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To Dear Sir
of Human Resources of
Solar Works
Maputo, May 02, 2023

Your Excellency

Zacarias Raimundo Facitela, 25 years old, single, born in Maputo, bearer of holder of ID no
110302610881N, I have a degree in Rural Engineering, I had the I have had the opportunity to
be part of short projects of community development, I work as a salesman of agricultural and
industrial machinery and generators in Entreposto Group, S.A. I have worked as Social Media
Manager and Sales Representative in RyAgriMozambique, having acquired considerable
experience and adaptability in hostile environments.

I hereby request you to grant me the opportunity to work as a salesman, considering that I am
a very creative, focused, determined, very curious young man, with a great will to learn and
adaptable to any proposed service.

If I am worthy of this opportunity, I assure that my presence will mean clean, very efficient,
effective and safe results to offer the great Institution taking into account my responsibility,
secrecy, loyalty, dynamics, punctuality, team work and communication, thus contributing to
its continued success in Mozambique.

I attach my Curriculum Vitae for your appreciation where I detail myformations.

Hoping to meet your expectations, I thank you in advance for your attention,

I submit myself with esteem and consideration.

Best regards!


Zacarias Raimundo Facitela

Zacarias Raimundo Facitela

Endereço: Av de Moç., Luís Cabral
Kamubukwana – Maputo
Cell: (+258) 848281959/878281959

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