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Research a C++ program that can be possibly used in industry. These are premade programs that can be
searched from the internet or books but has a better application than the ones we did.


Arduino projects that use C++ codes

Robotics codes
Sales invoice
Management systems
Computer applications

You don’t need to create your own but creating one will also be accepted.

Program requirements:

• Program should be in C++ language only.

• Program should have an encoded comment that will explain how the line works.
• Program should be user friendly.
• Program can be more advanced than the usual codes we used.
• Code should have a minimum of 250 lines

What is inside your research paper?

• Title page

[ You can research a title page layout and modify it]

[Title page should have the school logo and school name, Department logo and Department
name, Names, Name of your Instructor, Title of your research]

• Abstract

[ includes briefly introducing the general topic of the work and then explaining the
exact research question, including the aims. It should then include a brief description of
the methodology, the results and the discussion.]

Example :

This is a simple student database management system developed in C++. It utilizes file handling
and shows effective implementation of class and object of the programming language. This project will
teach you how to add, list, modify and delete records in file in C++ language.

Prepared by : Engr. Jaypee F. Pineda

abstract cont
Developed as a console application without GUI, this student database system project uses file to
store the students’ information. The code needs to be compiled in Code::Blocks/Dev C++ using the GCC
compiler. The source code is encoded below for reference. The output of the code is included as part of
the given research.
We chose this code to develop our skills in coding based on c++ language. [ Add some context here
why and so on, briefly then continue on the introduction]

• Introduction

[ The introduction gives an overall review of the paper, but does address a few slightly different
issues from the abstract. It works on the principle of introducing the topic of the paper and
setting it in a broader context, gradually narrowing the topic down to a research problem, thesis
and hypothesis. A good introduction explains how you mean to solve the research problem, and
creates ‘leads’ to make the reader want to delve further into your work.]

• Methodology
▪ Describe the materials and equipment used in the research. [ Would be better if you will include
a computer specs, OS, Compiler used, files needed, and the like ]
▪ Describe the program methods, process and errors encountered.
▪ Put the screenshot of your code here along with the comments. [Make sure that every line
should be in 1 line only with a proper indentation and spacing].
▪ Screenshots should be readable without zooming.
• Results
o This is where the screenshot of every part of the outputs should be.
o A brief explanation of every screenshot.
• Discussion
o start the process of explaining any links and correlations.
[ For this purpose, you should criticize the code, and be honest about whether the code was
good enough. If not, suggest any modifications and improvements that could be made to
the design.] It is always better to suggest an improvement on this part.

Prepared by : Engr. Jaypee F. Pineda

• Conclusion
o You should then point out the importance of the code and point out how it relates to
the field.
o You can also point out how your codes can be used by readers, pointing out the
• References
o Websites and links
o Books [ Author, Name of book, Publisher, Date ]
• Individual Member’s Photo
o Should have at least a size of 2 inches x 2 inches photo.
o Name, Student Number, Course, A brief story of yourself. [ you can add additional lines
here ]

Project Requirement :

File should be saved into GroupName_Project.pdf for the documentation. [ Own group name ]

Font: Calibri

Size: 12

Double spacing

Your GroupName_Project.cpp file

Your names on the comment submission [ Can be encoded by your leader ]

Note : If some of your groupmates did not participate in creating this project please notify me. Your
grades will be their grades too.

Prepared by : Engr. Jaypee F. Pineda

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