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Name :Sisri Sihombing

Nim : 200502006

Subject : Micro Teaching

Subjects : English

Class/Smt : VII/Even

Material : Introduction self

Aspects/Skills : Speak

Time Allocation :35 minutes (1 meeting)

Core Competencies and Basic Competencies

Core Competency Basic competencies

1. Appreciate and live up to the teachings Grateful for the opportunity to learn English
of the religion they adhere to. as a language introduction communication

2. Appreciate and appreciate the 2.1 Appreciate polite and caring

behavior Honest, behavior in carrying out
interpersonal communication with
discipline,responsibility, caring teachers and friends.
(tolerance, mutual cooperation,), 2.2 Appreciate honest, disciplined,
polite, confident, in interacting confident and responsible behavior
effectively with the social and in carrying out transactional
natural environment in terms of communication with teachers and
association and existence. friends.
2.3 Appreciate the behavior of
responsibility, caring, cooperation,
and peace-loving, in implementing
functional communication
3. Understandingknowledge (factual, 3.2. Understand social function, structure
conceptual, And procedural) text, and linguistic elements in the
based on curiosity about science, self-introduction, as well as the response,
technology, art, culture related according to the context of its use.
phenomena and
visible events.
4. Trying, processing, and presenting in 4.2. Composing simple spoken and
the concrete realm (using, parsing, written texts For state,asking,
stringing, modifying, and creating) and responding to self-introductions, very
and the abstract realm (writing, short and simple, taking into account
reading, counting, drawing, and social functions, text structures, and
composing) according to what is linguistic elements that are correct and in
learned in school and other sources context.
in the same
point of view/ theory.

A. Learning objectives
1. Students can compose self-introduction text orally.
2. Students can use appropriate and related vocabulary in compiling self-introduction
oral texts.
3. Students can use correct and appropriate pronunciation in composing self-
introduction oral texts.

B. Learning Material
Hello, My name is ...
I am ... years old
I am from ...
I live in ...
I like ... (Hobby)
I Play ... (Sports)
I don't like ... (Food)
My favorite color is/are ...
I have ... (Pet)
Nice to meet you.
Vocabulary related to the material
a. hobby
Words Meanings

Reading Reading
Swimming Swimmin
Playing football g
Singing Playing soccer
Watching movie Singing Watching
Dancing Fishing movies Dancing
Photography Fishing Travel
Traveling Photography
Hiking Hiking
Drawing Drawing
Painting Painting

b. Kinds of Sport
Words Meanings

Tennis Tennis
Badminton Badminton
Table tennis Table tennis
Football Football
Basketball Basketball
Volleyball Ches
Chess s
Skateboard Volle
Surfing board

c. Food
Words Meanings
Carrot Carrots
Spinach Spinach
Bitter melon Pare
Star fruit Carambol
Shrimp a Shrimp
Egg Eggplant
Eggplant Eggplant
Coffee Coffee
Banana juice Banana Juice

d. color
Words Meanings

Blue Blue
Red Red
Green Green
Yellow Yellow
Gray Gray
White White
Black Black
Purple Purple
Pink Orange Pink

e. Pet
Words Meanings

Cat Cat
Rabbit Rabbit
Goat Goat
Cow Cow
Sheep Sheep
Fish Fish
Bird Marmot
Chicken Duck
Duck Chicke
Hamster n

C. Learning Method: Scientific Based Method (5 M)

(Observing, asking, trying, reasoning, and communicating)

D. media :
1. PowerPoint slides
2. Whiteboard

E. Learning steps
1. Pre Teaching (2 minutes)
a. The teacher greets the students and begins the learning activity by praying
b. The teacher asks the students' condition
c. The teacher conducts student attendance
d. The teacher prepares text related to the material to be studied
2. Observing (10 minutes)
a. Students observe and pay attention to the teacher when explaining the material
by introducing themselves to others displayed by the teacher.
b. Students observe things or information that are used to express identity in a
simple way (Hobbies, Food they don't like, Sports they like, Favorite colors,
and pets)

3. Questioning (5 minutes)
a. The teacher gives students the opportunity to ask what information they want
to know related to the act of giving and asking for information related to
identity (self-introduction).
b. The teacher asks students what information they can get related to the act of
giving and asking for information related to identity (self-introduction).
4. Experimenting (5 minutes)
a. The teacher gives examples related to giving information about identity
orally in front of the class.
b. Students are asked to imitate what has been exemplified by the teacher.

5. Associating (3 minutes)
a. The teacher provides feedback or corrections to students.
b. Teachers and students conclude lessons related to the information used to
provide simple identity information.
6. Communicating (5 minutes)
a. Students are asked to provide information related to identity verbally in
front of the class.
b. Students alternately come forward in front of the class one by one
providing information related to identity orally.

7. Post Teaching (5 minutes)

a. The teacher concludes the material that has been learned that day.
b. The teacher asks the students' difficulties.
c. The teacher ends the lesson by praying.

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