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Takshashila Polytechnic Amravati

Report on
Annual Social Gathering “TAKSH 2023”

 For Academic year 2022-23, the event of Annual Social Gathering “TAKSH 2023” was
organized from 8/3/2023 to 12/3/2023.
 Along with different days like traditional day, Mismatch day, Sketch competition and
Shivajayanti was celebrated on 11/3/2023.
 Shivjayanti was celebrated by praising Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj for his bravery and
performing a ‘Powada’.
 It was a total four days event, the main cultural program was executed on 12/3/2023.
 A large pendal was erected, duly decorated, a dias with light, sound system were all
properly arranged.
 Hon’ble Mr Kirti tai Arjun, President (SDGCT, Amravati) graced the event by her
presence as the Chair person of main Inaugural Function.
 Hon’ble Prof P.R. S. Rao, Secretary (SDGCT, Amravati) was Chief Guest and Hon’ble
Prof Sachin Pandit, Administrative officer (SDGCT, Amravati) was Guest of Honour.
 The function was inaugurated by lighting the lamp.
 The principal Prof S. S. Shekapure welcomed the Chief Guest and also the other
distinguished guests of the evening. He presented a brief report of the college its
achievements during the year and plans for the future.
 Then the prize-giving function started. The toppers of all the classes were called upon to
receive the prizes.
 The Chief Guest eloquently praised the College for its achievements and congratulated
the students for receiving prizes as also greatly praised the teachers for their efforts and
the principal for his guidance.
 Then Guest of Honour spoke about education and examinations and made some valuable
observations and suggestions.
 The Chair Person said that Annual Functions are a must. It Inculcates in the child
leadership qualities, makes them smart and extrovert and confident. Every student should
participate in extracurricular activities along with academics.
 The function ended with the National Anthem.

 After the Inaugural function, the few selected dances, group singing were performed by
students followed by highlight of the evening Fashion Show by students.
 The evening ended up with dinner for all students and staff members.
 Prof P.M. Masley was the In Charge for ‘Taksh 2023’
 The event was huge success by the effort taken by all the teaching faculty along with the
Non teaching members & students.

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