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At a Restauran

English Expressions

Expression Response
By a waiter
May I take your order? Could I have a few minutes,
Are you ready to order sir? Yes, I'll have the salmon.
How would you like ( ... your steak)? Medium rare, please.
You a choice of ( ...baked or mashed I'll have the mashed.
Would you care (…something for drink) Yes, I’ll have an iced tea.
May I get you anything else? No, I'm fine thanks.

By a customer
Could I get another ( ... roll, please)? Certainly, I will bring it right
Could I see the (... menu)? One moment, please.
This steak is (... still bloody. Could Right away, ma'am.
you have the chef cook it a little more)?
This isn't what I ordered,(... I I'm so sorry sir. It's my first day
wanted a BLT and you gave me meat and I’m still aLittle confused.
loaf)? confused. Confused.
Can I get the check, please? Right away, sir.

Waiter: Welcome to Kasey’s Kitchen.

Do you have a reservation?
Customer: Yes, the name is Johnson,
Waiter: Ah, yes, here you are. That was a
party for one, correct?
Customer: Yes.
Waiter: Right this way. Here’s the menu. I’ll return in a moment to take your
Waiter: Are you ready to order, sir?
Customer: Yes, I’ll have the T-bone steak.
Waiter: How would you like that cooked?
Customer: Well done, please.
Waiter: You have a choice of potatoes- French fried, mashed, or baked.
Customer: I’ll have the baked potato.
Waiter: Would you like that with butter or sour cream or both?
Customer: I’m on a diet, so only butter.
Waiter: The vegetables today are corn on the cob, peas
and carrots, or broccoli.
Customer: I’ll take the corn on the cob.
Waiter: And what would you like for dessert?
Customer: What do you have?
Waiter: We have apple, cherry, and lemon meringue
pie, chocolate and vanilla cake, peach cobblerChocolate, vanilla, and strawberry
ice cream.
Customer: I’ll take the cherry pie, a la mode, please.
Waiter: Would you care for something to drink?
Customer: I’ll take a large ice tea with my meal and a cup of black coffee with
Waiter: Very good sir. Enjoy you meal.
Customer: Thanks.


Bland = Lunak Boiled = Merebus

Rich = Menggemukkan Broiled = Memanggang
Spicy = Pedas Fried = Menggoreng
Salty = Asin Sautéed = Menumis
Sweet = Manis Delicious = Lezat
Sour = Asam Awful = Dahsyat
Bitter = Pahit Good = Baik
Hot = Pedas Yummy = Sedap, Lezat
Pickled = Acar Disgusting = Menjijikkan
Baked = Mambakar Tasty = Enak

Farrhad Acidwalla
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg

(Born November 16, 1993) is one of

(born May 14, 1984) is an American
the world's youngest entrepreneurs.
computer programmer and Internet
Farrhad Acidwalla though born in
entrepreneur. He is best known as one
India. He finished his schooling from
of five co-founders of the social
Bombay Scottish School, Mahim and is
networking site Facebook. Zuckerberg
currently studying at H.R. College of
is the chairman and chief executive of
Commerce and Economics, Mumbai.At
Facebook, He later attended Harvard
the age of 12, he started an aviation
University, majoring in computer
website which was a successful
science and psychology. In his
community. Then in 2009 he founded a
sophomore year, he wrote a program
company called Rockstah
called Facemash as a "fun" project,
Media.Farrhad has been covered by
letting students on the college's network
many newspapers and business portals.
vote on other students' photo
He has also been covered in a book
attractiveness. It was shut down within
about the world's top 25 young
days, but would become a template for
entrepreneurs, under the age of 20.
After passing out of school, he has his writing launched from his dormitory
given many seminars at various events room. With the help of friends, he took
and has also been invited by colleges to Facebook to other campuses nationwide
speak on entrepreneurship and his and soon after moved to Palo Alto,
experiences of managing a business. California. By 2007, Zuckerberg was a
billionaire at the age of 23. By 2010,
Facebook had an estimated 500 million
users worldwide.Since 2010,
Zuckerberg has been named among the
100 wealthiest and most influential
people in the world by Time magazine's
Person of the Year.
At a Hotel

Expression Response
Do you have a reservation? Yes, the name is Smothers, Jamie.
How long will you be staying? I’ll be checking out on Friday.
Do you prefer a smoking or non -smoking Non-smoking if you please.
How many guests are in your party? Two, my wife and I.
Will you be paying by cash or credit Credit card, if you accept Visa.
Did you have anything from the mini- Yes, I had one soda and an orange
Fill out this registration form please. Do you need to see my driver’s
license or pass port?
I would like to leave a wakeup call for Certainly sir, what’s your name
and room number?
Checking-in, with reservation
The clerk should: The guest should:
● have guest complete the registration ● ask about check out time
● ask if guest needs assistance with ● request non-smoking floor
● get credit card or cash ● request room with view of pool
● give key to guest
Check out
The guest should: The clerk should:
● inform the clerk you want to ● inform guest of additional
check out charges for room service- mini-bar,
● give the clerk the key ● get final payment
● get the key from the guest
● ask guest if he needs any help with
his luggage

Guest: Phillip Marlow.

Clerk: Yes Mr. Marlow. You requested a single room for three nights, is that
Guest: Yes, could I have a room on the upper floors, away from the ice machine?
Clerk: No problem. Do you prefer a smoking or non-smoking floor?
Guest: Non-smoking please.
Clerk: Could you fill out the registration form, please. Thank you. And will you
be paying by cash or credit card?
Guest: Cash, if you accept American dollars.
Clerk: Of course, sir. If you Require Checking In
Clerk: Welcome to the Sheraton. May I help you?
Guest: I’d like to check in. I have a reservation.
Clerk: Wire local currencies we can also exchange money for you.
Guest: That’s great, I do need some cash.
Clerk: Your room number is 1109. Here’s your key. Enjoy your stay at the
Sheraton. If you require anything further, feel free to call the front desk. Would
you like assistance with your bags?
Guest: No thanks, I only have one. I can manage.
Fashion is something we deal with every day. Even people who say they
don't care what they wear choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them
and how they feel that day. One certain thing in the fashion world is change. We
are constantly being bombarded with new fashion
ideas from music, videos, books, and television.
Movies also have a big impact on what people wear.
Ray-Ban sold more sunglasses after the movie Men In
Black. Sometimes a trend is world-wide. Back in the
1950s, teenagers everywhere dressed like Elvis
Who dictates fashion?

Musicians and other cultural icons have

always influenced what we're wearing, but so have
political figures and royalty. Newspapers and magazines report on what Hillary
Clinton wears. The recent death of Diana, the Princess of Wales, was a severe
blow to the high fashion world, where her clothes were daily news.

Even folks in the 1700s pored over fashion magazines to see the latest
styles. Women and dressmakers outside the French court relied on sketches to see
what was going on. The famous French King Louis XIV said that fashion is a
mirror. Louis himself was renowned for his style, which tended towards
extravagant laces and velvets.
American Fashion

The American fashion was, perhaps, the time

period when clothing styles had the most drastic and
significant changes in one year to the next. It started with
"turn of the century" from 1890-1910. Then came the
"roaring '20's," which were very 'free.' For instance, neither
women nor the men wore corsettes or anything to make
them look better. The "fabulous '40's" were a more serious
time, because the Great Depression had just passed. The
"rockin '50's" was a time when once again everyone was happy. The fifties were
characterized by knit blouses and long skirts for the women. For the men, t-shirts
and jeans were very popular: the James Dean look. After that came the "groovy
60's", when the clothing was very detailed and interesting. The "super '70's" were
next. In this time everything became "in" or fashionable. During the "gross '80's,"
the main colors in this time were dull colors such as brown, or olive green. Now
we are in "the mixed-up '90's." The 90's are known for taking ideas from past
years. So don't be suprised when we are wearing ballgowns just for the shear
enjoyment of it!
What is your big dream? Yours may not be as ambitious as breaking the
sound barrier during a parachute jump, but we’re betting that you have a big
dream of your own. And we think you should make a lens about it!

But, how do you write about something you’ve never done before? Here are
eight steps to help you do just that.

1. Define your dream then turn it into a topic. Do you want to learn how to fly
an airplane? Travel to Paris? Run a marathon? Cook the perfect souffle? Write a
best-selling novel?

2. Do some keyword research. It’s very likely that there are other people with
similar dreams who are already looking for information.

3. Read everything you can find about your dream. Do your own searching
online. Keep a list of the best links where you found really great information, then
compile those into a “Link List” on your new lens.
4. Look for videos related to your dream. Share those on your new lens

5. Choose a book about your dream. Pick the best one, review it, and feature
that review on the lens.

6. Choose the equipment necessary to fulfill your dream. Will you need a
parachute? Special clothing or shoes? Tools? Choose the most important to
feature in an Amazon or eBay module. Focus on the best and only what you need.
Don’t get sidetracked.

7. Where will you go to do this thing that you’ve never done before? If there’s
a place involved, research how to get there and add some documentation to your

.8. Document everything you’ll need to fulfill your dream then arrange it in
an orderly fashion, writing about it using your own original wording in your own
unique voice.

So, what’s your big dream? Are you passionate

enough about it to research and plan how you might
achieve it? Dream some big dreams, , make some big
plans (even if you may never carry them out) and make
a lens to tell the world all about it. Have you made
your “big dream” lens yet? Tell us about it!
Talking about Solutions
Problems abound in life and many concerned people are constantly
looking for solutions to these problems. You may find yourself in a very serious
discussion about some the more pressing problems facing the world today. Many
times in these kinds of discussions, the answers proposed are just possibilities or
suggestions. There are certain structures that can be used when talking in
.English Expressions
Asking about Giving Solutions

What should we do Maybe we should

What can be done to How about

What is a solution Why don’t we


How do we The city needs to

Chard Bach

1. First, ask yourself: is there really a problem here?

Often we create problems in our own heads – as I mentioned a bit about a

few days ago in Things May Be Simpler Than You Think – that aren’t really out
there in reality. So relax a bit. And think about if this is really a big problem.
2. Accept it.

When you accept that the

problem already exists and stop
resisting then you also stop putting
more energy into the problem and
“feeding it”.

3. Ask for help.

You can ask people for advice on what to do and what they did in similar
situations. But you can also ask for more practical help. You don’t have to solve
every problem on your own and sometimes it feels better to have someone by
your side, even if it is just for emotional support.

4. Use 80 percent of your time to find solutions.

5. Break the problem down into smaller pieces.

Solving a problem can sometimes seem overwhelming and impossible. To

decrease anxiety and think more clearly break the problem down. Identify the
different parts it consists of. Then figure out one practical solution you can take
for each of those parts. Use those solutions.

6. Find the opportunity and/or lesson within the problem.

I have found that there is almost always a positive side to a problem.

Perhaps it alerts us of a great way to improve our business or relationships. Or
teaches us how our lives perhaps aren’t as bad as we thought.

What is the good thing about this?

What can I learn from this?
What hidden opportunity can I find within this problem
Indonesian vs US Education Systems
As a student who has attended three different high schools with European,
US and Indonesian curriculums, I have concluded that I have benefited most from
the US curriculum. While US President Barack Obama and many Americans are
unsatisfied with the quality of the US education system, I shall give a further
explanation about the distinctions between American and Indonesian high school
curriculums and defend why I believe the US one is best.
First of all, the US curriculum awards high school students autonomy to
decide their courses of study. While Indonesians do have the option to focus
during their last two years of high school on natural sciences or social sciences,
depending on their desired future major in the
undergraduate level, Americans have the option
to design their own course schedules every
year, based on their interests and needs.
Despite these advantages, however, the
academic offerings of the US curriculum do not
necessarily mean that it is the ideal education
system for Indonesian high school students
today. The current Indonesian curriculum is
designed to suit the needs of Indonesian high
school students. Similar to most countries
around the world, Indonesian students have to
apply specifically for the major and undergraduate institutions that they are
Interested in pursuing, by taking examinations.

Before I moved to the US for high school four years ago, for example, I
was certain I wanted to study architecture. After taking a required class in the
social sciences at the US high school I attended, however, I decided that law,
politics and economics was a more ideal path for me. Most importantly, however,
the curriculum of the US education system encourages students to take courses in
a variety of subjects. This gives them a wide
range of knowledge in subjects they would not
otherwise concentrate on.
Many young students are still indecisive about
what types of careers or subjects they want to
spend their lives focusing on, and giving them
the power to experiment in different subject
areas assists them in finding the right path.
To be admitted, high school students
need to meet the academic standards of the
American institution they wish to attend by
showing their academic transcript, standard test
scores, teacher recommendations, and essays
without having to commit to a specific major.

This is permissible, as long as they fulfill certain graduation requirements

that usually comprise four years of English, three years of social and natural
sciences, two years of a foreign language and three years of mathematics (high
schools in the US go for four years not three). In addition, US high school
students have the option to select the level of difficulty of the courses they take,
depending whether their school offers Honors or Advanced Level courses.

The best curriculum certainly depends upon the preferences of students

themselves. The Indonesian curriculum is highly focused on specific areas, while
the US curriculum is more broad and general. Students who know for sure what
their passions and interests are may prefer the Indonesian system. It would be of
beneficial to the Indonesian education system as a whole to change the current
curriculum so it gives students more options to pursue their passions and interests.

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