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Reading and Writing Skills

Performance Task (Project): Painting & Poem Writing

1. You are free to choose your topic about your poem. It can be about yourself, your dream job, your family, loved ones,
pet, favorite food, favorite places, hobbies, events, memorable moments, and the like.
2. After you construct your masterpiece, make sure to put a background. It can be a painting, an art, or a design that is
connected to your topic. Be creative with your background. For example, your poem is all about your pet which is a dog;
you can draw or paint the face of a dog, or put bones, or paws as a background of your poem.
3. Your poem must consist of at least three paragraphs. It must be type-written and paste it at the back of your
canvas/illustration board.
4. Make sure to put your title. This must be strictly followed.
5. Put your masterpiece on a canvas/illustration board.
6. Submit your final output to your teacher on or before the deadline. Late submission will not be entertained.
7. Deadline of submission: TBA


Criteria Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

Presents creative title Presents some creative Presents titles with There is no clear title
related to the poem. title related to the little creativity. The and relativity to the
The message of the poem. The message of message of the poem poem. The message of
poem is clear, the poem is clear and is clear but the poem is unclear
accurate, and strong. accurate. questionable. and/or inaccurate.
40 30 20 10
The poem is well The poem is organized. The poem is somehow The poem is not
organized. Ideas flow in Ideas flow in a organized. Ideas flow organized. Ideas do
a meaningful and meaningful sequence. in a meaningful not flow in a
logical sequence. sequence but not meaningful and logical
logical. sequence.
20 15 10 5
The poem is The poem is attractive The poem is The poem shows little
exceptionally attractive in terms of design, acceptably attractive or no creativity at all. It
in terms of design, background, and in terms of design and is poorly designed and
background, and neatness. The background though the background is not
Creativity neatness. The handwriting is readable. the background is not related to the message
handwriting is related to the of the poem.
readable. message of the poem.

20 15 10 5
Evidence of strong Evidence of adequate Evidence of limited Little or no evidence of
grammar, grammar, capitalization, grammar, grammar,
capitalization, punctuation, and capitalization, capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling. punctuation, and punctuation, and
spelling. spelling. spelling.
20 15 10 5
Total Points 100

Note: If you have concerns or questions, feel free to send me a personal message. I can assure you that I will respond
immediately. 

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