Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


This chapter presents the Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of data gathered
to determine the “ Demographic, Behavioral, Familial and Social factors: Causes of
Teenage Pregnancy”.
Table 1. Shows the Demographic Profile of the respondents:
Table 1.1
13-15 16-17 18 and above Total


0 5 7 12

The table 1.1 shows that there is no Teenage Moms in the age of 13-15 , There are
5 in the age of 16-17 and there is 7 in the age of 18 and above.
This means that most of 18 and above ages has the most number of Teenage
Table 1.2

7 8 9 10 11 12 Total
0 0 0 2 3 7 12

The table 1.2 shows that there is no Teenage pregnant in grade 7, 8, and 9,
There is 2 in Grade 10, There is 3 in Grade 11 and There is 7 in Grade 12.
This means that Grade 12 has the most number of Teenage Pregnancy
among all Grade Level.

Table 1.3

Table 1.3 Single Married Total
shows the
Marital Status of 10 2 12
the respondents
where there are 10 Single teenage pregnant and 2 Married teenage pregnant.
This means that most of the respondents are Single teenage pregnant.
Table 2: Shows the rate of Causes of Teenage Pregnancy according to
Demographic, Behavioral, Familial and Social factors:
Table 2.1: Demographic


1. Do you consider family income is one of the 1.41 Never
reason why you become teenage pregnant?
2. Is being involved in relationship a reason why 1.58 Never
you become teenage mother?
3. Is broken family a reason why you become 1.83 Seldom
teenage pregnant?
4. Is exposure to social media a reason why you 1.58 Never
become teenage pregnant?
5. Is culture/religion a reason why you become 1.66 Never
teenage pregnant?
General Mean 1.61 Never

Table 2.1 shows that family income got 1.41 interpreted as Never, Being
involved in relationship got 1.58 interpreted as Never , Broken family got 1.83
interpreted as Seldom, Exposure to social media got 1.58 interpreted as Never and
Culture/Religion got 1.66 interpreted as Never. With General Mean of 1.61
interpreted as Never.
This means that Demographic is Never a reason why they become teenage

Table 2.2: Behavioral


1. Is your principle in life a reason for becoming a 2.25 Seldom
teenage mother?
2. Is your view in life one of the reasons why you 1.91 Seldom
become teenage pregnant?
3. Are you always seeking for love/care? 3.16 Sometimes
4. Do you see yourself to have lower self 2.66 Sometimes
5. Do you easily give trust to other people? 2.5 Seldom
General Mean 2.50 Seldom

Table 2.2 shows that principle in life got 2.25 interpreted as Seldom, View in life
got 1.91 interpreted as 1.91,Always seeking for love/care got 3.16 interpreted as
Sometimes, Seeing there self to have lower self-esteem got 2.66 interpreted as
Sometimes, and Easily give trust to other people got 2.5 interpreted as Seldom. With
General Mean of 2.50 interpreted as Seldom.
This means that Behavioral is Seldom reason why they become teenage pregnant.
Table 2.3: Familial
1. Is family conflict considered the reason why 2 Seldom
you are pregnant?
2. Is low parental guidance a reason why you 2 Seldom
become teenage pregnant?
3. Is the Negative family views about you a 1.75 Never
reason why you become pregnant?
4. Is being raised by single parent alone a reason 1.58 Never
why you become pregnant?
5. Is being raised by guardian alone and not by 1.41 Never
biological parent a reason why you become
General Mean 1.75 Never

Table 2.3 shows that family conflict got 2 interpreted as Seldom, Low parental
guidance got 2 interpreted as Seldom, Negative family views got 1.75 interpreted as
Never, Being raised by single parent got 1.58 interpreted as Never and Being raised
by guardian alone and not by biological parent got 1.41 interpreted as Never . With
General Mean of 1.75 interpreted as Never.
This means that Familial is Never a reason why they become teenage pregnant.
Table 2.4: Social Factor
1. Is influence of friends a reason why you 1.58 Never
become teenage pregnant?
2. Is your early exposure to what is happening in 1.5 Never
our society a reason why you become
3. Are the influence of family & relatives views a 1.5 Never
reason why you become pregnant?
4. Is being too sociable a reason why you 1.5 Never
become pregnant?
5. Is being opt. to the social trend a reason why 1.33 Never
you become pregnant?
General Mean 1.48 Never
Table 2.4 shows that influence of friends got 1.58 interpreted as Never, Early
exposure to what is happening in our society got 1.5 interpreted as Never, Influence
of family & relatives views got 1.5 interpreted as Never, Being too sociable got 1.5
interpreted as Never and Being opt. to the social trend got 1.33 interpreted as Never.
With General mean of 1.48 interpreted as Never.
This means that Social factors is Never a reason why they become teenage

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