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P.M.B. 5001


BSM 491


MATRIC NO.: MAN/2017/3665


Review Fudma mission, vision, and core values and analyse the basic
component of the statement and identify the strategic intent.

Understanding the firm’s overarching direction is critical. The general question is

“what does the organization wish to be and desire to achieve?”. The language
commonly used is vision, mission, and values. None of these terms has an
unambiguous definition and, indeed, academic research does not pay much
attention to them as academic entities. A term also used to indicate long-term
purpose is strategic intent.

Strategic intent can thus be used as a psychological target which provides a focus
for all members of the organization to adopt. Becoming the industry leader and/or
dominating a specific segment are frequent missionary goals. The fundamental
focus of the firm’s strategy commits well beyond its current resource profile. The
prophecies can therefore become self-fulfilling provided that employees have faith
in their leadership and that, in many cases, the existing industry leaders fail to
recognize that the challenge is on. The logic of expansion coupled with economies
of scope provides an economic basis for justifying strategic intent. However, there
are limits to economies of scope which arise when industries and markets require
more variety than the fixed factors that support scope effects can support.
Therefore strategic intent is the term used to describe the aspirational plans,
overarching purpose or intended direction of travel needed to reach an
orgaisational vision.

Founded in 2011, Federal University Dutsin Ma is a non profit public higher

education institution located in dutsin ma, Katsina. Officially recognize by the
National Universities Commission of Nigeria, Federal University, Dutsin
Ma( FUDMA) is a coeducational Nigeria higher education institution. FUDMA
offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education
degrees in several areas of study. FUDMA also provides several academic and non
academic facilities and services to students including a library, as well as
administrative services.

Federal University Dutsin-ma (FUDMA), located in Katsina State is one of the of

the twelve universities approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria in 2010 to
ensure evenly distribution of Federal Universities across the country.

FUDMA is the first among the twelve universities to matriculate students and start
academic activities in July 2012.Within the span of roughly three years of stable
and intense academic activities, the first set of students graduated in July 2015 and
had their convocation in January 2016; becoming the first among the twelve
universities to graduate her students. Below are FUDMA vision, mission and core


The vision of Federal university, Dutsin-ma is to be a top ranking, world-class

committed to excellence in research and the production of a generation of leaders
passion for service.


The mission of Federal University, Dutsin-ma is to create knowledge, impart it to

transform the human being, deploy it to grow the economy and solve local and
global challenges, and do so in partnership and with integrity.


i. Transparency and accountability;

ii. Justice, fairness and equity;
iii. Capacity building;
iv. Teamwork and mentoring;
v. Humility;
vi. Excellence and professionalism;
vii. Quality service; and
viii. Commitment.


The philosophy of the Federal University, Dutsin-ma is to seek and mould the total
being by developing the mind and imparting both theoretical and practical
knowledge which encourages self-reliance and self confidence in the individual.
The programmes of study and training shall therefore be designed to assist the
individual to understand, exploit and if need be change his environments.

i. Student centred approach to teaching that facilitates students learning;

ii. Emphasis on teaching aids and the application of technology in teaching,
research and support services;
iii. Monitoring, supervision and evaluation;
iv. Creation of open framework for consultation and dialogue;
v. Promotion of age long learning culture;
vi. Creation of linkages and networks to promote capacity building, learning and
vii. Designed in qualities that keep the university adaptive to the operating context;
viii. Building a culture where change, innovation and creative ideas breathe and
ix. Attracting the best people to accomplish great deeds;
x. Promotion of advancement in the frontiers of knowledge and learning through
research and teaching of the highest quality; and
xi. Promotion of scholarship and innovation.


The Federal University, Dutsin-ma has the following objectives governing its
by law. The objectives of the university are:
i. to encourage the advancement of learning and to hold out to all persons without
distinction of race, creed, sex or political conviction the opportunity of acquiring
higher and liberal education;
ii. to provide courses of instruction and other facilities for the pursuit of learning in
all its branches, and to make those facilities available on proper terms to such
persons as are equipped to benefit from them;
iii. to encourage and promote scholarship and conduct research in restricted fields
learning and human endeavour;
iv. to relate its activities to the social, cultural and economic needs of the people of
Nigeria; and
v. undertake any other activity appropriate for a university of the highest standard.


The five years tenure of the Pioneer Vice Chancellor, Prof. James O. I. Ayatse (now
Tor Tiv V) along with the Pioneer Registrar, Alh. Muhammad Y. Abubakar also
lapsed the same year.

It can be said, without fear of contradiction that, this duo, buttressed by the
members of the senate, Governing Council and dedicated staffs of the university,
were so committed in their leadership role to ensure FUDMA achieved her
objectives under their watch.

FUDMA, been at an infant stage then, committed to realize her vision to be a top
ranking, world-class university, was ranked 22nd out of 156 tertiary institutions by
4icu (For International Colleges and Universities) and 14th out of 249 tertiary
institutions in Nigeria by webometrics in February 2015.

The ICT was clearly the major tool necessary for this achievement.

The organs of the university recognized her selves as a unit, working harmoniously
towards attainment of her vision: “to be a top ranking, world-class university,
committed to excellence in research and the production of a generation of leaders
with passion for service”.

We were so proud to call ourselves “FUDMITES” and even be recognized as

members of the Fudma Family.

No sooner did the tenure of the pioneer Vice Chancellor and Registrar lapsed in
2016, the Federal Government appointed Prof. Haruna Abdu Kaita as the successor
to Prof. James O. I. Ayatse.

Five years now after those stupendous achievements, one would expect this
progress to have doubled, if only FUDMA was maintained on the same trajectory
which it was set up from the very beginning.

But did the trend of achievements continued? Nay! FUDMA rating dropped
significantly. What a demotion! So sad indeed. What has really happened?
The game changed soon as Prof. Kaita took over the mantle of leadership of the
university. Fudma was never as it was when the pioneer students graduated. This is
no more a rumor but a reality that is verifiable. The previous harmoniously
working organs of the university starts to cease.

The suspension of Prof Kaita opened a vacancy for Prof Armaya’u H. Bichi to lead
the university on acting capacity for approximately two years. In his first six 6
months, Professor Armaya’u Hamisu Bichi took the university to a greater height.
He succeeded in getting a full accreditation of 23 undergraduates programmes
from the initial three, establishment of postgraduate school, establishment of
Hausa, Islamic, and Library studies departments and other 45 programmes. This is
just a drop in an ocean.

On 15th May, 2020, the President Federal Republic of Nigeria appointed Prof
Armaya’u H. Bichi as the Substantive Vice Chancellor of Federal University
Prof Bichi was the pioneer Dean of Faculty of Agric, Deputy Vice Chancellor
(Academics), acting Vice Chancellor and also Dean postgraduate school of the
University. He participated in the architecture of academic and non-academic
activities from the onset of the University. His experience of leadership,
participation in outlining the core values of the University and his achievements
while acting as Vice Chancellor deemed him fit to be the substantive Vice
Chancellor of the University. Leadership is bestowed by God and he bestows it on
whom we least expected. God bestowed Kingship to Tâlût (Saul) who came from a
poor background leaving out the rich who taught they are best fit to be leaders.


Besanko, D., D. Dranove, & M. Shanley (2000), The Economics of Strategy, New
John Wiley & Sons, see pp.487 & 621
Hamel, G. & Prahalad, C. K. (1989). “Strategic intent”. Harvard Business Review,
May–June,63–76, reprinted in 2005 Best of HBR, Harvard Business Review,
Hamel, G., & C.K. Prahalad (1993), “Strategy as Stretch and Leverage”, Harvard
Business Review, 71, 2, 75-84
Hamel, G., & C.K. Prahalad (1994), Competing for the Future, Boston MA:
Business School Press
Hitt, Michael A., Beverly B. Taylor, Camilla Hardee & Daewoo Park (1995),
“Understanding strategic intent in the global marketplace” Academy of
Management Executive, 9, 2, 12-19

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