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Explain the concrete globalization and to one’s daily life (HUMSS_MCT12-lf-g-2)

LEARNER – This lesson explains the nature of globalization and its effects to contemporary society. For you to
be able to do the activity correctly, read the instruction on every activity. Ask the guidance of your parent in
doing the activity if there are things you can’t understand on the module.

FACILITATOR – Please facilitate your child upon answering or completing this module. Let them do
the task independently.
Globalization has been a widely-used key concept at the turn of the twenty-first century. With the
implementation of policies that opened world economies locally and internationally, many governments have
developed free-market economic systems that created myriad opportunities for international trade and
investment. Globalization also led to the reduction of commerce barriers that promoted trade in goods,
services, and investment. But how did globalization change the life of individuals and society? How did
globalization affect world economies and societies? This lesson explains the nature of globalization and its
effects to contemporary society.

 Discuss the elements and types of globalization
 Examine the significant consequences of globalization to society
 Reflect into the impact of globalization to a country’s economy and culture
“Technology promotes the development of globalization.” How does relate to globalization? Can you give
examples this statement?

Global means that an entity’s reaches are beyond territorial borders of a particular country; thus, it destroys
the cultural and economic barriers that separate regions and places. Being global connotes that entities cross
boundaries and are connected to more than one country with the entity members often located in different


Nature of Global Networks
Globalization is the keyword for the rise of global networks. But what is globalization? How does globalization
relate to global networks? Globalization is rooted from the word global which means that actions occur
"across political and cultural boundaries," which creates intensive as well as spatially extensive
interconnections between a range of institutions, and actors; and develops " transnational processes,
institutions, and ways of interpreting the world as a single space" (Holton, 2008, 6). Globalization is the
process in which the economies of different countries around the world become increasingly assimilated over
time. This process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments happens as
technological advancements accelerate. Modern-day information technology speeds up the trade of goods
and services, the flow of capital, and the migration of people across international borders" (Reference for
Business, 2016). Through globalization, companies have more access to markets while consumers have greater
access to different varieties of goods and services. Globalization affects not only the political systems and
economic development of countries around the world but it also affects the environment, culture, and
physical well-being of societies in different parts of the world (The Levin Institute, 2015).

Globalization has been motivated by the implementation of policies that have opened world economies locally
and internationally. Since the end of the Second World War in 1945, many governments have implemented
free-market economic systems which increased the productive possibility of economies and created a
countless new opportunities for international trade and investment. Governments also reduced commerce
barriers and signed international agreements that will promote trade in goods, services, and investment (The
Levin Institute, 2015).


Globalization has three main elements. These are privatization, deregulation, and liberalization. Privatization
refers to the policies of the government to transfer government-owned corporations and sell them to the
control of the private sector. When privatization happens, government owned corporations are all maintained
by the private sector. When a government-owned company is privatized, it becomes profit-oriented. In the
Philippines, most of the government-owned corporations that have been privatized are related to public
services like electricity, water, transportation, and telecommunications. When these services became
privatized, the cost of electricity, water, telecommunication services, and even transportation became
expensive because its private owners became profit-driven and no longer service-oriented. The second
element of globalization is deregulation. Deregulation refers to the streamlining of government's control over
the industry for basic commodities like oil supply, water, and electricity. To deregulate means that the
government will not anymore intervene with certain companies for as long as they provide valid reasons for
their courses of actions. The last element of globalization is liberalization. Liberalization is a policy wherein
laws regarding restrictive importation of products are modified or totally abolished. Liberalization is done by
amending or abolishing policies that restrict or limit the importation of goods in the form of tariffs and quotas.


Globalization has three primary types. These are economic, cultural, and political globalization.

Economic Globalization

Globalization is an economic process that involves the movement of economic resources from one country to
another. A capital-rich country would invest in poorer countries. A country who has better technologies would
usually sell modern technology to other countries that lack these products. The products of developed
countries enter the markets of those countries that have greater demands for these products. Similarly, the
natural resources of developing countries are also sold to the developed countries who are in need of these
for their products (Preserve, 2012).

Cultural Globalization

Like products, culture has also been commodified. When books, films, and music are released, they are not
only sold in the United States or in Europe, they are sold and promoted in the international market. Whether
it's the Harry Potter film and book or the new Justin Bieber album, these new trends are also popularized not
just in developed countries but also in developing countries. A new trend that is developing in relation to
cultural globalization is the North to the South flow of culture. In the last few years, western media owners
have become interested in opening television channels in developing countries. The fast spread of cultural
globalization became possible through modern technology, particularly, satellite communication,
telecommunication networks, information technology, and the Internet (Preserve 2012).

Political Globalization

The establishment of regional organizations like the European Union (EU), ASEAN, and APEC aims to establish
a world under a single government. The member states of these organizations remain sovereign, but they are
bound to perform obligations and follow commitments that they have signed when they joined these
organizations. By doing so, they have to a certain extent, bounded and integrated themselves to the policies of
the concerned international organizations and groupings (Preserve, 2012).


Globalization has both positive and negative effects. Some scholars view the effects of globalization positively.
They believed that globalization is an important trend to promote economic development. According to John
Williamson (1998), the chief economist for the South Asia Region at the World Bank, globalization has the
following positive effects to the economy:
1. Globalization provides an increase in the level of global output.
2. Globalization brings the best technology and other forms of intellectual capital to countries that cannot
produce it.
3. International capital flows can transfer savings from countries where the marginal product of capital is low
to those where it is high.
4. Globalization influences the distribution and levels of income.

Globalization is also viewed negatively by other economists and scholars. Global network theorist Manuel
Castells, contends that globalization has led to the erosion of cultural diversity and it has produced a unified
global system of culture and economic values. Other scholars believe that unrestricted global trade will only
yield an increasing inequality between developed and developing countries. There are some regions, like Asia
for example, that have been able to integrate into the global economy quickly and have achieved economic
growth. But there are other regions, like Africa, that have suffered from increased political instability, poverty,
and environmental degradation since they joined the global trade network Other critics of globalization claim
that integration created by globalization reduced the sovereignty of nations, especially in relation to economic
policy formulation. Critics are worried that advanced nations face limited choices in tax and monetary policies
under the rules of world trade. Opponents of globalization also argue that the creation of an unregulated
global free market system has only benefited multinational corporations in the West at the expense of local
enterprises, local cultures, and the ordinary people (The Levin Institute, 2015). Cultural globalization, through
the global flow of ideas, knowledge, and values homogenizes the cultural differences that exist between and
among nations, regions, and individuals. Cultural globalization leads to the erosion and decay of the cultures
and traditions of countries. It will destroy the long treasured traditions of indigenous communities and poorer
societies because the transfer of culture from the developed societies to the developing and underdeveloped
countries are stronger thus it will result to the decline of their own cultural traditions.


One aspect of economic globalization is human migration. Most of the migration incidents are driven primarily
by migrant's need to look for work opportunities and greener pastures abroad. In the last thirty years, there is
an increasing rate of migration that involves the movement from poorer underdeveloped and developing
countries to richer and developed countries. The movement of migrant workers from poorer countries to
developed countries can be attributed to the increasing labor demands in richer countries where labor needs
are not met by their citizens (Holton, 2008, 8). In Anny Misa Hefti's paper entitled "The Philippines:
Globalization and Migration," she contends that globalization, the transnational flow of capital, trade, and
technology, and its effect on economic restructuring have produced negative effects on international
migration. Globalization became a “factor in unemployment, wage decline, or job insecurity in dominant
market economies" (Hefti, n.d.)
The "globalization of technology particularly communications technology, Hefti explains, has a significant
impact on international migration. Sending of hand-written letters and tape-recorded messages by OFWs and
immigrants to their loved ones in the Philippines have become a thing of the past with the development of
modern communication technology. Hand-written letter and tape-recorded messages are replaced by e-mails,
text messages, and phone calls that are cheaper, faster, and more reliable. Communication relations between
immigrant communities abroad and their relatives in their home country have remained constant and migrant
workers' home sickness was cured by modern technological advancements.

The "globalization of mass communication" which includes television, film, video, and music has reinforced
dreams of an easy and comfortable life abroad. These ideas of "imagined lives" abroad have penetrated even
the peasant communities in remote villages. Migration was seen as an attractive solution to poverty. The
Migration Push-Pull Theory explains that people move to other places because they were impelled by social
and economic forces in the place of destination. It could be because they were attracted to places of
destination by one or more social and economic factors of that place.

A multicultural society also has negative effects migrants particularly to the migrant workers because
they are seen as threats to the host country's native-born citizens. The conflict between the migrants and the
citizens can lead to resentment and worst, to the marginalization and discrimination of the migrant workers.
Marginalization of migrant workers can be done in different ways. They are usually given low wages. They are
not entitled to benefits. Some are victims of unfair labor policies. Many OFWs are also victims of physical and
verbal abuse committed by their employers (Hefti, n.d.).


Direction: Read the questions carefully and answer it based on your critical thinking skills. (5 points each)
Organization of thought - 3 points
Readability of handwriting - 2 points
Total - 5 points

1. What are the manifestations of globalization of society today?

2. How would you compare different types of globalization?
3. What are the positive effects of the globalization to economy?


Grade and Section:__________________________________________________Date:__________________
Directions: Write a position paper that explains your stand on the issue – “Is Globalization Good or Bad for the
Philippines?” Explain in your position paper how globalization affects you life positively and negatively. Explain
as well how it affects Philippine society and its economy today. Discuss your stand on the issue by giving clear
arguments and examples.

Organization of thought - 20 points
Arguments and evidences - 15 points
Choice of words - 10 points
Readability of handwriting - 5 points
Total - 50 points

Do you think globalization is inevitable? Why did you say so?

MELC (Most Essential learning Competency)
Trends, networks, and Critical Thinking in 21st Century Culture by Arliegh Ross D. Dela Cruz
Cecile C. Fadrigon and Napoleon M. Mabaquiao

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