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P.E. & HEALTH 11 3/24/23 the immune system.

These cause anxiety that affects an

Lesson on Stress Management individual’s health, behavior, and life.
Classifications of Stress
Stress- is a reaction of the body and mind to unkind a. Acute Stress- the most common form, arises from recent
challenging life incidents such as tense feelings, worry, and past, and foreseen difficulties. It occurs briefly and appears in
discomfort. It can be defined as a state of worry or mental bits of thrill.
tension caused by a difficult situation. Stress is a natural b. Cumulative Stress- is a series of stress that has built up.
human response that prompts us to address challenges and Several individuals ignore the signs early and end up
threats in our lives. accumulating them.
c. Chronic Stress- is a form of stress that is recurring. It is a
2 Types of Stress
prolonged stress that is dangerous and can lead to severe
Eustress/Positive Stress health problems
- is the enhancing influence on our productivity and Different Sources of Stress
satisfaction 1. Major Life Changes
-promotes growth and accomplishments and stimulates you 2. Everyday Problems
to go on 3. Physical Surroundings
-is beneficial in attaining best performance 4. Other Stressors
Distress/Negative Stress SIGNS of BEING STRESSED
-is an emotional, social, spiritual, or physical pain or suffering Physical Signs
that may cause a person to feel sad, afraid, depressed, -muscle tension, headache, pounding heart, increased
anxious, or lonely.  sweating, dry mouth, skin rash, grinding teeth, nail biting
-it often causes poor performance Emotional Signs
Note: The perception of stress as positive or negative varies -anger, irritability, impatience, nervousness, forgetfulness,
from person to person. One event might elicit a positive inability to concentrate, negative thinking, excessive worrying,
response to someone while it could be negative to another loss of interest, self-criticism, frequent crying
person. Behavioral Signs
-loss of appetite, overeating, drug abuse, sleep problems,
Stressor- is an event or situation that causes stressful restlessness, hurrying and talking too fast, criticizing others,
situations, which are seen as risks to the well-being of a reckless behavior, fidgeting
person. When people say “stress” they are really talking about Psychological Signs
stressors. Stressors lead to stress response or the body’s -constantly irritable with other people, feeling of being a
reaction to stress which help bring balance. failure, difficulty in making decisions, loss of interest in other
The body response to stress by secreting hormones that people, having a hard time to concentrate
prepares the body to respond to the situation. The stress The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)- a theory developed
response is not harmful to the body; however, frequent by Australian-Canadian Hans Selye.
activation of the stress response has negative consequences of -It describes the process your body goes through when you
the body. It leaves the body feeling weak, tired and impairs are exposed to any kind of stress, positive or negative.
1. Alarm Stage- “fight or flight” 4. Being at ease lying or sitting down while emptying the mind
2. Resistance Stage with upsetting ideas, listening to gentle music, or imagining
3. Exhaustion Stage- final stage being in a quiet place can relieve stress.
Appropriate Stress Management Strategies 5. Having a good laugh with friends or family, watching
1. Manage Stressors different movies, or going to funny places after a stressful day.
2. Rest and Sleep Some Specific Coping Strategies
3. Exercise  Humor
4. Use relaxation methods in coping with stress.  Seek support
a. Progressive relaxation  Problem-solving
b. Deep breathing  Relaxation
c. Meditation  Physical recreation
d. Visualization  Adjusting expectations
Coping- is defined as the “capacity to respond and recover  Venting
from something stressful.
Coping Styles Content (20 points)
Adaptive Coping- involves direct confrontation and Accuracy and relevance of the information presented
prevention of stress. Clear and concise delivery of key points
Maladaptive Coping- is counterproductive mechanism that Demonstrated understanding of the topic
Use of appropriate examples and evidence to support points
includes the use of alcohol and drugs. Delivery (20 points)
Problem- solving or Instrumental Coping- focuses on Clear and articulate speech
approaches that tackle the problem to reduce stress of a Confident and engaging body language
particular situation. Effective use of visual aids (if applicable)
Emotion- focused Coping- deals with nurturing the Appropriate pacing and timing
Organization (10 points)
emotional health through stressful period. Clear and logical structure of the presentation
Active Coping Strategies- comprise the recognition of the Smooth transitions between points
stressor to lessen its adverse consequences. Effective use of time
Avoidant Coping Strategies- ignore the issue or deny the Overall Score (50/50points):
problem. It includes alcoholic intoxication, sleep, and 46-50: Outstanding presentation that effectively communicates the
information and engages the audience.
isolation. 40-45: Very good presentation that effectively communicates the
Coping Strategies information, but may lack some engagement or organization.
1. Time Management -37-39: Adequate presentation that communicates the information, but may
2. Sharing and talking about problems with someone- a be lacking in some areas.
friend, teacher, or family member- to relieve stress. 30-36: Poor presentation that is difficult to follow or lacks key information.
Below 30: Unacceptable presentation that fails to effectively communicate
3. Using adrenaline-raised energy for simple tasks like the information or engage the audience.
cleaning the house or anything redirects how the body reacts
from stress.

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