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a) Agrarian and Manorial economy

-80% of population→ Agriculture but no chance for selling or buying goods in hands of
nobility and the church.

-Manorialism replaced feudalism: Landlord recieved taxes from peasants and could issuo
orders and execute them if payments were not done.

-Traditional agriculture: low productivity, few technical innovations. Main practice→

Subsistence farming. Trade limited by transport

-Bourgeoisie developed artisan and manufacturing activities simulated by the overseas trade

b) Society based on privileges

-3 states → Clergy Only ones with

→ Nobility privileges
→ Ordinary people

c) Monarchy by divine right

Issued laws
King Appointed judges & ministers With no share of authority
Commanded the army
Birected foreing policy

· Power→ from God→ Absolute power

· Limitations→ Divine law & fundamental laws of the kingdom


a) Population growth

-Population doubled between 1650-1800→ 200 million

WHY? 1. Slow improvement on agriculture
2. Fewer great wars
3. Fewer epidemics

b) Development of agriculture and manufacturing

Land cleared for cultivation, crops arrived from overseas, new techniques were held &
mechanization appeared.
·Manufacturing models: Domestic system→ Traders provided peasants with raw materials
to make products in their own home
Factories→ workers made specific products in the same place
c) Capital increase and prospering bourgeoisie

Demand grew, new overseas started arriving so prices increased causing impoverishing on
the nobility which took benefit from the land and not from selling goods.
New ways of production made the bourgeoisie wealthier and trade and industry start gaining
importance in the overall economy

-Colonial trade grow since XVI→ expanded considerably while XVIII
Dutch, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese fleets exchanged manufactured goods for
raw materials from the colonies

-T.T: Slaves were taken from Africa to America, sold and forced to work in ↓ conditions for
the colonizers, creole in brazil and Caribbean and North American colonies.

-It has enormous financial benefits and led to the proliferation of bankers, merchants and
commercial companies.

North America→ raw materials (wood, tobacco) →Europe

Europe→ Manufactured goods (textiles) → North America
Africa→ spices, good, gold →Europe
Europe→ Iron, textiles, weapon, alcohol →Africa
Africa→ Slaves, spices, gold→ South America
South America→ Textiles, alcohol, tools → Africa
Caribbean→ Slaves, spices → North America
North America→ raw materials, food → Caribbean

Slaves from Africa were mostly in South America and then they went to Europe. Most of
them were from Angola (37%)


b) The founding of the USA: The American Revolution

-13 colonies: since 17.century europeans started settling on the east coast of North America,
Mainly from England

-Pilgrims distributed in 13 colonies by the British monarchy and had to pay taxes to it

-A governor had the military power but colonists ruled themselves through the colonial
-G.B and France fought for the surrounding territories in the 7 years war (1756-1763) and
after Britain created a permanent army in America.
-The army was to be funded by the colonists but they rebelled. It occurred during 1773
because colonists did not agree with the conditions that the British had set for the tea trade.
Rebellion was stopped by George III´s army.

-1776→ Delegates from the colonies met in Philadelphia and declared their independence
from G.B. Colonies became known as states and a new country called the USA.

-American war of Independence began, where France and Spain Helped the colonists
against Britain. After losing the Peace of Paris was signed in 1783 and B.B recognized the
new country's independence.

-The united states constitution: Political liberal principles were incorporated into a
country’s fundamental law, it ensured→ Separation of powers, established a
government headed by an elected president and a federal system of government.
A Bill of Rights completed the text, ensuring religious freedom

Elected president→ Voters: Affluent white landowners

Non voters: Women, non-landowners, indigenous and Africans

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