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Answer the following questions: (3 items x 10 points)

1. Based on the case facts, what is the major reason behind the company losses of
Procter & Gamble (P&G)?
Procter & Gamble (P&G) appears to have a weak strategic position, which has led to
diminishing market share and earnings, as the main cause of the firm losses. P&G has
performed poorly across the board in many emerging economies, losing market share in
important product-country pairings including cosmetics in the US and oral care in China.
Moreover, P&G's stock market value has decreased while that of its rivals, including
Unilever, Colgate-Palmolive, and Kimberly-Clark, has increased significantly. Moreover,
critics and business experts have noted that there is a lack of cohesion and a stronger
link among employees to achieve the company's objective, and that the job descriptions
of the company's employees do not align with the corporate vision of P&G. Hence, it
would appear that P&G's losses might be ascribed to both internal and external causes,
such as a lack of alignment between personnel and the company's goal and external
issues like market share erosion and dismal performance in emerging nations.

2. Assuming the role of a manager in P&G, how can you cascade the company vision to
your subordinates?
As a manager at P&G, I can help my subordinates share the company's purpose,
values, and principles with them, explain how our team's work helps to realize this
purpose, set cascading goals that are consistent with the company's vision, and support
my subordinates in setting their own goals that are consistent with our team's goals.
Purpose, beliefs, and principles form the cornerstone of P&G's distinctive culture. I can
therefore begin by introducing my subordinates to P&G's mission, beliefs, and guiding
principles. They will gain a better understanding of P&G's mission and core values as a

3. Analyze and explain how the alignment of vision will help the company recover from
their losses.
In order for an organization to achieve its goals and objectives, its vision must be
aligned. P&G's strategic position has deteriorated, and the company has lost market
share in significant product-country combinations, which has resulted in diminishing
earnings. P&G needs to create a deeper sense of community among employees and
integrate its mission with their own goals in order to bounce back from these losses.
The company's aim for P&G is to be known as the world's top provider of consumer
goods and services. The company's top management did note that the majority of staff
members adopted an independent attitude toward their work, which is at odds with the
corporate objective. In order to bounce back from the losses, the company needs to
review and cascade its goals to its staff, making sure that each person is aware of the
company's mission and is working to realize it.

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