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Pergerakan Bahan Merentasi Konsep Pergerakan Bahan Merentasi Membran Plasma
Bab Membran Plasma 3.2 Concept of Movement of Substances Across a Plasma Membrane

3 Movement of Substances Across the Plasma

Membrane 1. Bahan yang dapat merentasi membran plasma
Substances that are able to move across a plasma membrane
(a) kecil / Small
Struktur Membran Plasma
3.1 Structure of Plasma Membrane (b) Tidak berkutub / Non-polar
(c) Tidak bercas / Non-charged
Keperluan Pergerakan Bahan Merentasi Membran Plasma
The Necessity of Movement of Substances Across a Plasma Membrane (i) Bahan larut lipid / Lipid soluble substances
(a) Asid lemak / Fatty acids
(a) air / Water
(b) Gliserol / Glycerol
(b) Rembesan / Secretion
(c) Sebatian steroid / Steroid compounds
(c) Respirasi / Respiration
(d) Vitamin larut lemak (A, D, E, K)
(d) Nutrisi / Nutrition
Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
(e) Ion / ions
(f) Perkumuhan / Excretion (ii) Molekul kecil tidak bercas / Uncharged small molecules
(a) Karbon dioksida / Carbon dioxide
Komponen Membran Plasma Berdasarkan Model Mozek Bendalir (b) Oksigen / Oxygen
The Components of a Plasma Membrane Based on the Fluid Mosaic Model (c) Molekul air / Water molecules
1. mozek bendalir / fluid mosaic 2. Bahan yang tidak dapat merentasi membran plasma
fosfolipid, protein / phospholipids, proteins Substances that are unable to move across a plasma membrane
(a) bendalir / fluid (a) besar / large
(a) fosfolipid; bebas / phospholipid; freely (b) Berkutub / Polar
(b) mozek / mosaic (c) Ion / ions
(b) protein; fosfolipid; mozek / protein; phospholipid; mosaic
(iii) Molekul besar / Large molecules
2. (a) Asid amino / Amino acids
(b) Glukosa / Glucose
Glycoprotein (iv) Ion bercas / Charged ions
(a) Na+
Dwilapisan (b) K+
fosfolipid (c) Ca2+
bilayer (v) Resapan / Diffusion
Protein pembawa Protein liang
(vi) Osmosis / Osmosis
Carrier protein Pore protein
(vii) berbantu / Facilitated
3. (a) (i) oligosakarida / oligosaccharides (viii) aktif / Active
(ii) pengecaman / recognition
(b) (i) • fosfolipid; dwilapisan / phospholipid, bilayer Eksperimen 3.1
• larut-lipid / lipid-soluble
Pemerhatian / Observation:
• larut-air / water-soluble
• bendalir / fluidity Warna Warna
(c) liang; kecil, berkutub / channels; small, polar Kandungan awal akhir Ujian Benedict
(d) khusus, bentuk / shape, specific Contents Initial Final Benedict’s test
colour colour
(e) fleksibel / flexibility
Dalam bikar Positif – mendakan
Sifat Ketelapan Membran Plasma (larutan iodin) Kuning Kuning merah bata terbentuk
Permeability of a Plasma Membrane In the beaker Yellow Yellow Positive – a brick red
(iodine solution) precipitate is formed
1. telap memilih
selectively permeable Dalam tiub visking
(ampaian kanji dan Positif – mendakan
2. membenarkan Tiada
larutan glukosa) Biru tua merah bata terbentuk
allows warna Dark blue
In Visking tubing Positive – a brick red
3. lapisan fosfolipid, protein colourless
(starch suspension precipitate is formed
phospholipid layer, protein and glucose solution)

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Perbincangan / Discussion: Perbezaan / Differences:

1. Molekul glukosa lebih kecil daripada molekul kanji. (a) menuruni / down
Glucose molecules are smaller than starch molecules. (b) melawan / against
2. Molekul kanji adalah terlalu besar untuk meresap keluar melalui (c) liang, pembawa / pore, carrier
tiub Visking. (d) pembawa / carrier
The starch molecules are too large to diffuse through the Visking
(e) kedua-dua / bidirectional
(f) satu / one
3. Molekul iodin lebih kecil daripada molekul kanji. Molekul iodin
boleh meresap ke dalam tiub Visking. Larutan dalam tiub (g) keseimbangan / equilibrium
Visking bertukar warna menjadi biru tua. Molekul kanji tidak (h) keseimbangan; pengumpulan; penyingkiran
dapat meresap keluar melalui tiub Visking. Warna larutan dalam equilibrium; accumulation; removal
bikar kekal kuning. (i) tenaga; ATP / energy; ATP
Iodine molecules are smaller than starch molecules. The iodine molecules (j) tenaga; ATP / energy; ATP
can diffuse into the Visking tubing. As a result, the solution in the Visking
(k) Tidak; perencat / Not; inhibitors
tubing turns dark blue. The starch molecules cannot diffuse out through
the Visking tubing. As the result, the colour of the solution in the beaker (l) perencat / inhibitors
remains yellow. (m) Tidak / Not
(n) Oksigen / Oxygen
Eksperimen 3.2

Pemerhatian / Observation: Pergerakan bahan merentasi membran plasma dalam

3.3 organisma hidup
Bertambah / Increases Movement of substances across a plasma membrane in living organisms
Perbincangan / Discussion: 1. (a) (i) Karbon dioksida; darah; alveolus
1. Air meresap masuk dari bikar masuk ke dalam tiub Visking Carbon dioxide, blood, alveolus
secara osmosis. (ii) Oksigen; alveolus; darah / Oxygen, alveolus, blood
Water molecules diffuse from the beaker into the Visking tubing by (b) (i) sukrosa; sel rakan; aktif; floem
osmosis. actively; companion cells; phloem
2. Saiz molekul air adalah lebih kecil daripada liang tiub visking. 2. (a) air / water
The water molecules are smaller than the pores of the visking tubing. (i) air; hasil turasan; darah; tubul; osmosis
3. Aras air di dalam tiub kapilari menurun. Tiub visking menjadi water; filtrate; blood; tubules; osmosis
lembut di akhir eksperimen. Molekul air meresap keluar daripada (b) glukosa / glucose
tiub visking dan molekul sukrosa tidak memasuki tiub visking. (i) glukosa; hasil turasan; darah; tubul berlingkar proksimal
The level of water in the capillary tube decrease. The visking tubing glucose; filtrate; blood; proximal convoluted tubule; active
becomes soft at the end of the experiment. Water molecules diffuse out 3. (a) fruktosa / fructose
of the visking tubing and no sucrose molecules move into the visking (i) Fruktosa; berbantu
tubing. Fructose; facilated
(b) Glukosa; asid amino; aktif
Contoh Pergerakan Bahan Merentasi Membran Plasma
glucose; amino acids; active
Examples of Movement of Substances Across a Plasma Membrane
4. (a) air / water
1. Pengangkutan pasif / Passive transport: (i) air; tanah; rambut akar; osmosis / water; soil; root hair
• menuruni; tinggi; rendah / down; higher; lower (b) (i) aktif; air; tanah; rambut akar / actively; soil; root hair
• tidak / does not
Larutan Hipotonik, Isotonik, Hipertonik
2. Pengangkutan aktif / Active transport: Hypotonic, Isotonic, Hypertonic solutions
• menentang; rendah; tinggi
Larutan / Solution
against; lower; higher
(a) Larutan hipotonik / Hypotonic solution
• memerlukan
requires rendah / lower
(a) Resapan ringkas: tinggi; rendah; menuruni (b) Larutan isotonik / Isotonic solution
Simple diffusion: high; low; down sama / same
(b) Osmosis: air; tinggi (c) Larutan hipertonik / Hypertonic solution
Osmosis: water; high tinggi / higher
(c) Pengangkutan aktif: melawan; tenaga Osmosis pada sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan
Active transport: against; energy Osmosis in animal and plant cells
(d) Resapan berbantu: tinggi; rendah; liang; pembawa (a) keupayaan / potential
Facilitated diffusion: high; low; pore; carrier (b) sama / equal
(c) keupayaan / potential
Perbandingan antara Pengangkutan Pasif dengan Pengangkutan Aktif
Comparison between Passive Transport and Active Transport (d) mengembang; meletus; hemolisis; lisis
expands; burst; haemolysis; lysis
Persamaan / Similarities: (e) normal; saiz / normal; size
1. hidup / living (f) mengecut; krenasi / shrinks; crenation
2. nutrien, oksigen, air, kumuh / nutrients, oxygen, water, waste (g) mengembang; membesar; ditolak; dinding sel
swells; expands; pushes; cell wall

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(h) segah / turgor C: Keras / Firm

(i) flasid; bentuk; saiz / flaccid; shape; size D: Keras / Firm
(j) mengecut; menjauhi / shrinks, pulls away E: Keras / Firm
F: Lembut / Soft
(k) plasmolisis / plasmolysed
G: Lembut / Soft
(l) segah, deplasmolisis / turgid, deplasmolysis
Perbincangan / Discussion:
Eksperimen 3.3 1. Kepekatan di mana persilangan graf pada paksi X.
The concentration where the curve crosses the X-axis.
1. Sel haiwan / Animal cells
2. Berdasarkan graf murid / Depends on student’s graph
Pemerhatian / Observation
3. Apabila perubahan purata jisim jalur kentang adalah sifar,
B: Larutan hipotonik / Hypotonic solution tidak ada pergerakan bersih air masuk dan keluar dari sel-sel
C: Larutan isotonik / Isotonic solution kentang. Kepekatan larutan adalah isotonik kepada sap sel
D: Larutan hipertonik / Hypertonic solution kentang.
When the average change in mass of the potato strips is zero, there is no
Perbincangan / Discussion net movement of water in and out of the potato cells. The concentration
1. Air suling: Hipotonik / Distilled water: Hypotonic of the solution is isotonic to the plant cell sap.
Larutan NaCl 0.15 M: Isotonik / 0.15 M NaCl solution: Isotonic 4. Jisim meningkat, tekstur menjadi lebih keras (sel segah) / Jisim
Larutan NaCl 0.50 M: Hipertonik / 0.50 M NaCl solution: Hypertonic mengurang, tekstur menjadi lembut (sel flasid).
2. (a) Hemolisis berlaku / Haemolysis occurs Increase in weight, the texture becomes harder (turgid) / decrease in
Air meresap masuk ke dalam sel darah merah secara weight, the texture becomes softer (flaccid).
osmosis. Sel mengembang dan meletus.
Water diffuses into the cells by osmosis. The cells swell and Pergerakan bahan merentasi membran plasma dalam
burst. kehidupan harian
(b) Krenasi berlaku / Crenation occurs 3.4 Movement of Substances Across a Plasma Membrane and Its Application
Air meresap keluar daripada sel darah merah secara in Daily Life
osmosis. Sel mengecut dan mengecil. Fenomena kelayuan tumbuhan / The phenomenon of plant wilting:
Water diffuses out from the cells by osmosis. The cells shrink
and crenate. 1. (a) baja; air tanah; hipertonik / fertilisers; soil solution; hypertonic
2. Sel tumbuhan / Plant cells (b) meresap; osmosis / diffuses; osmosis
(c) plasmolisis / plasmolysed
Pemerhatian / Observation
(d) layu / wilts
A: Larutan hipotonik / Hypotonic solution
B: Larutan isotonik / Isotonic solution Contoh Aplikasi Konsep Pergerakan Bahan Merentasi Membran
C: Larutan hipertonik / Hypertonic solution Plasma dalam Kehidupan Harian
Examples of the Application of the Concept of Movement of Substances
Perbincangan / Discussion Across a Plasma Membrane in Daily Life
1. Jenis larutan / Types of solution 1. isotonik; air; elektrolit; tenaga; perpeluhan
Air suling: Hipotonik / Distilled water: Hypotonic Isotonic; water; electrolytes; energy; sweating
Larutan NaCl 0.5 M: Isotonik / 0.5 M NaCl solution: Isotonic 2. saline; air; garam
Larutan NaCl 1.0 M: Hipertonik / 1.0 M NaCl solution: Hypertonic saline; water; salt
2. (a) Kesegahah berlaku / Turgidity occurs 3. penghidratan; air; elektrolit
Air meresap masuk secara osmosis ke dalam sel rehydration; water; electrolytes
tumbuhan. Vakuol mengembang dan sel menjadi 4. liposom / liposome
segah. (a) ubatan / drugs
Water diffuses into the cells by osmosis. The vacuoles (b) aktif; kulit / active; skin
swell and the cells become turgid
(b) Sel tumbuhan menjadi flasid. / Plant cells become flaccid. Proses Osmosis Berbalik dalam Penulenan Air
Peresapan air masuk dan keluar sel secara osmosis Reverse Osmosis in Water Purification
adalah sama. (a) tawar; penyahgaraman / fresh; desalination
Diffusion of water into and out of the cells by osmosis is
(b) tekanan; osmosis / pressure; osmotic
(c) telap memilih; menyingkir / selectively permeable; remove
(c) Plasmolisis berlaku / Plasmolysis occurs
(d) air / water
Air meresap keluar daripada sel tumbuhan
secara osmosis. Vakuol mengecil dan sitoplasma

Water diffuses out from the cell by osmosis. The vacuole
Praktis SPM 3
shrink and the cytoplasm constrict.
Soalan Objektif
Eksperimen 3.4 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A
Permerhatian / Observation
Bahagian A
Tekstur dan rupa / Texture and appearance:
1. (a) X: Kolesterol / Cholesterol
A: Keras / Firm
B: Keras / Firm Y: Protein pembawa / Carrier protein

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(b) A: Hidrofilik / Hydrophilic • Bahan-bahan ini diangkut melalui membran plasma

B: Hidrofobik / Hydrophobic dengan bantuan molekul protein secara resapan
(c) • Vitamin K adalah kecil dan larut lemak berbantu.
Vitamin K is small and lipid soluble These substances are carried through the plasma membrane
• Meresap melalui dwilapisan fosfolipid secara resapan with the aid of protein molecules by facilitated diffusion.
ringkas • Molekul kecil bercas seperti ion bergerak merentas
Diffuse across the phospholipid bilayers through simple mernbran plasma melalui protein liang.
diffusion Small charged molecules such as ions move across the
• Dari kawasan berkepekatan tinggi ke kawasan plasma membrane through the pore protein.
berkepekatan rendah • Molekul seperti asid amino dan glukosa bergerak
From the area of high concentration to the area of lower
merentas membran plasma dengan bantuan protein
(d) • Merkuri merencat respirasi sel
Mercury inhibits cellular respiration The molecules such as amino acid and glucose move across
the plasma membrane with the aid of carrier proteins.
• Tiada tenaga / ATP dijana oleh mitokondrion
No energy / ATP is generated by mitochondrion (c) (i) • Dalam alveolus, kepekatan oksigen lebih tinggi
• Protein pembawa tidak berubah bentuk daripada kepekatan oksigen dalam kapilari
Carrier protein does not change its shape darah.
• Pengangkutan aktif tidak berlaku In the alveolus, the oxygen concentration is higher than
Active transport does not occur the oxygen concentration in the blood capillary.
• Oksigen meresap keluar daripada alveolus ke
Bahagian B dalam kapilari darah.
2. (a) • Membran plasma terdiri daripada dua lapisan lipid. Oxygen diffuses out of the alveolus into the blood
Setiap molekul lipid terdiri daripada bahagian ekor capillary.
dan kepala. • lalu bergabung dengan hemoglobin membentuk
Plasma membrane consists of two lipid layers. Each lipid oksihemoglobin untuk mengangkut oksigen ke
molecule consists of the tail and head parts. sel badan.
• Molekul protein tersebar di seluruh dwilapisan then combines with the haemoglobin forming the
fosfolipid. oxyhaemoglobin to transport the oxygen to the body
The protein molecules are distributed throughout the cells.
phospholipid bilayer. • Dalam kapilari darah, kepekatan karbon dioksida
• Terdapat dua jenis molekul protein, iaitu protein lebih tinggi daripada kepekatannya dalam
pembawa dan protein liang. alveolus.
There are two types of protein molecules, that are, carrier In the blood capillary, the concentration of carbon
protein and pore protein. dioxide is higher than its concentration in the alveolus.

(b) • Lapisan lipid dalam membran plasma terdiri daripada • Karbon dioksida meresap ke dalam alveolus
dua bahagian, iaitu bahagian kepala polar dan Carbon dioxide diffuses into the alveolus
bahagian ekor bukan polar. • lalu disingkirkan keluar semasa hembusan nafas
The lipid layer in the plasma membrane consists of two parts, then is eliminated during exhalation
that is, the polar head part and the non-polar tail part. (ii) • Makanan tercerna dalam vilus ialah seperti
• Bahagian kepala polar pada lapisan lipid menarik air glukosa, asid amino, asid lemak dan gliserol.
dan bahagian ekor bukan polar pada lapisan lipid The digested food in the villus are glucose, amino acid,
menentang air. fatty acid and glycerol.
The polar head part in the lipid layer attracts water and the • Dalam ileum, kepekatan makanan tercerna
non-polar tail part in the lipid layer repels water. seperti glukosa dan asid amino lebih tinggi
• Molekul polar seperti air boleh merentas membran berbanding dengan kapilari darah pada vilus.
plasma pada lapisan lipid secara osmosis. In the ileum, the concentration of digested food such as
The polar molecules such as water can cross the plasma glucose and amino acid is higher compared to the blood
membrane in the lipid layer by osmosis. capillary in the villus.
• Molekul kecil yang neutral seperti oksigen dan karbon • Glukosa dan asid amino meresap masuk ke
dioksida merentas lapisan lipid secara resapan ringkas. dalam vilus dengan bantuan protein pembawa
Small molecules that are neutral such as oxygen and carbon secara resapan berbantu.
dioxide move across the lipid layer by simple diffusion. Glucose and amino acid diffuse into the villus with the
• Molekul kecil yang larut dalam lemak juga melalui aid of carrier proteins by facilitated diffusion.
lapisan lipid pada membran plasma. • Asid lemak dan gliserol daripada pencernaan
Small molecules that are lipid-soluble also move across the lemak dalam ileum mempunyai kepekatan yang
lipid layer in the plasma membrane. lebih tinggi daripada kepekatannya dalam vilus.
• Molekul yang besar seperti sukrosa, protein tidak Fatty acid and glycerol from the digestion of lipid in the
boleh merentas membran plasma. ileum has a higher concentration than its concentration
The big molecules such as sucrose, protein cannot move in the villus.
across the plasma membrane. • Asid lemak dan gliserol meresap ke dalam vilus
• Molekul kecil yang bercas dan molekul yang besar melalui lapisan lipid pada membran vilus secara
sedikit tidak boleh melalui lapisan lipid. resapan ringkas.
The small charged molecules and molecules that are slightly Fatty acid and glycerol diffuse into the villus through the
big cannot move across the lipid layer. lipid layer in the villus membrane by simple diffusion.

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Bahagian C (c) • Ikan direndam dalam larutan garam. Larutan garam

tersebut hipertonik terhadap sel badan ikan.
3. (a) • Jika tekanan osmosis darah lebih rendah daripada The fish is covered by salt solution. The salt solution is
normal, air meresap ke dalam sel darah merah hypertonic to the body cells of the fish.
secara osmosis. • Air meresap keluar dari sel badan ikan secara
If the blood osmotic pressure is lower than normal, water
diffuses into the red blood cell by osmosis.
The water diffuses out of the body cells of the fish by
• Membran plasma sel darah merah adalah nipis dan osmosis.
tidak dapat menahan tekanan osmosis yang tinggi.
• Ikan tersebut mengalami dehidrasi.
The plasma membrane of red blood cell is thin, it is unable to
The fish undergoes dehydration.
withstand the high osmotic pressure.
• Ini menghalang pertumbuhan mikroorganisma.
• Sel darah merah mengembang dan akhirnya pecah.
This prevents the growth of microorganisms.
The red blood cells expand and finally burst
• Mikroorganisma juga kehilangan air dan mengalami
• Hemolisis berlaku.
Haemolysis occurs.
The microorganisms also lose water and undergoes
(b) • Rambut akar dikelilingi oleh zarah-zarah tanah. dehydration.
The root hairs are surrounded by soil particles. • Oleh yang demikian, penguraian ikan dapat dicegah.
• Zarah-zarah tanah biasanya dilitupi oleh suatu lapisan Hence, the decomposition of the fish can be prevented.
nipis air. • Ikan menjadi tahan lebih lama.
Soil particles are usually covered by a thin film of water. The fish lasts longer.
• Sap sel di dalam sel rambut akar mengandungi gula, • Sayur tersebut direndam di dalam cuka yang
asid amino dan mineral. mempunyai pH rendah.
The cell sap in the root hair cells contains sugar, amino acids The vegetable is immersed in vinegar that has low pH.
and minerals.
• Cuka meresap masuk ke dalam tisu-tisu sayur.
• Sap sel adalah lebih pekat (hipertonik) daripada
The vinegar enters into the vegetable tissues.
larutan tanah yang cair di sekeliling.
• Sel menjadi berasid.
The cell sap is more concentrated (hypertonic) than the
surrounding dilute soil solution. The cells become acidic.
• Air daripada larutan tanah meresap ke dalam sel-sel • pH rendah menghalang pertumbuhan mikroorganisma.
akar melalui osmosis. Low pH prevents the growth of microorganisms.
Water from the soil solution diffuses into the root cells by • Ini mencegah penguraian sayur.
osmosis. This prevents decomposition of the vegetable.
• Kemasukan air ke dalam sel akar melarutkan sap
The entry of water into the root cell dilutes its cell sap. Jawapan Praktis Ekstra SPM 3
• Sap sel di sel korteks bersebelahan menjadi lebih
pekat. 1. C 6. A
The cell sap of the adjacent cortex cell is now more 2. C 7. D
concentrated. 3. C 8. C
• Maka, molekul-molekul air meresap ke dalam sel-sel 4. A 9. A
akar bersebelahan. 5. A 10. A
Thus, water molecules diffuse into the adjacent root cells.
• Proses ini berterusan dan air diangkut daripada satu
sel akar kepada yang lain secara osmosis.
The process continues and water is transported from one root
cell to another by osmosis.

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