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I. People’s job and place

1. Chef : Kitchen
2. Teacher : school
3. Lawyer : court
4. Nurse : hospital
5. Pilot : plane
6. Receptionist : office
7. car mechanic : garage

II. Who are these people speaking to?

1. I'd like a cheese, sandwich and an orange juice, please... : waiter

2. I need something for a headache and a bad cold... : pharmacist

3. I'd like you to cut it quite short, please. :hairdresser

4. All the lights in the house have stopped working. :electrician

5. There's water coming out of a pipe in my bathroom.... : plumber

6. How much did the company spend on IT this year? : Accountant

7. My cat has been in a fight and now there's something wrong with his ear. : vet

8. The roof is flat and we'd like to build another floor above it. : ARCHITECT

III. Job definition

1. An INVENTOR. is someone whose job is inventing new things
2. A GENERATOR is something which produces electricity
3. A PROPELLER is something which goes round and round to make something move
4. A SCIENTIST is a person who studies or works in science.
5. A TURBIN is a machine with a wheel that produces electricity when wind or water makes it turn.
6. A HYDROELECTRIC power is electricity that is produced from fast-moving water.
7. A DEVICE is a tool or small machine that has been invented a particular purpose.
8. A PROTOTYPE is the first model of a new invention.


Louis Braille is someone who has made a difference to the lives of blind people all over the world.
Braille, born in 1809, lost his sight at the age of five. While at a school for the blind, he learned about a
communication system called 'night writing' used by the French army and became interested in it.

The system allowed soldiers to communicate in the dark without speaking, by feeling marks on thick
paper. Braille came out with the idea making the marks much simpler and got started on his own
system for the blind at the age of 15. Today all over the world, people who are involved in teaching
blind people to read use Braille.

V. A girl in a chair

I am in a wheel chair. I had an accident a few years ago and I can no longer walk. I find it impossible to
get into some places including restaurants and shops because there are steps, or because the doors
are not wide enough . I was really pleased to hear about an app that tells me which restaurants and
cafes have automatic doors.

My disability is blindness. I'm partially sighted, so I can't see very well. I can manage steps, so I can get in
and out of places, but in a restaurant, say, it's hard to read the menu. I have to ask somebody else to
read it to me. And it's difficult to do that. Now I have this app , and I can find out which restaurants
have menu in Braille, so I can read them with my fingers. I feel much more independent now

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