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Book 6 Lesson 1 Vocabulary

get Verb: to become, to turn

got (become) It was cold in the morning, but it got warm in the afternoon.
rain Verb: to shower
It’s raining. Take your umbrella.
shine / shone Verb: to glow
It’s hot outside when the sun shines.
snow Verb: to have frozen ice crystals fall from the sky
The weather is cold. I think it will snow.
think / thought Verb: to use the mind to consider ideas and make decisions
John is thinking about his test tomorrow.
clear Adjective: sunny, bright, opposite of cloudy
There are no clouds in the sky. The weather is clear.
cloudy Adjective: used to describe a sky that is full of clouds, opposite of
It was clear yesterday, but it’s cloudy today.
dry Adjective: waterless,, opposite of wet
I need a dry towel. This one is wet.
how Adverb: used to ask general questions or questions about the way that
something is done
How is the weather today? How do you drive to Riyadh?
nice Adjective: pleasant, enjoyable
The weather is nice. It’s clear and warm.
rainy Adjective: showery, used to describe a sky that is full of rain
Take an umbrella. The weather looks rainy today.
sunny Adjective: used to describe a sky that is full of sunshine
There are no clouds in the sky. The weather is sunny.
upset Adjective: angry; worried
The students are all late. The teacher is very upset.
wet Adjective: soaked with water,
It’s raining outside. My clothes are wet.
windy Adjective: used to describe a sky that is full of wind
It’s very windy today. My hat blew off my head.
change Noun: transition, shift
It rained yesterday, but today it’s nice. I like the change in the weather.
cloud Noun: water vapor you can see in the air
There are black clouds in the sky. I think that it will rain.
grade Noun: score, mark
Ahmed’s grade on the book quiz was 98.
rain Noun: water drops falling from clouds
The rain is very heavy. You need an umbrella.
raincoat Noun: a waterproof coat worn when it rains.
It’s raining outside. Wear your raincoat so your clothes keep dry.
score Noun: grade, mark
Ahmed’s score on the book quiz was 98.
shower Noun: a short rain
A shower is a short rain. In the spring there are many showers.
sky Noun: atmosphere, the area above anything on the ground
There are many clouds in the sky today.
snow Noun: frozen ice crystals that fall to the ground
In the winter it snows.
snowy Adjective: that which has frozen ice crystals that has fallen to the ground
Paris has snowy days in the winter.
storm Noun: wind with rain snow, hail or dust
There is a bad storm outside. It’s rainy and windy.
stormy Adjective: that which has wind with rain snow, hail or dust
It is a stormy day outside. It’s rainy and windy.
sun Noun: a bright object in the sky
The sun comes up in the morning and goes down in the evening.
sunshine Noun: light that comes from the sun
It’s very clear and there is a lot of sunshine.
umbrella Noun: a cover that protects a person from rain, snow, or sun
It’s raining. You need an umbrella.
weather Noun: what is happening in the atmosphere (rain, snow, cloud, sun)
The weather is very bad today. It’s raining and it’s windy.

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