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Top 10 Business Management Dissertation Topics

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In this article, we will be looking at 10 Business Management Dissertation topics suggested
by ChatGPT with detailed explanations for each topic. We will cover the main points to be
considered while writing a dissertation, including the introduction, literature review,
research methodology, data analysis, and conclusion. We will also provide sample projects
written by students from various universities and colleges to give an idea of how to
approach each topic and get you started.
A dissertation is an essential academic project that demonstrates a student's research and
analytical skills, critical thinking, and ability to synthesize information. Writing this
detailed piece of writing requires extensive research and analysis. But the first step is
choosing the right topic, to begin with. So we asked our friend ChatGPT for some topics for
the dissertation on Business Management. Here is its response:

List of dissertation topics on Business Management
For each topic we have provided samples reports and past projects which can help you get
Topic 1: The impact of digital transformation on business operations and customer
Sample Projects:
1. Research Proposal on Analyzing the Impact of Digital Transformation on McDonald's
This is a research proposal that aims to analyze the impact of digital transformation on
McDonald's functions and customers. The study will investigate the different stages of
digital transformation, challenges associated with it, and recommend ways of analyzing the
stages of digital transformation.
Check out the complete research proposal here:
2. To identify the implication of Digital Transformation process”. A case study on Apple.

The research project aims to identify the implications of digital transformation on Apple.
The literature review covers digital transformation and its importance for Apple.

Link to this research project:
3. To determine the steps of digital transformation process and its impact on business
activity - A case study on Wiser.

The research project aims to determine the steps of digital transformation process and its
impact on business activity using a case study on Wiser. The inquiry topics consist of the
digital transformation procedure, key phases of the digital transformation process, and the
significance of the digital transformation process to the business operations of Wiser.

Link to complete research:
Topic 2: An analysis of the role of leadership in shaping organizational culture and
driving innovation
Sample Projects and Reports:
1. Innovation and Commercialization Assignment

This report examines the significance of innovation and commercialization for companies.
It explores the elements accountable for innovation, tactics for innovation, and the
procedure of turning innovation into a profitable venture. Additionally, the report clarifies
the differentiation between invention and innovation and their relevance to organizations.

Link to assignment:
2. Exploring Innovation and Commercialization in Heinz UK: Importance, Comparison with
Invention, and Business Case

The report discusses the importance of innovation in Heinz UK and how it compares to
invention. It also explores the role of organizational culture, leadership, vision, and
teamwork in shaping innovation and commercialization.

Link to report:

Topic 3: Investigating the effects of strategic human resource management practices
on employee performance
Sample Research Projects:
1. Analysis of Mc Donald's HRM practice: A case study in Ilford Branch

This research project analyzes the importance of employee motivation for the growth and
development of an organization, focusing on the case study of the Ilford Branch of

Link to case study:

Topic 4: Exploring the effectiveness of marketing strategies in promoting sustainable
business practices
Sample Research Projects:
1. Principles and Practices of Marketing- ASOS Fashion Retailer

The article discusses the principles and practices of marketing with a focus on the online
fashion retailer ASOS.

Link to report:
2. Tour Operations Management Assignment (Trailfinders Ltd)

The report discusses various aspects of tour operations management in the UK travel
industry based on Trailfinders Ltd.

Link to report:
3. Strategies for the Promotion of Fruitcake Business of Catholic Monks

The report discusses challenges faced by the Catholic monks of the New Camaldoli
Hermitage in managing their budget and suggests strategies for promoting their fruitcake

Link to report:
Topic 5: An examination of the impact of corporate social responsibility on brand
reputation and customer loyalty
Sample Projects:
1. The Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Loyalty - Body Shop and
British Petroleum

Body Shop and British Petroleum are taken as case studies to analyze the impact of CSR on
customer loyalty.

Link to report:
2. Impact of CSR on Company's Brand Image in UK Retail Sector: A Study on Tesco
This research reoprt aims to assess how CSR initiatives impact the brand image of Tesco by
conducting qualitative investigations related to CSR

Link to report:
3. Corporate social responsibility and the impact on business growth - A case on Nike
The proposal focuses on Nike as a case study and explores the various impacts of CSR on
the company's brand recognition, customer loyalty, financial performance, and other

Link to dissertation proposal:

Topic 6: Analyzing the influence of organizational structure on employee motivation
and job satisfaction
Sample Projects:
1. Organisation and Behaviour: Exploring Culture, Organisational Structure, and
Individual Behaviour at Work

This report provides an overview of organizational behaviour and its application in
understanding, influencing, and predicting events in the workplace. It covers various topics
related to organizational behaviour, including culture, organizational structure, and
individual behaviour at work.

Link to report:
2. Report On ASDC - Organizational Structure & Behavior

This report discusses the different aspects of organization and behavior for ASDC

Link to report:

Topic 7: Investigating the role of corporate governance in preventing unethical
business practices
Sample Projects:
1. The Concept of Ethics Involves Moral Judgments - Sustainability and Business
Ethics at Uber

The essay discusses the importance of ethics in business organizations, focusing on Uber
Technologies Inc.

Link to essay:
2. Corporate Governance and Ethics - Commonwealth Bank of Australia

This report discusses the ethical issues that the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) is
facing, specifically in terms of governance and culture, which has damaged the bank's
image and global acceptance.

Link to report:

Topic 8: The impact of globalization on supply chain management and logistics
Sample Projects:
1. Exploring the Importance of Global Supply Chain Management: A Focus on CPFR,
Sustainability, and Technology

This report examines the significance of supply chain management in global business
operations, particularly in the automotive sector.

Link to complete report:
2. Current Issues and Trends in Logistics Management: Coles Supermarkets

The report provides an overview of logistics management, transportation, supplier
relationship management, using Coles Supermarkets of Australia as a case study.

Link to report:
Topic 9: An analysis of the effectiveness of change management strategies in
managing organizational change
Sample Reports:
1. Organisational Change Strategies Assignment: Tesco

Report on Organisational Change Strategies: Evaluating Models, Implementing Solutions,
and Monitoring Progress in Tesco

Link to report:
2. Change Management Strategies for HSBC: A Case Study Analysis
This report discusses the importance of change management strategies for HSBC, a banking
corporation with a customer base of around 100 million worldwide.

Link to complete report:
Topic 10: Exploring the impact of e-commerce on traditional business models and
consumer behavior
Sample projects:
1. The impact of E-Commerce on business performance in the retail industry

This report discusses the significant role that e-commerce has played in modern business
and the retail industry in particular.

2. (PDF) Impact of Digital Marketing on the Growth of Consumerism

This research project aims to analyze the impact of digital technology on the marketing
operations of the retail sector, with a case study on Tesco.
That’s all folks

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