China Resolution, Topic A

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FORUM: Security Council

QUESTION OF: China’s Global Influence

CO-SUBMITTERS: Iran, Japan, Russia, Poland,
SIGNATORIES: Iran, Japan, Russia, Poland, France, Germany, UK, USA,
South Korea

1. Urges on the implementation of the following but not limited to,

a) Reminding all nations that China keeps respecting the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of other nations, and refrains from any actions that may
undermine their political and socio-economic stability by:

i) Encouraging China to cooperate and communicate more with

its neighbors on matters of shared interest to avoid miscommunication and conflict

ii) This aims to remind China of their responsibility as a global player to

behave with respect and restraint towards other nations and to gain trust from other

iii) If China were to violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of

other nations, the international community would likely impose penalties by the UN:

A) The UN Security Council may potentially issue a resolution

calling out China's actions and authorizing the use of force to protect the affected
nations' regions

b) Instruct all nations to continue to cooperate together and with

international organizations (ex: ICJ-ICC) in the promotion of peace, justice, and
international human rights by:

i) Actively participate in the development and promotion of

international treaties and agreements and ensure that they are implemented and
enforced consistently, so that:
A) To contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, such as climate
change, pollution, and poverty reduction, through technical assistance and capacity

ii) Specific examples or guidelines on how nations can uphold

international norms and standards:

A) Governments should use diplomatic efforts and constructive

conversation to resolve disputes peacefully rather than violence

B) Ensure following along to international human rights legislation,

treaties, and agreements, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

C) Impose sanctions or bring cases to international courts to hold

governments accountable for UN Charter's principles violations

D) Public awareness of international norms and diplomacy is

essential for peace, justice, and human rights

c) Consider the nations to continue to play a positive and constructive role in

international affairs, and to promote a rules-based international system that respects
the principles enshrined in the UN Charter by:

i) Following international legal frameworks and upholding international

norms and standards

d) Strongly encourages economic cooperation with all other nations through

trade agreements, investment in industries, and infrastructure development by:

i) Following a more open trade policy; to continue to increase the

openness of its economy and improve its trade practices

ii) Increasing imports; to balance the trade shortage and promote global
economic growth

iii) Negotiating free trade agreements; to expand China’s trade network

and boost economic cooperation
iv) Promoting digital trade; to reach out to more countries around the

v) Supporting the Belt and Road Initiative; to strengthen connection

between Asia, Europe, and Africa through infrastructure development, boosting
trade and investment among these regions:

A) It could promote fair trade policies that benefit both China and
other countries

B) It could establish more equitable trade relationships with other


vi) Examples of trade policies or agreements that would be put in place

to benefit both china and other countries:

A) Reduction of tariffs on certain goods; China may agree to lower

taxes on imported goods from other countries, allowing them to export more goods
to those countries and in return countries could lower also the taxes

B) Establishment of free trade zones; China may create special

economic zones to enable foreign businesses to operate freely in international
markets, removing restrictions and creating opportunities for Chinese businesses.

C) Promotion of intellectual property rights protection;

strengthening intellectual property laws and enforcement mechanisms can benefit
both China and other nations by increasing innovation and R&D investment, leading
to new jobs and industries, and economic growth.

e) Recommends a strong emphasis on innovation and technology under the

help of UNDESA, as well as intensive research and development with the assistance
of developing countries such as China, to lead to game-changing technological
advances such as:

i) 5G

ii) Artificial intelligence

iii) Quantum communication

f) Calls for the creation of an economic forum which;

i) Will allow to include China and other countries in major and different
economic projects, in various fields including but not limited to;

A) Agriculture

B) Transport

C) Energy

D) Industry

ii) Maintain closer international relations from an economic and financial

point of view with foreign countries allowing the establishment of commercial
agreements and contracts

iii) Will be responsible for finding jobs for the people of other countries and
ensuring the sustainability of these under the supervision of The World Economic
Forum (WEF) in Geneva, Switzerland

iv) Will make it possible to set up commercial relations with several

companies and to put in place strategies favorable to China and other countries

g) Strongly advises all states to enhance their cooperation with China in areas
such as counter-terrorism, non-proliferation, and disarmament, and to work
together to address common security challenges such as but not limited to:

i) Cyber security

ii) Maritime security

iii) Regional conflicts’ security

v) This would be advantageous to all parties:

A) Collaborating between all parties can lead to increased stability,

security, and better relations between governments and China.
B) The clause emphasizes the importance of cooperation in these
areas, creating trust and confidence between parties that can be used to improve
cooperation in other areas

h) Strongly recognizes and encourages China’s economic interdependence

and contributions to global cooperation which led to economic development and
regional integration, in a manner of that:

i) Belt and Road Initiative & Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which aim
to improve connectivity across Asia and beyond and infrastructure

ii) China has lifted millions of people out of poverty and created new
opportunities for trade and investment with other countries, which led to positive
stability and economic growth

I) Reminding all nations that China’s influence led to positive consequences

unlike other influences:

i) Other influences have been criticized for their military interventions in

other countries, their support for authoritarian regimes, and their role in global
financial crisis; however, China’s influence has been more focused on economic
development and cooperation

j) Demands putting into practice efficient economic development strategies

such as but not limited to:

i) Infrastructure development

ii) Initiatives to create jobs

iii) Investment promotions such as:

A) Promotional campaigns to attract foreign direct investments

k) Requests all states to promote and support China’s peaceful rise and
development, and to work towards a more peaceful, stable, and prosperous world
for all:

i) Measures ensuring no violations in human rights:

A) International cooperation; international community should hold
China accountable and ensure it follows international laws and norms

B) Legal action; if China violates international law or the sovereignty

of other countries, legal action can be taken against it

C) Multilateral institutions; Multilateral organizations, such as the

United Nations, can monitor China's conduct and hold it accountable for any
violations of human rights or international law.

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