Research Variations 5

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Noah’s Designing

9605 Yggdrasil Rd

Chattanooga, Tn, 37412

Jackson Banking Co.

6923 Jet St

Chattanooga, Tn, 37412

Jackson Banking Co.

Owned by Noah Lapish


Noah’s Designing is a private owned company that strives to provide for

each and every one of our clients and to give them a design that
correlates as closely to their vision of the space as humanly possible.
Noah’s Design will always provide the best of the best and send out only
the most prestigious of designers to come look at the initial room/space
and then give a rough draft on a selection of designs that would work for
the selected space.

Scope Of Work

The space that I chose was a bank, specifically, Jackson Banking Co.
Jackson Banking co. aims to be as inclusive as possible to all clients that
come through our door. We like to give any persons who come through
the door the instant feeling that they’ll be able to access anything they
might need at any time, no matter their physical condition or anything
else that would restrict them from using our services. We at Jackson
Banking Co. base our designs off of our clients, leaving absolutely no
one out! For example, the bank telling station will usually catch any
clients eye when they first walk in so as to give them a clear direction to
where they are going, or the handrails in the bank that give any
physically disabled or elderly clients the oppurtunity to hold on to
something while they walk. I also incorporated larger windows to
include all persons of any height as well as signs lined along the guided
rug that show where to go if anyone is confused.


The Bank Design budget consists of 10 floor to ceiling windows, 10

barrel chairs in the lobby, 6 Aico Amini Sofas, 29 in total ferns scattered
around the bank, 4 handrails, 1 huge red rug, 5 desk lamps for the 5 bank
counters, 2 automatic doors, 2 ramps, 3 braille signs and 15 cans of
paint. The final budget was 30,000, however the cost only calls for 26k
so if we need any extra money to spend we have it.

Month 1: Field Verification Process begins, a rough draft of the floor

plan can now be drawn and the client can approve or disapprove our


Month 2: Noah Designs begins to hire the construction and real

estate crew that will work on the space. Some furniture is placed inside.

Month 3: Almost all of the furniture is placed inside, painters begin to

start the painting process.

Month 4: The paint process is finished at this point and all other

work is completed as well. Noah Designs closes out the deal with the

clients and receives the money.

Responsibility & Terms

As our client, you are required to sign a contract between yourself and

Noah Designs, which states your responsibilities and the terms that you

agree to. The aforementioned terms and conditions are legally binding

and are listed below.

1. You, as a client are responsible for your property/space after our

contract has expired/after completion,

2. If there is a problem with the space, make sure to co-ordinate with

our firm first before any legal action or such is taken.

3. After completion of the space, Noah Designs is not liable or

responsible for anything that happens to your property/space.

4. If you have any concerns or questions make sure to contact Noah

Designs before completion of the space.

5. If, at any time, Noah Designs decides that we are not able to

continue working with a client, you are still responsible for paying

Noah Designs for the amount of time that you were bound by


Sign Here: WDAD

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