Part 2 + Part 3

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PART 2 + 3

TOPIC 1: HISTORY PERIOD....................................................................................2

TOPIC 2: GROUP ACTIVITY...................................................................................4
TOPIC 3: UNUSUAL MEAL......................................................................................5
TOPIC 4: WEBSITE....................................................................................................6
TOPIC 5: PIECE OF TECHONOLOGY...................................................................8
TOPIC 6: CITY Describe a city where you'd like to stay for a short time...............9
TOPIC 7: TEACHING A FRIEND OR RELATIVE................................................9
TOPIC 8: MEETING YOU MISSED OR WERE LATE FOR..............................11
TOPIC 9: POLLUTED PLACE................................................................................12
TOPIC 10: DEVELOPMENT IN YOUR CITY.......................................................13
TOPIC 11: OLD PERSON.........................................................................................14
TOPIC 12: FEELING PROUD.................................................................................15
TOPIC 13: FREE TIME ACTIVITY........................................................................17
TOPIC 14: PERSON YOU WANT TO WORK OR STUDY WITH.....................20
TOPIC 15: GIFT YOU GOT.....................................................................................22
TOPIC 16: COMPLAINT..........................................................................................23
TOPIC 17: SOMETHING YOU’D LIKE TO LEARN...........................................25
TOPIC 18: ADVERTISEMENT...............................................................................26
TOPIC 19: DESCRIBE A CHARACTER FORM A FILM....................................27
TOPIC 20: NOISY PLACE.......................................................................................28
TOPIC 21: DAILY ROUTINE..................................................................................29
TOPIC 22: GOOD NEW............................................................................................32
TOPIC 23: FAVOURITE PLACE IN YOUR HOME.............................................33
YOU REMEMBER.....................................................................................................34
ENJOYED TALIKING TO.......................................................................................35

Describe a period in history that interests you
You should say
- What the period is
- How you know about it
- Why it is interesting
I would like to tell you about one of the most important past events in my country. That is
the time when President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration /dek.ləˈreɪ.ʃən/ of
Independence, establishing the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
History lessons at school in Vietnam might be boring, and not so many students pay
attention to their teachers’ words in history classes, but I’m sure there’s one thing about
history that all students in Vietnam remember. That is the date of the day marking our
freedom on September 2nd 1945. Thousands of people gathered at the Ba Dinh Square to
listen to the Declaration of Independence.
You know, in the past, our country was invaded and colonized /ˈkɑː.lə.naɪz/ for a very
long time by different nations, but we never forgot our traditions and customs, and
always tried to fight the enemies to reclaim /rɪˈkleɪm/ our independence. France
colonized us for almost 100 years, feasting on our people’s blood and sweat. Most
Vietnamese people back then were farmers. Despite the great disadvantages, they were
still able to unite and keep fighting bravely. Millions of them died, but their heroic
actions live forever.
From that day up until now, every Vietnamese person has the right to proudly say that he
or she is free. I mean, I’m truly grateful to all the soldiers who overcame great hardships
and fought with their lives so that I can enjoy a better life now.
Part 3:
1. Do you agree that learning history may help people understand the present? /
Is it true that modern society has much to learn from the past?
Learning history can provide us with a deeper understanding of the present. By studying
past events and trends, we can identify similarities and differences in social, political,
economic, and environmental issues, which can help us make more informed decisions
about the present and future. Moreover, the past can provide valuable lessons and
insights, guiding us towards the best possible solutions or courses of action in the present.
Therefore, modern society can benefit greatly from learning history.
2. Why is it that some leaders fail to learn from the past?

There are several reasons some leaders may fail to learn from the past. A leader who has
experienced success in the past may be overconfident and believe that what worked
before will continue to work in the future, without taking into account changing
circumstances /ˈsɜː.kəm.stɑːns/ or external factors that may affect the situation. Thus,
they are unable to adapt to changing environments, and their past decisions may continue
to harm the organization or community.
3. How can technology make learning history more interesting?
There are some ways in which technology can make learning history more interesting.
Technology allows for multimedia presentations such as videos, audio recordings,
images, and animations that can help students visualize historical events, and make
learning more engaging and interactive. Social media can be used to connect students
with historical figures and events, and create a sense of community around historical
topics. This can encourage students to engage more deeply with history and feel more
connected to the past.
4. How can people learn about history?
There are several ways people can learn about history: History books and articles offer
thorough and comprehensive information about historical events, wars, and significant
figures. Visiting museums and historical sites: This enables people to see artifacts,
documents, and monuments that provide physical evidence of historical events. Watching
documentaries: Documentaries offer video evidence of historical events, making it easier
for people to learn and understand what happened in the past.
5. How do museums teach people history?
Museums teach people history by collecting, preserving, and presenting objects,
documents, and information that relate to different aspects of history. Through exhibits,
artifacts, and interactive displays, museums showcase the culture, traditions, and events
of the past, helping visitors to understand and appreciate the complex stories of human
achievement, development, and progress.
6. Will museums be replaced by technology someday?
It is unlikely that museums will be completely replaced by technology in the near future.
While technology can enhance the museum experience, it cannot replace physical
artifacts and the unique atmosphere that museums provide. Additionally, museums serve
as important educational and cultural institutions, providing a way for individuals to
connect with history, art, and science.
7. Are history museums useful?

Yes, history museums are very useful as they provide us with the opportunity to learn
about our past, understand how different civilizations and societies have evolved over
time, and appreciate the accomplishments and struggles of our ancestors. History
museums also play an important role in preserving and presenting our cultural heritage
and artworks.
8. Should museums be free?
Yes, museums should be free for visitors because they provide access to a country's
heritage, art, and culture, and that charging admission fees can limit access to those who
can't afford it. Museums are also seen as valuable educational institutions that can
provide various enrichment opportunities for everyone, regardless of their economic
9. Do you think people should remember their family history?
Yes, knowing about one's family history can provide insight into their roots, culture, and
heritage. It can also help individuals understand their family's values, traditions and
connections, which can be essential for personal growth and self-awareness.
Additionally, understanding family history can help people make more informed medical
decisions and help them build stronger family relationships.
Describe something you did with a group of people
You should say:
- what it was
- where you did it
- who you were with
- whether you liked it
Today, I would like to talk about something which I have done only once in my life with
a group of other people. Well, I have always loved riding a bicycle in all kinds of
weather. In fact, it is one of my favourite pass time activities which I still enjoy, but not
just as frequently as when I was a student at a junior college about 7 years ago.
Back then, I had a nice mountain bike which I used to ride along the unpaved roads,
leading to the countryside. Of course, I never really went into the countryside, since it
was quite far away from my college, but I sure liked the unpaved roads because they
were more adventurous and unpredictable than the paved ones.
By the way, seeing me having so much fun riding my bike, at least 6 of my college
friends also bought their own bikes so that we could all enjoy the ride. But, unfortunately,
as soon as my friends bought their bikes, the weather suddenly became really cold. In
fact, it became so cold that only a very few people could be seen getting out of their
homes for the next few days. But, my friends and I told ourselves that we were not going
to get stuck inside our dormitory and instead we would all go outside and ride our
In fact, we got so bored of staying indoor, and we needed to do something about it, and
so we all wore all kinds of warm clothes and got out with our bicycles. We rode our
bicycles for almost 30 minutes and actually started to sweat instead of feeling any cold.
Anyway, after finishing our ride, we felt really proud about our “feat” since we didn’t
allow the unusually cold weather to dominate our life. I also felt that if we do something
in a group, we would be very surprised to see the results of our efforts.
1. What kinds of jobs need people to work in a team?
Teamwork is crucial for people working as firefighters, construction workers, policemen
and so on. These kinds of jobs can’t be done by only one person because each member
has an essential part in the tasks and they need to support each other in order to
accomplish their missions.
2. What can parents do with their children to make them happy?
Well, children are innocent angels so I believe they need nothing more than quality time
with their parents, some sweets and toys. Today, a lot of parents are so busy with their
work that sometimes they let their children play with computers or a babysitter. But I
believe kids will be over the moon if they are pampered by their parents and listen to
their bedtime stories and have a kiss on their cheek before sleep.
3. How can children improve their social skills?
I think the best way to enhance children’s social skills is to encourage them to talk and be
confident even when they are in a new environment. Some children are scared and shy
when their parents are not around. But if parents let them make new friends and let them
play teamwork games such as soccer or rope jumping, they will be braver and have better
communication skills.
4. What are the benefits of boys and girls playing together?
When boys and girls play together, they can develop cooperation, I suppose. While boys
are stronger and faster, girls tend to be more adroit and calm. So they support each other
well when they play and they also can learn from each other. Besides, letting boys and
girls play together since they are little will decrease sex discrimination. When these boys

or girls grow up, they understand that their counterparts have their own talents and they
deserve to be treated equally.
Describe an unusual meal
You should say:
- what who organised this meal and where you had it
- what you talked about during the meal
- what you ate and drank
- why it was special
The meal I had was very unusual, and it happened completely by accident. I was waiting
for my flight at the airport when I suddenly heard someone calling my name. When I
turned around, I saw my high school best friend whom I hadn't seen in almost 10 years. It
was such a wonderful surprise to see him after all this time, and we quickly caught up on
each other's lives.
Since we had some time to kill before our flights, my friend suggested that we grab
something to eat. We walked around the airport, and eventually found a small restaurant
that served local cuisine. I was excited to try something new, and my friend ordered a
dish that he said was a local specialty.
When our food arrived, I was surprised to see that it was actually a plate of insects. There
were fried crickets, grasshoppers, and beetles. I have never eaten insects before, and I
was a bit hesitant at first. But my friend encouraged me to try them, saying that they were
delicious and packed with protein.
I finally mustered up the courage to try one, and to my surprise, it was actually quite
tasty. It had a crunchy texture and a slightly nutty flavor. I ended up eating more than I
thought I would, and my friend and I had a good laugh about the experience.
Overall, it was an unusual meal for me, and definitely not something I would have
ordered on my own. However, I'm glad that I tried it, and it's something that I will
remember for a long time. It was also a great way to reconnect with my friend and make
some new memories after all these years.
1. Will you choose a cafe or a restaurant when you meet others?
I think it depends on various factors like the purpose of the meeting, location, time,
budget, and the preferences of the people involved. A cafe may be suitable for a casual

meeting or if you want to have a quick snack or a cup of coffee, while a restaurant may
be preferable for a formal meeting, a full meal, or a celebration
2. What are the differences between a cafe and a restaurant?
In general, a cafe is a more casual and relaxed establishment that serves light meals such
as sandwiches, salads, and coffee, while a restaurant is a formal dining establishment that
offers full-course meals with a wider range of dishes to choose from. Cafes typically have
a cozy atmosphere and are ideal for people looking for a quick bite or a place to hang out
and socialize, while restaurants cater to a more formal and special dining experience.
Additionally, cafes generally have a limited menu and do not take reservations, whereas
restaurants usually have a larger menu and require reservations.
3. Is it expensive to eat out in your country?
I can tell you that the cost of eating out in Vietnam can vary depending on the location,
restaurant and the type of food you are ordering. In general, street food in Vietnam can be
very cheap and affordable, while dining at a fancier restaurant can be more expensive. It's
always a good idea to do some research on the restaurant prices in the area you are
visiting to get an idea of what to expect.
4. Why do young people like to study in a cafe instead of at home?
I would say that there may be several reasons why young people prefer to study in a café
instead of at home. Firstly, cafes often have a more relaxed and comfortable atmosphere
than the home which can stimulate creativity and concentration. Secondly, studying in a
café can create a sense of accountability and help to avoid distractions that can occur
while studying at home. Thirdly, cafes usually have access to high-speed internet, which
can be very helpful for research purposes. Lastly, cafes offer a change of scenery from
the rigidity of a home environment, which can be refreshing and help stave off boredom.
5. Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?
Having dinner at home can be a cost-effective and healthy option, as it allows you to
control the ingredients and portion sizes of your meal. It also provides an opportunity to
bond with family members or roommates and practice cooking skills. However, it can be
challenging to find the time and motivation to cook after a long day at work or school.
Describe a website you often visit
You should say:
- what the website is
- how you first found out about this website

- how often you visit it
- why you like it
Well, I have to say that among all those frequently used social media platforms such as
Instagram or most recently, Tiktok, I would simply choose to describe Facebook.
It goes without saying that Facebook is one of the biggest and the most widely used
social media platforms, where millions of users can create their own account, comment,
share photos, you name it. To the best of my recollection, I first used Facebook when I
was an eighth-grader and the idea of creating an account on it was a literal trend among
teenagers at the time.
Facebook undoubtedly brings people a myriad of benefits. It is such a powerful means of
communication that it helps connect people from all over the world. Thanks to Facebook,
I can keep in touch easily with my family and friends or even reconnect with my long-
lost ones.
Moreover, using Facebook is a good way to stay updated with what’s going on around
the world since news is ubiquitous here. Facebook also acts as a virtual space where
people can voice their opinions conveniently and freely about a variety of topics.
The most profound benefit of Facebook that I love is that it is an extremely helpful
studying tool. Facebook contains a reservoir of knowledge that could be found on self-
study groups or educational forums, for example. This provides students like me with a
wide range of resources that can be used for both our studies and comprehensive
All in all, I really enjoy surfing Facebook and my life would be tedious without it.
1. Why do people like to read news on the Internet instead of on TV?
Reading news on the internet provides users with the flexibility to access the news
articles at any time and from any place, as long as they have an internet connection. This
is particularly useful for people who have busy schedules and may not have the time to
watch TV news channels during specific slots. Secondly, reading news on the internet
enables users to customize their news feed and personal preferences. Unlike TV news
channels, where the program producer and editors select the news content for the
viewers, online news platforms allow the users to choose what they want to read and
2. What effect has the Internet had on the way people generally communicate
with each other?

I believe that the Internet has completely transformed the way we normally communicate
with each other. In the past, it could take ages for us to receive a message, but nowadays,
thanks to the development of the Internet, we can receive and send one within a
nanosecond. Moreover, global communication has also been made possible, as people
can easily make a video call through certain applications, in order to connect with their
foreign friends, for example.
3. How do you think communicating by email is different from communicating
by text message?
Technically, texting sounds more like an urgent mode of communication, in which
messages are sent and received almost instantly between the sender and the recipient. On
the other hand, communicating through email is much more formal, therefore mostly
used in the office environment. Moreover, emails can only be read when the recipient
opens and views them, while the text messages can be displayed and seen immediately on
the recipients’ phones.
Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use
You should say:
- what it is
- what you got it for
- how often you use it
- how you feel about it
Well, the technology that is difficult to use has to be the Bluetooth earbuds I bought a few
years ago. To be honest, I’d been struggling to get used to it. And sometimes it even
drove me up the wall!
Because I was tired of dealing with wires getting tangled up while I was listening to
music or taking calls on the go, I decided to replace it with wireless Bluetooth earbuds,
which were brand new technology a few years back. I had thought they would be a game-
changer, but it turned out that I was wrong.
To tell the truth, I didn’t use them all that often because they were such a pain to get
working properly. Every time I tried to connect them to my phone, I had to go through
this whole rigmarole of turning them on, putting them into pairing mode, and hoping that
my phone would recognize them. And even when they did connect, they often cut out or
had connection issues. The funniest thing was that sometimes one of them was connected
while the other refused to do the same.

I couldn’t even count the number of times I’d had to fiddle with them just to get them to
work properly. It’s frustrating because I felt like I’ve wasted my money on something
that’s supposed to make my life easier, but instead, it just added another layer of
Overall, I was pretty disappointed in these earbuds. I was hoping for a convenient and
hassle-free listening experience, but in reality, I was left with a finicky piece of
technology that I struggled to use on a regular basis.
1. Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?
Big companies introduce new products frequently to create buzz and generate excitement
among consumers. This can help to boost sales and increase market share. New products
can also provide opportunities to enter new markets or appeal to different segments of
2. Why are people so keen on buying iPhones even though they haven't changed
much from one to the next?
People may be keen on buying iPhones despite the lack of significant changes from one
model to the next due to the "Apple effect." This is the psychological phenomenon where
people associate the Apple brand with innovation, style, and quality, leading to a strong
emotional attachment to their products. Additionally, the iPhone has become a status
symbol, with many people feeling a sense of pride and social status associated with
owning the latest model. The user experience and integration of hardware, software, and
services also contribute to the iPhone's popularity among consumers.
3. What technology do people currently use?
In today's world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, from
smartphones and laptops to smart home devices and wearable technology. The emergence
of new technologies such as virtual reality and blockchain is also changing the way
people interact with technology and each other.
Describe a city where you'd like to stay for a short time
You should say:
- what city it is
- who you will go there with
- what you will do there
- why you will stay there only for a short time

1. Why are historical cities popular?
They’re popular because they offer a unique experience that cannot be found anywhere
else. Firstly, they provide a glimpse into the past, allowing visitors to explore the culture
and architecture of a bygone era. Historical cities are also known for their rich cultural
heritage, offering a variety of activities and attractions that appeal to a wide range of
people. Furthermore, historical cities are often home to iconic landmarks and monuments,
which can be a great source of inspiration and awe. Finally, historical cities are often
steeped in tradition and folklore, providing visitors with an opportunity to learn about the
history and culture of the area.
2. Why do people go to other cities?
There are a variety of reasons for people to love visiting other cities, even just
occasionally. For some, it may be to experience a new culture or a different way of life.
Others may be seeking a change of scenery or a new job opportunity. Additionally, some
consider traveling to other places a wonderful way to learn more about themselves and
the world around them. Doing so helps them gain new perspectives, challenge
themselves, and grow as a person. Moreover, people may visit other cities for educational
purposes, including attending a university, taking a course, or participating in a student
exchange program.
3. Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?
Without a doubt, there are many risks associated with traveling to unfamiliar places.
Tourists may be exposed to crime, such as theft, fraud, or even physical violence.
Additionally, they may experience higher health risks, such as communicable diseases, or
even environmental hazards, such as air pollution. Furthermore, tourists may be subject
to cultural misunderstandings, which can lead to uncomfortable or even dangerous
Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative something
You should say:
- what you taught them to do
- whom you taught
- how you taught them
- how you felt about it
I once taught my cousin how to play the guitar. He had always wanted to learn but didn't
know where to begin, so I volunteered to teach him a few lessons. We began with the
fundamentals, such as how to hold the instrument and tune it, and then on to chords and
strumming patterns.
Training my cousin to play the guitar was a really rewarding experience for me. I've been
playing for a long time, so it was nice to share my knowledge with someone else and
watch them improve. It also allowed us to interact and connect through a common
passion, which was very meaningful.
Overall, I believe that teaching someone something can be a really rewarding experience,
especially when it's a subject that you're extremely enthusiastic about. It's a wonderful
way to give back and help someone else improve, while simultaneously expanding your
own learning and appreciation of the subject. I would absolutely do it again!
It was challenging for him at first, but he was really motivated and willing to learn, so he
practiced every day. He was able to play a simple song all the way through after a few
weeks, and it sounded very decent! I was quite proud of him and delighted to see how far
he had come.
1. . What practical skills can young people teach old people?
Well, young people could teach old people how to use modern technology, like
smartphones and computers. They could also help them learn how to use different apps
for online shopping, social media, or even video chat. Additionally, young people could
teach old people about current trends and ideas, which could be beneficial in keeping
them updated and engaged in society.
2. How can we teach an older generation to use new technology?
Young people may teach older people skills by being patient, breaking complex concepts
down into smaller ones, and demonstrating how to use the skill with examples and
practical applications. It's also crucial to approach the teaching process with empathy and
compassion, because different learning styles or preferences may exist among older
persons. A pleasant and encouraging attitude can go a long way toward assisting older
people in learning new skills from younger generations
3. What's the difference between children learning and adults learning what
they have to learn?
Children's learning is characterized by a more receptive and exploratory attitude towards
new knowledge. They learn through play, experimentation, and observation. Children
usually have a higher capacity for memorization and repetition. In contrast, adults'
learning is built on their own previous experiences, knowledge, and expertise, where they
want to apply new information or skills to real-life situations. Adults also have more

sophisticated cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and analytical
skills. They may struggle with the limited availability of time, attention, and motivation.
4. Where can we learn practical skills?
There are many places where we can learn practical skills. Vocational or technical
schools offer specialized training in particular fields such as automotive repair,
cosmetology, or culinary arts. Community colleges also offer vocational programs as
well as other career-focused courses. Apprenticeships and internships are a great way to
gain hands-on experience and learn from professionals in your desired field. On-the-job
training is also a common way for employees to learn practical skills while working.
Describe a time when you missed or were late for a meeting
You should say:
- what the appointment was
- when and where it was
- why you forgot about it
- how you felt
On the top of my head, the time when I missed a meeting due to an unforeseen
circumstance. It was a morning meeting with my supervisor at work. In fact, I had been
preparing for the meeting the night before, and I was feeling so confident and ready to go.
However, when I woke up that morning, I realized that my car had a flat tire. I had no
way of showing up on time, so I had to call my supervisor and explain the situation.
I was really embarrassed and apologetic, but my supervisor proved understanding and
told me not to worry. He said he would reschedule the meeting for later that day. When
hearing about that, I was extremely relieved, but still disappointed in myself for not being
able to make it on time. At that moment, I felt like I had let him down, and I was worried
that he would think less of me.
Fortunately, I was able to get my car fixed and make it to the meeting later that day. My
supervisor was still sympathetic and we were able to have a productive meeting.
Although missing the meeting was a humbling experience, it taught me that unexpected
things can happen any time. Therefore, I learned to be more mindful of my time and to
always plan ahead.
1. Why are people often late for meetings or appointments?

From my view, people may not arrive at the meetings or appointments on time for a
variety of reasons. First, they may be disorganized when it comes to planning their time,
which could be due to a lack of foresight or procrastination. Second, they may be dealing
with unexpected events or circumstances that arise and take up more time than
anticipated. This could be anything from traffic delays to a personal emergency. All of
these factors can contribute to unpunctuality.
2. Do you think it's important to be on time?
Of course, because being punctual can help people stay organized and productive. As a
result, they’re able to manage their time more effectively and ensure that they’re able to
complete tasks in a timely manner. Furthermore, being on time lets them not only avoid
stress but also reduce anxiety. If somebody is running late, that can cause a lot of
unnecessary stress and can even make them miss golden opportunities. All in all,
punctuality helps our lives in so many ways, which is what makes it important.
3. Are you a punctual person?
Absolutely! I understand the importance of being on time, so I make sure to arrange
everything in advance and leave enough time to get to my destination. I also prioritize
tasks and plan my day accordingly. I believe that punctuality is a sign of respect for
others’ time, which can represent professionalism and help to build trust and credibility.
Therefore, I believe that punctuality is a virtue, and I strive to be punctual in all aspects
of my life.
Describe a place you visited that was affected by air pollution
You should say:
- where it is and when you visited this place
- why the air was not good
- how this place was affected
- how you felt about it
One of the places that come to mind when talking about pollution would be Hanoi, I
think. I went to Hanoi in late 2015 for business and stayed there for a couple of months in
the winter. It’s definitely a nice city but the experience could be better, mostly because of
the pollution that I experienced.
During the first morning that I was in the city, I went outside and there was a weird smog
that covered the entire sky in grey. The whole day was dreary because of it and later, I
noticed that it wasn’t the only day when that would happen. There were days when the
weather was definitely sunny, because you could see sunlight on the street, yet when you

looked up you could hardly see the sun. The smog completely shielded the sun from
view, but I don’t think many people realized how serious that was, though.
The main method of transport in Hanoi is the motorbike and it’s probably one of the
reasons why the city was so polluted. I used to travel by motorbike outside and because
of that I was advised to wear a face mask to protect myself from all the dust and whatever
particles in the air. But even though I wore a mask I could still feel the distinct smell of
the fume that so many bikes were pumping into the environment through their exhaust
What was also striking was the river near the place that I stayed at. The water looked like
a pitch blacksludge, and in fact, it was so black that I thought it was the city’s sewage
line. The local folks told me that it was actually a river before getting polluted. It’s quite
amazing actually that people managed to put up with this much pollution. But maybe if I
had stayed longer, I would have learned to put up with it too.
1. What can people do together to improve the local environment? How can air
pollution be reduced effectively?
There are several activities that people can do together to improve the local environment,
such as organizing community clean-up events, planting trees and flowers, and
encouraging the use of public transportation or carpooling. Additionally, people can
spread awareness about the effects of pollution on the environment and ways to reduce it.
2. Do you think modern means of transportation cause harm to the
Yes, modern means of transportation such as cars, buses, and airplanes are known to
cause harm to the environment in various ways. Vehicles emit harmful gases such as
carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter which contribute to air pollution
and climate change. Furthermore, the production and disposal of these vehicles also have
adverse environmental impacts. However, advancements in technology have led to the
development of electric cars and hybrid vehicles that have a lesser environmental impact
compared to traditional gasoline or diesel cars. Additionally, alternatives such as cycling,
walking, and public transportation can be used to reduce the environmental impacts of
3. Who should take responsibility for protecting the environment?
There is no one single entity or group of people who should take sole responsibility for
protecting the environment. Individuals can make their own efforts towards reducing
their carbon footprint, such as by using public transport, recycling, and using energy-

efficient appliances. Communities and organizations can work together to raise
awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices such as tree
planting, composting, and reducing waste. Governments also have a critical role to play
in protecting the environment, by enacting and implementing policies and regulations that
limit environmental degradation, promote conservation and sustainability, and hold
polluters accountable.
Describe a new development in your city (for example, a shopping mall or leisure
- You should say:
- what it is and where it is
- how long it took to complete it
- what you think of it
There’s a new shopping mall that just opened up in the area where I live. I first noticed it
when I was taking a walk in the neighborhood about a year ago. Construction was already
underway, and from what I could see, it looked like it was going to be quite a big
development. I’d say it took about 2 years for the mall to be completed, and a lot of
money was invested in it.
The mall is called “The Star Plaza” and it’s located near the city center. It’s a multi-level
building with lots of shops, restaurants and a variety of entertainment options inside, such
as a movie theater, an ice skating rink, and a gym. The mall is located in the bustling
area, so it attracts a lot of people who live in the neighborhood as well as people from
other are areas.
I haven’t had a chance to go inside yet, but from what I can tell, most people in my area
seem to be happy with the new development. There’s a lot of foot traffic going in and out
of the mall, and I think it’s good for the local businesses too. The mall is quite new so it’s
still in good condition, and it’s well-lit and secure, which makes it feel safe to walk
around at night. I’m a little bit concerned about the traffic it might cause but overall, I
think the mall is a really useful addition to the area, it’s a really good place to hang out
with friends and family.
Overall, I’m excited about this new development. It’s great to see that the area is growing
and improving. I’m looking forward to visiting it soon and seeing what it has to offer. It’s
definitely a positive change for the community around here, and I think it will bring many
benefits to the local people, including myself.

1. What's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?/ How
do people travel to work?
Without doubt I would say motorbikes. Almost everyone travels by motorbike in my
country. The reason why motorbike is so popular I think is due to their reasonable price
and convenience. They also extremely vary in terms of size, colour and quality, thus a
wide variety of choices is available for everyone.
2. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?
I think I’d prefer public transport. It’s much more inexpensive and because it can contain
a large number of people, it helps ease the intensity of traffic jams during peak hours and
reduce the greenhouse gas emissions caused by motor vehicles. Private transport is more
costly in terms of fees, taxes and petrol.
3. What needs to be improved in public transport?
People often rely on public transport services to get to their work or other important
appointments on time, and delays or cancellations can be a major inconvenience.
Therefore, improving the reliability of public transport should be a priority. Many public
transport systems are not designed to cater to people with disabilities, and this can pose
challenges for them. Governments and transport authorities should invest in making
public transport more accessible to all, such as by providing wheelchair ramps, elevators,
and wider doors. Governments and transport authorities should invest in renewable
energy sources and electrify public transport vehicles to reduce their carbon footprint.
4. Do people in your country like to go to a cinema to watch a film?.
People in Vietnam are interested in going to the cinema to watch a film. Additionally,
cinema chains have been expanding in Vietnam, which indicates that there is demand for
movie-viewing experiences. However, it is important to note that individual preferences
and practices can vary, and more research may be needed to gain a fuller understanding
of the attitudes towards cinema-going in Vietnam.
Describe an interesting old person
You should say:
- who this person is
- how you know this person
- what you do or did together
- why you think this person is interesting

I am going to talk about one of my teachers back in college whose name is Wayne. He is
over 60 years old and has been working there for almost 10 years. As he is a native
English speaker from Australia, he mainly taught us spoken English. Sometimes, he also
taught us some writing skills. Well, he is a very nice guy and always friendly and popular
among students.
Where I met this person? Well, as I said I was one of his students, but we came to know
each other at the end of the 1st semester. Yeah, I remember it was on Friday when he was
trying to make a phone call, but he seemed a little bit angry and helpless. Then I came to
him and found his phone was actually out of service. But he could not find the place to
recharge his cell phone. Then I helped him to get it done. Maybe from then on, we’ve
built some kind of friendship.
And explain why I think he is interesting. Well, I think he is pretty smart. Like I told you,
he is over 60 years old, which I think is the time for him to retire and enjoy the rest of his
life, but he chose a different path. That’s to start a cultural exchange company, arranging
cultural trips for students both in China and Australia. Besides that, he’s been living in
China for 10 years without speaking a word of Chinese. He knows how everything works
here. For instance, when he goes out for shopping, he could probably figure out what
people are saying by seeing their gestures. Hah, it sounds pretty unbelievable, but it is
true. It’s really lucky being friends with him
1. What are the benefits of being interested in other people?
When you are interested in another person, you are more likely to talk to this person and
want to know more about this person.
In this way, you may be motivated to do something unexpected and step out of your
comfort zone in order to approach this person.
I think you will notice this kind of change especially when you have a crush on someone,
you just think about doing something to attract others’ attention and if you get a reply,
you may be encouraged to do more
2. What problems in society can being self- centered cause?
A self-centered person may not be able to understand or feel for the problems and needs
of others, which can result in an inability to form genuine relationships or cooperate with
others. elf-centered individuals may place too much emphasis on their own needs and
ignore the needs of those around them, resulting in social isolation and exclusion.
3. What kinds of things can young people learn from old people?

Youngsters can ask older people for advice on love, work and friendship. Although our
world is changing very fast, somethings remains the same. And that’s where old people
can help with their wealth of experience. I often consult my mum on my work, because
she has the same job. When you talk with an old person, you can also learn about life in
the past, which is also very interesting.
Describe something you did that made you feel proud
You should say:
- what the achievement is
- how you did it
- how difficult it was
- why you are proud of it
Recently, I felt a great sense of pride when I completed a project for a class I was taking.
The project was to create a comprehensive business plan for a hypothetical company. It
was a daunting task, as I had to consider all the aspects of running a business, from the
finances to the marketing strategy, so I had to research the industry, analyze the
competition, and develop a plan for the company’s growth.
In fact, I was determined to do my best, so I worked diligently to ensure that I had all the
necessary information. I read up on the industry, conducted market research, and created
a detailed budget. I also had to create a marketing plan, which included a detailed
analysis of the target market and the company’s competitive advantages.
Although the project was challenging, I was single-minded to succeed so I worked hard
to make sure that all the details were correct and that the plan was comprehensive.
Besides, I was extremely careful to ensure that the plan was realistic and achievable.
After weeks of trying my best, I finally completed the project and submitted it to my
When I received my grade, I was elated because all my effort paid off. I felt really proud
of myself for a great accomplishment and for doing it well. It was a sense of satisfaction
to know that I had achieved something I had worked so hard for.
1. Do people usually set different goals at different stages of life?
Yes, people usually set different goals at different stages of life. When someone is young,
their goals might be focused on education, career growth, and hobbies. As they get older,
their goals may shift towards family, personal growth, and financial stability.

Additionally, people's goals can change depending on their life experiences and
2. Is there any difference between children's ambitions and those of grown-ups?
Yes, there are differences between children's ambitions and those of grown-ups.
Children's ambitions are often limited by their age, experience, and exposure to the
world. They may have more limited goals, such as becoming a firefighter, astronaut, or
doctor. Meanwhile, grown-up ambitions are often informed by their education, work
experience, and personal interests. As they gain more knowledge and experience, their
ambitions may become more complex, long-term, and career-oriented. Additionally,
adults may prioritize financial stability or societal impact in their ambitions, whereas
children may focus more on personal fulfillment or imagination.
3. On what occasions would adults feel proud of themselves?
Adults may feel proud of themselves when they achieve a long-term personal or
professional goal like getting a promotion or completing a difficult project. Adults may
feel proud of themselves when they help someone in need, whether it's by volunteering,
donating to charity, or simply being a good listener. Adults may feel proud of themselves
when they are able to be a good parent, partner, or friend, supporting and helping those
closest to them to be happy and successful.
4. What rewards can companies offer to outstanding employees?
Companies can offer various rewards to outstanding employees, such as bonuses,
promotions, paid vacations, gift cards, recognition awards, and public appreciation
through email or in front of the staff. Sometimes companies also offer training
opportunities, mentorship programs, or flexible work hours as a reward for their
employees. The type of reward offered may depend on the company's policies, culture,
and the employee's performance level.
5. What rewards are important at work?
In my opinion, rewards at work, consisting of recognition, financial compensation, and
tangible items are crucial for motivating employees and creating a positive work
environment. Recognition is a powerful reward that can be used to show appreciation for
a job well done, which can be done through verbal praise, awards, or even public
recognition. Financial compensation is another vital reward, as it can be used to
incentivize staff to work harder and increase productivity. Lastly, tangible items such as
gift cards or merchandise can be used to reward employees on special occasions. The
type of reward, however, should be tailored to the individual employee and their

Describe a free time activity you enjoyed when you were younger
You should say:
- what the active ty was
- who you did it with
- when and where you did it
- why you liked it
When I was younger I loved to visit the zoo. I really enjoyed seeing all the different types
of animals, from birds to monkeys and everything in between! The only animals I didn’t
really like were snakes, but only because I used to be a little I bit scared of them. I’ve
loved animals for as long as I can remember.

There is a zoo not too far from my neighbourhood, in my city. I used to go there with my
family, or sometimes even with my school.
Another reason I used to love going to the zoo is that I love learning! At the zoo, there
was always something new to see, like a new enclosure or a new family of animals to
learn about! I absolutely loved it, especially since I am so passionate about animals.
I remember the first time I saw a giraffe in person. I had been to the zoo before but it was
the first time I had been since the zoo had gotten a family of giraffes. I was 5 years old on
a school trip, and I was walking with my classmates. When we first caught sight of the
giraffes, we all just started laughing! They are so bizarre looking. They’re really big in
person as well.
I’ve always loved going to the zoo! It will always makes me happy.
1. Do you think nowadays people have a better work-life balance than in the
The work-life balance has been an increasingly important issue in recent times, with
people trying to find a balance between work and personal life. With advancements and
innovations in technology, people can work remotely, and companies have started to
adopt flexible working hours to meet the needs of their employees. Although these
developments have improved the situation, some argue that people are still struggling to
achieve a work-life balance due to the demands of their job and the competitive nature of
the work environment.
2. How do people balance life and work?
Well, balancing life and work can be a challenging task for many people. In today's fast-
paced world, people are often caught up in their hectic working schedules, and their
personal lives get affected. To balance life and work, people need to prioritize their time
and set achievable goals. Time management is crucial in maintaining a balance between
work and personal life. One should ensure they take breaks, eat healthily, and exercise to
reduce stress levels. Furthermore, it's also essential to communicate with your colleagues
and family members of your schedule and seek their support when you need it.
3. Is it important to have a break during work or study?
Having a break during work or study is crucial for both physical and mental well-being.
Taking a pause from the monotony of everyday tasks can help to reinvigorate and
reenergize you, allowing you to return to your work or studies with renewed focus and
determination. Furthermore, it can help to reduce stress and prevent burnout, both of
which can have serious negative impacts on your health and productivity.
4. What leisure activities do old and young people prefer?
Older people tend to prefer leisure activities that are less strenuous and more socially
engaging, such as gardening, reading, playing cards and attending cultural events.
Conversely, younger people tend to prefer leisure activities that are more physically
active and adventurous, such as playing sports, hiking, traveling, and attending music
5. What do young people do in their free time?
Young people spend their free time engaging in various activities such as playing video
games, watching TV series/movies, socializing with friends, practicing sports, reading
books, listening to music, pursuing hobbies, and browsing the internet. It depends on the
individual interests and preferences.
6. How do students relax?
It ultimately depends on the individual's preferences and what helps them to unwind from
the stresses of studying. Some students may relax by listening to music, reading books,
going for walks or exercising, watching TV shows or movies, spending time with friends
and family, practicing meditation or yoga, or pursuing their hobbies and interests.
7. What is the difference in the way people spend their free time nowadays and
20 or 30 years ago?
Twenty or thirty years ago, people tended to spend their free time engaging in physical
activities such as playing sports, taking walks, and working in the garden. Many of them
also enjoyed hobbies such as painting, reading, and crafting. They often spent time

socializing with friends and family face-to-face. Technology was not as advanced as it is
now, so people did not have the same level of access to digital entertainment.
In contrast, nowadays, people spend more of their free time engaging with digital
technology. Streaming services, social media, and video games are popular entertainment
choices. Many also spend time on their phones, scrolling through social media or
browsing the internet. Some still enjoy physical activities and hobbies, but others prefer
to spend their free time indoors. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are
staying indoors to have fun and socialize online.
8. What do people in your country do in their spare time?
Well, I think it depends on personality. People who are active are likely to hang out and
spend more time outdoor. They may join in some clubs, make new friends or involve in
some social activities to amuse themselves. On the other hand, introvert people tend to
idle away the hours staying indoors and spending quality time with their families.
9. What kind of sports are popular in your country?
Due to the fact that Vietnamese people seem to have a healthy lifestyle, I would say that
we love all kinds of sports. However, if I had to choose the most popular one, it would be
soccer, which is known as the king of sport. This is because Vietnam has a collectivist
culture, which means that a sense of community is very important. Therefore, they are
interested in sports that can enhance team spirit.
10. Why do many people nowadays say there aren't enough hours in the day?
I can say that many people nowadays may feel that there aren't enough hours in the day
due to the fast-paced nature of modern life. People often have to balance work, family,
social life, and personal commitments, which can lead to a lack of time in the day to
complete everything they need or want to do. Additionally, the rise of technology and
social media may also contribute to a feeling of time scarcity as people spend more time
on their devices, leading to a perceived lack of time for other activities.
11. Do you think that not having enough time is a feature of our modern life?
I think it depends on the kind of modern lifestyle an individual is leading. So, a person
doing a corporate job might have less time to spare for leisure activity but probably a
person who does freelancing will find more time to leisure. Not because a work is less
time consuming but because the way things get done in each. Even more, I think it all
depends on how the person sets priorities for themselves.
12. Do people have enough time for leisure activities nowadays?

Yes,of course,everyone has enough free time to do leisure work to relax oneself.And if
someone does not want to be free,it is one’s will and nature. Normally everyone can work
upto 12 hours maximum a day.Office going people have to work for 8 hours , i am
explaining time of work for maximum a man can do a day.So about 99% can have their
leisure time if they want to have.
Describe a person you like or want to work or study with
- You should say:
- who this person is
- how long you have known each other
- how you met
- why you want to work or study with this person
Well I would like to talk about Huyen, one of my friends whose company I really enjoy.
Speaking of how long I have known this person, we’ve been classmates since highschool.
She sat next to me for over four years, and so it is fair to say we know each other quite
well. Although she is a devil in disguise, there are many reasons why I like to have her
For one thing, she is the most talkative person I know who is capable of talking nonstop
for hours. She often bothered me with her endless stories during our lessons and often got
us scolded by our teachers. Because most of her stories were funny, I could not stop
myself from laughing and talking with her. Now each of us are busy with our work, so
we could only hang out on the weekend in a small café on Hoang Cau street. But every
time we meet, it feels like we lost touch for 10 years as she would keep on updating me
stories about her life even with or without my consent. Luckily with an introverted
personality, I am quite a good listener and had no problem with that. I guess we make a
perfect team.
1. What do you think makes someone a good colleaque?
A good colleague is someone who is dependable, trustworthy, respectful, and
accountable. They are also supportive, collaborative, communicative, and empathetic.
They listen actively, offer constructive feedback, and work towards the team's goals
while maintaining a positive attitude. Good colleagues also have a strong work ethic, are
open-minded, and have a willingness to continuously learn and improve.
2. What matters most about a colleague's personality?

I think the most important qualities in a colleague's personality include being cooperative,
dependable, respectful, and open-minded. It's essential to work with someone who values
teamwork and is willing to collaborate towards achieving common goals. Dealing with
reliable colleagues is crucial as it helps to build trust and confidence among the team
members. Also, showing respect through active listening and efficient communication
makes the work environment more pleasant and productive
3. What do you think makes someone a good colleague?
In my opinion, a good colleague is someone who is reliable, cooperative, and
communicative. Reliability is an important characteristic as it means that you can count
on your colleague to complete their tasks and meet deadlines. Cooperation is also
essential as it enables colleagues to work together effectively in achieving common goals
4. Do you think that having good colleagues is the most important thing at
Having good colleagues to be one of the most important things at work as it can make the
work environment more enjoyable, promote teamwork, and encourage productivity. On
the other hand, some people might prioritize other factors such as salary, job security, or
opportunities for career advancement.
5. Are good colleagues important at work?
In my opinion, good colleagues are definitely important at work. Having a positive and
supportive work environment can make a huge difference in both your job satisfaction
and productivity. When you have colleagues who you can rely on and who work well
with you, it can be easier to collaborate effectively, share ideas, and solve problems
together. Additionally, having friendly relationships with your colleagues can make the
workday more enjoyable and help to alleviate workplace stress
6. Does it matter if a child likes their classmates?
It can be important for a child to have positive relationships with their classmates as it
can enhance their social and emotional development. Children who have good
relationships with their peers tend to feel more accepted and included at school, which
can contribute positively to their academic achievements and overall well-being.
However, it is not always necessary for a child to like every one of their classmates, as
children have different personalities and preferences. It is more important that they learn
how to interact respectfully and positively with their classmates, despite their differences.
7. How can children get along with their classmates?
There are some tips that can help children get along with their classmates:

1. Be friendly and polite.
2. Show interest in your classmates and try to make friends with them.
3. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
4. Share and take turns during playtime and group activities.
5. Cooperate with others during group projects.
6. Try to avoid conflicts and confrontations with classmates.
7. Seek help from a teacher or counselor if you need support in building friendships or
resolving conflicts.
8. What kinds of people are popular at work?
Generally speaking, people who are friendly, helpful, and skilled at their job tend to be
popular among their coworkers. Those who have a positive attitude and a willingness to
collaborate and work as a team are highly regarded in most workplaces. People who are
consistently polite, respectful, and empathetic towards their colleagues are also well-
9. Are knowledgeable people popular at work?
It depends on the nature of the work and the culture of the workplace. In some
workplaces, knowledgeable people are highly valued and respected, and they may be
seen as leaders and experts in their field. However, in other workplaces, people may
prioritize other qualities such as social skills or networking ability over knowledge.
Ultimately, it is important to have a balance of both knowledge and social skills in most
10. What benefits are there when a child is popular at school?
Being popular can boost a child's confidence and self-esteem, which can lead to better
mental health and academic performance. A child tends to interact more frequently with
their peers, which means they can develop stronger social skills and learn how to
navigate complex social situations.
Describe a gift you got
You should say:
- what it was
- how you got it
- what you did

- how you felt about it.
I am going to tell you about a gift I received. It was a smart phone from my father on my
15th birthday. Well, having a smart phone on my own was my dream. I needed it for its
benefits. So I was jealous of my friends who had smartphones. Therefore I was very
happy for my birthday present.
My smartphone looks nice, slim, and light. It was covered with gorilla glass, touch screen
in the back, in the front respectively. As you know, using a smartphone is not difficult,
especially for young people who are accustomed to modern technology. So I find it easy
to use my phone as well. To use it, you only press the power button and unlock your
phone by password or fingerprint. Then you can add apps to your phone by going to the
app store or play store. After that, All you need to do is to tap your apps to enjoy them.
This present is very important to me because it is what I desired for a long time. More
importantly, my smartphone from my father who I love most.
1. What rewards do children want to get?
It's also possible that the type of reward that children want could depend on their age,
personality, interests, and cultural background. Some children may enjoy educational or
artistic activities, while others may prefer sports or outdoor adventures. Children may
want rewards such as toys, games, candies, or other treats as a way to feel happy and
rewarded for their achievements. Some children may prefer experiences such as going to
a theme park, seeing a movie, or having a day out with their family or friends as a way to
create memories and excitement. Others may value recognition and praise from their
parents, teachers, or peers more than tangible rewards, as it makes them feel appreciated
and confident.
2. What are children usually rewarded for at school?
Children are usually rewarded for different things at school. They may receive rewards
for good academic performance, such as high grades or completing a challenging
assignment. Teachers may also give rewards for positive behavior, such as being
respectful to others, following the rules, and showing good character. In addition,
children may receive recognition for participating in extracurricular activities or for being
helpful to others.
3. What rewards can children get from school?
Children can receive various rewards from school depending on their academic and
extracurricular performance. Some common rewards include certificates, trophies,
medals, praise from teachers, acknowledgement in school newsletters, and privileges

such as being a class monitor or having the opportunity to represent the school in
competitions. These rewards can help boost the self-esteem and motivation of students, as
well as recognize and incentivize their hard work and achievements.
4. What rewards can companies offer to outstanding employees?
There are several rewards that companies can offer to outstanding employees. Firstly,
they can provide monetary rewards such as a bonus or a salary increase. Employers can
also offer non-monetary rewards such as a promotion, paid time off, or even a flexible
schedule. Additionally, some companies may offer recognition programs such as an
employee of the month award or a certificate of achievement. Other rewards may include
tickets to a sporting event or a concert, gift cards, or even company-sponsored trips.
Describe a complaint you made and you were satisfied with the results
You should say:
- when it happened
- who you complained to
- what you complained about
- why you were satisfied with the results

First of all, I would have to say that I am a rather picky and straightforward person.

And for this reason, whenever I am not satisfied with something, I usually express it
openly. And the most recent complaint that I have made is about poor service at a bakery.

It happened a few days ago when I was buying a birthday cake for my younger brother.
The shop was so crowded and everyone had to queue up for payment. The long waiting
time along with the hot weather had put me in a bad mood and I became impatient.
When it finally came to my turn, suddenly the salesgirl prioritized a big guy standing
after me, just because he bought three cakes and I bought only one. I was really annoyed
by this. And after the guy disappeared, I turned to the salesgirl and started to complain to
her about this. After listening to her explanation, I left the queue and went directly to the
owner of the shop and said that I was really dissatisfied with the service of the shop and
the manner of the salesgirl. I complained that I had been unfairly treated and then I left
the shop.

The day after that, the owner of the shop called me and said sorry for this with the
promise to give me a voucher. I was quite satisfied with my complaint because of the
voucher that they promised, but to be honest, I will give it to another person or give it
away as I will never come to this shop again.


1. What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?
As far as I’m concerned, people in my country often complain about electricity and
gasoline prices. There are only a few companies that provide these services here so
there’s not much of a variety for people to choose from. Although complaints are
lodged regularly, oftentimes people just have to play along with the surge of prices that
mainly derives from the changes in social behaviors or social relations. Due
to this monopoly, people are put between a rock and a hard place, where they have to
choose whether to give up on the use of amenities or to bite the bullet and try harder
to make ends meet.  
2. Would you buy things in the shops which you complained about before?
No, I would not. I’m not someone who likes to make complaints, so if I had done so at a
store, it would be for something serious like faulty products or unauthorized, suspicious
charges on my credit card.
3. Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?
Of course. Your customers can’t get into your head and they’ll make assumptions based
on your social media presence or advertisements. Your customer service team, however,
is where you have more control over your brand image. These individuals speak directly
to your customers and they have the responsibility of representing your brand when
interacting with current or potential buyers. A strong customer service team is essential in
relaying to customers what you want your brand image to be and it can help influence
customers and convince them of your strengths over competitors.
4. Are there any disadvantages in setting up customer service?
It costs company a lot of money to set up and maintain customer service. And it’s quite
hard to find people that are suitable to work in customer service; you have to be friendly,
patient and tactful – these qualities are quite hard to come by these days.

5. Do you think customers' complaints will improve products or services?

Yes, for sure. First of all, when you initially introduce a new product, brand, or service to
market you surely have an idea about customers’ needs, rather than your own. Then only
after your customers use your product or service can you learn about all the advantages,
flaws, and their actual experience and come up with the best solutions for each case. As
their needs and expectations evolve with time, you would have more ideas to upgrade
your services to the next levels. Customers’ opinions help you ensure that the end product
will actually meet their expectations, solve their problems and fulfill their needs.

Describe something that you would like to learn in the future
You should say:
- what you would like to learn to do
- how and where you would learn it
- why you would like to learn to do this
- whether it will be difficult or not
I’d like to talk about cooking which I believe to be of utmost significance for my future.
There are many factors that can support my claim.
First, as is common knowledge, food is essential for survival. It is a basic need as a
Second, I enjoy cooking and it makes me happy when I try to make something, even
when I fail. However, I also want to pursue higher education abroad. No one who is
truly very close to my heart is therefore present where I want to go. As a result, nobody
will prepare any food for me other than my mother.
In addition, my parents have always insisted that eating a home-cooked meal is
preferable to eating fast food because it provides us with more nutrition, which guards
against diseases like obesity, hypertension, heart attacks, and other conditions. Since I
am also health-conscious, I always give priority to a healthy diet over fatty or
unhealthy foods.
The good news is that I can learn this skill from a variety of sources. I’m sure my mother,
who is a talented cook, will teach me the fundamentals of this activity. I can learn more
about this skill without it with the aid of social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter,
Facebook, and given that it is a reliable source of income and enables me to live
comfortably, this skill may prove to be very helpful in the future.

1. At what age can children make decisions on their own?
I think it depends on the decision and the laws of the country. In general, young children
are not considered to have the same level of competency to make important decisions as
adults due to the absence of cognitive, emotional, and practical skills. However, as
individuals age, they acquire more knowledge, life experience, and better judgement to
make decisions independently.
2. Do you prefer advice from your family or your friends?
From family because they:
• will never betray me

• will never harm me
• will help me wholeheartedly in any situation
• will always give me rational advice
• are always there for me
• are very reliable
• have more life experience.
3. Who do young people turn to for advice?
Describe an advertisement you have seen that you did not like
You should say:
- Where and when you saw this advertisement
- What the advertisement was for
- What you could see in the advertisement
- And explain why you did not like this advertisement.
I distinctly remember an advertisement for a weight loss product that I saw online a few
weeks ago. It popped up on a website I was browsing and I saw it on my laptop screen.
The ad had before-and-after photos of a woman who lost a significant amount of weight,
and the product was being marketed as a miraculous formula that could help anyone lose
weight quickly and easily.
There were a few things that I did not like about this advertisement, and the first was the
use of misleading images. The 'before' photo of the woman was taken in less than
flattering lighting, and her posture was slouched, while the 'after' photo was in perfect
lighting and she was standing straight. This made it seem like she lost more weight than
she actually did. Additionally, there was no mention of a balanced diet and exercise, and
the advertisement made it seem like the product was the only thing required to shed
pounds, which is harmful since such a statement can encourage people to adopt unhealthy
weight loss habits.
Overall, I dislike this advertisement because it promotes unrealistic and harmful ideals
about weight loss, and capitalizes on people's insecurities by making them think they
need a magic pill to lose weight instead of promoting a healthy lifestyle.

1. what are the advantages of advertising?
Firstly, advertising helps to increase brand awareness and visibility, thereby attracting
new customers and retaining existing ones. Secondly, advertising can improve the
credibility and reputation of a business or product. Thirdly, advertising can create a sense
of urgency or excitement, prompting potential customers to take action and purchase the
product or service. Finally, advertising can help businesses to differentiate themselves
from their competitors and stay top-of-mind among consumers.
2. how do ads make us buy what we don’t need at all?
Firstly, ads are designed to create a sense of desire or urgency in consumers, by
highlighting the benefits of a product or service and portraying it as essential for our
happiness, success, or well-being. This can trigger emotional responses that override
rational thinking and lead us to make impulsive purchases. Moreover, ads are often
targeted based on our personal data and online behavior, which can make them more
relevant and appealing to our interests and needs. This can make us more likely to engage
with ads and consider buying products that we wouldn't have heard of otherwise.
3. how do ads make people buy new products?
Advertisements can make people buy new products by creating a need or desire for the
product in their minds. Advertisements are designed to persuade people to purchase
products or services by highlighting their benefits and how they can improve our lives.
Advertisers use various techniques such as creating emotional connections, providing
special offers, and using celebrity endorsements to grab people's attention and influence
their purchasing decisions. Additionally, repetition of the advertisement can reinforce the
message and create a familiarity with the brand or product, leading to increased trust and
likelihood of purchase.
4. how does marketing make people choose particular goods and brands?
Marketing can make people choose particular goods and brands is through advertising.
Advertisements are designed to grab consumers' attention, promote the benefits of a
product, and create a desire for it. Brands use different types of ads such as billboards,
TV commercials, social media ads, and influencers to reach their target audience.
You should say:

- What character it is
- Who acted the character
- When you saw the film
- And explain whether you like this character
1. Is it interesting to be an actor or actress?
Becoming an actor or actress is exciting, but it is also really difficult. It's not enough to
memorize lines and look good on camera; you must truly immerse yourself in the
role and bring their feelings and experiences to life. It's a lot of effort, but it can also be
quite rewarding when you see the completed product and realize you were a part of
something unique.
2. What are the differences between acting in theatre and acting in film?
In theatre, your voice and motions must be projected to reach the entire audience,
however in movies, you can be more subtle and natural. Because theatre involves a live
audience, each performance is unique, whereas film allows for several takes and editing.
Overall, both have their advantages and disadvantages, and it all comes down to personal
preference and skill set.
3. Are there many people in your country who want to work as an actor?
Vietnam also has a thriving entertainment industry, and many young people may aspire to
pursue a career in this field. To get more precise and accurate information, you may refer
to credible sources or conduct research.
4. What are the differences between actors/actresses who earn much and those
who earn little?
Fame and recognition are likely the primary distinctions. Actors with bigger fan bases
earn more. They may also have more experience in the industry and stronger managers or
advisors who can negotiate better terms for them. What is more, success in the
entertainment sector often depends on luck and timing.
Describe a noisy place you have been to
- You should say: what it is
- When you went there
- What you did there
- And explain why you feel it’s a noisy place

I would like to talk about a night bar I went to when I was traveling in Yun Nan province.
It was a local landmark actually, located on the night bar streets. People would go there to
experience the night life of the city, so as tourists, we thought it was a nice place to check
out. But to our surprise, I have to admit, it was too noisy and I regretted going there.
Before my friend and I entered the bar, I could already hear the loud sound from the
stereos which played the catchy and popular music of the year. The tone quality was
rather awful so all I heard was high pitch of sound rather than nice and gentle melodies.
The impression was not good to be frank. After we sat down at a small table, I felt a
sense of choky smoke all over me, as someone was smoking heavily nearby. I started
coughing a little bit. But the noise didn’t stop at all.
Inside, the big colorful ball on the ceiling was turning around, giving vulgar light to
every table but all I felt was dizziness. There was a singer in the middle who shouted
loudly and asked everyone to keep down their voices a little so that she could sing and
The atmosphere in the bar was too awful to endure. I was expecting a quiet listening
experience but everything was out of my imagination. People were raising their voice as
the background music was overwhelming, which made the place all the
more unbearable.

1. How can people consider others' feelings when chatting in public?
It's important to consider others' feelings as it's a shared space where people from
different backgrounds and perspectives come together. One way to do this is by avoiding
sensitive or controversial topics that could potentially offend someone. Additionally,
using respectful and polite language can help create a positive and inclusive environment
2. Are cities becoming noisier?
Most cities in our country are suffering serious noise pollution due to rapidly increasing
population and a massive amount of daily transportation. The consistently intense
presence of noise does serious harm to the public health.
3. Where is there louder noise, in cities or in the countryside?
Noise in the cities is probably louder coz there are more people living and working in the
regions. That causes the hustle and bustle of those places. And it also explains why young
people today long for the idyllic and peaceful life in the countryside after retirement.
4. What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?

Well, I have to say that I face up to a variety of noises on a daily basis. The first type of
noise is from traffic, especially during the rush hours. The second is noise from factories
and construction sites which never fail to distract me from working, thereby reducing
my productivity.
5. Do you mind noises?/ Do any noises bother you?
It’s really hard for me to say no. I mean, I really can’t bear noisy people, noisy places or
even noisy things. For me noise is the number-one distractor when it comes to studying
or working. You know, they actually just go ahead and interrupt my flow of thoughts.
6. How do people usually respond to noises in your country?
Some people might have a high tolerance for noise, while others might be highly
sensitive to it and find it distressing. However, generally, people in China tend to be
highly aware of the impact of noise on their daily lives and often try to minimize it as
much as possible. For example, in densely populated cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh,
the sound of traffic and construction can be overwhelming, leading many people to wear
noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs to reduce the noise.
Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy.
You should say:
- What the routine is
- When and why you started following this routine
- How easy it is to follow
- And explain why you enjoy having this routine in your daily life
I am a junior at a university. My school timetable has hardly changed, so I have kept a
fixed daily schedule for nearly two years.
I am not a morning person, so waking up early is a hard sell for me; I can’t roll out of bed
perky and energized. I usually try to prepare a home-cooked breakfast to save money;
after that, I go to school on a full stomach. To be frank, I have a motorbike, but I prefer
walking to give the traffic jam a wide berth. I don’t hate studying, but long classes make
me face study burnout. I’m too tired to cook, so I just head to a random restaurant to grab
something to eat. Then, I come home and take a nap; it helps me recharge my energy for
the rest of my day.
Well, I live with my friend, but she has to go to school every afternoon, plus I am more
efficient when I am alone, so this time suits me down to the ground, I always try to finish
all my homework. Each day, I have about 2 hours to rest and have dinner before starting
my part-time job at 6 o’clock. I have decided to take this job to have another source of
income apart from my parent’s allowance. When the clock strikes 9:30, I finish my job
and head home.
From 10p.m towards is my favourite period of time because this is when I do some
bedtime relaxation routines. I will surf the Internet for one hour; then I will pick up a
book and read a few pages to help me enter sleep mode. I always have shuteye before
midnight to make sure that I would feel refreshed the following day.
1. Should children have learning routines?
Having a set learning routine can be beneficial for children as it helps them establish
good study habits and better time management skills. Having a routine also allows
children to have a structured learning environment, which helps them focus better and
complete their homework more efficiently. Additionally, a consistent learning routine can
help children build self-discipline and motivation, which are essential for academic
success. However, it is important to ensure that the routine is flexible and adaptable as
needed to cater to a child's changing needs and interests.
2. What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?
When a routine is added into a child's schedule, they are able to anticipate what will
happen next, which provides them with a sense of security, confidence, and control.
When a child knows what to expect, there is less wiggle room for power struggles,
temper tantrums, and meltdowns. Share with them how their actions contribute to the
functioning of the entire family. Routines help teach responsibility, independence, and
boost your child's confidence. From brushing their teeth in the morning, to taking off
their shoes before each class, simple daily routines help children gain a sense of
independence and purpose
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of routine?
1. Routine creates a sense of discipline and structure in one’s life, making it easier to
accomplish tasks and stay on track.
2. It helps to establish healthy habits, such as regular exercise and healthy eating.
3. It can increase efficiency and productivity in work or school, as tasks become more
automatic and require less mental effort.
4. It can reduce stress by eliminating the need to constantly make decisions about what to
do next.

5. It can create a sense of stability and familiarity, making people feel more comfortable
and secure.
1. Routine can become monotonous and lead to boredom and a lack of creativity.
2. It can lead to a lack of spontaneity and flexibility, making it difficult to adapt to new
3. It can be difficult to break out of a routine once established, making it hard to try new
4. Over-reliance on routine can lead to a sense of rigidity or inflexibility.
5. Routine can sometimes lead to a sense of complacency or stagnation, as people may
feel they are not growing or developing.
4. Do you agree that having a routine gives people more time to think?
Having a routine can indeed give people more time to think as it helps to establish a clear
structure and organization in their daily activities. When we have a routine, we become
more efficient in completing tasks, leading to less time spent on trivial matters. This
means that we can allocate more time to reflect on our thoughts and ideas, which can lead
to greater creativity and productivity. Additionally, having a routine can reduce stress and
anxiety as we are better able to manage our time and prioritize tasks.
5. How important is it to have a daily routine?
In my opinion, having a daily routine is very important as it can help to bring structure
and order to our lives. By following a routine, we can effectively manage our time and
prioritize our tasks, ensuring that we complete the most important things first. This can
greatly enhance our productivity and reduce stress levels, as we know exactly what we
need to do and when we need to do it. Additionally, having a daily routine can help to
create good habits and promote self-discipline, which can be beneficial in both our
personal and professional lives.
6. Would you agree that people who have fixed routines are not creative?
It ultimately depends on the individual and their approach to life. Having a fixed routine
may limit a person's exposure to novel experiences and ideas, which may inhibit
creativity. On the other hand, some people with fixed routines may find comfort in the
structure and may use their creativity in other aspects of their lives, such as problem-
solving within their routine or creative hobbies outside of their routine
7. Are there people who don't like routine?

Yes, there are many people who do not like routine. Some individuals prefer to have a
more spontaneous and unpredictable schedule that allows them to be more creative and
adaptable. However, other people prefer a structured routine, as it helps them to stay
organized and efficient
8. What kinds of routines do people often have in their daily lives?
I’d say that people usually have daily routines for various day-to-day activities in the
morning and the evening like getting up, having breakfast and leaving home for work or
study, things like that. Besides, they tend to follow a certain routine at work like when
to start and when to take a break. Again, it really depends on each occupation.
Accounting or other clerical jobs might be more monotonous than those in dynamic
fields such as marketing, tour operation or event management.
9. What are some possible advantages of using a time management app for your
phone to help you plan your time?
Some of the possible advantages of time management apps are that we can quickly
review the profitability of our projects, prioritize and deliver work on time, reduce our
stress levels, make bill payments on time, and so on. The time management app can be
ideal for understanding all the extra budgets as well. Hence, they are productive and
Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well
You should say:
- What it was
- When you heard it
- How you knew it
- And explain how you felt about it
I recently heard some really good news regarding a close friend of mine. It turned out she
had been accepted into a prestigious graduate program at a top university. I heard this
news about a week ago when she called me to tell me about it.
I knew that she had been working hard for months to get into this program, so her
acceptance did not come off as a surprise. She had been studying for the entrance exam
and preparing her application for months. Besides, she had also been networking with
people in the field and doing her research to make sure she was a good fit for the
Nevertheless, when I heard the news, I was ecstatic. I took great pride in her for all the
dedication she had put in and for achieving her goal. Only a few other people, including

myself, knew how much this meant to her. She had been dreaming of entering this
program for a long time, and I was so glad that she had finally realized her dream.
In fact, this was going to open up a lot of opportunities for her as she was going to be
able to learn from some of the most brilliant minds in the field and make connections
with people who could help her to advance in her career. It was definitely a moment
worth celebrating.
1. Should the media publish only good news?
No, I don’t think so. It’s crucial for the media to report on both positive and negative
events to provide an accurate and comprehensive picture of the world. The media should
also provide context and analysis of the news so that readers can make informed
decisions. Additionally, the media needs to be transparent and accountable, so that
viewers can trust the information they’re receiving. Without access to both good and bad
news, readers would be unable to obtain updated information.
2. Is it good to share something on social media?
For me, it depends on what you are sharing and why. On the one hand, social media can
be a great way to share information and connect with people, as it’s a great platform to
broadcast your thoughts, ideas, and experiences with a wide audience. On the other hand,
it’s obviously dangerous to upload certain information, such as personal details or
confidential information, because it can be misused or exploited. Therefore, it’s important
to consider the potential repercussions of sharing something on social networking sites,
lest they impact your reputation and credibility.
Describe your place in your house where you can relax
You should say:
- Where it is
- What it is like
- What you enjoy doing there
- And explain why you feel relaxed at this place.
Finding a place to relax can be difficult, especially in today’s busy world. We all need
some time to escape from life’s everyday stresses; for me, that place is my house. Home
is where I feel most relaxed and my favourite place in my house is my living room. This
is the main room of the house and the one I spend the most time in. It is comfortable,
cozy, inviting and always makes me feel at home. It is the most calming room in my

house. There is nothing like sinking into the couch with a good book and a cup of tea on a
lazy Sunday afternoon.

One of the main reasons I feel so at ease in my living room is because it is a place where
I can truly be myself. I can sit in my favorite chair, watch my favorite shows, or play
video games. I can also listen to music, do my work, or have a nap. It is a place where I
can enjoy all my favorite activities without feeling the pressure of everyday life.
I usually try to make it as comfortable as possible. I like adding a few pillows, blankets,
and even some soft lighting. I also enjoy lighting a few scented candles, which helps to
set the mood and create a peaceful atmosphere. I make sure to keep the space clutter-free
and organized. This helps to keep my mind clear and relaxed.
Overall, my living room is where I feel most peaceful in my home. I can escape from my
worries and just be myself.
1. What is the place where people spend most of their time in their home?
In most homes, the place where individuals spend the most time is likely to be the living
room. This central gathering space is often used for entertaining guests, relaxing, and
spending time with family and friends. Many homes also feature a comfortable sofa or
armchair in the living room, making it the perfect place to curl up with a book, watch TV,
or simply relax.
2. Why is it difficult for some people to relax?
For some individuals, relaxing can prove to be a challenging feat, as their minds are
constantly racing with thoughts, worries, and stressors. They may find it difficult to quiet
their minds and let go of their anxieties, leading to feelings of restlessness and unease.
Additionally, some individuals may struggle with sleep or experience high levels of
anxiety, which can make relaxing nearly impossible. In many cases, the root cause of this
difficulty to relax may be due to poor coping mechanisms, poor self-care practices, or
underlying mental health conditions.
Describe the first day you went to school that you remember
You should say
- When it happened
- How you felt about the experience

- Where you the school is
- And explain why you still remember the experience
To be perfectly honest with you, I still remember my first day of middle school as though
it happened yesterday. It was the start of a new school year in the fall. I was a bit nervous
too, but the day was largely filled with excitement for me, because it had been the first
time I had the chance to study with classmates from different regions in my country.
Until now, I still remember walking into the classroom and seeing all the other kids. I
was a bit overwhelmed, but I was also so eager to have my first lesson. At first, my
teacher introduced herself and the other students. She was so kind and welcoming, which
made me feel right at home. After that, we together participated in some fun activities
and games, and I was so enthusiastic to be learning something new.
Before I knew it, it was time to go home. It felt sad to leave, but I was also looking
forward to coming back the next day. My first day at that school was a moment to be
proud of, since I thought I was brave for studying in a completely strange environment.
It was such an important milestone for me as that was where my educational journey, and
a new chapter in my life had begun. I believe I will always treasure my first day at middle
1. . What advantages and disadvantages come along with changing jobs?
Switching jobs can be a great opportunity to gain new skills, experience, and knowledge.
It can also be a great way to increase your salary and move up in your career. However,
some potential drawbacks need to be considered. One of the main disadvantages of
changing jobs is the potential for a decrease in job security and job satisfaction.

When you change jobs, you may not have the same level of job security as you did in
your previous position, and you may also need to adjust to a new work environment,
which can be challenging and time-consuming. It’s crucial to take these aforementioned
factors into account before making the decision to switch jobs.
2. Why do many young adults keep changing their jobs?
Young adults tend to prioritize their job satisfaction over anything else, and if they don't
find their work enjoyable or fulfilling, they tend to switch jobs. Some young adults might
switch jobs simply because the economy is unstable or the job market is volatile, and they
want to secure their future. With the growing demand for growth and progress, young

adults tend to hop onto different jobs as a means to climb the career ladder and reach
their desired positions.
You should say:
- What party it was
- How you met this person
- What you talked about
- And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/ her
At a recent party, I had the pleasure of speaking with a person named Sarah. The party
was a friend’s birthday celebration, held at their home on a Saturday evening. Sarah was
a friend of a friend and I had never met her before.
We started talking about our shared interest in hiking and outdoor activities. Sarah was
full of stories about her adventures and it was clear she was very passionate about the
subject. She had recently gone on a trip to a national park and showed me pictures of her
journey. She was knowledgeable, humorous and very friendly.
Our conversation eventually turned to work and I was surprised to learn that Sarah was a
software engineer. It was fascinating to hear about her experience in the tech industry and
her thoughts on the current advancements in artificial intelligence.

I enjoyed talking to Sarah at the party because she was a great conversationalist, and she
made me feel comfortable and at ease. I found her to be intelligent, interesting, and
humble. She had a positive outlook on life and was always eager to share her experiences
and opinions.
Overall, talking to Sarah at the party was a wonderful experience, and I hope to have the
chance to talk to her again in the future.
1. Is it difficult for adults to talk with children?
I find it challenging due to differences in language, interests, and maturity levels, among
other factors. Effective communication with children requires adapting to their level of
understanding and maintaining a friendly and approachable attitude. As an adult, one
must learn to listen patiently and give children the opportunity to express their thoughts
and feelings freely. Keeping the communication simple, using easy-to-understand

language, and involving them in the conversation can make it easier for adults to connect
with children.
2. how and where do people in your country make friends these days?
People can get to know new people in a variety of places such as at work, school, social
events, clubs or organizations, and through mutual friends. They may also meet new
people through online communities or through hobbies and interests.
People start a conversation by finding common ground, asking questions, and showing
interest in the other person. Small talk about the surroundings, current events, hobbies or
shared experiences can help break the ice. Maintaining eye contact, having a positive
attitude, and active listening are also important in starting a conversation.
3. what places are popular for meeting friends in your area?
Well, I don’t think we have one particular place where we love hanging out. We can meet
anywhere else and have fun. It may be at a restaurant, a bar, a park or even an amusement
park. I believe we care more about our bonding than the meeting place


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