Add Steel 03

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for PT cast  
A) External beams 
have 6 cast each cast has 8 bars (U shaped , T 16mm)
lenthr of one bar = 0.62 m
total lenth = 0.62*8*6 = 29.76 m

B) Internal beams 
have 2 cast each cast has 8 bars (U shaped , T 16mm)
total lenth = 0.62*8*2 = 9.92 m

2‐ for walk way insert  
each point has 2 bars with length 30cm T20 mm
average amount of the walk way insert = 9 point
total length = 9*2*0.3 = 5.4 m , T20 mm

3‐ for walk way  clash between PT conduit and 
walk way insert
most of the external beams has clash and average 2
point clash
for each point we put 4 bars T12 with length 40 cm
total lenth = 2*4*0.4 = 3.2 m ,T12

4 ‐ for external beams ,because the clash between the 
PT conduit and the N10 (T16) stirrups
we add 2 bars with length 2.10 m (T16)
total length = 2*2.10 = 4.20 m ,(T16)

5‐power feed beams 
the site erect 18 bars , length = 1.67 m (T16)
and 18 bars , length = 2.07 m (T16) .
total lenth = 18*1.67+18*2.07 = 67.32 m (T16)

6 ‐ Holding the 4 bottom bars (T25 or T32 )
so welding 2 bars in beam lemgth = 0.85 m (T16)
total length = 1.7 m (T16)

7 ‐ erecting the (N2A) 11 side bars , length 3mm 
in their palces ,golding them with 2 m bar (T20 mm).
for internal beams ,use 2 bars , total length = 4 m, (T20).
for external beams ,use 1 bars , total length = 2 m, (T20).

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