Staff Meeting 24 January 2023

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Staff Meeting 24 January 2023

Venue: Room 13

Members Present

1. Doctor Z. Zam - Chairperson

2. Mrs. M. Tjavara
3. Mr. T. Michael
4. Sr. Mulonda-Infection Control
5. Mrs. Mrs Podeweltz –Chief Human Resource Practiioner
6. Mr. Hilton Beukes – Domestic Services
7. Mr. Julie – Domestic Services
8. Mr. Maxton –Chief Accountant
9. Mr. Winston Uirab -Transport
10. Mr. N.Tjikuaa -Driver
11. Mr. Samuel Namwaandi -Namwaandi
12. Mr. Derick Simataa - Driver
13. Mr. Basil April -Driver
14. Mr. Pedro Van Schlakwyk

Members absent with apologies

1. Mr. Armando Kangombe

Members absent without apologies

1. Mr.
2. Mr.


During his introductory remarks Dr. Zam alluded that there are issues pertaining the waste
management, And he added that the drivers has concerns that need to be addressed by exploring
different avenues.

Drivers be vaccinated against Hepatitis B and other infectious diseases.

Mr. Michael added that driver don’t have a problem transporting red bags which are more infectious
than the general waste, which is very strange the considering the risk involved.
Agenda Points

1. Waste Removal-Transportation of medical waste


Of late the office has experienced a lack of cooperation from C1 drivers to drive the truck assigned for
redbags and other medical waste, citing health reasons. It has been a major challenge which prompted
majority of drivers to boycott this exercise, saying their needs must first be addressed.

Me (Mr. Uirab) and exception of few drivers periodically assisted each to drive the truck so that service
delivery must not suffer. Having said that this situation is no longer feasible and amicable solution needs
to be reached soonest to arrest the situation.

Mrs. Tjavara, alluded that lunch packs are provided for those involved for the extra work that they are
working, And that it was discussed with Doctor Uirab, and that this is an interim arrangement.

She further said that she is awaiting authorization from PMU to contract a suitable truck to transport
hazardous waste.

Mrs. Tjavara suggested that we must differentiate between medical waste and general waste since the
latter is more infectious then the other.

In the past, the hospital used to spend around N$1, 2 000 000 per month, which was too high thus
prompting the hospital to transport their own waste which helped to bring the amount considerably
down. From (N$700 000 to N$300 000)

She also clarified that Rent a drum is not contracted by the hospital at all.

She noted that danger allowance can be discussed pertaining to the laborers as opposed the drivers.

Concerns from drivers

 Basil April added that the dumping site is having a bad smell, and that he also vomited
continuously whenever he went there. Truck is not fully equipped vehicle. He always
complained about the terrible smell at the dumping site.
Laborers once they step out the truck they don’t clean their gumboots, also posing a serious
health risk.
 Tjikuua –is concerned about the general health conditions, noted the laborers sometimes comes
in with live blood which poses health hazard.
 Namwaandi-is concerned about the food that is being served late as some shifts is finishing
early, resulting in drivers losing out.
 Simataa-said he was assigned to fact finding mission to City of Windhoek and Roman Catholic
Hospital to find out how they are managing their waste
 Mr. Jovani suggested that the management go on a fact finding to the dumping to investigate
and verify the concerns raised.
He said there are three sites at the dumping site to segregate waste and once we offloading the
truck the pipe used at the dumping site is not proper.
He was send back from the dumping site because the truck was not suitable to transport waste;
His main concern is that an issue put forward is not addressed properly.
Truck does not conform to the requirements.
Truck from other institutions is fitted in such a way that the driver is isolated from the laborers.

He noted that a tender was given to rent a drum, of which money is spent on rent a drum can be
used to procure a suitable truck to suffice the situation on the ground.
Transfer of diseases is a high possibility.
He also advocated for risk allowance since they are exposed to diseases on a daily basis.
In 2020 a tender was given to City of Windhoek to manage hazardous waste.
Training was not given to drivers.

Inputs from Infection control

 Mrs. Mulondo said that general waste is not infectious that why it is going to Kufenberg
 General waste is sorted in the respective department before it is being transported, people who
are sorted has undergone training. She said there are no risks involved for the driver or any
other staff member.
 She added that the hospital has requested for an fully modified truck to suffice the current
 She encouraged the drivers to put on PPE to minimize the risks of infections.
 She said the laborer sorting out the general waste does not pose any risks for the drivers.
 She added that she visited the dumping site and has noted there is a big pipe to clean the
vehicle and the gumboots .She suggested that we arrange through the office of Mr. Shannika to
get training.

Inputs from HR

 Mrs. Podeweltz noted that a submission be forwarded to public service in order for them to
decide whether they can approve danger allowance. She noted that it is an policy matter that
must be dealt with at the higher level.
 Mortuary assistants danger allowances are included in the PAM
 She encouraged drivers to rather address their grievances in a proper order, rather than refusing
work related orders.

Inputs from Administration

 Mr. Michael added that the issue of the air-conditioning in the trucks, process is ongoing.
 Training is also planned for various departments; He also noted he contacted the financial
adviser for additional fund

Resolution Taken
 That the drivers continue to transport the black bags.
 Proper PPE to be procured for those involved in the exercise.
 That the black bags does not pose any danger/health risks to the staff members involved in the
 That training be arranged for drivers and those involved in the exercise.
 That hepatitis B vaccinations be given to those who are yet to receive them.

Meeting was Adjourned at 11h30

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