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KENYATTA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2019/2020 FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF fNCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING sc LIME: 2.00 P.M, - 4.00 P.M. + This Exam consists of FOUR Questions 4 Answer Question ONE (COMPULSORY) and any the TWO Questions 1./ @) With respect to characteristies of clay soils, explain why it is important to ns. (10 marks) conduct through soil investigations as part of engineering di (b) Ina constant head permeability test, the following results were obtained: 4.0 minutes = Duration of the test = Quantity of water collected = 600 ml * Head difference in manometer = 80 mm = Distance between manometer readings = 120 mm © Diameter of test sample = 100 mm Determine the coefficient of hydraulic conductivity of the soil sample. (©) _ Define the following terms: (i) Total stress Gi) Porosity i) Dry unit weight (iv) Critical Hydraulic gradient 2/ — Soil with unit weight of 18kN/m? is loaded on the ground surface by a uniformly distributed load of 400kN/m? over a square footing 2m x 2m (Figure 2). Determine the Vertical stress inerement due to this uniform load at a depth of 4m below the center of the footing. Determine also the total vertical pressure atthe same location. Bi R no Figure 2 (Questic __ Page 1 of 3 INVOLVEMENT IN ANY EXAMINATION IRREGULARITY SHALL LEAD TO DISCONTINUATION sion 3 (20 marks) a flow net and for the the graph paper provided and using an appropriate seale, construct a flow net a pile shown in Figure 3. Estimate the seepage in eubic mete sheet pile. (Hint, Start by sketebi per unit width of the es per ye 2 4 Now nes) Figure 3 (Question 3) Question 4 (20 marks) During preparations for a pumping test, a well was sunk through a stratum of sand 10 m deep, and into clay of very low permeability beneath. Obs rvation holes were drilled 20 m and at 80 m_ from the well. The water in the well and in the observation holes stood originally at the same level, 2.4 m below the top of the well. After pumping until steady conditions had been achieved, the discharge was found to be 18 m’/ hour. The water level in the observation hole 20 m from the well had dropped 2.0 m and that in the hole 80 m away had dropped 0.6 m, What was the hydraulic conductivity of the sand layer? —ee_—_—_—_—_——_—————————— Page 2 of 3 INVOLVEMENT IN ANY EXAMINATION IRREGULARITY SHALL LEAD TO DISCONTINUATION Lablc 1. AEG ap. a Uniformly Loaded R ectangular Area at the Surface [m7n Ja o2 om 05, 06 oT on os | 01 0.005 | 0.009 0017 [0.020 [0.022 [0.024 0.026 _[0.027__| 02 0.003 [0.018 0.033 [0.039 |0.043 |0.047__[0.050__ [0.053 | 03 0.013 | 0.026. 0.047 | 0.056 [0.063 foo [o073 0077 | 0.4 0.017 __ | 0.033 ‘0.060 [0.071 [0.080 _[0.087__[0.093__[0.098__| 05 0.020 __ | 0.039, aor [0084 | 0.035 [0.103 [o110 [0.116 06 0.022 | 0.043, 0.080 [o.09s |0.107__[o117__ [0.125 [0.137 oT o.024 joot7 [0.069 looser foros [o17 [o128 [0.137 _|o.144 08 0.026 [0.050 | 0.073 [0093 [o110 [0.125 [o.137 [0146 [0.154 09 0.027 [0.053 [0.077 _|0.038 [0.116 0.131 [0.144 [0.151 [0.162 1.0) 0.028 [0.055 [0.079 [0.101 [0120 {0.136 [0149 [0160 [0.168 72 0.023 [0.057 [0.083 [0.106 |o126 [0.143 [0157 [0168 [0.178 15 0.030} 0.059 [0.086 |O.110 [0131 ova [0164 [0176 [0.186 20 oon [os |[oos9 [ors ors [0153 [0.169 [o1e1 [0.192 25 0.031 [0.062 [0.090 [0115 o137 [0.155 [0.170 [0.183 [0.194 3.0 0.032 [0.062 [o.0s0 [011s [0137 [0.156 |o.171 [0184 [0.195 50 0.032 [0.052 [o.0s0 [ors [o137_ [0.156 [o1e [0785 [0.196 0.0 [0.032 [0.062 [0.090 [0115 [0137 [0156 [ot72 [0185 [0.196 fo.os2 [oos0 [ors [ois7 [o1s6 [ore [o1as [0.196 m/n__ [10 1 15 20 25 3.0 50 700 _[* 0.1 {0.0% [002s [0.030 [0031 [oo31 [0.032 [0.032 [0.032 [0.032 02 0.055 [0.057 0.059 [0.061 [0082 [0.062 [0.062 [0.062 __|0.062 {o3 0.079 [0.083 [0.086 [0.089 [0.090 [0.090 [0.090 [0.080 [0.090 0.4 0.101 {0106 [0.110 _Jo.113_ [ors [ors [ors fous fous: 05 0.120__[o.126 [0.131 [0.135 [0137 [0137 [0137 0.137 [oa37__| 0.6 0.136 [0143 [org [o1ss }o1ss 0156 [o1s6 jo1ss [0.156 | OT o149 [0157 [o1e4 ores [or70 {0171 |o1z |o112 \lOor72 { 08 0.160 [oie [ois [oir [o1e3 [ores [ois [ores [o.9s 09 0.168 [0178 [0196 [o19z_ [oisa [0195 [ors6 |ois6 [0.196 1.0 0.175 [0185 [0.193 [0200 [0202 [0.203 [0.204 [0.205 [0.205 12 0.185 [0196 [0.205 [oz [ozs [ozs [oz [ozs [oz 18 0.193 [0205 [O21S [0223 [0226 [0.28 |o229 [0230 [0.230 2.0 0200 fore [0223 [0232 [0236 [0238 [0239 [0240 |o240 | 25 202 fozis [oze6 [0236 |o2a0 ozs [oz [ozs lo2zaa | 30) 0.203 [0216 [028 0238 [0242 [0.214 [0.246 [0247 [0.247 50 O.204 [0217 [0229 [0239 [o2aa [0246 [ozs [0.249 [0.249 700 [0.205 [0218 [0230 [0240 [0244 |0247 [0249 [0.250 0.250 | a 0.205 [0218 [0.230 [o2so fo2a [0247 [0.249 [0.250 [0.250 KENYATTA UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS: 2018/2019 ECV 301: SOIL MECHANICS 1 CATI _ Question 1 tion of Explain in detail why it is important to conduct thorough characterization and classifical soils targeted for construction works (10 marks) | hy < | 3m} Cettlomets| | /t@ | “ I KENYATTA UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2038/2019 =] ECV 301: SOIL MECHANICS 1 CAT 2 Question 1 The gate to the school of engineering is supported by two pillars, which rest on a layer of sofi clay, 4.0 m thick. The dimensions of the concrete footing for the pillars are 1.2 m long x 1.6 m wide and 0.4 m thick. The distance between pillars is 4.0 m centre to centre, while the pillars are 2.5 m high abcve the ground level. The weight of gate, pillars end footings is 50 kN. The total pressure due to overlying strata on the clay layer is 3.4 kg/ cm? of which 6.4 xz! «m? is associated with pore pressure. The compression index of the clay is 0.45. Compute the settlement, assuming the natural water content of the clay layer to 4: 43%, specific gravity of its soil grains as 2.7 and initial void ratio as 1.16. KENYATTA UNIVERSITY é ECV 301: SOIL MECHANICS: CAT 3 (Semester 1, 5" Februat Question 1 \ Ima standard compaction test ona sol (s=2.70),the following rests were obtained, xs Water Content Buik density we % Me/m? 5 1.89 8 213 10 2.20 n 221 4s 216 20 2.08, Show these results plotted as dry density against water content. From the graph, determine maximum, dry density and optimum water content. Question 2 As an Engineering student, you have designed a foundation dewatering system using a sheet pile, as shown in Figure Q.2. By making a neat sketch of a flow net of seepage under the sheet piling determine the quantity of seepage in m*/min/m run of piling if the permeability of the sand is 18 x 10° mm/ sec. ba 5 mo] eo? If the unit weight of sand is 19 kN/*, explain by making suitable assumptions how you would check if \ piping is a potential problem or not (i.e. explain how you would determine the factor safety against piping)? Fadlersg cage fy, Deferrora}ew «cata in ft Pars o¢ seit Wiely fo occ wrthin a ay rte bak euee 40 about hay the dentin oF Pare fe UTE MG * ad = N82 abe Yied 2 OFF — AE, -Ty)X PEK OGp = KBEKW Weeght Wl 2CSier v) 20m he Wl oC Water evel 2am fie Sand Ureved seorery (ee 20m = Nath xxoveds @ pla, 1° wd DOB" "0" inparitceees SHXB6 caret Goo dex) aa we Figure Q.2 new aw Foci 7038 vy Tt draft 447) ems . KENYATTA UNIVERSITY ECV 301: SOIL MECHANICS: CAT 2 (Semester 1, 22™ January, 2018) - Question 1 As an Engineering student, you have designed a simple River Bank Infiltration system using a pile sheet, as shown in Figure 1. By making a neat sketch of a flow net of seepage under the sheet piling estimate if the permeability of the sand i 20 x approximately the quantity of seepage in m'/min/m run of p 10% mm/sec. {f the unit weight of sand is 18.5 kN/", explain by making suitable assumptions how you would check if piping is 2 potential problem or not (i.e, explain how you would determine the factor safety against siping)? ' piping)? Ly seco4y = Sheet ple ied Mp Ky Water evel . .* Xp Ck KOO (Bea Se) aa (ec-qe) Ee XOrry = 6 Pa . 5-488 . < 7 188m Upriard cxepage® n ay ahs $4 37g ty mo - - “Ad ¥ @ ~ on™ NAN a keth hi = Wyle pada Tyan 163% \>p.3.g- Za WOME AS } Impervious rock é a. KI Figure 1 7 * 3s &

B : ints P and Q for 28.213 m and 23.456 m respectively. Determine the elevations of new poit fos the levelling network shown in the figure below for which: ae N= P to A =2.716m, (3.3 km); 12 = Q to A = 9.246m 3 km); 3 =B to Q = 5.083m, sm); I6= Q to P= (1okm; /4 = C to P= 16.332m (4.0 km); 5 = C 10 Q= 9.801 3.3 km); 16~ Qt0 6.550m (2.0 km) QUESTION TWO (20 Marks) 2) A vertical curve 120 m long of the parabola type isto join e falling gradient of in 200 to a vising gradient of 1 in 300. Ifthe level of the intersection of the two gradients is 30:36 im give the levels at 15-m intervals along the curve. Ifthe headlamp of a car was 0.375 m above the road surface, at what distance will the beam strike the road surface when the car ig at the start of the curve? Assume the beam is horizontal when the car is om a level surface. (8 marks) b) Two straights, with a deflection angle of 36°, are to be joined with a circular curve of 500m radius. The forward chainage of the Intersection Point is 6051.35m. Compute the setting-out data required for chords of 20m length. ; (12 marks) QUESTION THREE (20 Marks) ‘An existing length of road consists of a rising gradient of 1 in 20, followed by a vertical parabolic crest curve 100 m long, and then a falling gradient of 1 in 40, The curve joins both ‘eradients tangentially and the reduced level of the highest point on the curve is 173.07 m above 10 be improved over this stretch of road by replacing this curve with another datum. te Page 2 of 3 INVOLVEMENT IN ANY EXAMINATION IRREGULARITY SHALL LEAD TO DISCONTINUATION parabolic curve 200 m long. nd the depth of excavation required at the mid-point of the eurve ii, Tabulate the reduced levels of points at 30-m interv on the new curve. iii What will be the minimum visibility on the new curve for a driver whose eyes are 105m above the toad surface? (20 marks) TION FOUR (20 Marks) 8) Outline two major needs of providing curves (2 Marks bb) Calculate the side widths and cross-sectional id fill on a hillside section a> shown in the figure below having the following dimensions: (6 marks) Road width = 20m existing ground slope = Tin 5 (20%) Side slope in cut = Lind (100%) centre height in cut = im Side slope in fill = 1 in 2.650%) & wi ne EAP eee ©) Describe the properties of a mass haul diagram (12 Marks) QUESTION FIN! (20 Marks) 2) Compute the area of the polygon ABCD by coordinates. Then carry Out a check of the area by using the geometric shapes (6 Marks) Figure Coordinates sms ON a 0000 . on Cw 8 bd 2m 35 A 00 00 b) Derive Simpson’s Rule method of area estimation (7 Mari ¢) Outline the procedure of running a traverse (7 Mar — " . INVOLVEMENT IN ANY EXAMINATION IRREGULARITY SHALL LEAD TO DISCONTINUAT acceptable level. In the List these pathogens for which edge pathogens 10 an fecting drinking water, saver treatment 10 1 4) Disinfection is used in w world, five agents have found common Use in dis Gjsinkectants and name the 3, eRteZories ‘of human enteric disinfection is necessary (Bmks) ji) Diseuss 7 factors relating to the disinfection efficiency oFelorine (7mks) iii) Marakech Town has an existing horizontal —flow sedimentation tank with an overflow rate of 0.708m'/hm’. What percentage removal should be expected for each of the following particle settling velocities in an ‘deal sedimentation tank: 0.01em/s, ‘0.020m/s and 0.len's. (mks) wn basin, the particle settling cretely in a sedimentation Jn can be designed to remove below, and the basi iy) Show that when particles settled Yelocity can be obtained by the equation {specific size particle. (L0mks) Wheres, ye= settling velocity gravitational acceleration pi density of particle p=fluid density Co= drag coetficient d-diameter of particle ‘S 2018/2019 REE OF BACHELOR OF UNIVE SCIENCE, HON FOR THe DEG! FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINA GINEERING INCIVILE! TRANSPORTATION DATE: TUESDAY 201 MARCH 200 INSTRUCTION: + This paper contains FOUR questi spt QUESTION ONE (1) and any other 1 ks while the rest earry 20 Mi = Attemy + QUES + Usea Scientific non-programm pens and pencils will be ream he prov re NOT allowed in the exa TION ONE (1) carries 30 Mar jarks each ie calculator + Erasers, uired «ALL workings should be shown om th jded answer booklets mination room «Cell phones and any written mate! ils Question 1 (3 Marks) a) Transportation is a function of land use. Discuss the road traffic system eam be said 10 comprise three components, the yents - pre-crash in \d the road. Crashes by. With regard to safety likewise have three compon human, the vehicle # bh, Create a Haddon Matrix giving mitigating measures that may be adopted for of a crash, (6 Marks) and postcras cach road system component at exch SIRS I. yt, wes bod Marks) c) Brights discuss, the eT clement aoe Zi ish unt fe Re la feta =g Io (ooRl systey ic cw eqecentt d) Ink Zins a pote to A “akere are Sp {aiiional Factors that y ‘you would (3 Marks) te tune of a eansponaton 88 are rocess. Outline THREE of thes ‘consider in the location P fn Shad Somat Pen AE Ge pak Ute Ontet She chneet ation need bee we Wakes Send ete INTINUATION INVOLVEMENT IN ANY EXAMINATION IRREGULAR! ©) Explain how each of the following sources of information is used in route location surveys. i) Oblique and stereographie photographs, 1) Topographic maps 1) List FOUR advantag yes of air transport (4 Marks) ang! FOUR disadvan oprenen tn a Bah mond tol Oe canola 2) Ollie’ sequésiially, the four-Gicp'nisiiel used in urban transport p Tap gettin lel ey taked AML va ing datohben at Question 2 yersereret ooh a) Discuss the social and economic benefits of rail transport with particular regard to towns whose development has been influenced by (8 Marks) urbanization, giving examples of Ket rail, b) Briefly discuss and distinguish the major defining features of roads constructed in the Roman Empire and those in the Incan Civilization of the Americas. (6 Marks) ‘naracteristies of sustainable transportation in each of these: the natural environment, i the in society and in the economy. (6 Marks) Question 3 ‘¥ Describe the functions of any THREE roads management bodies in Kenya. (6 Marks) b) With he aid of sketches, discuss and contrast the road building approaches of Jerome ‘Tresaguet, Thomas Telford and John Loudon McAdam. (12 Marks) c) Outline the TWO general functions of fixed transport routes. (2 Marks) Question 4 a) You are a Site Agent engaged by a contractor to supervise scheme, After ‘walking the route’ of the intended highway, you noticed a deficiency in anew highway construction location of one of the bridges. Detail the steps you would follow in proposing a more suitzble jeer. (12 Marks) bridge site to be adopted by the Resident E b) Briefly deseribe any FOUR road geometry parameters that affect road safety. (8 Marks) lel Aenabe 3 ere ge 2 of 2 1D TO DISCONTINUATION KENYATTA UNIVERSITY * UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2019/2020 FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Tuesday, 28" January 2020 TIME: 11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. INSTRUCTION: 1. This paper contains FIVE (5) Questions. 2. You are required to answer THREE (3) questions only. Question One a) Highlg Ht three main characteristics used as selection criteria for transport mode. Seite. (3 marks) b) Briefly discuss the sequential four-step model used in rational transportation planning framework and forecasts. (8 marks) ©) Discuss elements of transportation systems under the following sections. i, Fixed facilities =r west? ae ii, Flow entities esvainee — Ae sh (04 a? oe iii. | Operation systems. (9 marks) Question Two Using relevant examples, briefly explain five major stages in transportation planning process. (20 marks) Question Three a) Surveys for large bridges, as with any other transport project, can be carried out in three classical phases. Discuss this. (9 marks) b) Highlight three factors considered in the location of recreational and scenic routes. (6 marks) c) List ten donors and financiers of development of transport facilities in Kenya. (5 marks) Question Four / A, 8, co, bE SPR, rs Explain briefly "tne various major classes of public roads as per the Road Inventory and Condition Survey (RICS) of 2009. 7 (7 marks) cheb S yp JS Outline the five mandates of the Kenya Roads Board (KRB) a5 defined in KRB act of 03 ie 2000. (5 marks) see a | * 9 Highlight five road parameters or elements that play a significant role in road safety.. ye on (5 marks) 4d) Outline the objective of highway appraisal process. GB marks) Question Five Kenya's transport sector is currently facing numerous challenges and deficiencies which have to be addressed both in the medium term and in the long-run within the context of Vision 2030. Discuss this. (20 marks) |r “Pert p KENYATTA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2019/2020 R EXAMINATION FOR THE D) SCIENCE IN CIVIL/AGRICULTURAL & BIOS FIRST SEMEST REE OF BACHELOR OF EMS ENGINEERIN Ks HYDRAULICS 1 Friday 31% January 2020 TIME: 8.00a.m -10.00a.m This paper consists of 5 questions Answer questions ONE and any other two! Where applicable, use the attached-charts Question 1 (30 Marks a) Arectangular open channel has a base of length 2b, and the water is flowing with a depth of b. i. Sketch this channel (2 Marks) i What is the hydraulic radius of this channel? “ (@Marks) 'b) “Two channels have the same cross-sectional area, but different geometry, as shown in Fig Question 1 b). i. Which channel has the largest wetted perimeter? (2 Marks) ji, Which channet has more contact between water and channel wall? (2 Marks) iii, Which channel will have more energy loss to friction? (2 Marks) Fig. Question 1b) How are head loss and slope related for non-uniform flow, as compared to uniform flow? (4 Maris) ee Page 1 of S INVOLVEMENT IN ANY EXAMINATION IRREGULARITY SHALL LEAD TO DISCONTINUATION ret ) a). Water flows at a rate of 12m #/8 ‘a rectangular channel 3m wide. Determine the Froude voaer and the type of flow (subriica, critical, or supercritical) for depths of Marks) Ge. tomane (amr) 29) i 20m. (2 Marks) jv. What the critical depth? (3 Marks) ©) Forthe discharge and channel of Question 1d), iL What isthe alternate depth to the 30 cm depth? (3 Marks) i. Whats the specific energy for these conditions? (3 Marks) Question 2 (20 Marks) a) AO.3m step is to be built in a rectangular channel carrying a discharge per unit width of 0.5 m/s i. Calculate the effect of this change on the water level in both subcritical and super 0 (5 marks) REED Page 1 of 2 INVOLVEMENT IN ANY EXAMINATION IRREGULARITY SHALL LEAD TO DISCONTINUATION Question Three (20 Marks) alate the double inte {iAay—y"Jasdywhere 2 is the region in the xyplane & (6 marks) a) Ev bounded by y > Vv and y= x! b) Us Pind where 1 the divergence theorem P= Bvb 4 = 82)7 4 (24 ve" Yh and Sis the surface of the box (8 marks) OSV Os ned, O5z52 (ja)at the point (2,-1.1) ww eand A= xzi~ xy? ja ce) I ox, (Gms Question Four (20 Marks) a) Find the projection of the v tor A= 7-24 kon the vector B= 4) -4j + 7k (3 marks) Inj + Ask, B= By + Byj + Byk and C = C\i + Cj + Cok prove (4 marks) b) Given that Ai + that 4-(Bx @)=8.(Ex a) ©) State Green’s theorem in a given plane. Hence evaluate the line integral [x'de+(v? +3xy7) dv round the region bounded by the curves y= x3 and y = xin tie first quadrant. (7 marks) d) Determine the constant a so that the vector 7 = (x-+3y)i +(y—2z)j +(x + az) solenoidal (2 marks) e) A particle moves so that its position vector is given by # = cosa! +sinaxj where wis a constant. Show that: ee The velocity # of the particle is perpendicular to # (2 marks ii, xi =constant vector (2 marks) Question Five (20 Marks) a) Evaluate Mfg dds where $= included in the first octant between z = Oand. xyzand Sis the surface of the cylinder x7 + y? =16 =5 (8 marks) ~ P from ¢= Oto t= Levaluate the line (4 marks)“ b) If ¢=2xyz?and cthe curve x=07,y=2t,2 integral jee ©) Given A= xyz + (xy-2y2)j + y2*handg = 2x? y—2xyz+3y"z?, find Div grad dat the point (2,-1,-2) (5 marks) / d) Given that # = i+ j-+xe"h is a conservative field, show that curl = 0 (3 marks) Y Jno abd sorsaci ati KENYATTA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2019/2020 MON FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF RICULTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINE RING EOLOG eRING. TIME: 2.00 P.M. = 4,00 P.M. INSTRUCTIONS: nO) nswer Quest nd any other Two questions : Question 1 4) Minerals are key building blocks for rocks. Define a mineral as used in engineering geo (5 marks) b) Using appropriate schematics, illustrate the physical behaviour of rock cylinders with bedding oriented at approximately 45 - ¢/2. degrees from vertical under uniaxial compressive testing, (10 marks) ©) _ Rock Structure Rating (RSR) classification is quantitative method for describing the quality of a rock mass and for selecting appropriate support and was described by Wickham etal (1972). Explain the three categories on which classification is based on in the RSR system. (15 marks) a) New minerals ~ must be accepted by CNMNMNIMA after careful description of atomic structure and chemical composition. i) What do the acronym CNMNMNIMA stand for? (2 marks) ii) A few rules must be respected in Naming a mineral, state them (3 marks) Page 1 of 3 INVOLVEMENT IN ANY EXAMINATION IRREGULARITY SHALL LEAD TO DISCONTINUATION i ionic c i ive major iii) Minerals are classified by major anionic components, list five maj 5 marks) components and give n example for each. ¢ ification process, which i that 5) Sedimentary roek is Formed through lthtication process, which is any process turns raw rock sediment into consolidated sedimentary rock. i) Name any four sedimentary rocks and the rock fragments from which they were formed (4 marks) ii) Describe the three pathways by which Lithification can occur (6 marks) tion 3 x ) Field testing vital element in geotechnical investigation for engineering geology; i) State the major field tests for determining the soil strength (4 marks) ii) Describe how the Plate Load Test (PLT) is carried out in the field (6 marks) Pneumatically applied mortal and conerete are increasingly being used for the support of underground excavations, describe the key advantages and disadvantages of shorterete. (10 marks) a) Earth is divided into sections called tectonic plates that float on the fluid-like interior of the earth. Earthquakes are usually caused by sudden movement of earth plates. Some regions on the globe are or susceptible to earthquakes and vuleanicity. Using a continental plates map, show the plates most susceptible to earthquakes, (110 marks) b) ‘The geological maps cannot be used directly in engineering work, what features must be represented on engineering geological maps, (10 marks) _— Page 2 of 3 INVOLVEMENT IN ANY. EXAMINATION IRREGULARITY SHALL LEAD TO DISCONTINUATION With appropriate illustration, show the classification/types of folds (0 marks) During a rock classification process, a rock mass was described using the following nditions, weathered, statements, fair fracture orientation, with damp groundwater with mean fracture spacing of im, The rock rested a compressive loading of 150 Mpa and had a good rock quality designation. Under which rock classification system was the process done, what are the main i) (5 marks) requirements for this classification ii) Classify the rock using the protocol above (5 marks) _— : Page 3 of 3 INVOLVEMENT IN ANY EXAMINATION IRREGULARITY SHALL LEAD TO DISCONTINUATION

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