The Little Black Book For Stunning Success

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Submitted by:

MBA1A-Modular (Saturday 8:00AM to 12:00PM)
MBA622 Marketing Management

Submitted to: Prof. Erwin Zabala


Narrative Report on
“The Little Black Book for Stunning Success”
By: RobinSharma

The Little Black Book or Stunning Success is simple and easy to

understand. It inspires you and motivates you to work towards your own
goals. Like most of the other books this book also gives you the formula for
Stunning Success in your life. Robin Sharma has explained things with a
very simple manner. At the end of the book Robin Sharma has given 13
Challenges for their readers to bring positive change in your such as
champion a child, encourage a co-worker, read a great book, do
something that frightens you, write a thank you note, do something
kind for a stranger, wow a customer, learn something new, let go of a
resentment, do better work, be more passionate, speak truthfully, and
stand for excellence. Those challenges he gives are easy to relate and

The Little Black Book for Stunning Success is not that one which
you start reading and finish it in one or two hours, but it is a continuous
process of understanding what Robin Sharma wants to say and how you
can implement these things in your life by trial and error process. A great
read for those who want to be successful, focused and content in life. The
advice of the book is very useful and applicable in order to seek happiness
and master all that we take upon us to reach our goals. An energy booster
for us all.
Robin Sharma shares a lot of quotes and my favorite is “The
actions you take each day create the results of your life. And since
every action you take has been preceded by a thought (thinking truly
is the ancestor of performance), what you focus on really does drive
your reality.” Meaning, every action you take every day is a vote for
the person you wish to become. So challenge yourself, challenge
your beliefs and strengthens your mind. And be focus, your focus
determines your reality. And because your focus is limited, once you focus
on the positive focus, the negative automatically shrinks.

The way Robin Sharma writes, explains, illustrates the life examples,
makes him unique. Unique topics, a unique method of explanation.
Whatever we read, it gets into our minds and heart. The book is truly
inspiring and lot of wisdom to embrace. Connects us to all the positive
values that we have but often unaware of in ourselves. I strongly
recommend this book to anyone. Reading great books is a baby step
towards personal greatness in life.

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