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Speaking &


A pack of activities and ideas

targeted at Key Stage 1
Based on the work of Becky Shanks,
further developed in collaboration
with Helen Rippon.


Sheep WIG1, 2nd Edition 1

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre


„ Using the pack 3

Target group
Session format
Visual reinforcement

„ Introduction to Narrative Therapy 3

Narrative Therapy in practice
Pilot Study

Week one „ Introduction to Narrative 5

Week two „ Who 8

Week three „ Where 22

Week four „ When 63

Week five „ What Happened 91

Week six „ The End 111

„ Extension Activities 126

„ Appendix 128
Story Planner
Story Components
Story Component Cards

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

Using the pack
The development of a therapy approach that uses a highly structured framework to
create narratives (Catherall 1998) has proved effective and enjoyable for many
children. This pack of photocopiable resources provides both Speech and Language
Therapists (SALT) and Teachers with a highly flexible approach to developing
children’s speaking and listening skills through narrative.

Target Group It is aimed at Key Stage 1 and has been used successfully with Year 1 and Year 2
children, as well as being adapted to Key Stage 2.

Session Format The activities are primarily intended for use with around 6 children and can be
presented in 30 to 40 minute sessions once weekly for eight weeks. The activities may
be adapted at the discretion of the therapist or teacher. It may be advantageous in some
settings to present the activities more intensively over a shorter period (for example,
every day for a week, in holiday groups).
Group sizes may also be varied. The activities can be used with just one child, or with
a whole class.

The programme mirrors the development of narrative skills in children from raising
awareness of the individual components of a simple story, to retelling and then
generating their own ideas for stories. Sample session plans are provided for weeks 1-6
as well as lists of activities, specific worksheets and carry over activities.

Visual reinforcement The use of the visual framework (alongside spoken aspects of the programme) is
integral to the activities. Cards are provided for each part of the story but will need to
be coloured according to the individual component they represent. Similarly using
natural gesture or a more formal sign system e.g. Makaton is an important part of the
approach. The use of sign and the coloured story cards help to bring narrative to life
and act as visual prompts that not only support the children’s understanding of stories
but reinforce their use of the individual story components.
(NB. Photocopy Resources before colouring or cutting up!)

Tape recording children's narratives for them to listen to may facilitate an

improvement in listening skills, including self-monitoring.

The narrative framework can be applied to many class activities beyond specific
lessons to assist story planning, story comprehension, retelling of events and
explanations in both the verbal and written forms.

Introduction to Narrative Therapy

Background The ability to tell stories is a central component of everyday communication. An
effective storyteller conveys meaning to a listener, precisely and clearly. We tell stories
to one another when we talk about what happened at school, our favourite ‘soap’, on
holiday and at home, but the ability to construct age-appropriate narratives is a skill
which some children find difficult to master. This is due in part to the many ‘levels’ of
skill required: linguistic, conceptual and pragmatic, to name just three.

Features Narrative intervention provides an approach that is:

• Highly structured
• Based on meaningful activities that are common to many classrooms.

References:Catherall, P (1998) Facilitaing Narrative Competence: Helping children to describe events and tell stories,
NAPLIC Conference Papers

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

• Designed to address many skills including: attention, listening, receptive
and expressive language skills
• Flexible and adaptable for different age groups
• Complementary to Literacy Hour activities

Narrative Therapy in Children are taught to use a narrative structure through the use of colour coding and
practice symbols on simple cue cards. Sign is also used to reinforce the individual story
components. Children learn to identify and use each narrative part, gradually building
their skills from retelling through to generating their own stories. Puppets, role-play
and story books are used, together with the tape recorder to enable children to use this
structure for themselves. The structure can be used in the classroom, to support
children’s comprehension of stories they hear, in the planning of written stories and
when explaining and retelling events. It also provides the basis of developing
questioning skills.

Speech and Language Therapists in Stockport have been using the narrative approach
to therapy for some time, adapting materials and games for use in a variety of settings
including intensive holiday groups, clinics, language units and special schools.

Pilot Study * The approach also formed the basis for a two year pilot study involving six
mainstream primary schools in Stockport from September 1999 to July 2001. In each
school, a Learning Support Assistant (LSA), funded through the Local Education
Authority (LEA), and a Speech and Language Therapist (SALT), targeted a group of
six children using narrative therapy for a block of 8 weeks. The children were selected
according to levels of teacher concern regarding their expressive and receptive
language and in most cases were unknown to the Speech and Language Therapy

The SALT visited the school once a week to demonstrate therapy ideas, review
progress and plan sessions that the LSA then carried out at two other times in the
week with the same group of children. The Class Teacher (CT) had the opportunity to
observe at least one of the weekly sessions with the SALT, and the CT and LSA had
time to liaise on a weekly basis. The children were also assessed by the SALT pre and
post group using the Renfrew Action Picture Test and Renfrew Bus Story.
Pilot study results
The results from the pilot study were striking. Not only did the children demonstrate
increased scores on formal language tests but teachers reported significant changes in
children’s ability to function within the classroom both in listening and in confidence.
The schools also had the benefit of having a trained LSA and a pack of resources that
they could then use to work with other children. Two of the schools went on to adapt
the narrative approach across the whole of Key Stages 1 and 2. Following the success
of the pilot study, the LEA funded 2 half day SALT sessions each week to enable
more schools to benefit from the approach. This pack of resources has been developed
by the Speech and Language Therapy Service as a result of the Stockport pilot study.
Stockport NHS Trust, the authors and the publisher accept no responsibility or
liability to the extent legally permitted for any use that may be made of the
information and content provided herein and do not give any warranty or other
assurance as to the accuracy, quality or fitness of the content of the Narrative Skills
Pack for any particular purpose.

* Note: The Pilot Study is being written up with a view to publication in 2003.
See: The RCSLT Bulletin, November 2000, issue 583, Telling Tales, for more details of the pilot study. 4
Speech & Language Therapy in Practice, Spring 2003, Only a Story?

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

Week 1, Introduction to Narrative
Sample Session Plan

• Active Listening Story (see Exercise 1.1, page 6)

• Introduce story components individually, i.e. who, where, when, what happened,
the end, taking time to focus on the colour, sign and symbol attributed to each story
(See pages 128-135, for Story Component Cards.These need to be coloured as shown
Materials below. They could also be laminated or printed on card. If you bought these resources
Exercise 1.1 on CD-ROM then these pages can be printed in colour (see pages 142-153)
Story Component Cards
Familiar story books Who orange

Where red

When green

What happened yellow

End blue

• Matching components to colour/sign and symbol, i.e. Run to who. Run to where.
Place story component cards, who, where etc. around the room.
Say, “Run to who”, “Run to where”.
Or give each child in the group a story component card and say, “stand
up if you have a who etc.”

• Generate vocabulary for each component i.e. tell me a who

Who cooks your dinner?
Who is your teacher?
Where do you live?
Where do you see the sun?
When is your birthday? Etc.
Hold up the appropriate colour card as you ask the questions.

• Identify the five components in a familiar story.

Early one morning, Goldilocks decided to visit her Grandma. Grandma
lived in the middle of the forest. Goldilocks walked through the forest to
see her Grandma but found the house that belonged to the three bears.

Who did Goldilocks visit?

When did Goldilocks decide to visit her Grandma?
Where did her Grandma live?

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Exercise 1.1 Active Listening Story
This activity helps the children to focus at the beginning of the group. Make up a
simple story using all the five components. Tell the story using puppets to act out the
sequence of events. Explain that you sometimes make mistakes when you tell stories,
then retell the same story making deliberate errors. As the children spot the errors, use
the story cards to highlight the part of the story that was wrong e.g. I said the wrong
who word. You can also use this activity for retelling, by encouraging the children to
use the puppets to retell the story themselves. Below are two examples of stories you
could use:
Active listening story 1 The Big Fall
One sunny day, Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Hedgehog went to the park. Mr.
Rabbit wanted to go on the swings, so he jumped on and Mr. Hedgehog
pushed him. He swung higher and higher and higher and laughed to
himself because he was having such a good time. Then Mr. Rabbit
decided to go on the slide. So he climbed up the steps, but when he got to
the top, he started to wobble and he fell down to the ground and bumped
his head.
Mr. Rabbit started to cry because his head was very sore. When Mr.
Hedgehog heard him crying, he ran to the slide to see what had
happened. Mr. Hedgehog looked at Mr. Rabbit’s head and decided to take
him to the hospital. When they got there, the Doctor put a big bandage on
Mr. Rabbit’s head and he couldn’t go to school for a whole week.

The story could be changed in the following way:

One sunny day, Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Fox went to the park. Mr. Rabbit
wanted to go on the roundabout , so he jumped on and a little boy pushed
him. He swung higher and higher and higher and cried because he was
having such a horrible time. Then Mr. Rabbit decided to go on the
seesaw. So he climbed up the steps, but when he got to the top, he started
to wobble and he fell down to the ground and bumped his arm.
Mr. Rabbit started to laugh because his head was very sore. When Mr.
Hedgehog heard him crying, he ran to the shop to see what had
happened. Mr. Hedgehog looked at Mr. Rabbit’s head and decided to take
him to school. When they got there, the Doctor put a big hat on Mr.
Rabbit’s head and he couldn’t go to the forest for a whole week.

You can also use the story to reinforce the children’s recall of the individual
components and to check understanding
e.g.Who was in this story?
Where did they go?
What did Mr. Rabbit do first?
Why did Mr. Rabbit fall off the slide?
How would you feel if you were Mr. Rabbit?

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

Active listening story 2 The Bad Nights Sleep
One dark night all the animals were asleep on the farm.
In the barn Mr Horse and Mrs Cow were fed up. They were both very
tired and wanted to go to sleep but they couldn’t because Mr Pig was
snoring so loudly (make snoring sound). They both knew that Mr Pig was
very ticklish and so they decided to try and tickle him to see if he would
wake up
First Mr Horse picked up a feather and tickled Mr Pig’s nose but …… he
just kept on snoring (make snoring sound).
Next Mrs Cow lifted up the corner of Mr Pig’s blanket and tickled his toes
with some straw but …… he just kept on snoring (make snoring sound).
Mr Horse and Mrs Cow had had enough. The sun was starting to come
up, the sky was getting lighter and they still hadn’t had any sleep. So they
both went outside to think about what else they could do.
Suddenly Mr Horse saw an empty bucket over in the corner of the yard.
“I know how to wake him up!” he said and went to get the bucket. Then
Mr Horse went over to the tap and slowly filled the bucket full of water.
Carefully Mr Horse and Mrs Cow carried the bucket full of water back
into the barn and up to Mr Pig’s bed where he was lying on his back, still
snoring his head off. They lifted the bucket in the air and then after three
they tipped it onto Mr Pig’s head.
Mr Horse and Mrs Cow had just enough time to race back to their beds
and pretend to be asleep before Mr Pig woke up coughing and spluttering
and wondering what had happened.
He looked around the barn and saw all the other animals asleep and he
was very confused. “Maybe there is a hole in the roof”, he thought and
tried to go back to sleep, but he couldn’t because his straw was all wet
and very uncomfortable.
In the morning when all the animals woke up, Mr Pig told them all about
his bad nights sleep. Everyone was shocked to hear about the leaking roof
and said that Mr Pig should tell the Farmer. But Mr Horse and Mrs Cow
just smiled to themselves and went outside into the sunshine to find some

You can retell this story with deliberate errors to check the children’s listening and
recall, or simply use it as the basis for questioning using who, where, when, what,
how, why questions.

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

Week 2, Who
Sample Session Plan
• Recap all story components using story component cards and corresponding signs.
i.e. each child stands on a story component card and has to put their hand up when
they hear their question word.
Who is happy?
When is it playtime?
Where are you going?
Story Component Cards • Introduce who using books, TV programmes, videos, etc. Encourage the children to
Who Drawing (p11) say who their favourite character is. Using the Who Drawing (page 11) encourage
Familiar story books each child to draw and describe their favourite character.
Exercise 2.1 • Children have a familiar book each and have to identify the who in their book e.g.
Feely bag & objects Goldilocks and the Three Bears – who is in the story?
Exercise 2.2 • Exercise 2.1 Who am I? (page 9) This activity can be adapted into a team game to
Puppets build in listening and turn taking i.e. the children divide into two groups and take turns
at guessing Who am I? The children in each team have to agree on their answer. If one
person shouts out the answer before it is agreed then the point goes to the other team!
• Guess Who? Have a feely bag containing objects associated with different whos e.g.
wand – magician, tractor – farmer, football – footballer etc. The children take turns at
taking an object out of the bag and guessing who it would belong to.
• Exercise 2.2 Listen for the words that tell you who (page10): Read the sentences
individually and encourage the children to identify the who words.
• Adult tells a familiar, simple story using puppets and the children take turns at
retelling, using the story cards as prompts e.g. Chicken Licken, Little Red Riding

Carry Over Activities for Who

Materials • Who Lotto Game: Using the who pictures (pages 13-14) and the Lotto Board (page
Who Lotto (pp12-14) 12), the adult asks the questions on the Lotto board. The children take turns finding the
Who is it? Game (p21) corresponding pictures.
Familiar story books • Who is it? What do they do? (page 21) Children take turns at rolling the dice and
Hoop make their way around the board talking about the characters and their occupations.
Dice & counters Generate discussion of other occupations not featured on the board. Encourage the
children to say who they would like to be/what they would like to do.
• Play the ‘Froggy Froggy’ game using who i.e. ‘Cross the pond if you are wearing
black shoes’, ‘Cross the pond if you have brown hair’.
• Tell a story with who questions.
One day, a witch heard someone knocking on her door.
“Who is knocking on my door?” she said. It was a bear.
Then she heard someone banging on the window.
“Who is knocking on my window?” she said. It was a monster.
Then she heard someone shouting.
“Who is shouting?” she said. It was a ghost.
“Who wants some dinner?” said the witch.
“We do!” said the bear, the monster and the ghost. So they went into the
witch’s house and ate a big dinner.

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“Who is full?” said the witch.
“We are” said the bear, the monster and the ghost.
• The Circle Game: The children stand in a circle with a hoop in the middle. Children
listen to instructions, and jump in the hoop when the who question applies to them i.e.
‘who is wearing red socks?’, ‘who is wearing glasses?’
• Who’s in the story? Generate a story, giving each child a character. Use who
pictures if needed (pages 13-20). The children have to listen and jump up when they
hear their character’s name.
• Who’s Gone? Using a selection of who pictures from the pack place 6 pictures down
on the floor facing up. Explain to the children that you are going to cover the pictures
up and then take one away and they have to try and remember who’s gone? You can
adapt this game by using fewer pictures or real toys to represent who.

Exercise 2.1 Who am I game?

Place a selection of who pictures (pages 13-20) on the table. Say “I’m going to talk
about one of these people or animals. Who am I talking about?”
To make the activity harder you can remove the pictures. Similarly using props will
make this task easier for younger children e.g. fireman’s hat, clowns nose

1 I am an animal, I have whiskers, I like drinking milk, I purr.

2 I wear a black pointy hat, I ride on a broomstick, I have a black cat, I make
3 I work in a school, I help children to learn, I look after a class of children.
4 I drive a big red vehicle with a ladder and siren, I wear a special uniform to
protect me when I am working, you have to call 999 if you need me to help you.
5 I wear a red cloak with a hood, my Grandma lives in the woods, I am afraid of
6 I am an animal, I like eating grass, I give you milk to drink.
7 I live in a palace, I wear a crown, I am very famous and you can see my face on
stamps and money.
8 I am white, I am cold, you make me in the winter, I often have a carrot for a
nose and sticks for arms, I melt when the sun comes out.
9 I work in a hospital, I wear a white coat, I look after people when they are not
very well and help to make them better.
10 I work early in the morning, I have a big bag and sometimes a bike, I visit lots
of houses delivering letters as I go.
11 I have a big red nose and I wear funny clothes, you see me at a circus and I
make people laugh.

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Exercise 2.2 Listen for the words that tell you who
Read the sentences individually and encourage the children to identify the who words.
If the children can read the sentences see if they can underline the words that tell you who.

1 Sam is seven years old.

2 The postman delivered a big parcel.
3 Hannah went on holiday to Spain.
4 The new puppy made a big mess.
5 The astronaut landed on the moon.
6 The clown made the children laugh.
7 Mark bought a new football.
8 There were ten monkeys at the zoo.
9 Dad made James a birthday cake.
10 Hira was poorly and went home early.
11 The cat fell asleep on the chair.
12 The mouse stole the cheese from the table.
13 Tom and his sister went to McDonalds for a special treat.
14 The baby was crying so Mum gave her a cuddle.


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Who Drawing
Draw a picture of your favourite character, from a book or the TV or a film.

Write a description of who you have drawn.

WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 11
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

Who Lotto Board
Who looks after
they are sick?
Who helps to

people when
put out fires?
Who sells you

Who grows
things you

Who delivers
mail to your


Who cooks
food in a

Who keeps your

teeth healthy
Who builds

and clean?

WIG1, 2nd edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 12
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

WIG1, 2nd edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 13
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

WIG1, 2nd edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 14
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

WIG1, 2nd edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 15
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

WIG1, 2nd edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 16
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

WIG1, 2nd edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 17
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

WIG1, 2nd edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 18
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

WIG1, 2nd edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 19
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

WIG1, 2nd edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 20
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 21
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

Week 3, Where
Sample Session Plan
• Recap story components using story component cards and signs and introduce
where. Using the Where Drawing (page 25), generate ideas for where and each child
draws their favourite place.
• Who/Where Swap Game: Each child is given a character using puppets or who
pictures (page 13-20) and the room is divided into four different locations, using the
backgrounds provided (pages 31-62) e.g. seaside, shops, park and farm. You may want
to use props as reinforcers i.e. bucket and spade for the seaside, toy animals for the
farm. The children stand in the middle of the room and listen for instructions telling
them who has to go where e.g. can the dog go to the park, can the king go to the
castle. This game can be extended to allow the children to give who and where
instructions to each other e.g. I am the cow in the farm and I want to swap with the
Materials fish in the sea.
Where Drawing (p25) • Exercise 3.1 Where Quiz? (page 23) Generate where words.
Who Pictures (pp13-20)
• Where would you see ….? Using a feely bag or box, select a number of objects
Where Pictures (pp27-62)
associated with different places e.g. goggles – swimming pool, sunglasses – beach,
Exercises 3.1 & 3.2 (p23)
toothbrush – bathroom etc. Each child has a turn at selecting an object and saying
Feely bag & objects
where you might find that object.
• Exercise 3.2 Where am I? (page 23) You may want to use the where pictures or
props as visual reinforcers. (pages 27-28) This activity can easily be adapted to a team
• Choose a where using location pictures provided and two whos using either puppets
or who pictures. The adult then generates a simple story and:
• Retells with deliberate errors.
• Children take turns at retelling story using story cards as prompts.
If appropriate use a recent outing or school trip as the where e.g. park, local farm. You
can then use the children’s names as whos. This adds to the fun and encourages
children to retell actual experiences.

Carry Over Activities for Where

Materials • Where Lotto Game: Using the where pictures (pages 27-28) and the Lotto Board
Where Lotto(pp26-28) (page 26), the adult asks the questions on the Lotto Board. The children take turns
Familiar books finding the corresponding pictures.
Counters & cup •Finding where in books. Children have a familiar book and have to identify where
Where Pictures (pp31- the story is taking place e.g. park, shops, school.
• Where sorting e.g. Park, beach, shops, zoo, farm. You can use real objects or the
Who Goes Where Game
pictures provided.( Pages 31-62 contain background pictures followed by their
corresponding small object pictures.) Children sort the objects / pictures according to
Exercise 3.3 (p24)
where they go.
E.g. swings at the park, pig in the farm.
• Where’s the Counter Game? Using location background pictures, hide a counter
under a picture. Children have to guess where the counter is hidden.
• Generating who and where words: Children have to say where they would like to
go, and who they would take with them.


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• Who Goes Where Game? (pages 29-30) Encourage children to decide who lives
where, e.g. elephant lives in the zoo, fish lives in the sea.
• Odd One Out: Place 4 pictures (3 where and 1 who) in front of the children. They
have to try and identify the odd one out. Repeat the activity as many times as you
want, changing the selection of pictures each time. Encourage children to say why it is
the odd one out. This helps children to begin to categorise according to who and
• Exercise 3.3 Listen for the words that tell you where (page 24): Read the
sentences individually and encourage the children to identify the where words.

Exercise 3.1 Where Quiz

1 Where do you live? Who lives with you?
2 Where would you go to buy food?
3 Where would you go swimming?
4 Where would you go on holiday?
5 Where would you find a doctor?
6 Where would you find an elephant?
7 Where would you go if your tooth hurt?
8 Where would you see a clown?
9 Where would you go to see a film?
10 Where would you go to buy a burger and fries?
11 Where would you go to catch a train?
12 Where would you need a bucket and spade?
13 Where would you see a traffic light?
14 Where would you go to see a football match?
15 Where would you travel in a rocket?

Exercise 3.2 Where am I?

1 I can see lots of desks and chairs and children working.
2 I can see lots of water, sand and shells and children playing with buckets and
3 I can see lots of fish, an octopus and a shark is swimming towards me.
4 I can see lots of different stalls selling fruit and vegetables and clothes.
5 I can see a funny man with a red nose and big feet. He is making everyone
6 I can see people pushing trolleys, lots and lots of shelves and food being
packed into bags.
7 I can see people are wearing swimming costumes and some have rubber rings.
Children are splashing in the water.
8 I can see lots of books, and everyone is very quiet. Some people are reading.


Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

9 I can see lots of people, some are queuing up and some are eating burgers and
10 I can see a man scoring a goal, the crowd is cheering.
11 I can see a doctor and a nurse and lots of poorly people.
12 I can see children playing on swings and slides and playing football on the
13 I can see some traffic lights on red, the cars have stopped and some people are
14 I can see lots of people sitting in the dark and eating popcorn. They are all
watching something.
15 I can see lots of stars rushing past my window. I can see the earth but it is a
long way away.

Exercise 3.3 Listen for the words that tell you where
1 The children lined up by the door.

2 Please put the chairs in the hall.

3 The rabbit disappeared into the hole.

4 Rosa looked in all the cupboards.

5 Dad climbed to the top of the ladder.

6 David said he saw my shoes in the other room.

7 Our cat always sits under the table.

8 If I could, I would go to the moon.

9 We had a good time at the caravan.

10 Sarah is going to move to Wales.

11 My best friend is in the hospital.

12 He saw the children playing in the park.

13 We drove to the seaside.

14 Our car broke down in the middle of the road.

15 On Saturday, I’m going to McDonalds.


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Where Drawing
Draw a picture of your favourite place.

Write a description of where you have drawn.

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Where Lotto Board

Where do you go to
Where do cows, pigs
play on the swings
and sheep live?
and slide?

Where would you go Where would an

to see a clown? astronaut go in a

Where do you go to Where do you go to

learn to read and have a burger and
write? chips?

Where would you

Where might you see
see an elephant and
an octopus?
a penguin?

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the park the farm

the zoo the beach

in space the circus

the school the castle

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the street under the sea

the swimming
pool the garage

the forest fast food

fun fair rooms

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Who goes where?

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Who goes where?

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Week 4, When
Sample Session Plan

• Recap story components using story component cards and signs and introduce
when. Using the When Drawing (page 66) generate ideas for different times of the
day, week, year. Each child draws a picture of their favourite when e.g. Christmas,
Birthday, Holiday. Children then take turns at sharing their experiences with the rest
of the group.
Materials • Exercise 4.1 When Quiz, (page 64) using the when pictures or props if necessary.
When Drawing, (p66) As with the who and where quiz this activity can be adapted into a team game to make
Feely bag & objects it more fun.
Exercise 4.1 (p64) • When do you …? Using a feely bag or box select a number of objects associated
Exercises 4.2 & 4.3 (p65) with different times or events e.g. umbrella – raining, sun block – holiday, torch – dark
Who Dunnit Game (p70) etc. Each child has a turn at selecting an object and saying when you might need/see it.
Puppets (optional)
Tape recorder (optional) • Exercise 4.2 Listen for the words that tell you when (page 65): Read the sentences
individually and encourage the children to identify the when words.
• Exercise 4.3 Linking whos and whens (page 65). The children are given different
scenarios and they have to decide who they would need and what they would say.
• Who Dunnit Game, (page 70) : Each child has their own copy of page 70. Explain
to the children that a burglary has taken place in the house and some money has been
stolen. The purpose of the game is that the children are the detectives. Using the clues
on their sheet they have to attempt to guess who stole the money, where it was stolen
from and when it was stolen.The adult selects one child at a time to leave the room
and helps them to select a who, where and when from their sheet. When the child re-
enters the room the detectives i.e. the rest of the group take turns at guessing who they
think the burglar is, where the money was stolen from and when it was stolen. The first
child to correctly guess who, where and when then takes their turn to leave the room
and select a different choice.
• Children choose a when from the when pictures sheet (pages 68-9), and with the
help of an adult, select a who and a where and generate a simple story together. Where
possible link the when to the time of year or a current event i.e. a child’s birthday,
summer holidays. Use the Story Planner (page 128) to record the details of the story.
The adult then retells the story making deliberate errors for the children to identify and
• The children attempt to retell their story, including all the story components. Use the
tape recorder to record each child’s attempt. Play back each child’s story and using the
Story Planner, highlight any components that were missing.


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Carry Over Activities for When
• When Lotto Game: Using the when pictures (page 68-69) and the Lotto Board
(page 67) the adult asks the questions on the Lotto Board. The children take turns
finding the corresponding pictures.
• Odd one out: Using a selection of where and when pictures, place 4 pictures on the
floor, e.g. 3 wheres and 1 when or 3 whens and 1 where. With each selection of
pictures the children take turns at finding the odd one out and saying why.
Materials • Day/Night: Sorting and discussion. Cut page73 into individual pictures. Mix them
When Lotto Game (pp67-9) up and place them face down. Each child turns over a picture and decides whether it
Day & Night Pictures goes on the “day page” (page 71) or the “night page” (page 72). With younger
(pp71-3) children you may want to use a feely bag with real objects.
Seasons Pictures (pp74-9) • Seasons: Discuss the seasons (pages 74-77) and ask the questions using the pictures
Spider Diagrams (pp80-3) (pages 78-79) to support the children’s answers. Make particular reference to the
My Day (pp85-6) current season e.g. If Autumn go outside and collect leaves. Talk about the different
Katie Calendar (p87) things associated with that particular season and compare with other seasons e.g.
Sorting pictures (pp88-9) Winter and Summer clothes.
Who Where When Track
• Spider Diagrams (pages 80-3) : Discuss the ideas associated with the specific times
Game (p90)
of the day, week or year. Encourage children to identify those pictures that do NOT
match the time being discussed. Use page 84 to generate ideas and vocabulary relating
to alternative times of the day, week or year.
• My Day: Use Molly the Monster Time Path (page 85) to talk about different times of
the day. Encourage children to use page 86 to fill in their own time path .e.g.
• In the MORNING I get up and go to school.
• At PLAYTIME I go outside and play with my friends.
• Katie Calendar (page 87): Identify individual children’s birthdays and discuss
when seasons and special occasions or festivals occur.
• Sorting: who, where, when. The children sort the individual pictures (pages 89) on
to the who, where, when columns (page 88).
• Who/Where/When Track Game (Page 90) : Each child places their counter at the
start. The children take turns at rolling the dice and moving the correct number of
spaces to land on either a who square, where square or when square. They then have
to generate a word that corresponds with that story component. The winner is the child
who reaches the end of the board first!

Exercise 4.1 When Quiz

1 When do we decorate a tree with tinsel and put presents underneath it?
2 When do we have fireworks?
3 When do new leaves start to grow on the trees?
4 When do we go on holiday?
5 When do we go to bed?
6 When do we get dressed?
7 When do the leaves fall off the trees?
8 When does it snow?


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9 When do we blow candles out on a cake and receive presents and cards?
10 When do we have two days break from school?
11 When do we brush our teeth?
12 When do we need to wear a seat belt?
13 When do we get dressed up in nice clothes?
14 When do we eat special food?
15 When do we do our homework?

Exercise 4.2 Listen for the words that tell you when.
1 Jim goes to his Gran’s house on Saturdays.
2 Leaves fall off the trees in the Autumn.
3 Jack is going to have a big party for his Birthday.
4 Asim has guitar lessons after school.
5 Usually it snows in the Winter.
6 I eat my breakfast in the morning.
7 Jasmine is going to Spain in the Summer holidays.
8 My bedtime is 8 o’clock.
9 You can see the moon in the sky at night.
10 Megan got a new bike for Christmas.
11 The boys are going camping at the weekend.
12 Callum was sick so he went home at lunchtime.
13 New leaves grow on the trees in the Spring.
14 The children watched the video after they had finished their tea.
15 Sam and Lisa go swimming on Tuesdays.

Exercise 4.3 Linking Who & When.

You can bring this activity to life by assigning specific roles to the children and
encouraging them to ‘act out’ the scene.

Ask the questions: Who would you look for? What would you say? to the following
1 When you are lost.
2 When you can’t find something in a shop.
3 When you have bought something and it is the wrong size.
4 When you have broken a friend’s toy by accident.
5 When you have forgotten your lunch.
6 When you have fallen over in the playground and hurt yourself.
7 When you see someone stealing from a shop.
8 When you find a lost kitten in the park.
9 When your car has broken down.
10 When you see smoke coming from an upstairs window of the house next door.


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When Drawing
Draw a picture of your favourite time of day, week, year e.g.
morning, birthday, weekend.

Write a description of the special time you have drawn.

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When Lotto Board

When do we see the When do we have

moon? cake and presents?

When do we go on When does it snow?

a plane?

When do we have When do all the

our breakfast? leaves fall off the

When do we have 2 When do we see

days off school in fireworks in the sky?
the week?

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Day Night

Spring Summer

Autumn Winter

Morning Afternoon
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Weekend Playtime

Meal time Birthday

Eid Christmas

Bonfire Night Holiday

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Who Dunnit?

When ?
Where ?

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1. What happens to the trees in the spring?

2. Where do birds lay their eggs in spring time?

3. What kinds of weather do we have in the spring?

4. What special occasion do some people celebrate in the


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1. What is the weather like in the summer time?

2. What kinds of clothes do people wear in the summer?

3. Where can people go for their summer holidays?

4. What kinds of food do people eat in summer?

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1. What happens to the leaves on the trees in autumn?

2. What do squirrels do in the autumn?

3. What happens to the weather in the autumn?

4. What night is celebrated with fireworks in autumn?

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1. What do the trees look like in the winter?

2. What special occasions do some people celebrate in the


3. What kinds of weather do we have in winter?

4. What kinds of clothes do people wear in winter time?

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Which pictures go with
Which do NOT?


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Which pictures go with
Which do NOT?


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Which pictures go with
Which do NOT?


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Which pictures go with
Which do NOT?


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Which pictures go with
Which do NOT?

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January February March

April May June

July August September

October November December

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Sorting Who, Where and When Game

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elephant giraffe bear dog cat cow

wolf Granma Red Riding Hood witch fairy wizard

doctor diver dentist girl woman boy

man baby girl woman boy man

woman baby girl woman boy man

man girl woman boy man man

Bonfire night playtime winter spring summer autumn

afternoon morning day day night night

forest park school castle street zoo

garage sea beach circus fun fair farm

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Week 5, What Happened
Sample Session Plan
• Recap story components using story component cards and signs and introduce
what happened using familiar story books e.g. What happened to Goldilocks when
the three bears came home?
• Silly Sentences: Using the who, where, when and what happened story component
cards and a selection of who, where and when pictures, the children take turns at
selecting a who, where and when picture from each pile. Placing them on the
corresponding story component cards the children then link the ideas together to make
Materials a sentence e.g. One night the policeman went to the park. Discuss as a group whether
Story Component Cards the sentence makes sense and then encourage the children to generate an idea for what
Familiar Story Books happened next.
Sequence Stories
• Exercise 5.1 What happened next? (page 93): Read the list of scenarios one at a
Exercises 5.1-5.2 (p93)
time. Encourage the children to complete the sentence with what they think happened
Two Part Sequence
next. Some scenarios require more reasoning than others and the children may have to
Pictures (pp95-97)
be supported in their answers. Emphasise that there is no one right answer.
Exercise 5.3 (pp93-4)
What Might Happen Next • Exercise 5.2 Two Part Sequences (page 93): Use the list of scenarios (page 93),
Pictures (pp98-103) and the corresponding pictures (page 95-7). Cut out the pairs of pictures. Show the
Puppets (optional) children the first picture in the sequence and describe what is happening. E.g. The
Tape recorder (optional) baby is reaching for the cake mixture….What do you think is going to happen next?
Story Planner (p128) The children then take turns at generating different ideas for what they think is going
to happen next, before the adult shows the second card of the pair. Who gave the right
• Exercise 5.3 What Might Happen Next? (page 93-4): Use the list of scenarios
(page 93-94) and the corresponding pictures (pages 98-103). Cut the large and small
pictures on each sheet into individual cards.
Show the large card to the group, and discuss the scenario e.g.. Who can they see?
Where are they? What is happening?
Then ask the group to guess… “What happens next?” Show the small cards – one at a
time – to help the children predict what might happen. Can they think of anything else
that might happen next? Discuss the various options eg. Is that a good thing to do? Is
that a naughty thing to do? Etc.


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Carry Over Activities for What Happened
• What would happen if…..? Cut out the question cards (page 104) and turn them
face down in a pile on the floor. Each child takes a turn at picking a card and reading
the scenario. The children then discuss what they would do. This activity can be
extended, by encouraging the children to act out each scenario.
• What happened next story sheets (pages 105-9) Discuss the sequence of events
and encourage the children to generate ideas for what they think happened next. Use
the blank space to draw or write in their ideas.
Materials • Use story books or picture sequence stories to encourage the children to think about
Question Cards (p104) what might happen next. The children then take turns at retelling the story onto a tape
What happened next with the adult using a story planner (page 125) to record the number of story
story sheets (p105-9) components that the children include. Play the taped stories back to the children one
Story Planner (p125) by one highlighting any story components that were omitted.
Familiar story books • Discuss familiar stories using books or sequence stories and encourage the children
Prompt cards (p110) to generate alternative ideas for what happened e.g. What would have happened to
Goldilocks if the three bears didn’t come back?
• Guess what’s happening? The adult mimes a simple sequence (with or without
props) e.g. getting ready for bed, and the children have to try and guess what is
happening. Encourage the children to have a go at both miming and guessing.

• What happened next prompt cards (page 110 ). Cut up the cards and put in a pile
face down. The children use the who, where and when cards to generate their
characters and setting. They then pick a what happened prompt card from the pile to
help them get started on their own story.


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Exercise 5.1 What happened next?
1 The lady walked along the pavement, she stopped to cross the road, a car drove
through a big puddle and …
2 The boy’s tooth was really hurting him, so …
3 The children were arguing over the toy because they both wanted to play with it, so...
4 The girl put the plug in, turned on the kitchen taps and then heard the phone
ring. So she went to answer it and …
5 The boy kicked the ball so hard it shot past the goal, flew through the air
towards the window and …
6 John tried to lift the box, but it was too heavy for him, so …
7 One morning Emma’s mum walked into her bedroom and saw that Emma was
covered in spots, so….
8 Sam and Jim were going swimming. When they got into the changing rooms,
they realised they had forgotten their trunks, so….
9 Dad had just finished washing the floor when the dog ran into the kitchen and...
10 The children opened the curtains and saw that it had been snowing outside, so…

Exercise 5.2 Two Part Sequences

1 The baby is reaching for the cake mixture. What happens next?
2 The boy is going down the slide. What happens next?
3 Jessica starts running her bath and then goes to get a clean towel. What happens
4 Dad is bringing in the washing. What happens next?
5 A boy is playing football in the house. What happens next?
6 The woman has made a Christmas cake. She puts it on the table to cool. What
happens next?
7 The girl is watching her Dad clean the windows. What happens next?
8 The lady is walking along the street reading a newspaper. What happens next?
9 The boy is eating lots of sweets, cake and biscuits. What happens next?

Exercise 5.3 What Might Happen Next?

1. Vikram has been playing football in the street and has kicked his ball on to the road.
He chases after it. What happens next?
i. He gets knocked down by a car.
ii. He presses the button at the pelican crossing so he can get his ball back.
iii. He leaves his ball and goes home.
iv. He asks a lady if she will go across the road and get the ball for him.

2. Alisha and Jordan are washing up after tea. Alisha drops Mum’s favourite mug and
it breaks into pieces. What happens next?
i. Mum comes in and Alisha says that Jordan dropped the mug.
ii. Mum comes in and Alisha says, ‘sorry’.


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Exercise 5.3 cont. iii. Alisha sweeps up the pieces and throws them away, without telling Mum.
iv. Alisha runs to the shop to buy Mum a new mug.

3. Sita was shopping with her Mum, but now she’s lost. She can’t find her Mum.
What happens next?
i. She walks around the market to look for her Mum.
ii. Sita tells the man on the fruit-stall that she’s lost her Mum, and asks him to
help her.
iii. Sita runs out of the market crying, to try and find her way home.
iv. She stands still and shouts “Mum”, as loud as she can.

4. Simon and Gemma are walking through the park when they see a cat stuck up a
tree. It looks very frightened. What happens next?
i. Gemma climbs the tree to try to get the cat.
ii. Simon and Gemma run home and bring back some cat food. The cat
jumps down to get the food.
iii. Simon rings the fire brigade on his mobile phone. The fire fighters arrive
with their ladders to get the cat down.
iv. Simon and Gemma throw sticks and stones at the cat.

5. Daniel, Jamahl and Philip were playing football at playtime. Jamahl kicked the ball
too hard and it’s gone over the school wall and on to the road.
What happens next?
i. Jamahl climbs over the wall to get the ball.
ii. Daniel tells the teacher what has happened and asks her to get it back.
iii. The boys leave the ball and play skipping instead.
iv. Jamahl get his drink bottle out of his lunch box, and the boys kick this
around, instead of the ball.

6. Benjamin and Becky were skateboarding in the park. Becky falls off and bangs
her head and hurts her leg. What happens next?
i. Benjamin runs away and leaves Becky on her own.
ii. He picks up Becky and tries to carry her home.
iii. Benjamin rings for an ambulance on his mobile phone.
iv. Benjamin shouts “HELP” as loud as he can.


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What would happen if ....? Question Cards.

What would happen if.... What would happen if....

you looked out of your window a tiger escaped from the zoo
at night and saw a space ship and it was in your garden?
in the sky?

What would happen if.... What would happen if....

you found out you had won a you went for a meal and
million pounds? found a caterpillar in your

What would happen if.... What would happen if ...

you heard a loud noise in the you saw a person smash a
middle of the night? car window and steal a

What would happen if.... What would happen if....

you went shopping with your you went to the park to play
friend but when you got to with your friends and saw a
the till you found you had no little boy who was lost?

What would happen if .... What would happen if....

you did not go to school? you won a lifetime supply of

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A Walk in the Woods

One sunny day some children went It started to get dark They heard a noise...
for a walk in the woods

What happened next?

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The Friendly Ghost

Once upon a time a friendly ghost He was sad and lonely One day, a family moved into the
lived in an old house house...

What happened next?

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The Burglar

The shopkeeper called the

One Saturday a burglar stole police and told them what had The police chased the burglar,
some money from a shop happened in the police car...

What happened next?

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In the Park

Mum shouted, “Wait!” But Ashia

One afternoon Ashia and her Ashia wanted to go on the big ran and started to climb...
mum went to the park slide

What happened next?

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Sally and the Spider

One night Sally was asleep in her Suddenly, she felt something She woke up and saw a big
bed. tickle her face. spider, sitting on her pillow...

What happened next?

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What Happened Next Prompt Cards

saw a dinosaur drank a magic potion

crossing the road... and turned into a frog...

met a mermaid fell down a large

who was lost... hole in the road...

saw a big, hairy saw an alien

spider dangling from landing in a field...
the ceiling...

found a caterpillar ate some magic sweets

who could talk... and started to shrink...

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Week 6, The End
Sample Session Plan
• Recap story components and introduce the end using familiar story books. Discuss
the established ending and why the story ended this way e.g. Why do you think
Goldilocks ran away?

• Exercise 6.1 Alternative Endings (page 113): Using the story boards (pages 114-117),
discuss these well known stories one at a time, using the pictures as prompts. Encourage
the children to retell the story including all the story components.
Then ask the children to think about an alternative ending for the story, see alternative
ending pictures for options (pages 118-9). Present each of the end pictures for
discussion. Encourage the children to explain their choice of ending.

Materials • Exercise 6.2 Guess the Ending (page 113):Use the sequences (p113) and the sequence
Familiar Story Book stories (pages 120-25), encourage the children to talk about who is in the story, where
Exercise 6.1 (p113) they are, when the story is happening and what is happening. Then encourage the
Story Boards (pp114-7) children to generate their own ideas for how the story might end.
Alternative Endings
(pp118-9) N.B. The use of questioning by the adult at this stage is essential for enabling the
Exercise 6.2 (p113) children to move from producing almost unconnected sentences to formulating a
Sequence Stories series of causally connected and logically sequenced ideas.
(pp120-5) Why?
How do you know?
How do they feel?
What would you have done?
These are useful questions which help to scaffold the child’s responses and
encourage them to link their ideas together.


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Carry Over Activities for The End
• Simple generating game: Using the coloured footprints (pages 136-40) to reinforce
the story components and a selection of who, where and when pictures, encourage the
children to try making up their own stories. This way the children have support for
their choice of character and setting but have to generate their own ideas for what
happened and the end
• Musical footprints: Using the coloured footprints ( pages 136-40) and ensuring that
the number of footprints matches the number of children in the group, place the
footprints on the floor in a circle. Make sure that the footprints are ordered so that the
Materials story follows the given framework i.e. who, where, when, what happened and the
end. Depending on the number of children in the group you may have room for
Footprints (pp136-40) several whos and the opportunity to connect two or more ideas for what happened.
Familiar Story Books The children move around the room whilst the music plays. When the music stops,
Sequence Stories (pp120-5) each child stands on a footprint. The children then work together to generate a story
suggesting relevant ideas that correspond with their colour footprint. You may want to
provide more visual support in the way of pictures depending on the ability of the
• Discuss different types of ending, e.g. happy, sad, funny. Encourage the children to
categorise familiar stories according to the types of ending they have.
• Developing prediction skills: Using sequence cards, simple stories or the children’s
reading book, discuss who, where, when and what is happening in the story but stop
before the end. Encourage the children to predict how the story might end based on the
information they already have about what has happened so far. Compare what they
thought with the actual outcome. Where possible use the children’s own experiences
e.g. When you got lost, what did you do?


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Exercise 6.1 Alternative Endings
Cinderella, alternative endings:
• Cinderella tells the Prince she does not want to marry him because she
is going to University.
• When one of the Ugly Sisters tried on the slipper it fitted. So the Prince
married her instead of Cinderella.
• The Prince dropped the slipper and it broke into pieces.
Three Little Pigs, alternative endings:
•The wolf blew down the door of the house made of bricks and ate the
three little pigs.
• The three little pigs Mummy came running from the house and chased
away the big bad wolf.
• The pigs invited the wolf to share their dinner and they all became
Goldilocks and the Three Bears, alternative endings:
• The bears caught Goldilocks and would not let her go.
• The bears made Goldilocks repair baby bear’s chair, make more
porridge and tidy the beds.
• Goldilocks took the bears back to her home.
Little Red Riding Hood, alternative endings:
• Little Red Riding Hood hit the wolf with her basket.
• The wolf ate Little Red Riding Hood.
•The woodcutter brought back the wolf who said he was sorry. They all
made friends and shared the food Red Riding Hood had brought.

Execise 6.2 Guess the Ending Sequences

1a. Sarah is in the garden. She is bored. She has no-one to play with.
1b. She hears a noise coming from the shed.
1c. She opens the shed door. Inside is a monster!

2a. It’s Ellie May’s birthday.

2b. Grandma arrives with a present for Ellie May. What a big box!
2c. When Grandma puts the box on the floor, it begins to move. Ellie can hear
noises coming from the box.

3a. Mohammed is taking his dog, Laddie, for a walk.

3b. Laddie sees a cat sitting on the wall.
3c. Laddie jumps over the wall to get the cat.

4a. Two aliens have landed in their space craft on the playing field next to
Christopher and Ben’s house.
4b. Chris and Ben go and have a look.
4c. They decide to go into the space craft.

5a. Wendy the Witch is making a magic spell.

5b. She gives some of the magic potion to her cat, Tiddles.
5c. Tiddles grows very, very big!

6a. Brian has been given a ticket to visit the zoo.

6b. He goes to see the elephants. He shouts at them, and tries to give them a
banana, even though the sign says, “Do NOT feed the animals”.
6c. A big elephant grabs Brian and picks him up!

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It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
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WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 115
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Alt. Endings





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Alt. Endings

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WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 120
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WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 121
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
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WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 122
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
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WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 123
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
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WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 124
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
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WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative, © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 125
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346; email: ; web:

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Extension Activities:
Implementing the Narrative Approach throughout the Curriculum
Once the children understand how to use the narrative framework, they will need lots
of opportunities to be able to practice using it to build upon the skills they have
acquired in the small group sessions.
The carry over activities can be used as the basis for further small group work
enabling the children to have additional practice at using the framework to retell and
generate stories of their own. This was the case in the pilot study, where the children
had two additional sessions focusing on retelling and generating stories.
Equally, the more the framework is reinforced within the curriculum, the more
competent the children will become at using it, not just for telling stories but as a
framework within which to organise information, regardless of the content.
Below are some ideas of how the framework can be reinforced in different curriculum
Literacy Hour • Use colour cards and sign to aid recall of classroom texts e.g. in plenary session.
• Develop children’s questioning skills by encouraging the children to use the question
cards to question each other about familiar stories. This can be done in teams or using
a “hot seat” idea where individual children take turns at answering questions.
• Bookmarks (p129) showing the story components can be used as a reminder for
children when writing stories. They can also act as a checklist to enable children to
check that they have included all the relevant elements.
• Have who, where and when display boards in the classroom and add new characters
and settings from each new classroom text.
• Build up a collection of whos and wheres and whens from familiar texts and
encourage the children to sort them into their separate groups.
• Generate stories as a whole class activity. Stick the story cards to the board and the
children generate ideas for who, where and when. Discuss several different scenarios
and outcomes for what happened and the end and the children then choose the story
they like best and transfer the stories to their books.
• Use props and role play to bring the children’s stories to life.
• Make a library of the children’s books and encourage them to read each other’s
P.E. • Incorporate the story cards into P.E. e.g. run to who, hop to where.
• Ask who, where questions relating to the children’s movements e.g. Who is standing
on one leg? Where are you going to run to next? Who can jump the highest?
• Link movements to the classroom text e.g. adapt “Going on a Bear Hunt” (Michael
Rosen, Helen Oxenbury, Walker Books), by making an obstacle course for the children
to go over, under and through. Reinforce where by asking questions e.g. Where are
you going next?
History • Highlight the when component through the use of time lines in the classroom.
Attach the relevant whos e.g. kings and queens relating to the current topic.
• Use the story planner or narrative framework to recap on information covered in
previous lessons and to focus the child on the key information relevant to the topic
e.g. The Romans: Who were they? Where did they live? When did they rule? What
did they accomplish?

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Geography • Emphasise whos and wheres relating to different topics:
Animals and habitats: Who lives here?
Local Community: Where would you go to post a letter?
Numeracy • Use the narrative framework in numeracy to facilitate the children’s ability to
identify key information for problem solving. This supports the understanding of the
task as well as giving the children the means to describe the process by which they
reached their answer. e.g. Who had the sweets. How many did he have? Who did he
share them with? In the end, how many did he have left?


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Story Planner




The End

WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 128
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
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Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

Story Component Bookmarks
When When When

Who Who Who

Where Where Where

What happened What happened What happened

The End The End The End

When When When

Who Who Who

Where Where Where

What happened What happened What happened

The End The End The End

When When When

Who Who Who

Where Where Where

What happened What happened What happened

The End The End The End

WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 129
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
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Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

Story Components

Who = Orange

Where = Red

When = Green

Happened = Yellow

The End = Blue

WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 130
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
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© BSP 2003

Who ?

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© BSP 2003

Where ?

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© BSP 2003

When ?

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003

What happened ?

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003

End ?

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003


Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003


Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003


Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003


Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003


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is now a good

Story Teller

© BSP 2003
Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

is now a good

Story Teller

© BSP 2003
Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre
When When When

Who Who Who

Where Where Where

What happened What happened What happened

The End The End The End

When When When

Who Who Who

Where Where Where

What happened What happened What happened

The End The End The End

When When When

Who Who Who

Where Where Where

What happened What happened What happened

The End The End The End

WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 143
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

Story Components

Who = Orange

Where = Red

When = Green

What Yellow
Happened =

The End = Blue

WIG1, 2nd Edition, Speaking & Listening Through Narrative © Black Sheep Press with Stockport NHS Trust & Stockport PCT, 2003. 143
It is permitted for the licensee to photocopy this sheet for use in their clinic/school.
Black Sheep Press, 67, Middleton, Cowling, Keighley, W. Yorks, BD22 0DQ, England. Tel.+44(0)1535 631346 ; email: ; web:

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© BSP 2003

Who ?

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© BSP 2003

Where ?

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003

When ?

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003

What happened ?

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003

The End

Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003


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© BSP 2003


Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003


Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

© BSP 2003


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© BSP 2003


Licenced to St John's Therapy Centre

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