Path Overview Beta 1

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Class Overview


 BEGIN PATH Class Overview
Begin Path Intro

An introduction not only to this Path, but to and the Core Path Classes.

5 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

How To Be a Healthy Team Member

An overview of the seven critical commitment areas that team members need to engage in to be a healthy worship team.
8 Lessons / Final Quiz Required / OPTIONAL: Team Member Self-Assessment

Biblical Worship 101

An introductory training to understand and live out a Biblical theology of worship.

10 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

Healthy Team 101

Understanding three must-have virtues for healthy team members: humble, hungry, and smart.

5 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

Lead Worshiper 101

An introductory training teaching our role as lead worshipers, how to prepare that role, and other related training.

5 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

Practice Matters, Part 1

Understanding the importance of preparation, along with practical training on how to practice effectively.

5 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

Checkpoint with your mentor or team leader. Move on to the


 BUILD PATH Class Overview
BUILD Path Intro

A brief introduction this Path.

1 Lesson / No Quiz

Healthy Team 201

In this class, we dive into how to deal Biblically and practically with authority, submission, conflict, and confrontation.

4 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

Healthy Team 202

A topic that requires its own class: dealing with entitlement. This dysfunctional attitude creeps in even on the best of teams.

1 Lesson / Final Quiz Required

Lead Worshiper 201

A more in-depth and practical look at platform presence and biblical expressions of worship.

5 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

Arranging Essentials for Worship Musicians

For vocalists, instrumentalists AND techs. It’s crucial that each team member grasp his/her role as well as others’ roles too.

7 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

Practice Matters, Part 2

A continuation of the Practice Matters training, diving into more advanced issues of preparation.

4 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

Checkpoint with your mentor or team leader. Move on to the


MODEL PATH Class Overview
MODEL Path Intro

A brief introduction this Path.

1 Lesson / No Quiz

How To Find Intimacy With Jesus

Tina Dozer, a Christian counselor, walks us through the five common barriers that keep us from drawing near to God.

7 Lessons / Final Self-Assessment Required

Healthy Team 301: How To Identify and Overcome The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Understanding, identifying and overcoming the five dysfunction of teams is crucial to growing as a healthy worship ministry.

6 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

Leadership: The Six Crucial Roles of Worship Leadership

Starting our leadership journey, we look at typical “worship leader” roles and how they can (and should) be shared.

8 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

How To Be a Musical Mentor

This class begins the leadership journey towards relational leadership by introducing the concept of skill mentoring.

1 Lesson / Final Quiz Required

Checkpoint with your mentor or team leader. Move on to the

MENTOR PATH Class Overview
MENTOR Path Intro

A brief introduction this Path.

1 Lesson / No Quiz

Biblical Worship: Drawing Near To God (Sacred Pathways)

Worshiping God isn’t one-size-fits-all. We’re all wired differently. This class explores 9 different pathways to pursue God.

11 Lessons / Final Assessment Required

Leadership: Introduction to Coaching

You’ll learn how to approach difficult conversations and ask the right questions with those you lead and serve alongside.

1 Lesson / Final Quiz Required

Leadership: How To Be a Worship Ministry Mentor

You’ll learn how to be an effective mentor to not only team members, but anyone God may call you to lead.

5 Lessons / Final Quiz Required

Introduction to Personality Styles

You’ll learn why it’s important to understand your personality style. You’ll also learn a framework to help you understand
your personality as well as other’s.

5 Lesson / Final Quiz Required

Checkpoint with your mentor or team leader. Move on to the


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