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Office No.105, Hassanicor Building, Al Barsha First, Dubai.
Tel: +971-43955011 Fax: +97143955150 Email:


Date of Apply:
Rank: ____ A
Due Date:
*Email Address: *Contact Number:
*Home Address:
*Postal Code: *City:
* Fields marked with * asterisk are mandatory and are required to be filled by Distributor (applicant).

This consignment contract is executed between Enagic Kangen Water Equipment L.L.C and the Enagic Distributors.
Enagic Kangen Water Equipment L.L.C has consigned ____________ ( )unit(s) of:

□ SD501 □ SD501-PT □ K8 □ JRII □ Anespa DX □ Super 501

Serial No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

□ SD501 □ SD501-PT □ K8 □ JRII □ Anespa DX □ Super 501

Serial No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

□ SD501 □ SD501-PT □ K8 □ JRII □ Anespa DX □ Super 501

Serial No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Enagic will require Distributor to settle the product within the stipulated time by one of the method below:
I. Submit the registration and make the payment for the consignment machine(s).
II. Return the consignment machine(s) to Enagic Kangen Water Equipment L.L.C.
a) machine(s) must be kept in a brand new condition
b) the Protective Seal has not been broken
Note: Machine with torn Protective Seal is considered used and sold.

Terms & Conditions:

 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A Distributors could take consignment with Deposit of AED 5,500 + Balance payment in
post-dated cheque for SD501, SD501-PT or K8; Deposit of AED 7,500 + Balance payment in post-dated
cheque for Super 501; AED 3,000 + Balance payment in post-dated cheque for JRII or Anespa DX for 2
weeks. Only 1 machine is allowed at one time. However, this is subject to the approval by the
management/company. The consignment unit must be sold off within 2 weeks.
 5A Distributors could take only 1 consignment unit for 2 weeks. For Distributors going to achieve 6A
(minimum of 80 group sales) within a month, maximum of 3 units may be allowed. However, this is subject
to the approval by the management/company.
 6A & above Distributors could take 3 consignment units for 1 month. The maximum units that Enagic may
accept at a stipulated time are 3 units. However, this is subject to the approval by the
 Enagic Kangen Water Equipment L.L.C strictly prohibits customers to take consignment on behalf of other
distributor’s/ applicant’s name on the form. For Distributors who would like to assign third party to collect
the consignment on behalf, he/she must fill up the consignment machine pick up authorization or submit
an authorization letter either by hand/email.
 Should the consigned machine (s) is/are overdue for more than 3 weeks, Enagic Kangen Water Equipment
L.L.C reserves the rights, at any time to hold my annuity; 6A rewards, 8 points sales annuity and
consignment request will be rejected for 3 months. (Note* Deposit of AED 5,500 + Balance payment in
post-dated cheque for SD501, SD501-PT or K8; Deposit of AED 7,500 + Balance payment in post-dated
cheque for Super 501; AED 3,000 + Balance payment in post-dated cheque for JRII, or Anespa DX will be
incurred for each machine taken once the Distributors have been blacklisted)
 Should the Protective Seal has been torn, you are required to make full payment as below:

a) SD501 | AED 15,698

b) SD501-PT | AED 17,273
c) K8 | AED 20,213
d) JRII | AED 8,873
e) Anespa DX | AED 12,390
f) Super 501 | AED 22,575

Enagic reserves the right to transfer these machines to other distributor at any time.
All intellectual property right and all licensable right Enagic Kangen Water Equipment L.L.C, In case of any
dispute, the decision of Enagic Kangen Water Equipment L.L.C should remain final.

I ____________________________________________ (Name of Applicant) bearing the Distributor ID# of

_______________________ hereby acknowledge and agreed to the terms and conditions stated as above.

Applicant’s Signature : Checked and Approved by: (For Stock Department Use)
Company Chop: Handover by:

Date : Date : Date :

Consignment Machine Pick-Up Authorization

I, (Name of Distributor) _________________________________________Distributor ID#_____________ &

ID/Passport No. _______________ authorize (Name of Pick-up) _____________________________________
ID/Passport No __________________________to pick-up my (Machine Model)_____________ from the Enagic
Kangen Water Equipment L.L.C on _______________ (DD/MM/YY).

I understand that I am fully responsible for my consignment machine(s) from the time it leaves the office. Enagic
Kangen Water Equipment L.L.C will not be held responsible for any damage that is incurred upon the product(s) while
in transit. I also understand that the consignment policy takes effect from the time said machine(s) leaves the office,
and not the date it is received by me.

Distributor (applicant) Signature: Date:

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