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TA’DIB JOURNAL, VOL 25 (2022), 2022 (June-Desember)

ISSN: 1410-8208 (Print) 2580-2771 (Online)

Available online at

The Effectiveness of Self-Assessment to Improve Metacognitive Ability in

Islamic Religious Education
Received: 25-05-2022; Revised: 24-06-2022; Accepted: 07-09-2022

Septa Miftakul Janah*) Abstract: The weakening of the metacognitive ability of

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, adolescent students, especially at the junior high school level is
Yogyakarta, Indonesia very important to note. Because metacognition ability has
E-mail: 21204011057@student.uin- implications for students' ability to solve problems in the end on their learning outcomes. Improved metacognition skills can be
done through models, learning strategies, and assessments of
Tasman Hamami learning PAI subjects. Increasing students' metacognitive
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, abilities can be done through a complete self-assessment so that
Yogyakarta, Indonesia they can assess all aspects of competence to improve students'
E-mail: metacognitive abilities. This study aims to elaborate on how the
effectiveness of the self-assessment model in PAI learning in
junior high schools can improve students' cognitive abilities.
*) Corresponding Author
This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 2 Ponorogo using a
qualitative approach. Data collection through interviews and
documentation. Data analysis was carried out interactively and
continuously until it was completed using the Miles & Huberman
model, including condensation data, data display, and conclusion
drawing. This study revealed that the students of SMPN 2
Ponorogo who conducted an effective self-assessment showed an
increase in their metacognitive ability. They succeeded in
increasing their metacognition ability by conducting self-
regulation through reflection during the self-assessment. In
addition, students can understand the PAI material in-depth,
marked by a critical attitude to ask questions, provide feedback
to the teacher, and solve problems so that PAI learning leads to

Abstrak: Melemahnya kemampuan metakognitif siswa remaja

khususnya pada jenjang sekolah menengah pertama sangat
penting untuk diperhatikan. Karena kemampuan metakognisi
berimplikasi pada kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan
masalah pada akhirnya terhadap hasil belajarnya. Peningkatan
keterampilan metakognisi dapat dilakukan melalui model,
strategi pembelajaran, dan penilaian pembelajaran mata
pelajaran PAI. Peningkatan kemampuan metakognitif siswa
dapat dilakukan melalui asesmen diri secara lengkap sehingga
dapat menilai seluruh aspek kompetensi untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan metakognitif siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengelaborasi bagaimana keefektifan model self assessment
dalam pembelajaran PAI di SMP dapat meningkatkan
kemampuan kognitif siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP
Negeri 2 Ponorogo dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif.
Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi.
Analisis data dilakukan secara interaktif dan berkesinambungan

TA’DIB, Volume 25 No 2, December 2022
hingga selesai dengan menggunakan model Miles & Huberman,
meliputi pemadatan data, display data, dan penarikan
kesimpulan. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa siswa SMPN
2 Ponorogo yang melakukan penilaian diri yang efektif
menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan metakognitif mereka.
Mereka berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan metakognisinya
dengan melakukan self-regulation melalui refleksi pada saat
self-assessment. Selain itu, siswa dapat memahami materi PAI
secara mendalam yang ditandai dengan sikap kritis untuk
bertanya, memberikan masukan kepada guru, dan memecahkan
masalah sehingga pembelajaran PAI mengarah pada berpusat
pada siswa.

Keywords: Self-assessment, metacognitive, PAI.

INTRODUCTION learning methods, question-and-answer

tudents' poor problem-solving ability delivery strategies that require students to
is a problem in learning where students provide appropriate feedback, and evaluation
do not understand their strengths and in the form of questions or statements, can
weaknesses. Students lack the understanding enhance metacognitive capability.
necessary to apply their knowledge to solve The implementation of assessments in
problems nor understand the motivation Islamic education has an urgency that cannot
behind utilizing certain strategies in be forgotten (Shoit & Masrukan, 2021) even
problem-solving (Alfiyah & Siswono, 2014). though assessments can hone students'
21st-century learning requires students to be metacognitive abilities and are often only
able to solve problems well (Lufri et al., carried out as a formality. The teacher only
2021). According to this line of reasoning, conducts an assessment at the end of the
students are not very aware of how to absorb, semester (summative assessment) (González
process, and analyze the challenges they De Sande & Godino Llorente, 2014).
encounter. Students lose confidence in their Analyzing student achievement in-depth and
ability to think critically, are ignorant of their tracking its progress is still being
mistakes, and do not attempt to correct them. disregarded. Assessing students as they are
This is in line with Dewika's research (2021) studying is essential. Non-cognitive testing
where adolescent students develop their must be performed to determine students'
metacognitive skills, which, if not cultivated, actual abilities, therefore that they can be
tend to deteriorate by the moment they reach utilized to make further advancements.
junior high school, coupled with Larasati's (Sahidu et al., 2020). For this reason,
research (2021) which suggests that teachers assessment in a learning process must be
must assist their students in problem-solving carried out comprehensively or thoroughly
skills due to the poor metacognitive abilities (Maimori, 2017). Teachers can use self-
of the students in distance learning for the assessment models to assess their students. It
students to properly use their metacognitive features an in-class assessment that
strategies (Sudia et al., 2014) in every encourages students to acknowledge their
subject, including PAI and Budi Pekerti. independence, as well as analyzes students'
Student-student and student-teacher metacognitive skills, which are essential for
interactions can improve students' learning (Pantiwati, 2016). The PAI and
metacognitive skills in a variety of ways, Budi Pekerti curricula emphasize the
which also improves student learning development of faithful, religious, and
outcomes (Nurwati, 2009). Utilizing the helpful individuals. Carrying out PAI and
necessary models, techniques, and media Budi Pekerti assessments in their entirety to
will enable the interaction to be established observe students change in a better direction
(Indriati et al., 2018). Problem-solving-based and apply them in everyday life is crucial.
TA’DIB, Volume 25 No 2, December 2022
Students are expected to solve various life This study employs a qualitative
problems with their metacognitive abilities. technique, one of its distinguishing features
(Mindani, 2016) relevant to Islamic being that the researcher serves as the
Education and good manners, such as the primary instrument in the process of data
law of worship and Muamalat (Islamic collection and interpretation (Hardani, et al,
rulings governing commercial transactions) 2020). This research uses a descriptive
to Fiqh and Qur'anic Hadith, able to learn methodology to explain actual events to
from Islamic history, and able to identify the build a detailed vision of the population
proper solution for the Akidah Akhlaq (Khilmiyah, 2016) and determine if the self-
(Islamic morality and character) issues in assessment model is effective at enhancing
their everyday lives. students' metacognitive skills.
At SMPN 2 Ponorogo, Islamic education Researchers from SMPN 2 Ponorogo
teachers who previously only used formal picked the research location. The participants
cognitive assessments are now paying more of this study were five seventh-grade
attention to all assessments, particularly self- students who were selected using a
assessment in the PAI subject. This began purposive sampling methodology in which
when distance learning was still being used, the sample was chosen based on the
so there was very little interaction between researcher's consideration to optimize data
teachers and students, despite the teachers gathering. Researchers engaged in
must assess and guide students in their interviews, documentation, and observation
cognitive processes in addition to cognitive to collect the data. PAI teachers performed
assessment. A teacher of PAI and Budi in-depth interviews with selected students
Pekerti subject further explained that since with the purpose to enable researchers to be
the presentation of ready-made knowledge able to describe, analyze, and correlate
predominates PAI and Budi Pekerti learning, between the tests that have been given and
students frequently end up merely as the the scores given by the teacher.
objects of knowledge. Teachers must Documentation is a tool to add data to this
effectively manage the class. Teachers' research so that teacher documents are
choice of learning strategies can increase the obtained in the form of self-assessment
learning benefits for their students and instruments, books, articles, or others that
enhance their metacognitive skills in critical support and are relevant to the research
thinking, particularly through self- theme, while observation is used as a
assessment (Junaedi et al., 2022). (Ibabe & comparison technique between interview
Jauregizar, 2010). The teacher can evaluate answers and the reality that occurs (Sugiono,
students' abilities to measure their mastery of 2017).
knowledge through self-assessment. How Researchers conducted data analysis after
students evaluate their learning the data collection was deemed sufficient.
implementation. The teacher's ability to The researchers decided to analyze the data
gauge the students' proficiency with their in three stages: condensing the data,
skills is crucial (Yenti et al., 2016). presenting the data, and finally interpreting
Therefore, this study departs from the or drawing a conclusion. (Miles &
phenomena previously described, making it Huberman, 1987).
crucial to do further research to clarify how
the self-assessment model used by PAI RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
teachers at SMPN 2 Ponorogo can Results
effectively enhance students' metacognitive Self-Assessment
abilities. Evaluating teachers' learning is important
to facilitate learning and becomes more
METHODS effective in improving student learning
TA’DIB, Volume 25 No 2, December 2022
outcomes. Teachers use self-evaluation as a evaluate themselves and use the results to
formative assessment instrument in addition improve their further learning. The teacher
to summative assessments. Based on provided instructions for filling out a
interviews with teachers, the present questionnaire before distributing it to the
evaluation procedure cannot only be carried students; however, based on observations,
out as a formality because the teacher can some students did not comprehend and were
learn from the assessment what limitations marked by engaging in a question-and-
the students have when studying PAI. answer session with their peers to fill out the
"Now, self-assessment should not be assessment questionnaire. Third, the teacher
underestimated because through this follows up and assesses the outcomes of the
assessment the teacher can find out the self-assessment that the students have
limitations experienced by students. completed. Following observations, the
Which students do not understand, which teacher looked at some of the students' work,
students are less proficient because PAI immediately provided feedback to the said
mostly requires practice” (TeacherP1) students, and then continued to explain the
subject the students had trouble
PAI teacher carried out the self-assessment understanding. Students began to ask
after completing one chapter of the lesson. questions when they became aware of their
There are 4 steps of self-assessment carried limitations in understanding the sub-chapter
out by the teacher. of the material they had received the class
atmosphere grew more vibrant. The teacher
“This self-assessment questionnaire must scores the students' self-assessment to
be designed by the teacher, including the support other assessments. Fourth, the
indicators that will be assessed. It may be teacher replicates or repeats the
a burden that takes a long time to use this questionnaire if it is deemed to be adequate
assessment model, and in this PAI lesson I for measuring students' competence and
also urge my fellow PAI teachers to add improves the questionnaire so that students'
questions or statements directly related to cognitive capacities can further develop.
problems in everyday life." (TeacherP1) The teacher stated during an interview that
he occasionally performed self-assessment
First, the teacher prepares components that before beginning a new chapter to diagnose
will be assessed through self-assessment by students' previous knowledge and
taking into account competency standards, experiences as additional information for the
fundamental competencies, and achievement teacher. If most of the students understand
indicators. In practice, teachers frequently the material, it would be beneficial for the
use self-assessment questionnaires that are teacher to instruct the material and further
already in the textbook and add deepen it. The teacher acknowledges the use
complementary questions or statements that of self-assessment questionnaires to date,
the teacher believes should be given to their however, only for the results and not for the
students. Second, the teacher determines actual scoring stage. Four out of five
when the self-assessment questionnaire will interviewed students said they were pleased
be distributed. Based on the interview, the to be given a self-assessment questionnaire
self-assessment was performed during the because students were free to fill it out
scheduled PAI class in the morning before according to the student's actual condition,
the test assessment meeting. The teacher while one student said it was more difficult
realizes that a comfortable atmosphere in the to fill out a self-assessment questionnaire
morning can help students to be more because they had to think deeply and
truthful and conducive to filling out self- evaluate themselves, for indeed this is the
assessment questionnaires. Students can purpose of self-assessment.
TA’DIB, Volume 25 No 2, December 2022
"Indeed, indirectly we (students) have to cognitive domain after the evaluation of
be honest, answer whatever it is, but learning in terms of student activities in table
sometimes we also answer all the same or 1.
choose the best one if indeed we have Table 1. The results of interviews and student
ambitious values." (Student4) observations related to metacognitive abilities.
No Student Activities S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
1 Be aware of √ √ √ √ √
cognitive processes
Other students said that they had difficulty (receiving,
filling in because they did not understand the processing, and
directions from their teacher so sometimes, analyzing) through
they filled out questionnaires that did not a given
reflect their original state and presented questionnaire.
2 Give a response to √ √ √
themselves better. Interviewed students the teacher's
revealed they read carefully and understand explanation after
each question item or statement given, then giving the
they look at themselves to whether it is the questionnaire.
same or different from the item. In the 3 Asking questions √ √
to the teacher after
process of self-observation, students admit giving the
that they always consider how to answer it questionnaire.
on the encouragement of honesty or the urge 4 Evaluate the √ √ √ √ √
to lie. Students further admit that they lessons that have
consistently recall the same statements or been passed so far.
5 Evaluate the √ √ √ √ √
questions from questionnaires they have lessons that have
done before. If there are similarities, students been passed so far.
can answer with ease, but if there are
differences, students need to reconsider their The interviews revealed that as many as
response strategy (solving problems). A five students acknowledged that their
student said that he was motivated internally cognitive regulation comprises the process of
by reflecting on a self-assessment receiving, processing, and assessing the
questionnaire. Teacher feedback further questions and statements in the self-
motivates students to study harder in the assessment questionnaire. This is supported
future. The teacher's observations and by the absence of points on the questionnaire
responses reveal that once the students that were not completed by students.
completed a self-evaluation and received Students can resolve the issues that appear
feedback, the classroom environment on the self-assessment questionnaire points.
became dynamic. The teacher believes that The teacher will then provide feedback on
PAI learning should continue to condition the student's work in the form of clarification
student action and disrupt the traditional PAI of answers, questions, and student
learning environment by shifting it from appreciation. Three students responded to the
being teacher-centered to being student- teacher's feedback. Two students who did not
centered. respond described the possible outcome of
the lack of proper teacher feedback for the
The Effectiveness of Self-assessment in
students. Observation revealed that two out
Improving Students' Metacognitive
of five students asked the teacher questions
about subjects they did not fully understand.
Students' metacognitive abilities need to Five students admitted that they realized how
be honed in every classroom learning. effective their learning was. It was
Students experience the development of their discovered that by using a self-assessment
questionnaire, students were able to assess
TA’DIB, Volume 25 No 2, December 2022
their behavior, select the best strategy for PAI teachers conducted evaluations that
determining the next step, and defend the met the self-assessment requirements,
correct answer. Therefore, the demonstrating the extent to which the
acknowledgment of five students through learning objectives, which are stated
interviews that they are motivated to explicitly or by the criteria, are met, and
improve their learning after being provided a identifying students' strengths and
self-assessment is deemed to be significant. weaknesses in their efforts as stated (Thoha
PAI teachers' selection of self-assessment & Jannah, 2018). Other findings of the
questionnaires is considered necessary shortcomings of self-evaluation assessment
because it can enhance students' cognitive include students' lack of honesty as a result
abilities so that students can think more of being highly subjective, students'
critically and solve daily life problems, tendency to present themselves better than
especially those related to PAI and Budi they are, students' inadequate experience in
Pekerti subjects. doing a questionnaire, and insufficient
information from the teacher. In line with the
"Not only giving written or oral tests to description in Putri et al's research, it is
evaluate students, but giving self- possible that students still have difficulties in
assessment questionnaires has been assessing themselves and filling it out
effective to train students to be more without understanding what they mean first
critical and active." (Teacher P1) (Putri & Febliza, 2022).

Teachers admit that it helps them analyze The Effectiveness of Self-assessment in

their students through self-assessment. Improving Students' Metacognitive
Students' increased motivation to learn has a Ability
positive impact on their learning outcomes. PAI teachers at SMPN 2 Ponorogo are
Additionally, the reciprocal communication challenged to help pupils strengthen their
between teachers and students enables active metacognitive abilities.
and conducive PAI learning. PAI teachers understand that simply
asking questions or utilizing lecture
approaches is insufficient for supporting
students in developing and directing their
metacognitive abilities. Teachers can
Discussion encourage the development of students'
Self-Assessment metacognitive techniques—a process of self-
The findings reflect that teachers have regulation—by helping them build self-
used assessment as an assessment for assessment strategies. The students'
learning and not only as an assessment of metacognitive strategies consist of planning,
learning as the actual assessment function is monitoring, evaluation or concentration, goal
as expressed by (Sudiyanto et al., 2015). setting, self-testing selecting main ideas, and
This self-assessment model is directly related anxiety management (Clipa et al., 2011). It
to students and serves to provide information indicates that there is a direct connection
for diagnostic purposes on students’ abilities, between students' metacognitive processes
besides that students can use it to evaluate and self-assessment, both of which call for
and improve their competencies before being students to reflect deeply on themselves.
assessed by the teacher. Students are Some students initially misunderstood the
encouraged to reflect on what they have done purpose of self-assessment and
and what they have produced with these underestimated the written test assessment.
efforts (Hayati, 2015). Therefore, the PAI and Budi Pekerti teachers
must provide a better understanding and
TA’DIB, Volume 25 No 2, December 2022
communication before the assessment is evaluating the performance that they have
implemented. From this communication, the been doing before moving on to self-regulate
teacher should receive student their thought processes. This is very
acknowledgment for the answers given and influential on the next student’s progress.
provide appropriate feedback (Colthart et al., PAI and Budi Pekerti learning utilizes self-
2008) on the student's circumstances so that assessment, which is a learning method that
student learning performance increases. Self- always conditions students' activity so that
assessment is said to be effective when it can students no longer passively only receive
increase student motivation according to knowledge from the teacher as a
McMillan and Hearn quoted by Siegesmund phenomenon that still occurs regularly, and
(Siegesmund, 2017) because when students learning places more focus on student-
do self-assessments with honesty and full centeredness. PAI and Budi Pekerti learning
responsibility, a desire arises from within to of course requires teacher-centeredness to
make improvements in a positive direction. explain normative knowledge, but with self-
The implementation of self-assessment is assessment, students become active learners
considered to be able to help improve in recognizing their knowledge, realizing
students' metacognitive abilities because in weaknesses and shortcomings to stimulate
answering the questionnaire they carry out student learning motivation (Clipa et al.,
cognitive processes under the direction of the 2011), and actively improve their learning by
teacher although they are still carried out by preparing themselves before the learning
each student. There are three sets of process started. This results in students'
metacognitive questions in students, namely capability to understand the concept of PAI
comprehension questions, strategic and Budi Pekerti material deeper and are
questions, and connection questions (Larasati more embedded in their minds. Students can
et al., 2021). Comprehension questions occur answer problems in a systematic and precise
when students receive a self-assessment manner given by the teacher thanks to
questionnaire then students reflect by reading students' critical attitude in asking questions,
the statement or question given, explaining providing feedback, and solving problems.
and independently understanding the Students are better prepared to deal with
meaning in it. Second, strategic questions issues related to Islam in their daily lives as a
occur when students are compelled to result of the positive implication in addition
consider which way or strategy is to improving learning outcomes, according
appropriate in solving a problem or an urge to research conducted by Basnet (2011).
to be honest and responsible for answering
the self-assessment questionnaire or be lying. CONCLUSION
This process certainly encourages students to Self-assessment is an assessment model
think based on certain reasons. The next is that directly involves students and teachers,
connection questions where students focus which in addition to aims to evaluate
on the similarities and differences between students' PAI learning activities, it can also
the experience of the problem they are improve students' metacognitive abilities.
currently facing and the experience of the Students perform metacognitive self-
problem that they have successfully solved regulation strategies for self-regulation
before. When students work on the through reflection during the self-
assessment instrument given by the teacher, assessment. Students' learning motivation
students experience a deep thinking process can increase through self-evaluation to the
about themselves. A good instrument is seen point that it affects the development of their
from the length of time the test takes (As et academic performance.
al., 2021). Self-testing of students' The limitations of this paper are due to the
metacognition abilities shows students limited loci and research subjects, this
TA’DIB, Volume 25 No 2, December 2022
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study since it helps in the development of (Dikdasmen), 48–55.
meaningful learning both theoretically and
empirically. .1394
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