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University of Luzon

College of Criminology
Perez Boulevard Dagupan City

Effectiveness of Barangay Tanod in
Crime Prevention Activities in
Dagupan City

Submitted to: Prof. Salvador Samson

Submitted By: Geverly Nanalis

Block 3A
Chapter I


Background of the study

Crime Prevention - Crime prevention involves any

activity by an individual or group, public or private, which

attempts to eliminate crime prior to it occurring or before any

additional activity results. By drawing on the public health

model, some theorists have distinguished between primary crime

prevention (universal), secondary crime prevention (at-risk) and

tertiary crime prevention (known offenders).

A barangay, sometimes referred to by its archaic name

barrio, is the smallest administrative division in the

Philippines and is the native Filipino term for a village,

district, or ward. In metropolitan areas, the term often refers

to an inner-city neighborhood, a suburb, or a suburban


A barangay tanod, also known as a barangay police officer --

and sometimes as BPSO -- is the lowest level of law enforcement

officer in the Philippines. He is a watchman for a barangay who

is supervised by the barangay captain and performs a variety of

police functions.

Barangay Tanods stands at the forefront of keeping the peace and

order in every barangay. We are composed of civilian volunteers who

protect the community from lawless forces, and who also demonstrate

their interest in crime prevention by serving criminals as deterrents,

especially in areas where police are scarce. Chapter 4 Section 391 No.

16 of the Local Government Code requires Sangguniang Barangay to

create Barangay Tanod Brigades or their equivalent, the number of

which in each barangay shall not exceed twenty (20), to provide

insurance or other benefits during their tenure, charged to the

barangay of the town or municipal government to which the barangay

belongs. In their study of the little baguio, Aquino and Ramizo (2009)

conclude that after improved crime prevention, a revamped barangay-

level patrol is likely to have decreased effectiveness because

maintenance problems that emerge and/or criminals may find ways to

bypass the patrol program. A patrol activity is not passive, and must

be evaluated on a continuous basis. Reduction of violence,

obsolescence, self-satisfaction and the preservation of values,

information and best practices should be considered. Warnings against

applicability are therefore acknowledged in order to prevent packaging

Little Baguio 's patrol experience as a one-size suit all cure for

patrolling inefficiency everywhere.

Conceptual Framework
This study is anchored to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Theory.

One of the considerations of the different levels of an

individual’s needs and one of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is

Security and Safety. According to Maslow, self-actualization is a

procedure by which individuals may ascend a linear hierarchy of

needs as opposed to a discussion. Expressively robust and healthy

self-actualizing individuals prolong the advanced levels of this

hierarchy. Also, Maslow struggles that these self-actualizing

individuals are highly resourceful and establish a capacity to

settle contrasts inherent in ultimate antitheses, such as life

versus death and freedom versus determinism, as samples. This

discussion does not test Maslow’s theory as much as it spreads

the ideas postulated by him. This argument mostly stresses the

synergism of dialectical perfection implicit in the type of

personal development that Maslow contends is self-actualizing.

Further, it claimed that one need not exceed these levels of

self-actualization in straight linear and succeeding stages.

Lastly, it assumed that all creative individuals might be capable

of self-actualization, sovereign of their mental healthiness, or

lack of it. Maslow (1943, 1954), stated that people are prompt to

achieve firm desires and that some needs take priority over

others. Our most basic need is for physical survival, and this

will be the first thing that inspires our behavior. Once that

level is fulfilled, the next level up is what motivates us, and

so on. Safety is one of our basic, evolutionary needs. Most of

our decisions and actions are based on sustaining or improving

our circumstances. While we may not be in constant danger like

early man, we are no less driven by the need for safety for us

and our loved ones. This drive is carried over into user, and

consumer behavior and safety is an evolution need, which is often

manifested in what we refer to as the “fight or flight” response

(Komninos, 2018).


This study aims to assess the effectiveness of Barangay Tanod in

crime prevention in dagupan city.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the demographic profile of the Barangay Tanod in

terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 gender

1.3 civil status

1.4 educational attainment

1.5 years of experience as Barangay Tanod

2. What do the Barangay Officials and the Barangay Tanods

themselves assess the effectiveness of Barangay Tanods in crime

prevention in terms of:

2.1. conduct of patrolling

2.2. fire prevention

2.3. conduct of surveillance

2.4. conduct of proper arrest

2.5. coordination to barangay officials

2.6. conduct of traffic

3. Is there a significant relationship between the effectiveness


Barangay Tanod and their demographic profile?

4. Is there a significant difference between the assessment of


Barangay Officials and Barangay Tanod themselves relative to

the effectiveness of Barangay Tanod in Crime Prevention?

5. How serious are the problems encountered by the Barangay

Tanod in crime prevention?

6. What can be proposed to enhance the effectiveness of

Barangay Tanod in Crime Prevention?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the Effectiveness of Barangay Tanod in

Crime Prevention Activities in Dagupan City. The respondents of

the study were composed of 34 Barangay Tanods and 17 Barangay

Officials within the City of Dagupan. The result of this study

are applicable only the respondents of this study Effectiveness

of Barangay Tanod in Crime Prevention Activities in Dagupan City.

Significance of the Study

There is no significant relationship between Barangay

tanod's success in crime prevention, and its demographic profile.

There is no significant difference between the evaluation of the

Barangay officers themselves and Barangay Tanod in relation to

Barangay Tanod 's success in crime prevention.

Definition of Terms

Crime -is behavior, either by act or omission, defined by

statutory or common law as deserving of punishment.

Crime Prevention - Crime prevention involves any activity by an

individual or group, public or private, which attempts to

eliminate crime prior to it occurring or before any additional

activity results.

Barangay tanod- also known as a barangay police officer and

sometimes as BPSO (which can stand for barangay public safety

officer, barangay peacekeeping and security officer,

or barangay police safety officer) - is the lowest level of law

enforcement officer in the Philippines

Law enforcement -is the activity of some members of government

who act in an organized manner to enforce the law by

discovering, deterring, rehabilitating, or punishing people who

violate the rules and norms governing that society.

Philippine National Police (PNP) (Filipino : Pambansang Pulisya

ng Pilipinas)- is the national police force of the Republic of

the Philippines. It is both a national and a local police force

in that it provides all law enforcement services throughout the




The Philippine National Police explain their function to

organize and mobilize various sectors of the community in support

of the maintenance of peace and order and safety. They should

conduct crisis management, disaster mitigation, and search,

rescue, and relief operations within the community. They will

strengthen and support the Barangay Justice System (Lupong

Tagapamayapa). They will conduct crime prevention and deterrence

measures to protect the community’s vulnerable sectors

(Philippine National Police, 2018). The connection with the

community and the police is exercised as a weapon system by

itself in the movements against crime. Supposedly, the police

cannot manage today’s crime problem alone. No matter how well

systematic, it cannot perform effectively in its fight upon

criminality without the community’s active cooperation through

the creation of the Barangay peacekeeping action team. The law

enforcement efforts are secure on the fact that police officers

are not universal to all places. The rate of the residence and

the police claim a support system, like the activation and

organization of BPATs (San Juan, 2013). Volume 2 · June 2019 •

Peer Reviewed Journal 29 The Philippine National Police (PNP)

recognizes the task of Barangay Tanods, Bantay Bayan, CVOs,

Barangay Auxiliaries, NGOs and people’s organizations as Force

Multipliers to the battle against criminality, insurgency and

terrorism. These organizations are also precious in a partnership

of government in community development (Philippine National

Police, 2018).

Conceptual Literature/ Research Literature

Crime prevention process emanates from the local form of the government to

ensure the safety of all its constituents whom the barangay tanod has the biggest

role within the barangay. The study made a Quantitative-descriptive research and

purposive sampling technique with the used of questionnaire as a tool in gathering

the data from 34 Barangay Tanods and 17 Barangay Officials within the City of

Dagupan. The researcher used the following statistical instruments: simple

frequency, percentage, weighted mean, chi-square, and t-test. Results of the study

showed that the barangay tanod are moderately effective in preventing crime
because of improper routine of duties and functions like conduct patrol or ronda,

conduct surveillance to surreptitious person, and detection of hazard in different

establishments and to include lack of sufficient orientation. majority of the

respondent belong to age range 36 -40 years old, male, married, vocational

graduates and have 10-12 years of experience as Barangay Tanod. It also reveals

that the The Barangay Tanods encountered serious problems in crime prevention in

the following aspects: lack of vehicle when conducting patrol, insufficient

training like self-defense techniques, and insufficient equipment like baton,

handcuff and other equipment for crime prevention.



Research Design A descriptive comparative research design was

employed in the study. This design involved description, recording,

analyzing, and interpreting the conditions that exist for the

situation. This was also a correlation study which investigating and

find out the relationship between respondent (Shields & Tajalli,

2006). This research decision could be made for improving,

maintaining, and rejecting the focus making it effective and


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers observed the following procedures in gathering data.

Step1. Letter of Request – The letter was sent to and approved by the

Head of the Barangay Officials.

Step2. Distribution of Questionnaire - The questionnaire was

distributed to the respondents. For the respondents’ profile, age,

affiliation, educational attainment, training attended, and many years

as a member are being asked for.

Step3. Gathering Questionnaires - The questionnaires were collected

one by one after the respondents answered it.

Step4. Consolidation of Data - The data collected was checked,

tallied, and tabulated, presented, analyzed and interpreted with the

application of the statistical tools.


Meriam Webster












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