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Office of the

Director General of Prisons

and Coru ectional Services,
Andhr a Prade sh, Y lj ay aw ada

Memo. No. Estt-S/ 1 73120 1 9 Dated06-08-2019

Sub: Prisons Departmenl - Iistablishment Grievance Day Observe

ttSpandanaD (Grievance oay)
on every Monday for receiving of
grievances from the General Public and to provide time on every 3"d
Friday of the month to the Outsourcing/Contract employees to ventilate
their grievances - Cefiain Instructions - Issued - Regarding.

Ref: Govt Memo No. GADO1-AROMISC/11/2O19-AR. Dated 17-O7-2O19 of

the Chief Secretary to Government, A.P. Secretariat, Yelagapudi,
Amaravati, with tlndt. Dt. 24.07.ZOlg of the Home Department.

A copy of the Government memo in the reference cited is herewith enclosed for
necessary action.

2. All the Unit officers of this Department arc hereby informed that the Government has
instructed to conduct "Spandana" (Grievance Day) on evely Monday of the month for receipt
and rcdressal of grievances from the generalpubhc. It was also ordered that the time shouid
be given to the general employees including Outsourcing/C.onfractemployees to ventilate their
grievances on third Friday of every month.

3. llterefore, all the Unit officers of this Department are requested to prepare time frame
for each grievance on the lines of Cilizen Charler and forward the same to this office to enable
to communicate the same to the District Collectors concerned.

4. The above information shall be sent to this office on or before l2-O8-2O19 positively
without fail.

Sd/- G. Jayavardhan
Encl: As above Iror Director General of Prisons
and Correctional Services

'Ihe DIG of Prisons, Coastal Andhra Range, Raj am ahendr av ar am
the DIG of Prisons. Kadaoa Ranqe- Ibdapa
fie uri't o.{$caril'C All)^

ll'lrue copy forwarded by Orderll

Ad.ilh ficer

w4 I

(Pa is,*;

Memo No. cADo1-ARoMtSC/1 1/201g-AR. Dated=l7 lO7 l2Ol9.

Sub: Grievance Day- Observe "spandana,' (Grievance Day) on
,,',,,.1r..\ every Monday for receiving of grievances from the General
, :"r, \ Public and to provide time on every 3rd Friday of the month to
lt)\6)-=\0 the Outsourcing/ Contract employees to ventilate their
rievances - Certain Instructions-Orders- Issued.

Minutes of the Collectors conference held on 24.06.2019.

In the Collectors'Conference held cn 24.06.2019, the Hon'ble C.M. has

ordered to conduct "spandana" (Grievance Day) on every Monday for
receiving of the grievances from the general public. It was also ordered that
L""(, should
Jrruur\r L.,E given to the
be grvErr Ltle outsourcing/contract employees to ventilate
!/ulsuurctng/Lontract emplo_y€gs_
their grievances on third:u_Friday-of every month.

2. The District collectors oF the state are therefore directed to conduct

"spandana" (Grievance Day) qrr every Monday.of the month for receipt and
redressal of grievances rrom tTE@rEfEuoric-- lt liii.o ji.u.t"o iJtorioe
time to the g3lsgL3nr{oyees inilElilalliurcins/ contract em to
is, the
\ryz l":ffI?ffiil:m,;
a. It shall be ensured that every Tahsildar and MpDO conducts
,r)v 'Spandana" programme in their respective jurisdictions every
Monday without fail;

lra . tt/
b. Every grievance received shall b,: issued a receipt duly taking
their mobile number. The receipt given shal contain the det5irs
of the Number of days and the crate by when the grievance wouto
J." ,/ be red ressed;

"ll/ /
I nrJ'
c. The grievance applications received by MpDOs and Tahsildars
through Meeseva shall also be at:tended within the time lines
stipulated as the case of regular "Spandana., petitions;

d. Every receipt shall be uploaded in the Ap Government portal;

e. Ensure that the grievance petitions are redressed in an effective

and qualitative manner;

f. The Collector and other senior off icers will conduct surprise
\. random verification on the quality of .,Spandana,, grievance
,t\rl redressal during his district visits;

g. No meeting should be conducted on Monday;

3. Arr Heads of Departments shourd prepare time frame for each

grievance on the lines of citizen charter and communicate
to the District
Collectors and down the line.

** "g*o

4. All the District collectors are requested to adhere to these instructions

scrupulously and make the programme successful.


To ,/-
All District Collectors:/
All Superintendents of Police:-/
Copv to
All Departmelts of Secretarlat (requested to
PS to-eMrcsl
PS to Prl. Secy. (GPM&AR)


? t<.v'/-t/-:- .


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Qulobirtht^, VU"Jq,.""tA, Ml^.wPrd^'!^

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