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Applied Hydrology (MSc)
Assignment I
By Eyosiyas Girma
GSR/7307/15 Belete Berhanu (PhD) Hydrologist/Water Resources


Date 5/2/2023
1. Compute the change in storage in million cubic meters of a lake
at the end of August its rainy season data is given in the table

Rainfall River Lateral Spill out

Area Evaporation Percolation
(mm/month Inflows inflow
(km2) (mm/day) (mm/month) (m3/sec)
) (m3/sec) (mm)
June 11 188 5.8 120 46 3 49
July 14 206 5.6 76 193 7 200
August 17 307 5.4 35 296 10 306

To calculate the change in storage of a lake, we need to use the data provided in
the table on page Specifically, we need to look at the inflows and outflows for
each month. The change in storage is equal to the inflows minus the outflows.
to calculate the change in storage for August, we would use the following
Change in storage = (River inflows + Lateral inflow + Rainfall -
Evaporation - Percolation - Spill out) x Area x 10-6
For June, we get:
Change in storage = (46+3+188-5.8*30-120-49) *11*10-6
Change in storage = (237-343) *11*10-6 = -106*10-6 = -0.00116 million m3
For July, we get:
Change in storage = (193+7+206-5.6*30-76-200) *14*10-6
Change in storage = -0.0005332 million m3
For August, we get:
Change in storage = (296 + 10 + 307 - 5.4*30 - 35 - 306) x 17,307 x 10-6
Change in storage = 0.027 million m3
Therefore, the change in storage of the lake at the end of 3 months is
= ( -0.00116 - 0.0005332+ 0.027 )million m3 = 0.0253 million m3
approximately 0.025 million cubic meters.

2 The research was set with a rainfall isohyetal that fully cover
the reservoir surface area, which values and area of the isohyets
present below in the figure. Compute the areal rainfall for the
reservoir surface area

To compute the areal rainfall for a reservoir surface area given rainfall isohyetals,
we need to use the information provided. Specifically, we need to look at the
values and area of each isohyetal presented below in a table. Once we have this
information, we can use it to interpolate or extrapolate rainfall values for any
point on or within the reservoir surface area.

Isohyets Area Net Area Average Precipitation

(mm) enclosed (ha) precipitation(mm) in volume
with in a1+a2/2 (m3)
38 7.5 7.5 37 2775
40 6.9 0.6 39 234
42 8.4 1.5 41 615
44 7.2 1.2 43 506

Precipitation (P) = 4140/30*104 = 13.8mm

3 Run off Estimation Rational method
A. An urban catchment has four different land use area and runoff
coefficient given below in the table. Calculate the weighted (mean)
runoff coefficient
Land use Area (ha) Runoff Coefficient
Roads 8 0.70
Lawn 17 0.10
Residential area 50 0.30
Industrial area 10 0.80

A) To calculate the weighted runoff coefficient for an urban catchment with
different land use areas and runoff coefficients, we need to use the information
provided. Specifically, we need to multiply each land use area by its
corresponding runoff coefficient and then divide by the total area of all land uses
combined. Using this formula with the data from gives us:
Weighted runoff coefficient = (8*0.70 + 17*0.10 + 50*0.30 + 10*0.80) /
Weighted runoff coefficient = 0.36
Therefore, the weighted runoff coefficient for this urban catchment is
approximately 0.36.
B. If the slope of the catchment is 0.008 and the maximum length of travel
of water is 3037m and its rainfall is characterized with IDF curve
expressed as
I = 1000T0.2/ ( 20+tc )0.7 where T is in year, tc in minutes and I in mm/hr
T = 25 years
tc = 3.976L0.77*S-0.385
tc = 3.976*(3.037)0.77*(0.008)-0.385
tc =60.012min
I = 1000T0.2/ ( 20+tc )0.7
I = 1000*250.2/ (20+60.012) 0.7
I = 88.58mm/hr
4. Run off Estimation SCS-CN method
Estimate the peak runoff for 6hr, 10-year recurrence interval rainfall
of 20.0cm with antecedence moisture condition-III for a watershed
consisting of 400 hectare of straight row good crop and 200hectares
of good woodland. The soil is hydrologic soil group C. Take Tc for
the watershed as 50min.
To estimate the peak runoff for a 6-hour, 10-year recurrence interval rainfall of
20.0 cm with antecedent moisture condition-III for a watershed consisting of
400 hectares of straight row good crop and 200 hectares of good woodland
using the SCS-CN method, we need to use the information provided.
Specifically, we need to calculate the curve number (CN) for each land use type
and then use these values to calculate the total CN for the watershed. Once we
have this value, we can use it to estimate the direct runoff depth and peak
To calculate the CN for each land use type, we need to use Table 2 on page 2 of
the PDF file. For hydrologic soil group C and antecedent moisture condition-III,
we find that:
▪ Straight row good crop has a CN of 68
▪ Good woodland has a CN of 49
▪ To calculate the total CN for the watershed, we need to take a weighted
average based on the area of each land use type. Using this formula with
the data gives us:
▪ CN = (400*68 + 200*49) / (400+200) = 62
Now that we have our total CN value, we can use it to estimate the direct runoff
depth using Table 3 on page 2. For a rainfall depth of 20 cm and a CN value of
62, we find that:
Direct runoff depth = (P - La)2 / (P - La + S)
where P is rainfall depth (in cm), La is initial abstraction (in cm), and S is
potential maximum retention after runoff begins (in cm).
▪ Assuming La = 0.2*S and using S = (1000/CN) -10 gives us:
▪ Direct runoff depth = (20 - 0.2*(1000/62-10))2 / (20 - 0.2*(1000/62-
10) + (1000/62-10))
▪ Direct runoff depth = 6.8 cm
▪ Finally, we can use the direct runoff depth and the area of the watershed
to estimate the peak discharge using the formula:
▪ Peak discharge = (278 * A * Q) / T
▪ where A is area of watershed (in hectares), Q is direct runoff depth (in
cm), and T is time of concentration (in minutes).
▪ Assuming a time of concentration of 60 minutes gives us:
▪ Assuming a time of concentration of 60 minutes, and using the direct
runoff depth of 6.8 cm and the area of the watershed (400 + 200 = 600
hectares), we get:
Peak discharge = (278 * 600 * 6.8) / 60
Peak discharge = 18,792 cubic meters per hour
Therefore, the required peak-flow rate to design a culvert with a 25-year return
period at the outlet of the catchment is approximately 18,792 cubic meters
per hour.

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