Assignment - 2023

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Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

African Railway Center of Excellence

CENG 6001- Mathematical Foundations in Engineering

ASSIGNMENT Submission Date: May 03,2023

1. The stress at a particular point in an elastic solid is found to be

2 1 − 1
ij =  0 1 1   102 MPa
2 0 − 2 

Determine the principal stress and their respective directions
2. An elastic membrane in the x-y plane, determined by the equation,

 
M = (x, y) : x 2 + y2  1 is subjected to a deformation that obeys the rule, Z=Ax.

 4 3
where  for any x  M
 3 4 
i. Find the principal directions; and determine the shape of membrane in the
deformed configuration.
ii. What shape does the boundary circle take under this deformation?
3. Solve the following Ordinary differential Equations

xy ' = y + 3x 4 cos2 (y / x), y (1) = 0 b) e2x (2 cosy dx − siny dy ) = 0, y (0) = 0

c) (x + y)dy + (y − 1)dx + = 0, y (0 ) = 3 d) 4y ''+ 25y = 0, y ( 0 ) =3 y ' ( 0 ) = 2.5,

(xe xy + 2y) + (ye xy ) = 0, f) y ''+ 6y + 9 = 0,
e) dx

g) sinx cosy dx + cosx siny dy = 0, h) y ''− 2y + 4 = 0,

4. Check if f (z) is analytic and find f’(z).

1 c) f(z) = sinh z
a) f(z) = z cos z b) f(z) =
z − 3iz − 2

5. Verify the following function u(x,y) is harmonic in the whole complex plane and
find a harmonic conjugate function U.
a) U(x,y) = ex cos y b) U(x,y) = x 2 − y 2

c) U(x,y) = e
− 21 x
sin( y 2 ) d) U(x,y) = x 2 − y 2 − y

6. Determine a and b so that the given function is harmonic and find a harmonic
a) U(x,y) = ax3 + bxy b) U(x,y) = coshax cosy

7. Evaluate the following integrals, where in each case C is the circle |z| = 3,
zdz dz ez (z3 − 6)
a)  (z − 4)(z2 − 3z + 2) b)  z (z2 − 1)
3 c)  2z − i

8. Evaluate the following integrals using Residue theorem

 2 2
cos t d dx
a)  1 − 2a cos t + a2 dt b)  2 + sin 2
c)  2 − sin x
0 0 0

(3Z 2
+ 2 dz
d)  (z − 1)(Z2 + 9) around the circle Z − 2 = 2

9. Given that f(x) = x + x 2 for −  x   ; find the Fourier Series of f(x)


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