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Management for Engineers

Individual Project

Semester 2 Academic Year (2022/23),

Lecturer: Hugh Cargill

Name: Shanae Montaque 1804632

Institution: The University of Technology Jamaica

Date: April 11, 2022

The National Housing Trust (NHT)

The National Housing Trust is a company established by the Jamaican government to provide

low-interest rate loans to contributors who want to purchase, build, or renovate homes or land.

The NHT also does housing projects for Contributors to purchase and offers affordable financing

to private developers, with a mission to improve the lives of the nations citizens by providing

them with the opportunity to own a home.

Figure 1: Organizational Chart for the National Housing Trust

SWOT Analysis of the National Housing Trust


1. Substantial government support: Being a government-backed institution in Jamaica, the

National Housing Trust has a the stability and assistance that is hard for private entity to


2. Proven track record: The NHT has a history of successful projects, with several housing

developments finished around Jamaica. This has aided in building the trust and reputation

of the company within the wider Jamaican society.

3. The provision of affordable housing for Jamaicans: This is a major socioeconomic need

in the nation and the NHT's main area of attention. This has contributed to the NHT's

reputation as a socially conscious group devoted to enhancing Jamaicans' quality of life.


1. Restricted resources: Despite having access to finance, the NHT currently does not have

the resources to support all the projects it would like to launch, as there are many

constraints introduced when you try to design and construct “affordable housing


2. Bureaucracy: Because the NHT is supported by the government, it may be subject to

bureaucratic procedures and restrictions that impede decision-making and execution.


1. Growing need for affordable housing: Due to Jamaica's high demand for affordable

housing, there is a significant potential market for the NHT's services.

2. Develop into other marketplaces: The NHT may choose to broaden its reach outside of

Jamaica, either by collaboration with organizations abroad or by offering technical

support to other housing groups.


1. Economic disruptions: Jamaica's economy is prone to changes, which may affect the

NHT's capacity to get finance and finish projects.

2. Competition from private developers: Private developers may be able to provide housing

at a lower cost than the NHT, which may affect the company's capacity to draw clients.
Project Charter: Expanding the National Housing Trust Jamaica's Customer Market

Project Title: NHT Customer Market Expansion Project

Project Description:

The National Housing Trust is a government-backed organization that provides affordable

housing solutions to Jamaicans. The objective of this project is to expand the NHT's customer

market by identifying new customer segments and developing marketing strategies to reach

them. This will increase the number of Jamaicans who can benefit from the NHT's housing


Project Manager:

Project Start Date:

Project End Date:

Project Objectives:

• Identify new customer segments for the NHT's housing solutions.

• Develop targeted marketing strategies to reach these new customer segments.

• Increase the number of customers who benefit from the NHT's housing solutions.

• Improve the NHT's revenue and financial performance.

• Enhance the NHT's reputation as a socially responsible organization that is committed to

improving the lives of Jamaicans.

Project Milestones:

• Milestone 1: Market Research - Conduct market research to identify new customer

segments and their housing needs. Completion Date: _______

• Milestone 2: Marketing Strategy Development - Develop targeted marketing strategies to

reach new customer segments. Completion Date: _________

• Milestone 3: Marketing Campaign Launch - Launch marketing campaigns to reach new

customer segments. Completion Date: _________

• Milestone 4: Customer Acquisition - Acquire a target number of new customers within

the first six months of the marketing campaign. Completion Date: _________

• Milestone 5: Revenue and Financial Performance - Evaluate the revenue and financial

performance of the NHT at the end of the project to determine its success in expanding its

customer market. Completion Date: _________

Project Budget:

The project budget will be allocated from the NHT's existing resources and will cover expenses

related to market research, marketing campaigns, and customer acquisition.

Project Risks:

• Economic uncertainties in Jamaica could impact the project's financial performance.

• Competition from private developers could impact the NHT's ability to acquire new


• Changes in government policies and regulations could impact the NHT's operations.
Project Stakeholders:

• Government of Jamaica

• NHT Board of Directors

• NHT Management Team

• NHT Employees

• Existing and potential customers

Project Approvals:

This project charter will be approved by the NHT Board of Directors and the NHT Management

Team before the project start date.




Company Control

Based on project management theories, the following areas should be monitored to exercise

control of the National Housing Trust:

1. Scope: Throughout the project lifetime, the project's scope has to be accurately specified

and tracked. This involves making sure that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of

the project's objectives and needs, and that any modifications to the scope are properly

managed and authorised.

2. Time: To make sure that the project is moving forward on schedule and that any delays

are swiftly discovered and handled, the project schedule should be regularly reviewed.

This include keeping track of project milestones, planning frequent status reports, and

utilising tools like critical path analysis to spot possible delay sources.

3. Cost: To make sure the project stays under budget and that any cost overruns are swiftly

found and resolved, project expenses should be closely monitored. This include keeping

track of project costs, overseeing budgets, and keeping an eye on project performance

using tools like earned value analysis.

4. Quality: To make sure that the project deliverables satisfy the necessary standards and

requirements, the quality of the products should be continuously checked. To achieve

this, quality standards and metrics must be established, project performance must be

tracked against these metrics, and frequent quality reviews and inspections must be

carried out.

5. Risk: Project risks should be identified, assessed, and monitored throughout the project

lifecycle to ensure that they are effectively managed. This involves conducting regular
risk assessments, developing risk management plans, and tracking risk mitigation


6. Communication: To ensuring that all stakeholders are informed and involved throughout

the project lifecycle, effective communication is essential to project success. As part of

this, a communication strategy must be created, frequent meetings and updates must be

scheduled, and project management tools and software must be used to streamline

communication and cooperation.

Methodology for employee motivation

Motivating employees is a very important aspect of managing any organization, these include the


• Recognition and rewards: Managers can recognize and reward employees for their hard

work, dedication, and achievements.

• Employee development and training: Offering opportunities for employee development

and training can help employees to grow their skills and knowledge, which can increase

their job satisfaction and motivation.

• Clear communication: Ensuring clear communication with employees, including sharing

information about the organization's goals and plans, can help to create a sense of

purpose and direction among employees.

• Empowerment: Empowering employees to make decisions and take ownership of their

work can help to increase their sense of responsibility and motivation.

• Work-life balance: Ensuring that employees have a healthy work-life balance, including

flexible schedules and time off, can help to reduce stress and burnout, which can lead to

increased motivation and job satisfaction.

• Performance feedback: Providing regular feedback on employee performance, both

positive and constructive, can help employees to understand their strengths and areas for

improvement, which can increase their motivation to improve their work.

Theories in Project Management

By applying these project management theories, the NHT can improve its effectiveness, and
ability to deliver high-quality housing solutions.
• Critical Path Method: This approach involves identifying the critical path through a

project and ensuring that all tasks are completed on time to prevent delays. The NHT

could use this approach to ensure that its housing projects are completed on time and

within budget, and to identify any potential bottlenecks or issues that may impact project


• Risk Management: This involves identifying potential risks and developing strategies to

mitigate or avoid them. The NHT could use risk management to identify potential risks to

its housing projects, such as changes in government policies or economic instability, and

to develop contingency plans to minimize their impact.

• Stakeholder Management: This approach involves identifying and engaging with all

stakeholders who have an interest in the project, including customers, employees, and

government agencies. The NHT could use stakeholder management to ensure that its

housing solutions meet the needs of its customers and are aligned with government

policies and regulations.

• Quality Management: This approach involves ensuring that all processes and outputs

meets or exceeds customer expectations, and involves continuous improvement and

feedback. The NHT could use quality management to ensure that its housing solutions are

of the highest quality and meet the needs of its customers, while also continuing to

improve its processes and operations.

Problems related to the management of the National Housing Trust and their possible


• Inadequate Technology: The NHT may face challenges in adopting new

technologies, which could improve efficiency and reduce costs. To address this,

the NHT could invest in technology infrastructure and training programs for its

employees to help them adopt new tools and processes.

• Inefficient Project Management: The NHT may face challenges in managing its

projects effectively, resulting in delays, cost overruns, and quality issues. To

address this, the NHT could implement a project management framework, to

ensure that all projects are planned, executed, and monitored in a consistent and

structured manner.

• Delays in Project Execution: The NHT has faced criticism for delays in executing

its housing projects. The solution could be to use a more flexible approach to

project management, using techniques such as iterative development to speed up

the project execution process.

• Corruption and Mismanagement: There have been instances of mismanagement at

the NHT, which has reduced the public trust in the organization. The solution

could be to implement stricter governance and accountability measures, such as

regular audits, performance reviews, and whistleblower protections, to ensure that

the organization is operating ethically and transparently.


The NHT has been in operation for more than 40 years, which is evidence of its

durability. The Trust has continued to provide Jamaicans high-quality housing options while

adapting to market changes. The NHT has also taken several steps to maintain its financial

stability, such as setting up a reserve fund and diversifying its investment portfolio.

In summary, the National Housing Trust is a reputable business that has greatly benefited

the people of Jamaica. Its lifespan and productivity serve as benchmarks for how well it executes

its mission. The NHT is well-positioned to continue playing an important role in the

development of Jamaica as the need for affordable housing options increases.


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