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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Iron infrastructure Ltd. (I. I Ltd.)
Site location* West Bengal, India
Number of workers 125
I .I Ltd. is a medium size constructing company which specialised for making the building having
offices, workshop and paint spray booth. The specialised activity which are undertaken include
the rigging and lifting activities, transfer of material, tools and equipment activities, welding,
grinding, fitting, cutting painting and work at height.
The 125 employees work on different project and in 3 different shift with schedule on as 0800 to
General description of the organisation 1600 and 1600 to 0000 and 0000 to 0800 and the weekend shift is 0900 to 1500.
The equipment tool which is often used here are crane, graders, excavators, hand operated tool,
pipe cutter, lifter and many chemical substances like acetenyl as cleaner, developer, paint,
Asphalt, etc

The risk assessment will cover the actual manufacturing site activities which include the erection
Description of the area to be included in the
of concrete structures, pipeline construction, earthwork and roads, lifting, NDT, hot and cold work,
risk assessment
electrical activities, mechanical activities and many which are being performed.
The company is following ISO 9001:2015. And Managing director is direct responsible for health
Any other relevant information and safety

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* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was carried After doing some research, I found that ISO 45001:2018 is a management system which provides
out this should include: the controls to prevent the risk of a business. The website of British HSE's provide a lot of
 sources of information consulted; resources for eliminating risk associated with construction specially HSG150 was a good source
 who you spoke to; and of information.
 how you identified: By conducting a field inspection and consultation with labours, helpers and supervisor, they
- the hazards; provide some information which was unidentified like some labours doesn't have knowledge that
- what is already being done; and damage gloves and mask can be exchange. I also have taken into account of the company
- any additional controls/actions that previous financial statists, accident report and other relevant information to find out the
may be required. reoccurrence theme.
During the assessment, I also have taken into account of some HSE's approved code of practice
or guidance document in particular when demonstrating the control measure for electricity in the
workplace, I referred to "Electric safety and you, a brief guide: INDG 251"

Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name:
Date of assessment:
Scope of risk assessment:

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Category - construction workers and
Noise and machine operator who  Currently suitable earplug  Purchase of equipment and new 1 month Managing
vibration use these tools which is available and employee tools that are silent or has a low Director
release a loud sound and are encouraging to use noise level
Hazard - them on project site  Ensure that there is frequent 1 Day Site Manager
vibration on daily basis
• The blaring and  Hearing protection zone break between work Administrative
could be harmed and 3 Days
high pitch established.  Create a rotational time table to Staff
vibration from
machine operator who  Everybody entering the allow for break and reduce the
equipment like zone are being ensured exposure
grinders, drills operates big machinery Ongoing Site Manager
that they are wearing  High quality of hand gloves
and jackhammer, like graders and hearing protection. should be provided Managing Director
etc at a excavators possibly get  All relevant workers have  Eliminate risks and or provide for
continuous pace injured. been trained in the correct substitution of materials and 3 Months
from workshop Visitor or any other person use of gloves and ear resources
activities. nearby who can hear the plug.
sound can be disturbed and
have a sudden change of
Category - construction workers,
Work at height scaffolding foremen and  Helmets and head  create emergency evacuation
other employees and and fall protection plan. 2 Days Management
gear are worn by site HR and
Hazard - anyone on a building site workers other who are  Maintain good housekeeping at
all the time plus medical attention Immediate Administrative
• The including client and on height to be contacted immediately. Staff
inappropriate people passing by could
 Sites are regularly  The process of evaluation of the
construction of possibly get injured by Prior to entering
inspected to ensure employees physical and
scaffolding falling from a height if the building site Management
safety psychological fitness is
and of temporary pathways and Site Manager
necessary to work at elevated
temporary scaffold not safely position.
walkways and secured  Full body harness and
performs. hundred percent tied
• Unprotected off when working at
stairways. height

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
• Slabs are not  Practice 3-point  Allowing competent and skilled 3 Days
properly contact at worker who have previous
secured or experience in working at height
adequately at ladder/stairways
guarded or
Category -
Electricity Employees working with  Semi-skilled worker is  HV switchgear, power
electrical tools, performing the task transformation insulation 1 Week Foreman
Hazard - electrician and anyone  Sudden fire caused by resistance should be completed.
• Electrical else who comes in electrical failure or  Make fire extinguisher easily 2 Days Management
surges contact with electricity electrocution should be accessible. Site Manager
reported and address  Emergency stop push button
• socks are in danger of being 1 Months
immediately shall be in place and functional.
•Sort circuit affected Labourers
 Electrical areas are  Ensure regular break are taken
• Flash visitor or any other cordoned off and properly 1 month Managing
under severe heat conditions.
explosion person can trip on cords marked Director
 Ensuring equipment are correctly
•Electrocution or get shocked.  Risks are not being switched off when cleaning is Prior to entering
avoided or eliminated done the building site
 Rubber mats are being  General public and visitors are to Management
available be made aware that the enter 3 Days Foreman
 Fire extinguisher are kept building site at their own risk
in places  Radios to be used while testing Immediately Site Manager
 Insulated hand tools are the cables
used Immediately
 Appropriate warning sign to be

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Category - Construction workers,
Slips and trips electrician, foremen, and  Hardware control are  Light should be provided for dull Site Manager
other employees and weather condition Immediate
kept in designated
Hazard – anyone on a building site area  Running cords and tape measure
along with marking string and Immediate Operators
• Obstruction including clients and  Scaffolding is carefully
on pathways people passing by could pegs should be clearly visible at
constructed and all time to avoid employees falling
• Dim lighting possibly get injured by
temporary walking and ensure warning sign are
• Uneven slipping, falling, and Construction
pathways are secured. visible
temporary tripping from any 1 week prior to workers
 Slip resistant footwear  Walkways need to be clear of
walkways obstruction caused on a obstruction start of object
• Slippery building site are used
surface, etc  Designated gangway  Employee should address and Construction
 Good housekeeping bring to the attention of the Immediate workers
employer associated risk
identified on site.

Category - Work Builder and other

equipment and construction worker who  Builder are instructing  To create an inventory for all Administrative
machinery use hand tools could be 2 weeks staff
labours who are not tools and equipment.
injured due to incorrect trained.  Create a regular maintenance
Hazard -
usage or equipment  A safe system for is plan to check, fix and maintain 3 weeks Maintenance
• Unmaintained
mechanical failure. being provided any equipment or tool which manager
equipment and  PPE are being used may be in a defective
tools (E.g.- visitor or any other safely condition. 1 week Human
Spades, picks, person within the vicinity  Safety guard on parts of  Employ an onsite mechanics Resources
cement, mixer could get injured if equipment are being to assist when there are any
graders, wheel unsafe faulty equipment emergencies. 1 week Maintenance
borrows) is lying around. manager
• Falling  Warning sign are  ensure all hazards are
Worker doing the available near the controlled or being eliminated.
components maintenance work equipment
possibly can get injured if

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
equipment gets wrong  Provide for ongoing training to 1 month Management
during maintenance uplift and make operator more
skilled and efficient.

Category - Workers who load and off

Manual load bricks, blocks, cement  Providing supervision  Invest in mechanical 2 months Managing
handling bags and other heavy director
and training assistance example, forklift
building materials can get
Hazard – hurt or injured if they  providing proper PPE and cranes.
constantly pick and lift for carrying loads  Use carts, dollies and hoists to Ongoing Workers
• Frequent lifting heavy materials these  Changing task around move around heavy object.
of heavy object include awkward lifting, to give a muscle break  Ensure that the distance
for transporting grips and posture, and  ensuring that there is no travelled with carrying the load 1 month Site manager
(for example repetitive movements obstruction are being reduced.
transporting of  making sure the loads
bricks, blocks is stable
lentils and other
concrete) by
Category -
Hazardous Worker and painters  Eliminating the cement  Invest in concrete mixers so that
substance dealing with the preparation from spreading in air by cement can be fed directly into Immediate Management
of walls and other surfaces closing area with the mixing container instead of flying
Hazard - can be harmed if they blanket into air
• Continuous inhale material like cement,  Worker who interacts with  Provide proper training on how to Management
inhalation of paint, tar road, turpentine, cement uses mask handle Asphalt, bitumen and tar. 3 weeks
dust cement etc and resulting in chest  Cleaning the work area by  Purchase eco-friendly paint
infection, prolonged coughs vacuum cleaner cement and other material 3 months Management
and other
and chest infection etc
product like  painter is using paint and  Ensure engineer and hardware
other painting materials control are in place, substitutions 2 months
developers with proper PPE (personal are considered and room for Site manager
protective equipment) elimination
Asphalt, tar

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
roads, and  Paint brushes and trays
turpentine are cleaned correctly
 Wastage of paint in
atmosphere is being
controlled by providing
supervision to painter

Category - Builders and other

Ergonomics construction workers on a  PPE are used to help  Provide awareness on health
building site performing 3 months Management
prevent injury issue relating to bad posture
Hazard - their duties if they have the
• Forward or bad posture example  Risk and not being  Invest in correct tools and
1 months Management
backward kneeling, forward or avoided or eliminated equipment Foreman/ site
bending for backward bending, twisting,  Job rotation are in place  Initiate planning so that task 2 weeks supervisor
performing task and squatting frequently to  Allowing adequate can be completed smarter and
like digging a perform work which will recovery time not harder Managing director
trench or result in musculoskeletal  Providing training to  There should be a 2 weeks
erecting walls disorder improve work presentation policy in place to
techniques reduce time limit exposure

Category - All employees, site workers  Providing clear  Delegate work equally 2 weeks Site Manager
Mental health and manager who are instruction so that there  identify areas which causes 2 weeks Site
unable to cope with heavy will be no group task stress and provide for manager/foreman
Hazard - workload and tight
conflict occurs counselling for workers and
• work related deadline.
stress  Encouraging social promote a mentally health
• conflict among activities workplace environment/culture
workers  Risk are not being  Ensure PPE are used and 2 weeks Management
• work pressure avoided there is a safe system of work
• work deadline  Encouraging workplace in place, engineering and
• depression and wellness and also hardware control are in place,
exhaustion providing exercise time.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
substitutions are considered
and room for elimination 2 weeks
 Ensure better quality of food is Management
being provided to worker Site Manager
 ensure that there is time being
1 week
available for worker to be
recharged for another task.

Category - All workers on a building  Air conditioners are  Employees are advised to Immediate All individuals
Health welfare site and those with flu available maintain personal hygiene at all within the
and work viruses who interact with  Proper ventilation having time. workplace
environment each other provided  On site employees can use Employees
And other people within the  The office floor and protective wear including masks, 1 week
Hazard - workplace surfaces are kept cleaned gloves and goggles to protect
• Bacteria  Disposable mask is themselves from fungi, bacteria All individuals
growing and provided for and virus. within the
spreading at  Risk are not being avoided workplace
building sites or eliminated  Encourage hand sanitization. 1 week Managing Director
• unhygienic staff
and interaction  Implement programmes and
amongst them awareness on health and safety 1 month
at the workplace.

Category - Site workers who are

Ergonomics unable to cope with work  Consulting and discussing  Provide sufficient training to
Hazard - pressure and deadlines. with the workers the ensure that work is carried out 1 month Managing
• construction Site worker who do not hazard of body stressing correctly and efficiently Director
workers using understand how to use new systems.
unmaintained equipment and tools will use  Ensure workers get  Modify work practices 3 weeks Foreman/Site
tools causing them incorrectly thus causing medical attention directly manager
them to use involuntary body movement of an accident.  Provide any specialised
more force and which can cause strain and  Supervision are being equipment to assist the worker 3 weeks
pressure in tension provided to check the Management

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
completing their body movement while and reduce the risk of such
work performing the task. hazard.
• The continuous
movement cause
hurt and long-
term injury
Category - Fire Builders and all the
construction workers and  Combustible material is  Faulty electrical wire and
Hazard - the visitor passing by fire being kept in safe places machine needed to be replaced 2 weeks Site manager
• hot work, will lead them to either  Smoking is prohibited at  Fire sprinkles needed to be
• temporary burn, suffocation and in the site installed 1 month Managing
heaters extreme case it will be  Keeping the site clean  Purchase of fire-retardant Director
• Arson death. from discarded trash scaffold and temporary covering 2 weeks
• flammable and Site Manager
 Fire extinguisher are in  An alternative means of escapes
combustible places and worker are is to be provided 1 week
materials trained for operating them Management
• temporary
electrical and
lighting, etc at
work site.

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Constructing company is one of the most dangerous industries. In our L&S construction we try to eliminate
Moral, general legal and financial every risk and hazard, and aim to improve our safety standard to ensure that our employee is not under any
arguments threat. We ensure quality and safety in all of our project. Our company has adopted ISO 45001:2018 policy.
 Moral Reason
 It is the moral duty of society or organisation to take care of each other
its moral duty of I.I LTD. to take care of their employee and provide safe workplace and
equipment, no workers should be harm and suffer from work related illness due to
unsafe workplace and equipment provided by the organisation.
 It is the right of all workers that as they have come to work safely in the company,
they should return to their home also safely. one injury to worker will not affect only
that worker but also to his family, dependent, friends, and other, so to prevent this
there should be management of health and safety.
 Due to unsafe equipment and workplace accidents can occur which results lowering
moral of workmen, if workers’ moral will down the work efficiency will also reduce
 Legal Reason
 Company should follow all legal argument as per ILO C155 - Occupational Safety and
Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155), article 16.
 the organisation can face the civil claim for the compensation if employee are able to
sue in the court for injury
 the organisation could be fined or imprisonment for breaching the legal requirement
 The enforcement inspector could enforce notice if he found any problem relating to

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 Enforcement agency may serve Improvement notice or Prohibition notice,
withdrawing approvals (Licence cancelation), can impose
Fines/Penalties/Punishment from the enforcement agency, Prosecution on criminal
court, Legal actions against the employee or employer (Banned from the business)

 Financial reason

 Due to safe workplace and by implementing H&S in organisation,
 Health and safety management will eliminate the risk of being injured, which result
into lowering the sick pays and loss.
 Healthy staff will increase productivity, reaching goals, reduce absenteeism

 This will reduce the risk of worker being injured which will result into lowering the
civil claim, lower insurance premium

Justification for action 1

Purchasing of a forklift which will assist in the movement and transportation of heavy material
Action (Taken from column 4 of risk
(hazard category - load handling equipment)

The International labour organisation(ILO) sets out a recommendation R164 on occupational safety
Specific legal arguments
and health, and convention C155 of which article 16 of part 4 states that
'company must provide where necessary, adequate protective clothing and protective
equipment to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable risk of accident or of adverse effect
on health.
The likelihood of injuries from handling the heavy material if a forklift is not purchased is very high
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
on a likelihood scale it will be 4 which is likely.
 types of injury or ill health The severity of injury sustained by worker if a forklift is not purchased is relatively high as well on a
 number of workers at risk severity scale it will be 4 : disabling injury.

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 how often the activity is carried The continuous movement by lifting heavy building material, improper movement and bad posture
out can cause small injuries from back ache, muscle pain, cuts and bruises to severe musculoskeletal
 how widespread the risk is disorder and tendonitis.
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
if a fork lift is purchased it will eliminate the risk of builder and other labours on the site who work
 the intended impact of the action;
with heavy material from falling or getting injured.
 justification for the timescale that
you indicated in your risk I have given a time scale of two month for the purchase to be completed as we need to search for
assessment; and supplier and set out for delivery date.
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk The action will fully control the risk as the forklift will reduce the excessive physical fatigue

Justification for action 2

Creating a maintenance plan for all equipment and tools (Hazard category - work equipment and
Action (Taken from column 4 of risk

A business has an absolute duty of care and responsibility in creating a maintenance plan. the ILO
Specific legal arguments
sets out a recommendation which is R164 that supplement C55. Article 16 of part 4 states that
'The employees shall be required to ensure that so far as is reasonably practicable, the
workplaces, machinery, equipment and process under their control are safe and without risk to

If a maintenance plan is not implemented, then the probability of likelihood of injury will be relatively
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
high on a likelihood scale it will be 5 : certain.
 types of injury or ill health The severity of injury sustained by worker if maintenance plan is not implemented is extremely high
 number of workers at risk on a severity scale it will be 4 or 5 : disabling injury or fatal. Without maintenance plan of equipment
 how often the activity is carried the condition of same will deteriorate causing a risk on health and safety of employees. The
out continuous incorrect use of unmaintained equipment can cause small injuries and in severe cases
 how widespread the risk is death.
How effective the action is likely to be in The continuous creation and implementation of maintenance plan of all equipment and tools will
controlling the risk. This should include: play a major role on reducing or eliminating the risk of workers in the workhouse using the

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 the intended impact of the action; equipment or tools incorrectly and as a result getting injured. maintenance will help in reducing the
 justification for the timescale that injury by 50%
you indicated in your risk I have estimated the time scale of 3 weeks for this to be completed because the maintenance
assessment; and budget needs to be decided and to be agreed with the financial and maintenance department. Once
 whether you think the action will the budget will be decided it will take hardly two weeks to be fully implemented
fully control the risk When the maintenance action is implemented, it will not fully controlled the risk for the lifetime but
it's time to time maintenance we control the risk fully.

Justification for action 3

Purchasing of eco-friendly material like paint, cement, etc and resources which can lower the risk
Action (Taken from column 4 of risk
as possible as can.

The ILO set out recommendation R164 and convention C155 on occupational safety and health, of
Specific legal arguments
which article 16 of part 4 of C155 states that
'employers shall be required to ensure that so far as is reasonably practicable, the
chemical, physical and biological substances and agent under their control are without risk to
health when the appropriate measure of protection are taken.'

The probability of workers being harmed or injured if good quality and eco friendly are not purchase
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
is not high.
 types of injury or ill health On a likelihood scale it will be 2 : unlikely.
 number of workers at risk The severity of injury sustained by workers if quality goods, products and materials are not
 how often the activity is carried purchase is low. on a severity scale it will be one or two : very unlikely to unlikely. The risk of
out causing injury is limited to skin irritation and allergies and fungal infection which can be treated.
 how widespread the risk is
How effective the action is likely to be in The new purchasing of raw material and other resources will now be eco-friendly and
controlling the risk. This should include: environmentally safe. It will bring about a positive change and reduce the risk of allergy, dangerous
health condition and it will keep environment safe and healthy for everyone who use it.
 the intended impact of the action;
I have given a time scale of three month for this purchasing. The business will need to search for a
 justification for the timescale that supplier and then arrange the delivery date. The budget for this purchase needs to be discussed
you indicated in your risk and agreed with the managing director.
assessment; and

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 whether you think the action will This action cannot fully control the hazard single handily. The coexistence with the other control
fully control the risk which are being identified can reduce the risk by 35% and can save the environment from being
destroyed completely.

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with I have picked out a four month period starting from 19 March 2021 to 20 July 2021 for the risk
reasoning assessment to be reviewed.
The main reason for selecting this date as it will give business a suitable time to make profit to
purchase new equipment and tools, and to the remedy and eliminate the risk, adopt a policy in line
with ILO and HSE and create more safe work environment.

How the risk assessment findings will be The finding of risk assessment will proposed to management meeting which will be consist of
communicated AND who you need to tell managing director, site foremen, builders and managers. This report will be communicated through
a PowerPoint slide show and discussed in full allowing for comments and solution.
After all suggestion and approval from management this report will be communicated with
employee so that they can be informed of the risk and the solution for that they are aware of hazard
and risk amongst them, which will make a major impact on the employees as they will now be
aware, trained and safe while performing their duties.
How you will follow up on the risk The management officer should monitor the new changes or implementation the progress of the
assessment to check that the actions risk within each and every three month. A well planned follow up should be created for the safety
have been carried out which should be implemented in each week, which helps for regular follow up in the three month
monitoring period. A perfect process, procedure and checklist should be created in term of ILO and
HSE. Employees should have be given training, maintenance of equipment and purchasing of eco-
friendly resources which is not harmful for anyone should done within first two week to start each

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