduce. After doing the
concentrations) into its respective labelled test tubes, experiments, all of them wash our hands carefully and
being sure to rinse the pipette out before changing clean the lab.
concentrations. Place the test tubes in the test tube rack. b. Ethical
6. Connect your rubber tubing to the outlet on the
Buchner Flask and place the rubber stopper in the main The experiment uses blood from a cow (Bos
opening. taurus), this is an animal but can be eaten. We take it
7. Using the water in your trough, fill your graduated from a dead cow, not do anything violence and there
cylinder and invert it placing it above the opening atop is nothing not ethical.
the beehive shelf, being sure to record the water level in
the gas jar. c. Environmental concerns.
8. Feed the rubber tubing through the opening at the
After doing experiment, all the trash (denatured
bottom of the beehive shelf, submerged under water and
blood, hydrogen perioxide) are removed to a specific
directly below the opening below the gas jar.
glass bowl which is given to the teacher to throw it in
9. Using the graduated 25ml pipette and suction device,
a suitable place. Nothing harmful was removed to
decant 25 ml of the bos taurus blood into the Buchner
social sewer and also does bad effect to environment.
flask, replacing the rubber stopper when done.
10. Perform a final check of your set -up, being sure
that the rubber tubing is properly connected and 6. RAW DATA COLLECTION
underneath the opening where the gas jar is located. a. Qualitative observation.
11. Starting with your 0.0M Hydrogen Peroxide
(distilled water), decant the content of the test tube Denatured blood: as have mentioned 1.b,
into the Buchner Flask and replace the rubber stopper. hydrogen perioxide is a chemical substrate, although
12. Start a timer for 1 minute and swirl the Buchner it got reacted by Catalase but most of parts in blood
flask at a steady rate. are different proteins and get denature. After 1 mintue
13. Record the water displacement in your gas jar by experiment, the blood on arm flask is denatured, with
mL (it stands for the volume of gases released that darker colour, condensed, having bubbles as Firgue 3.
replaces water in cylinder), and if needed refill the gas
jar with water from the trough. Because denatured blood are thick, lower
14. Clean the contents of the Buchner Flask desnity, it can make a layer at the surface of liquid,
thoroughly, making sure to first pour the contents into prevents oxygen released from the bottom and rate of
a wastage beaker. reaction. We dicided to swirl the flask during the
15. Repeat steps 8 through 13 for each concentration. experiment to mix it, make sure the reaction fully
16. For accurate results, repeat the experiment with happened. But the bubbles made by denatured blood
each concentration at a minimum of 2 times. keep some gases inside, we don’t have enough time to
17. After all experimentation is complete, follow wait until they are broken, so, the final result doesn’t
correct lab clean-up procedures and follow any show the maximum volume of gases it can release.
directions given by the supervisor of the Lab.
the hydroxide perioxide did not meet enzymes totally,
then, it started to react faster because of there were
more substrates – enzymes complex was made and
slow down when there is less substrates (Hydrogen

b. Quantitative observation.

Raw data: Data that observed after 1 minute.

Oxygen released (ml /

1 min)
(+/-0.1 ml)
Figure 3. Denatured blood.
H2O2 concentration (M) Trial 1 Trial 2 Commented [KG1]: Add the units to the heading and
0.0 0.00 0.00 delete the units from inside the data table.
Amount of time that enzymes reacted: We 0.2 0.00 0.00
0.4 0.50 1.50 Commented [KG2R1]: Check sig figs.
observed that at the beginning, these was no gas
released. Then, it began to release a lot of gas and slow 0.6 2.00 1.00
0.8 3.50 2.00
down later. It can be explained that at the beginning,
1.0 8.00 7.00

Processed data:

Volume of oxygen released per second Average Standard deviation

(ml/ s) reaction rate Commented [KG3]: Did you calculate this uncertainty?
H2O2 concentration (M) Trial 1 Trial 2 (ml/s)
0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Commented [KG4]: See comment above
0.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
0.4 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00707
0.6 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.00707
0.8 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.0212
1.0 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.00707 Commented [KG5]: /
Sample of calculation Total volume 1 (ml) / 60 Total volume 2 (ml) / 60 (Trial 1 + trial 2) / 2 Noted on the background (1.d)
Commented [KG6]: I like the sample calculation, but
please move it below this data table.


{0M, 0.2M, 0.4M, 0.6M, 0.8M, 1.0M} OF HYDROGEN PERIOXIDE
Average reaction rate (ml/s)

-0.02 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Concentration of Hydrogen perioxide (mol / L) Commented [KG7]: Please delete the error bars in the x
Keep the units the same as the rest of the lab in label on the
x axis. Error bars do not seem correct.
a. Analysis Commented [KG8]: Check the right margin - words are cut
By basic observation, we can see the Compare the graph we got in 6.b with the graph
minimum rate of reaction was 0 (ml/s) on in 1.c, we can see that 6.b graph is a line but 1.c Commented [KG10]: Start with the basic trends - what do
experiments with 0.0M and 0.2M.The graph is a curve. It means this experiment did not you observe? What are the max and min values? What is the
maximumm rate of reaction was 0.125 (ml/s) on reach the maximum reaction rate and keep shape of the trendline? The slope? Etc. Save the comparison
1M experiment. Note that this is the maximum constant reaction speed. Also, there are 4 points to the research for the conclusion.
rate of reaction within the range of (at 0.0M; 0.2M; 0.6M; 0,8M H2O2) that far from
hydrogenperoxidee concentration (0M – 1M). the trend line. It means there was something that
The rate of reaction increases when the affected the experiment (which might be
concentration of H2O2 is higher than 0.2M, make uncontrolled variables) made it less accurate
a linear trend line. The gap (or slope) between (especially 0.2M).
the rate of reaction of 0.8M and 1.0M was big,
meaning that the chance that enzymes meet
substrates was perfect with this ratio. Looking back to our hypothesis and research Commented [KG11]: Re-state the research question to
question, we can say that the final result can help your reader.
The error bars (based on standard answer our expected questions that for a
diviation) was not too long, meaning that the constant number of enzymes; from 0, the more Commented [KG9]: Check this again after you fix them.
research was true and fair between trials, but on substrates is added, the faster and more
0.8M, the error bar was big, putting a reaction will happen. So, the hypothesis that:
questionable problem about trustable result.
Also, the error bars did not reach the trend line “If the concentration of H2O2 to react
(0.6M, 0.8M, 1.0M) meaning the trial range was with Catalase increases, then the speed of
too big, need more smaller trials between each reaction also increases because more substrates
experiment. are likely to meet enzymes and react to produce
water and oxygen gases” is partly true, with an
These are only 2 trials for each evidence that the trend line goes up as the
experiment, which is quite a small number for a concentration of hydrogen perioxide increases (as Commented [KG12]: Support this with evidence from
certain conclusion. We can not guess the trend 0 – 0 < 0.02 < 0.03 < 0.04 < 0.12 (by ml/s) along your data. I need to see numbers.
line will keep on raising or turn to be a curve in to 0M – 0.2M < 0.4M < 0.6M < 0.8M < 1.0M).
which concentration. The reason why it is only partly true will be
explained later.
However, we can find out the
relationship between the rate of reaction and the Also, consider the research question:
increasing of substrates. Which can answer the
research question that the effect of changes in “What is the effect of increasing
concentration causes the changes of reaction concentration of hydrogen
rate by ratio. peroxide (0,0M – 1,0M) on the rate of
reaction by the addition of the enzyme
b. Interpretation catalase from the blood of Bos taurus as
measured by the volume of oxygen
The reason why points are far from trend line produced?” is the rate of reaction
might because of bubbles caused by thick blood. increases along to the increasing of
As explained in 6.a that denatured blood concentration as the hypothesis
becomes thick, makes bubbles contains gases mentioned. But this statement is always
more difficult to be broken and released gas. The true with that range of concentration.
swirling boosted the speed and chance of There is a research paper written by
reaction, but caused more bubbles. So, we can Michaelis and Menten in 1913 proves
say that most of gases produced by 0.2 M H2O2 that there is a limitation of increasing in
was in bubbles, the evidence that was not bubble rate of reaction.
in 0.0M H2O2 controlled experiment.
Michaelis and Menten are famous names on
Because of less time to do more trials, the gap of biochemistry community. Their research in
data between 1 st and 2nd trial is big, leads to a big German is about the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed
of error bar and a line graph instead of a curve reaction is proportional to the concentration of
graph. enzyme-substrate complex predicted by the
Michaelis-Menten equation. In the following
Commented [KG13]: Delete Goody - just the last name is
8. CONCLUSIONS firgue (Johnson, 2012), the ratio P/S0 which
stands for the rate of reaction has different Michales Menten research paper is the reason
curves. Each of curves are different by the why our hypothesis is only partly true, if keep
concentration of Sucrose (which can be reacted adding hydrogen peroxide until a specific
by Invertase into Glucose and Fructose). The concentration, the rate of reaction will stay
concentration is increasing from the triangle (∆) constant instead of raising. It is because when the Commented [KG14]: Very nice! Now explain WHY based
curve to circle (•) curve. number of substrates equals to the number of on the science you know or have researched. Tell me what is
available enzymes, the rate of reaction is happening at the molecular level. Why does the graph level
maximum. More substrates are added but the off?
number of enzymes stays the same, so there will
be left substrates that can not be reached by any
enzymes (now enzymes are all ‘busy’ with their
substrates) at the same time. But in the range
from 0.0M to 1.0M, the answer is true.


Evaluation of experimental weaknesses/errors and strength Commented [KG15]: Add strengths

Weakness/source of error and strengths Possible effect on data and Suggested improvement
magnitude of weakness/error Commented [KG16]: What other factors impact reaction
Independent variable Can not make the true graph of The distance between every concentration rate? What other controlled variables were difficult to
The amount of hydrogen peroxide on 5 enzyme activity, can not predict that trial should be bigger, based on other control? Measurements like time are are large source of
experiments were so small to see the Catalase on blood could work researchs. But based on the graph today, error. What about the number of trials?
curve graph of enzyme reaction. correctly or not. 1.0M might be the Km of Bos taurus
blood’s Catalase, so 2.0M can be perfect.
Dependent variable Leading to the wrong result or There was no error
There was no error. This is a strength unbelievable values. Making the Commented [KG17]: Is this a strength? If not - then delete
because DV is an important value and we main hypothesis wrong. this row.
measure it well.
Controlled variables During the process of using pippete, Let the blood chill for a time, suck the
The accuraty of sample volume sometimes the blood turned to blood by pippete slowly and carefully to
bubbles and make it unaccurate. avoid bubbles.
Uncontrolled errors Different speed and chance to react, Swirling by machine or do the reaction on
The power of swirling arm flask make bigger error bars on graph. a flat surface instead of a flask so we do Commented [KG18]: ?
not need to mix the blood with hydrogen
Qualitative data Blood is difficult to be preserved, Do the experiment on 1 day only, and
The quality of blood after many days the more day it is, the lower quality closed by the day collect blood from Bos
blood is, which can lead different taurus.
reactive effectiveness.
Quantitative data Make the final result (typical is the Do more experiments. Can be 10: 0 – 0.2
The range of concentration. graph) questionable. Also fewer – 0.4 – 0.6 – 0.8 – 1.0 – 1.2 – 1.4 – 1.6 –
The range was so small, with big gap and data to know how much is the 1.8 – 2.0 M
few. maximum rate of reaction.
Quantitative data Make the error bar untrustable, the Do 5 trials for each experiment.
Number of trials final value are not perfect leads to
There are only 2 trials for each wrong trend line.
experiment, which should be 5 instead.

10. BIBLIOGRAPHY #:~:text=Catalase%20is%20a%20key%20enzyme,essential

Works cited %20for%20cellular%20signaling%20processes. Commented [KG19]: Is there more information for the
Enzymes. (2020). BYJU's BIOLOGY. Retrieved from first source? The last source must have an article title.
Ankita Nandi, L.-J. Y. (2019, November 11). National Center for
Biotechnology information. Retrieved from PubMed Johnson. (2012, October 4). The Original Michaelis Constant:
Central: Translation of the 1913 Michaelis-Menten Paper.
Retrieved from NCBI:

Robinson, P. K. (2015, November 15). Enzymes: principles and

biotechnological applications. Retrieved from

Robinson, P. K. (2015, October 26). NIH National library of

medicine. Retrieved from PMC PubMed central:

SE, S. (2005). Retrieved from Science Magazine:

University of Birmingham. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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