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NAME : .............…..............................................................................................................

3ºB 2

1 Lee el siguiente artículo. Luego complete las oraciones con información del texto. (10 points)


Jacki Hill-Murphy has always dreamed of experiencing the journeys of past female explorers. However, she was a
mother and a teacher, so she couldn’t find the time for adventures. In 2007 her son left school, so she decided to follow
her dream.
First, she set out on Isabela Godin’s route. Isabela Godin didn’t see her husband for 20 years. In 1769, she led 42
people through the Amazon in order to see him again. They travelled in
a canoe on the Amazon River, but the boat began to sink, so they continued on land. Then, the people in her group
started dying from diseases and Godin was the only person to survive. Hill-Murphy followed Godin’s voyage, but with
modern-day medicine and equipment.
Hill-Murphy also followed Mary Kingsley’s journey. In 1894, Kingsley planned a route to Africa in order to complete her
father’s book about the area. Kingsley wore the long dresses of the time and travelled with a group of men. She couldn’t
change her clothes on the trail as the men were watching her, so she often travelled wet. When the men refused to join
her, Kingsley climbed alone to the top of Mount Cameroon, one of
Africa’s largest volcanoes. More than
100 years later, Hill-Murphy repeated
Kingsley’s journey, but luckily, she
could do it in dry clothes.
Since then, Hill-Murphy has written books
and given talks about female explorers.
She has also continued to lead an
adventurous life.

1 In 1769, Isabela Godin travelled through the Amazon with .......................................................................................................................... .

2 Godin was the only person to survive because ...................................................................................................................................................... .
3 Mary Kingsley often travelled wet because ................................................................................................................................................................ .
4 Kingsley climbed Mount Cameroon alone because ............................................................................................................................................ .
5 Hill- Murphy repeated Kingsley’s journey but she used ................................................................................................................................... .

2 Elige la respuesta correcta. (10 points)

3 Why did Godin’s journey continue on land?
1 Why didn’t Jacki Hill-Murphy travel in the past? a She wanted to spend time in the jungle
a She was very busy with her family and job. b . Her boat sank.
b It wasn’t her dream. c Many people became ill.
c Her son wanted to quit school.
4 Why did Mary Kingsley go to Africa?
a She wanted to finish her father’s book
2 Why did Isabela Godin set out on her journey?
b She wanted to discover a new route.
a She wanted to lead people.
c She wanted to climb Mount Cameroon.
b She wanted to see her husband.
c She wanted to cross the Amazon
5 How was Hill-Murphy’s journey to Africa different from
a She wrote a book about the trip.
b She didn’t climb Mount Cameroon.
c She didn’t stay in wet clothes.
NAME : .............….........................................................................................................……3º B 2
DATE: 23rd JANUARY 2023 ( 10 points)


1 12 Listen to the advert and tick (✓) FIVE things you can do at English Adventure Camp. (5 points)

❏ 1 plan a route ❏ 6 camp outside

❏ 2 meet primary school children ❏ 7 learn a variety of languages

❏ 3 learn survival skills ❏ 8 sleep at home

❏ 4 teamwork ❏ 9 travel around America

❏ 5 go backpacking ❏ 10 cook food outdoors

2 12 Listen again and complete the sentences. (10 points)

1 You can find English Adventure Camps in .............................................. different places in the UK .

2 The girl in the advert enjoyed sleeping ............................................................................................................... .

3 The girl says she has never…………………………………………….. before .

4 Peter can ............................................................................................ in a record time.

5 For more information about the camp, visit their ............................................................................................................... .

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