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‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X February 3, 2023 DIVI |ORANDUM No. s. 2023 CONDUCT OF THE 2023 DIVISION SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE (DSPC) TO: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent CID Chief Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors/Districts In-charge Public & Private Secondary and Elementary School Principals /School Heads All Others Concerned 1, This Division, through the Curriculum Implementation Division, shall conduct the 2023 Division Schools Press Conference (DSPC) on February 8-10, 2023 at venues specified in the attached matrix. This year’s DSPC shall bear the theme Pahayagang Pangkampus: Kaagapay sa Paghilom at Pagbangon ng Matatag na ‘Sambayanan. This annual activity is pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 7079 otherwise known as the Campus Journalism Act of 1991. 2. The aims of the DepEd Memo No. 176, s. 2019 or the 2019 National Schools Press Conference are adapted in this conference: a. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of Journalism by expressing it through different journalistic endeavors and approaches; b. Sustain advocacy on global social consciousness, and environmental awareness; ¢. Celebrate Filipino resiliency and productivity during and post-pandemic times; d. Promote responsible journalism and fair and ethical use of social media; and, e. Enhance journalistic competence through health and friendly competitions. 3. The 2023 DSPC shall include the following events in English & Filipino categories, and, Elementary & Secondary Levels: A. Individual Events a, Newswriting b. Feature Writing c. Editorial Writing d. Sports Writing . Copyreading and Headline Writing SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDE! Se SY Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL ‘s f. Science and Technology Writing Photojournalism Editorial Cartooning . Column Writing B, Group Events a. Radio Scriptwriting and Broadcasting b. TV Scriptwriting and Broadcasting (Secondary only) ©. Collaborative Publishing d. Online Publishing (Secondary only) C. School Paper Contest (in Portable Document Format) News Section Editorial Section Feature Section Science and Technology Section Sports Section Layout and Page Section PR repose 4. The participants of this conference are learners from the elementary and secondary (both junior and senior high schools) and school paper advisers /coaches of schools that conducted school/district level coaching/training. No contestant shall be allowed to participate in two (2) events/contests. No observer is allowed. 5, This Memorandum reiterates paragraphs 5 and 11 of DepEd Memorandum No. 216, s. 2016 re: 2017 National Schools Press Conference which states that “Recognizing and respecting Intellectual Property Rights, the Department adheres to the rule concerning plagiarism. DepEd reiterates its stand to disqualify school papers found to have copied and published texts, graphs, and other materials without duly acknowledging their sources. The qualification covers all sections of the school paper whether they are published in print or PDF copy “(par. 5), and “All schools divisions and regions should strictly follow the No School Paper, No Student Contestant Policy”(par. 11). 6. The Official list of participants which also serves as the Pre- Registration/Certification Form must be accomplished on or before February 5, 2023, through the link which shall be shared through the Public Schools District Supervisors /Districts In-charge. No changes of names shalll be allowed after the said form is submitted. This is to determine the final list of participants for each event for the preparation of contest materials. No walk-in participants shall be included in the competition. o Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Coucation REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL ie : B 7. Submission of the latest school publication for the group contest shall be on or before February 10, 2023, through a link that shall be shared through the Magsuwat ‘ta Mis. Occ. Facebook account. 8. Student delegates must be certified to be in good health and must have the written permission of his/her parent/guardian while School Paper Advisers shall likewise submit Health Certificates duly signed by a government physician. These must be collected by the delegation head or the Public Schools District Supervisor/District In-charge and submitted to the DSPC Secretariat on Day 1, February 8, 2023. 9. Guidelines in the conduct of the contests are attached as Enclosure No. 2, Matrix of Activities is attached as Enclosure No. 3 while the List of the different Working Committees is attached as Enclosure No. 4. 10. _ The TWG and the board of judges shall meet on Saturday & Sunday, February 11-12, 2023, at this Office to finalize the results. They shall be entitled to service credits in accordance with DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2003 entitled “Updated Guidelines on Grant of Vacation Service Credits to Teachers” while the non-teaching staff shall be provided with Compensatory Time-Off (CTO) per Civil Service Commission (CSC) and Department of Budget (DBM) Circular No. 2, s. 2004 entitled “Non-monetary Remuneration for Overtime Service Rendered”. 11, Transportation, meals, and other expenses of participants, TWG, judges (teachers and school heads), and committee members shall be charged against local /school MOOE/school organ/PTA and other funds while supplies, honorarium, meals, accommodation, and other expenses of the resource person judge chair shall be charged against CID-HRTD/Division funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and procedures. 12. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memoranduny/s enjoined. IBOJOC, EdD, CESO V sion Superintendent CY References: DepEd Memorandum No. 176, s. 2019 Enclosures: As stated ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual Index ‘Under the following Subjects: CAMPUS JOURNALISM CONFERENCES contests: PUPILS SCHOOL PAPER ADVISERS STUDENT a to NS Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL Breiosure Ne 110 Division Memorandum NoCD, 2028 GUIDELINES IN THE CONDUCT OF THE 2028 DIVISION SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE (GUIDELINES FOR IN THE CONDUCT OF THE DIFFERENT INDIVIDUAL WRITING EVENTS ‘The Individual Writing Contests are designed to showcase the competencies of campus journalists and promote fair and ethical use of media as tenets of responsible journalism, Only learners from school with school paper (print or pdf copy), either in English or Filipino for the school year 2022-2023 are allowed to compete in the various individual contests of the DSPC. A. General: 1, Contestants shall bring their own writing materials - a long folder, ball pen, and one long bond paper printed with the DSPC template (soft copy to be shared via the PSDSs) for writing contests, and Ad size bond paper for Collaborative Publishing, and Radio and TV Scriptwriting and Broadcasting. Editorial Cartooning contestants are likewise required to bring an Oslo paper and pencil/s. For Copyreading and Headlline Writing, contestants shall be provided with the worksheets; however, they are required to bring their pencils. 2. The wearing of schoo! uniform is preferred (except in Scriptwriting and Broadcasting events); however, in the absence of school uniforms, schools/districts are encouraged to have participants wear identical outfits (e.g. jeans /jogger and same-colored shirt) and official school ID for easy identification. 3. Should questions and assistance be needed, the participants can only raise their concems to the assigned proctor and/or examiner. 4, Bags and other personal items shall be placed in designated places inside the contest venues. ‘Therefore, contestants are discouraged from bringing valuable items during the activity. Cellphones should be set to silent mode and placed inside the bag. 5, School paper advisers, teachers, principals, parents, or guardians who will be found in and around the contest venue will be grounds for disqualification of their contestants. 6. The Top Five winners per medium shall be recognized and their points will be included in the computation of the overall scores (combined scores of Individual and Group Contests). 7. Any violation of the stipulated guidelines will be grounds for disqualification of the participant. 8, The decision of the Board of Judges in all aspects of the contest is final and irrevocable. Specific: 1. Sports Writing: a. The TWG shall orient and provide instructions to the contestants before the contest proper. A pre-game conference shall be conducted for the introduction of the players, coache: and tournament officials, €.An actual game of video shall be watched by the contestants. 4A post-game conference shall be held to interview officals and athletes after the game. ‘Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: (088) 531-1872 / 0977 - 8062187 E-mail Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL €. The contestants shall proceed to the designated contest room for the writing of the sports article 2. Copyreading and Headline Writing: a, The contestants shal bring their own pencils for the contest. ’. The contestants shall follow the directions given in the contest piece, . The contestants shall provide a headline for the article, 3. Editorial Cartooning: ‘a. The contestants shall bring their own Mongol pencil no. 2 and one Oslo paper for the contest , The cartoon must be anchored on the given topic or issue. c. The cartoon should be, at all times, compliant with the professional and ethical standards of media. 4. Science and Technology Writing, News Writing, Feature Writing, Editorial Writing, Column Writing: ‘a. Fact sheets, topics, or other sources of information shall be given to the contestants as ‘bases for writing the article. 5. Photojournalism: ‘2. Preparation: 1, Contestants shall be at the contest venue thirty (30) minutes before the orientation con the guidelines and the rubrics. 2. The contestants are allowed to use any Digital Camera (point and shoot only) with a maximum of 24.3 megapixels with fixed lenses. Contestants who will use any DSLR and other high-end cameras shall not be permitted to join the contest. 3. The contestants shall submit the camera with an empty memory card (internal ‘memory 4. The contestants shall bring their own camera cable for uploading and saving pictures. 5. Cellular phones, extra digital cameras, extra storage cards, or any additional materials /equipment are not allowed in the contest area 6. Contestants shall bring their own black ball pen while the TWG will provide scratch papers where contestants can write down notes during the shooting. ». Photoshoot, Uploading, and Captioning 1. The loading and unloading of the storage card will be done in front of the examiner. 2, Control shot shall be the first shot. 3. Contestants are given one hour to take pictures. 4. Contestants are allowed to take unlimited shots but will submit only fi ‘with captions for the given theme and the control shot. 5, The contestants shall write the file name of each photo in the caption sheet. Caption sheets will be provided by the TWG. 7. Contestants will be given 30 minutes to write captions for each of the five photos. 8, Throughout the duration of the competition, the advisers, trainers, and parents are NOT allowed in the contest venue. photos GUIDELINES IN THE CONDUCT OF RADIO SCRIPT WRITING & BROADCASTING CONTEST A. General Guidelines 1, Each school shall organize a team of five (5) members for English and Filipino at the elementary and secondary levels who shall not be competing in any of the individual 2. To facilitate proper identification, the participants shall wear white shirts with their valid school IDs. ‘Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental ‘Contact Number: (088) 531-1872 / 0977 ~ 8062187 E-mail Address: oS ‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 3. An orientation shall be conducted for all the contestants. 4. The awards for this category are the following: Tndividual Awards Group Awards ‘Best Anchor Best in Technical Application Beat News Presenter | _Best in Informercial ‘Best Script In getting the overall results for best radio production, accumulated points from the individual and group awards shall be considered, 6. The decision of the Board of Judges is final and irrevocable, 7. Any violation of the stipulated guidelines shall be valid grounds for disqualification of the team, 1B. Scriptwriting 1, Each team may use up to three (8) official laptops that are cleared of stored, documents and a printer in preparing and printing the script. All laptops should be ‘submitted to the contest committee for inspection upon arrival at the contest venue, Each. team is required to bring its own extension wires and other equipment for rehearsal. 2. The team will be given 1 % hours to prepare a script for a S-minute radio broadcast. It includes one (1) infomercial and four (4) news articles, ‘The Infomercial may depict health, environment, polities, and social issues. It shall have @ maximum length of one (1) minute and shall use the language that the group is ‘competing i ‘The news articles may be based on press releases, raw data, or any other source given by the examiner/s. ‘Another 30 minutes will be allotted for the printing of the output. After two (2) houre, each team should submit four (4) copies of the script. Three (3) copies will be submitted to the judges and one (1) copy will be submitted to the examiner/s. The team may print extra copies for their own use 3. Once the script writing has commenced, the contestants will no longer be allowed to leave the contest rooms. For personal necessities, the proctor shall accompany them to the restrooms, 4. The script should not bear any information that may identify the school and division, but it should include the names of the members of the team with their respective roles (Ge. anchor, news presenter, etc) 5, Script should be: ‘encoded using Arial font size 12 ‘with directorial instruction in capital letters double-spaced with normal margin (an inch on all sides) printed in A4-sized bond paper (8.27 x 11.69 inches) ©. Broadeast Simulation 1. A broadcast room for the presentation shall be identified in the contest venue, Only the contestants, judges, and examiner/s shall be allowed inside, 2. The organizer/host division / school shall commission an independent sound system Provider to ensure quality audio output. The technical operator shall only set the sound system before the simulation. A jack/ auxiliary cord/adapter will be provided for the laptops and other sources of sound effects. 3, Except for the volume meter, contestants/technical directors shall not be allowed to ‘change, adjust, and manipulate the main control board during their presentation, 4. Mobile phones and reference materials shall not be allowed in the contest area, 5. In case of power failure, the affected team shall be allowed to broadcast again, 6. Loudspeakers may be set up outside the broadcast room. ‘Address: Osila St., Poblacion 1, Oroquleta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: (088) 531-1872 / 0977 - 8062187 E-mail Address: Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION X ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 7. Each team shall be given eight (8) minutes: two (2) minutes for preparation, five (5) minutes for the actual broadcast, and one (1) minute for the exit. Provided running time shall be applied. 8, The organizers shall provide a clock or a timer that can be seen by the contestants and the judges. There will be an official timekeeper. 9. A yellow flaglet shall then be raised to signal the team to start. A yellow flaglet shall be raised again to warn the team that they only have one (1) minute remaining followed by a red flaglet to indicate that their time is up. 10. The team who complied with the 5-minute production shall be given a perfect score (5. points). In case of overtime or undertime, the following scheme of deduction shall be followed: Undertime/ Overtime 1 second ~ 20 seconds ~ 1 point 21 seconds ~ 40 seconds- 2 points 41 seconds- 60 seconds ~3 points 61 seconds and above- 4 points LL. The output of the radio broadcasting shall be canned in MPS audio format with a filename according to level and category: 1. Secondary English (DSPC_TVBroadcast_Sec_English Name of Division) 2. Secondary Filipino (DSPC_TVBroadeast_Sec Filipino Name of Division) GUIDELINES FOR THE COLLABORATIVE DESKTOP PUBLISHING CONTEST 1. Each school shall organize a team of five (5) members for English and Filipino in ‘elementary and secondary levels who shall not be competing in any of the individual writing ‘categories, 2. Contestants shall wear their school uniform/agreed outfit with identification cards. 3. Allcontestants are required to attend the orientation before the competition. 4. All contestants are not allowed to go back to their quarters nor communicate in all forms (text, call, chat, etc.) with their respective advisers from the start until the end of the contest. 5. A mini press conference and sports event shall be held (or a canned video shall be presented) as the basis for the content of the publication (ie. news, features, editorial, editorial cartoon, sports). (The photojournalists shall take pictures of the mini press conference and sports events.) 6. The team will be given four (4) hours for data gathering, writing, layout, and editing, 7. Each team is allowed to bring only the following: two (2) digital/DSLR cameras (Optional) cone (1) printer with a scanner ‘one (1) card reader (Optional) one (1) blank flash drive extension wires maximum of four (4) laptops installed with either PAGEMAKER or IN DESIGN and photoshop (for the secondary level) and Microsoft Publisher (for the elementary level) for the layout of the group's final output ‘Ad size bond paper 9. Laptops to be submitted to the TWG shall be labeled. Labels following the format below shall be in a long bond paper size pasted on /attached to the laptop bag: ‘Category-Medium-Level- School, District e.g, Collaborative Desktop Publ ‘Clarin National High School, Clarin South. ‘Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: (088) 531-1872 / 0977 - 8062187 E-mail Address: oe, 2 g B Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 10. Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets shall not be allowed except for digital cameras/DSLRs and laptops with disabled internet connection. 11. Each team will be required to convert their output into PDF, print in A4 size bond paper, and submit it to the examiner/s. The collaborative desktop publishing team shall submit hard and soft copies of their entries. They should ensure that no identifying marks ‘about their school or division can be found on their output aa it would be a ground for Gisqualification, 12. The output of the contest is an A4-size four full-colored publication. The output will, bbe stored in a flash drive provided by the examiner/s and uploaded to the designated ‘computer for judging. 13, The top 5 teams shall be recognized and their points will be included in the determination of the overall scores. 14, The decision of the Board of Judges is final and irrevocable, GUIDELINES FOR THE ONLINE PUBLISHING CONTEST 1, Bach district shall organize a team of five (5) members for English and Filipino in the secondary level who shall not be competing in any of the individual writing categories. 2. Contestants thall wear their school uniform with identification cards, 3. Allcontestants are required to attend the orientation before the competition. 4. Allcontestants are not allowed to leave the contest room nor communicate in all forms (text, call, chat, ete. with anyone from the start until the end of the contest. '5, Amini press conference and sports event shall be held as bases for the content of the publication. Rules in the conduct of sports writing and photojournalism apply in this, category. 6, The team will be given four (4) hours for data gathering, writing, layout, and editing. 7. Each team is allowed to bring only the following: one (1) scanner ‘maximum of two digital cameras ‘maximum of four (4) laptops installed with photoshop for image enhancement maximum of two pocket wifis or one wireless router extension cord 9. Laptops to be submitted to the TWG shall be labeled. Labels following the format below shall be in along bond paper size pasted on/attached to the laptop bag: Category-Medium-Level- Name, School, Division Eas Online Publishing: English Secondary Love National High School, Flaridel North District 10. Each group shall email its URL to a specified email address which will be given during the competition. un ‘The top 5 teams shall be recognized and their points will be included in the determination of the overall scores. 12, The decision of the Board of Judges is final and irrevocable. ‘Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: (088) 531-1872 / 0977 ~ 8062187 small Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL GUIDELINES FOR TV SCRIPT WRITING & BROADCASTING CONTEST 1. Bach division shall organize a team of five (5) members for English and for Filipino in elementary and in secondary levels who shall not be competing in any of the individual writing categories, The team shall be composed of the following: scriptwriter anchor/s -not more than 2 reporter/s~ not more than 3 producer/director who could also act as floor director video/ graphic editor video researcher/floor director ‘video journalist/cameraman mrpapee Any ofthe team members can assume one or two positions /tasks as long as this would not be conflicting or awkward in relation to the outcome of the broadcast (for example, an anchor can't be reporter at the same time). But an anchor can also be a news of infomercial writer) 2. To facilitate proper identification, the participants shall wear their valid school IDs, 3. An orientation shall be conducted for all the contestants 4. The top 5 teams shall be recognized and their points will be included in the determination of the overall division score. 5. The awards for this category are the following: Tndividual Awards ‘Group Awards ‘Best Anchor Beat in Technical Application Best News Presenter Best in Informercial ‘Best Script 6, The decision of the Board of Judges is final and irrevocable, PRE.CONTEST 1, Each team will be required to bring only the following: Maximum of 4 laptops with at least 10GB free space and a video ‘editing application/ software /program (with uploading capacity) 3 empty flash drives ‘maximum of 2 cameras/mobile phones (without sim) compatible with the laptop ‘wired lapel microphones ‘A4 bond paper printer with ink extension cords 2. Laptops and flash drives to be submitted to the TWG shall be labeled with the following format: Category-Medium-Level- Name, School, Division ‘TV Script Writing and Broadcasting- Eny Jimenez National High School, Jimenez th- Secondary Labels shall be in a whole bond paper size pasted on/attached to the laptop bag and laptop. Flash drives shall be sealed in an envelope with label/Ziploc #3/plastic to be provided by the participating school ‘Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: (088) 531-1872 / 0977 ~ 8062187 E-mail Address: reas) By we Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 3, Checking and sealing of laptops shall be done upon arrival. Laptops shall be clear of stored documents except for pre-recorded OBB and CBB and offline editing software, 4, Failure to submit laptops after the set deadline shall mean disqualification of the competing team. 5. Only the equipment and tools in the mock broadcast room are allowed to be used by the participants during the actual presentation. 6. All participants should attend the orientation. 7. Contest materials saved in flash drives sealed in envelopes/Ziplock/sealed plastic shall be distributed to the team directors. CONTEST PROPER: _A.SCRIPT WRITING AND PRODUCTION 1. The team shall have the following components in their script: 8. Cover page: This shall contain the group's name. mock TV network name) b. News: The TWG will provide five sets of data (including photos/videos /audio) in folders saved in a lash drive. The team may use all sets of data for their news reports. Each news script should indicate the corresponding video and/or audio component taken from the folders or produced during the actual contest. ©. _ Infomereial/ Developmental Communication: The RTWG will provide two ‘ets of data {including photos /videos /audio) in folders saved in a flash drive. The team is required to produce one (1) infomercial or development communication plug. This shall be produced during the contest and should be related to the topic which will be ziven by the judges, The script should contain video and audio components. d. Field Report: A live field report with or without canned video support shall be included in the production. €. Headlines: This will contain a brief lead /summary of the news articles. f. _ OBB/CBB: Opening Billboard and Closing Billboard will contain the group's assumed TV network name. The script for the OBB/CBB should be included in the ‘main script which will be submitted to the judges. 2, Five hours and thirty minutes (05:30) will be allotted for the preparation of the script, shooting, and editing of the videos, production of the infomercial, and rehearsals, 3. Once the script writing has commenced, the contestant will no longer be allowed to leave the contest rooms. For personal necessities, the proctor shall accompany them to the restrooms, 4. Each team shall prepare four copies of the script: 3 copies for the judges and a copy {or each member of the team, 5, The cover page of the script shall contain the group's name (TV Network Name) and the rhames of the members of the team with their respective roles. (i.e. anchor, field reporter, ete.) 6. The script, songs/jingles, and the TV Network Name SHALL not bear any information ‘that may identify the school or district. ‘TV BROADCAST SKILLS COMPETITION 1. The TV Broadcast must be delivered in six minutes and must be canned with the file name TV_School English /Filipino to be saved in the official DIVISION flash drive ‘Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: (088) 531-1872 / 0977 - 8062187 E-mail Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL Enclosure No. 2 to Division Memorandum No. ___ 2023 Chair: Vice Chair: Members: 2023 DSPC WORKING COMMITTEE Overall Steering Committee Chair: Edwin R. Maribojoc, EdD, CESO V Schools Division Superintendent Vice Chair: Eugene I. Macahis Members: Samuel C. Silacan, EdD, CID Chief Joanette Clarpondel M. Caparaz, EPSvr (English) Lorena R. Simbajon, EPSvr (Filipino) Maurita B. Barquez (MTB) Marites A. Caguindagan (Science) Emnie J. Caguindangan (Mathematics) Eleazer L. Tamparong (Araling Panlinpunan) Joseph T. Boniao (TLE/TVL) Rey D. Tabil (EsP) Rone Ray M. Portacion (LR) Technical Working Group English pino Ma. Teresa L. Lapez Emma Cabibil Crystalyn S. Ledesma Marietes M. Santos Nathalie L. Sedero Faye C. Tautuan Decy Joy V. Jabonillo Janiel Amparado Mary Jane S. Ramo Juliet Paye Queence T. Cuevas Jovanie Tangcaan Jason Dungog Quindie Ortega Tochie I. Cotejo Irene Penales Address: Osilao St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: (088) 531-1872 / 0977 - 8062187 E-mail Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL Board of Judges Individual Evens Jeanette R. M. Mutia English Filipino Elementary Secondary Elementary Secondary Shirley Bayon-on Maurita Barquez Emma Cabibil Lezel Robles ‘Nathalie L. Sedero Rey Tabil Susan Rosellosa Liezl Talip Decy Joy V. Rone Ray Portacion | Charlene A. Jumalon. Suliet Paye Jabonillo Alfe Legaspe Grace Gipulao Evelyn Sumanday Jason Dungog Ma. Alona Marites M. Santos | Marie Jane A. Rodolfo Ryan Laput Maghanoy Margene P. Caigan | Sumicad Michael Vincent Mary Jane Ramo | Faye C. Tautuan Ronil G. Sacil ‘Tayone Leonila Apduhan | Jovanie Tangcaan Gideon Pascubillo ‘Tochie I. Cotejo Berylmae O, Marissa. Acero | Laureano T. Quinlob Leah Bacalso Padagas Syril March B. Merlina B. Obligado ‘Thessa Lore Tercera | Robelbert B. ‘Naranjo Ronie Pagalan Eren J. Yobero Calupaz Quindee Ortiga Rosita Dela Cruz ‘Scriptwriting and Radio Broadcasting Lester Siscon Elsie Omambac ‘Andrew Dapac Juliet Paye Abegail Lumayaga | Robelbert Calupaz Ronil G. Sacil Mark Jason Dungog Jerome Bullifer | Melkin B. Bongosia | Roland Z. Lauron Lieal Talip Elsa Nercua | Norman D. Samudio Denmark 8. Macalisang Scriptwriting and TV Broadcasting Joanette Clarpondel | M. Caparaz Lorena R. Simbajon Contest Committee Event |_Level English Filipino Newswriting Elem Dian Narciso Emma_Cabibil Sec Catherine L. Anchez Jessiclou Gomera Editorial Writing Elem Leonila T. Apduhan. Quindie Ortega. ‘Sec Jeanette Rosynen M. Mutia Liezl Talip Feature Writing | Elem ‘Abegail Lumayaga Juliet Paye See Jonifer Sarabia Jamila H. Manta Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: (088) 531-1872 / 0977 - 8062187 E-mall Address: Republic of the Philippines: Department of €ducation REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL ‘Science Writing [Elem | Elvin Laput | ‘Sec __| Merlina Obligado i 2 Editorial Elem | Michael Vincent Tayone Marietes M. Buriat, Cartooning Sec Berylmae O. Padagas Irene Penales Copureading | Elem | Jennifer Omega Charlene Jumafon and Headline | Sec Deyan E. Maghanoy Merlina S. Obligado Writing ‘Sports writing [Elem [Bren J.Yobero —_—*(| Mare Jane A. Sumicad Sec Alfe C. Legaspe Mary Ann Agua Photojournalism | Elem | Bren Japon ‘Michele Lanorias Sec Elsie J. Omambac ‘Syril March B. Naranjo Column Writing | Elem | Tochie L Cotejo Merlie Faith Jumawan_ Sec Carlyn Campos ‘Aida Banuelos Online Roland Z. Lauron Ronnie Pagalan Publishing Licelle Lauren Baco Noel Jay 8. Pahayac ‘Radio Thessa Lore Tercera ‘Ana M, Junio Broadcasting Jerome Bullifer Roland Lauron Sec Elsa Nercua Norman D. Samudio Melkin Bongosia Andrew Dapac TV Broadcasting | Sec Rodolfo Ryan Laput Jovanie Tangea-an | Jessa Mae Luza Ronil Sacil Collaborative [Elem | Enemesio Tacogdoy Juliet Montejo Desktop Lester Siscon Jovanie ‘Tangeaan Publishing Sec Robelbert B. Calupaz Hazcal Balucan oe Iide Cynthia Vina Denmark S. Macalisang _ Registration/Secretariat ENGLISH FILIPINO Chai: Esterlita Sanchez Emma Cabibil Vice Chair: Shrejda B. Castillon Marites M. Santos Officers of the Day (take care of the announcements, especially on the schedule of events) Day 1 - Crystalyn Ledesma (Looc NHS), Mark Jason Dungog (Bonifacio NHS) Day 2 - Jacqueline Marquez (ATHS), Jessah Mae B. Luza (Jimenez NCHS) Day 3 - Rodolfo Ryan Laput (Aquino IS), Health Committee Day 1 - Nancy A. Dybongco Day 2- Jaive Jane Regalado & Ella Marie Barrita Day 3- Patrice dela Pefia & Roy Clarin Address: OsilaoSt., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: (088) §31-1872 / 0977 - 8052187 E-mail Address: 4108 podep@rewapr2 £8T2908 - L460 / ZLBT-TES ( rewuapio00 sues ‘AD eainbo19 T UoD | Bunseopeoug OPeY Bupsvopeoa AL | a SuSpne pue uonvpnosue Burysnana ie fe uononposg w SurtiaHOS AL uoponpold 9 Supsdos Oe aanesoqetion * StHTHO J9 WORN UES _-Bursnana uononposg 9 Suppdi9g AL wonpnpid » Bunmdins oypea __|_saresoqurten 9 sUITuO Jo woneMURUOD Bummooyey (SHO NPa FURL SUNPEOHT [pure Suypeaidog “Suntiyy tumjo edeg jootns Jo Bupnp p uorsermsqng ‘morrewnotorond STaRoNAT Sane suneeopeota Suna suede ve suyuo Sunsin suoeg Ren sufipn, sp Soqmadizog AL sunuanding Oped | amneod “Senaas nonpd Sunteion spies ds 9 sosoureD ‘edoxdoy yo Stmp.aND ‘sr9aHs AUPE swormseeresry jedan “oare yovuos oqt ey ouwneg | wos pue waxy weoiso om 0 sou | O8:6-00%6 aitaas oom snowaid am yo siouumy yo | syuoas jaa snovaid ox so ssa Jo | nuousounouuy' eouountutang | _—tusulanunouuy 9 soreunayid c0:6-00'8 (ourdia) SHLV (éepeng @ Sepm3es) | soo worsiai :onto, (asyug) 59 wesory ‘onus, zr-rr Arensqod (éepira) of Arenaqod (depemay) 6 Aomsaer (seproupom) ¢ Arnage oun €80E ‘StF BT ‘TT fsmiqag SONTYAANOO SSTAd STOOHOS NOISIAIG £707 ad ‘oN WMPUBIOUIIPY UOISTAIC] 03 ¢ “ON smNSO}UG, ‘W1NAQID00 SIWVSIW 4O NOISIAIG STOOHOS X NOISaY UowINGD Jo waujzedage saundyges 36h 30 aH andaye “g 4 << Ty

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