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Even if it has been over two years since news of the pandemic has reached the general public

and the general masses, there are still so many ignorant people who ignore the words of
healthcare professionals telling everyone to get vaccinated. As I'm sure we all know, there are
benefits to taking the COVID vaccines. Even then, there are still so many people, even parents,
who refuse to let them or their kids get vaccinated for fear of medical complications and
ignorance for healthcare advice.

Many younger people nowadays get their info from the internet, and there are many articles
dedicated to explaining the different COVID vaccines and stating their differences and benefits.
As such, many youths of nowadays know that COVID vaccines are in fact helpful and beneficial
to our health and not detrimental. A lot of said youths may even struggle to tell their parents and
other family members that the vaccines are helpful. As I've mentioned earlier, there are many
articles on the internet explaining all of the different vaccines. Not only that, but certain
government websites and pages even give people advice on how to get vaccinated, where vax
sites are, and what the procedure is like. I understand parent and older people may feel
skeptical about such articles, but when it comes to these vaccines, it has been scientifically
proven that these in fact do no harm to the body and are only there to serve their purpose,
protecting people from the virus.

Many parents may think that they need to pay for the vaccines or that the process is timely and
they can't fit it into their schedule. But upon doing a few searches on the topic, our COVID
vaccines here in the Philippines are completely free and are available for everyone to receive as
long as there are vaccines available for certain groups of people (such as senior citizens and
minors). The vaccination process is also very simple and comprises of three steps: signing a
form, health screening and talking with a doctor, and then the actual vaccination with some
monitoring if someone happens to have a medical condition or experiences abnormal

Most importantly, as a government and as a society we need to constantly remind uneducated

people about the benefits of things such as this. COVID-19 vaccines are an important step in
curbing the effect of the pandemic all over the world, and we should do our very best to make
sure that as many people as we can understand the true effect of these vaccines. Many parents
should be vaccinating their kids or doing their best to make sure that their kid is protected from
the virus. When your child gets COVID-19, there's no turning back from it. One of the best cures
is prevention. It is our important duty as parents to make sure that our children are as protected
as they can be from this global pandemic, and it all starts with following proper health protocols
and getting your children vaccinated.

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