21-Thermometer Calibration Cartificate

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8-34&35, B-54, G-7, Ganpati Paradi5e, Central Spine, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur-302039
fel i 0747-2237774, Mob. : 09314501795, 94L4017796
E-mail : brijesh_singh15@yahoo.com, briiesh@excellentservices.co.in
visit us : www,excellentservices.co.in cc.2597

Namo and Addr€ls of Cuatomor Pag€iNumb6r 1of 1

ULR Number cc259722000010055F

Mshakha Plastic Pipos Private Limited Cerlificate Number 221011095t12
Job Request Number & Date 2022t 10951 12 & 06t 10t2022
Block No.7924B, 28, 2C-3, Sabaspur Road, Date of Receipt 08t10t2022
Village - Motibhoyan, Ta- Kalol, Calibration Date 08t10t2022
Dis! Gandhinagar - 382 721 Recommended due on
(as per cuslomsr request)

Certiticate lssue Dato 10t1012022

Description & ldentification of UUC

Name Glass Thermometer Condition on Receipt OK

Make/ Calibration Performed

Paico Delux Sr.No. Lab
lvlodel At
Range -10 to 150 'C lD.No. TH-OI Calibr6tion Parameter Tempel"ture
L.C. 1'C Location

Environment Condition Calibration Procedure Number

Temperature / Humidity 25r4'C/50r20%RH ES/SOP/T/o1 based on lS :6274 -2017 and NABL'129-5

Details of Standard / Master Equipment Used

Nomonclature lD. Number Cartiflcate Numbor Validity Calibrated By
SPRT with lndicator ES/TH/SPRT-o1 1U021t1168.1.1 M|l1n022 NABL Ce(. No. CC-2840

Calibration Points : -10, 30, 80, l50oC

Average UUC ln Average Standard ln Enor ln Expanded Uncertalnty
Sr. No.
'c 'c 'c (t)'c
1 -10 -10.052 0.052 0.32
2 30 30.155 -0.155 0.32
J 80 80.385 -0.385 0.32
4 150 150.546 -0.546 0.32

1. The reroded expanded uncadainv is ol @w,WE lecbr la2 whidt @nos,p,nds to a @vetrlge p,obabiliy ol eppoxlnately 95%
for a nomal disttibuton.
2. Results mlato only to tho itons calibmtod.
3. C,edifrcal€s shall nol be rcNoducfd ex@pt in fu , wllhout the witten appoval ol ryCELLE Vf SERyTCES .

4. Readings arc taken without adjus'nent and '?adinqs aE avenge of 5 sgrs of rsad,lrgs.
5. All slandad equipnents used lot calibrction arc hac€able to National Standads.
6. UUC: Unit Under Calibretion.

I Brijesh Singh
, JN?UR) o (Technical
(Fonat No. Q4/f/03, Rev.00)

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