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1a. Pre-class Assignment

Watch videos and read e-books, then answer the following questions

1. Describe origin of languages based on linguistics theories and Q.S Al-baqarah: 31

 7 theory based on The study of language (book) :
a. The Divine Source
Some people they are believe Adam who gives name of the things when he
pronounce it, but in many religion have differences to believe. But there is one
theory that is considered reasonable is “ basic hypothesis ” who mentioned if
babies not hear anything from their parents, spontaneously they will speak
language called “ God language ”, then scientist name Herodotus did
experiment to two babies they isolated until 2 years with company goats with
mute goat herder, but the babies use language phrygian words ( ancient
language ) there is had contra they said its impossible babies can speak if
nothing people taught it, maybe they listen goat language. Then in same years
the other scientist Akbar try same experiment but in different situation, the
babies life apart and silence, then next happened is the babies can’t talk so its
mean the spontaneous language nothing, in fact we can’t replace the divine
b. The Natural Sound Source
The first time human hearing before they birth its around 7month, then he can
identification the sound around them ( environment ) then can to pronounce by
following what they heard . Jespersen had theory about ‘ the bow-bow theory’
1) The bow bow theory , its mean they heard some sounds then try to
pronounce like sound of splash, boom, bzzzz
2) The pooh pooh theory, its ,mean they the sounds develop through
instinct in emotional situation like sad, anger, joy, and exhale ( ah!,
ouch!, huftttt).
c. The Musical Source
Natural sounds use to create word, so before the words came we can produce
sounds without word foam because the fact like babies fast to understand
sounds around them and begin to produce sounds, so musical ability develop
meanwhile the word foam. Charles Darwin said “ its not impossible for us to
know our progenitors of man either males or females, or both sees before they
get power of expressing mutual love in many language, before that they try to
flirting with musical notes and rhythm ”.
So we as human can create intonation, and melody before other aspect
language, because the study of baby born find that baby can recognize
intonation from mother voice and also mother language, even when they speak
with others. So this theory believe human faster learned use melodies to
express themselves, before had additional language.
d. The Social Interaction Source
Sounds need to coordinate phsic activity involving several people, so human
group now develop some distinct and curse not song group, its usually
happens in social interaction, and some many people joined a group to protect
they from attack (dekengan) , in our life social life is important so we must
communication (pandai pandai). Meanwhile monkey do the same but they
can’t develop the language. So this theory believe the origin of language from
social interaction.
e. The Physical Adaption Source
Its explains types of physical features humans possess, especially those that
may supported speech production. By 3 :
1) Teeth and lips
Human teeth very helpful in making sound f or v, and human lips have
more intricate muscle interlacing and flexible so they easy to making
sound like p, b, and m. in fact b and m sounds often babies make in
first year, no matter which language their parents using.
2) Mouth and tongue
3) Larynx and pharynx
f. The Tool- Making Source
According physical adaptation has 1 function (producing speech sounds) who
produce teeth and lips, previously they use others purpose (chewing and
sucking). And develop use manual gesture for language (first language), then
2millions years ago human develop stone stools as media to communication
(pulu pulu).
g. The genetic Source
Series of change to babies and language automaticly when they grow up make
some scholars find and did experiment with deaf and can’t speak, but they can
use fluent sign language, so they opinions this seems (sepertinya ) human born
with special language skills, perhaps its genetically programmed in humans.

a) in al – baqoroh 31 based one video :

 Language was coming were mention on Al-Quran but we dont know all the
scientifc research or even the philosophical, positioning and the linguistic,
hypothesis are coming from different way but in fact language was given to man
from the very begining by God and its part of who we are as a creator that we can
name things, element around us we find in surah Al-Baqoroh “ Allah taught adam
the name of things”. Its help us to get that from begining as human, as human we
got knowledge and language come to conscience and consciousness its the special
human and its make differences betwen from the other species. So we can assume
4 important teaching is the first one is language that was given from us its from
God because its very important for us to deal with our reality and the surrounding
and get knowledge. The second one is when Allah ask to angels the name of
things, they dont know its mean many language not one language taught to adam
( seperti bahasa allah dan malaikat ), meanwhile tree with tree, fish in the sea, all of
them have language who human dont know, so we have privilage to have the
names of everything but in the same time we limited in the way apprehend other
language. ( hanya allah yng maha mengetahui). The third one is the question why
language give to human eventhought angels always praising, and made from light,
meanwhile human from dust. In fact human freedom and have conscience and
consciousness to choose words it the first differences and the second Allah give us
chance to get knowledge with the language to undertsand so we gave dignity. The
fourth one is in the surah angels said they just know what they told from allah ann
they just praising then angels must confess human are dignity, and human must too
confess angel in invisible world and near from Allah swt. Like we always said
allahu akbar and allahu alam the fact many languages we dont know among our
self human being and other, species, and nature are limitations we know that we
should confess its our faith maybe we know everything because we learned but
Allah swt who most know.

2. Complete the following tables with similarities and differences of human and animal
communication systems

Aspects Similarities Differences

Language Can taught language, and Human languages is
they can pronounce endless and they can use
grammartical word, animals
have limmited language
just 1-3 word and they
don’t understand what they
How to speak Human use language to talk
with the other, some
animals use signal/alarms
to others animals
Brains Human especially babies
can different his mother
tongue, foreign language,
and non language, and
develop from 3month- 3
years and can understand
until use grammar, Animals
can not even thought have
been taught until 2,5 years

3. Complete the following table with some features of language

Language Features Description Examples

Arbitrariness of the sign Relationship between a Human can use gesture, or
sign (language can media to make people
produced using the hand, understand about the word
arms, and face). ( make sign in hand to
explaine buny ).
Displacement Ability being able to talk Human can explaine what
about things that aren’t happen in the past or future
right here now. ( last night, tommorow i
will ) meanwhile they
talking in afternoon, then
human can explaine fairy,
God, etc even thought not
in the same place.
Reflexivity The ability to use language
to talk about language.
Duality of Patterning Words are made up of two
level of structure.

4. Find the concepts/definitions of language from three sources

Experts (year) Concepts/definition Conclusion

Khozakmetova and Language is system for the So Languages is system
Gumilyov, 2020 expression of thoughts, communication to talk
feelings, etc., by the use about anything, then people
spoken sounds or understand with verbal or
convention symbol. non verbal.
Jessie D, 2022 Languages is system of
communication in which
individuals use words I a
structured way to convey
Kim H. Song, etc, 2023 Language is system of
communication including
reading, writing, speaking,
and listening.

5. Explain the concepts of linguistics from three different experts

Experts (year) Concepts/definition Conclusion

Anita, 2022 Linguistic is the scientific So linguistic is study of
study of language who learn human language deeper
language of human than the context of the
systematically, involve language.
analysis of language from
and meaning of context.
Richard and Schmidt, 2002 Linguistic is the study of
language as a system of
human communication.
Bauer, 2012 Linguistic is means that
linguistic has a close
relation to language.
6. Create a diagram of scope of linguistics



 Notes :
 Phonetic, the study of individual sounds in spoken languages, or handshapes in
signed languages.
 Phonology, the study of how individual sounds or handshapes are combines
into specific patterns.
 Morphology, the study of the internal structure of word.
 Syntax, the study of how words group together to make sentences.
 Semantic, the study of meaning words and sentences.
 Pragmatic, the study of meaning words and sentences in a large social context.
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