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Name – Prathmesh
r t Pravinrao
r i r Cherekar
r r
Rolll no – 22210
l-Il – MCA-I
i –B
r jtir f.iGuide
ir – Prof. Kumudini Manwar
ER Diagram
Use case Diagram
Registration Use case
Admin Use Case Diagram
Customer Use Case Diagram
Class Diagram
Activity Diagram
Admin Activity Diagram
Customer Activity Diagram
Payment Activity Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Registration Sequence Diagram
Admin Sequence Diagram
Customer Sequence Diagram
Component Diagram
Table Specification

Customer Data Table

Field name Datatype Size Description Constrai

Customer_id varchar (5,0) Id of Customer Primary k

Customer_name String (10,0) Name of Customer Not Null

Mobile_no Numeric (10,0) Mobile number Not Null

Customer_email varchar (20,0) Email Not Null

Admin Data Table

Field name Datatype Size Description Constraint

Admin_id varchar (10,0) Id of admin Primary key
Admin_name String (10,0) Name of admin Not Null
Admin_password Varchar (10,0) password Not Null
Payment Data Table

Field name Datatype Size Description Constr ain

Id varchar (5,0) Id of Customer Primary key

Full_name String (10,0) Name of Customer Not Null

Amount Numeric (10,0) Mobile number Not Null

Email varchar (20,0) Email Not Null

Invoice Number Numeric (5,0) Invoice of Bill Not Null

Billing Address Varchar (30,0) Customer Address Not Null

Electricity Supply Company

Field name Datatype Size Description Constr aint

Company_Id varchar (5,0) Id of Company Primary key

Company_name String (10,0) Name of Company Not Null

Address String (10,0) Company Address Not Null

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