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Chapter 3: European cultural identity

and diversity: united in diversity

Unit 11: European identity and values reflected in

Prof. Árpád Papp-Váry

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made
of the information contained therein.
European identity and values reflected in

Árpád Papp-Váry PhD habil

European Union =
27 different countries
More than a geographical unit –
Shared values, common culture
Europe as a brand -
and its countries as brands


Tourism Culture

Where do these brands come from?
Think about the continent,
think about the country
• Adidas • Puma
• Red Bull • Tesco
• Nescafé • H&M
• Spotify • Swarowski
• Skype • Burberry
• Lego • Louis Vuitton
• Gucci • Heineken
• Zara • Rolex
• Porsche • Renault
• IKEA • Hugo Boss
The product and service brands of
particular EU countries
National culture
reflected in brand building
If you think of …
• France
• Germany
• Italy
• Switzerland
• Sweden
• UK

… what comes into your mind?

Different nations, different cultures
but united continent
• Europa.eu (2020): The EU in brief https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/eu-in-brief_en
• Anholt, Simon (2007): Competitive Identity - The New Brand Management for Nations, Cities
and Regions (Palgrave Macmillan) https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9780230500280
• Map of iconic european brands (2015)
• http://dailyinfographics.eu/map-of-iconic-european-brands/
• Top Global Brands rankings and reports
• http://www.millwardbrown.com/brandz/rankings-and-reports/top-global-brands/2019

• Hill, Richard (1997): We, Europeans (Gardners Books)
• https://www.amazon.com/We-Europeans-Richard-Hill/dp/9074440118

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