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My favourite mathematician is Aryabhatta.

Aryabhatta was an Indian

mathematician and astronomer who lived in the 5th century CE. He is known for
his contributions to the field of mathematics and astronomy and is considered
one of the most important mathematicians of ancient India. Aryabhatta's work on
mathematics, especially on algebra and trigonometry, has had a lasting impact on
the field of mathematics.

One of Aryabhatta's most significant contributions to mathematics is his work on

place value system and the use of zero as a placeholder in calculations. This
system is now known as the Hindu-Arabic numeral system and is used around the
world today. Aryabhatta also developed several methods for performing
arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
using this numeral system.

Another important contribution of Aryabhatta was in the field of trigonometry.

He developed the sine function and made some important observations about the
properties of trigonometric functions. For instance, he observed that the sine of
an angle increases as the angle increases, and he developed a formula for
calculating the value of sine for different angles. This formula is now known as the
Aryabhatta sine formula.

Aryabhatta also made significant contributions to the field of astronomy. He

developed a model of the solar system that placed the sun at the center, around
which the planets orbited. This model was a departure from the prevailing model
of the time, which placed the earth at the center of the universe. Aryabhatta's
model was an important precursor to the heliocentric model proposed by
Nicolaus Copernicus several centuries later.

In addition to his contributions to mathematics and astronomy, Aryabhatta was

also a prolific writer. He wrote several treatises on mathematics and astronomy,
including the Aryabhatiya, which is considered one of the most important works
in the field of Indian mathematics.
Overall, Aryabhatta's contributions to mathematics were significant and have had
a lasting impact on the field. His work on the place value system, use of zero, and
trigonometry paved the way for further developments in these fields, and his
model of the solar system was an important step in the evolution of our
understanding of the universe. His work continues to be studied and appreciated
by mathematicians and astronomers around the world today

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