Vocabulary 6-4

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Book 6 Lesson 4 Vocabulary

check in Verb: to register at a hotel when you arrive

I checked in when I arrived at the hotel.
check out Verb: to pay your bill and leave a hotel
You have to pay your bill when you check out of the hotel.
load Verb: to put film in a camera
Load the film in the camera before you take a picture.
relax Verb: to rest
I’m very tired. I need to relax.
rest Verb: to relax
I’m very tired. I need to rest.
smile Verb: to grin, to make a facial expression that shows one is happy
My wife smiled when I gave her the gift.
stay Verb: to remain, to live temporarily in a place
They stayed at the hotel for three days.
because Conjunction: for the reason that, the reason why
I was absent because I was sick.
but Conjunction: except that, used to introduce a statement that disagrees
with something just said
He wants to run, but he can’t. He hurt his leg.
final Adjective: last
Our final book quiz is next week. Then we will graduate.
for Preposition: used with a period of time to show how long
I stayed at the hotel for two weeks.
long (trip/time) Adjective: used for distance or time
From Riyadh to New York is a long trip.
We began school yesterday. It will be a long time until we graduate.
overnight Adjective: from the evening to the next morning
Ahmed stayed overnight at the hotel. He arrived Sunday night and left
Monday morning.
short (trip/time) Adjective: used for distance or time
It is a short trip from KKMC to Hafar Al Batin.
We began school 4 years ago. It will be a short time until we graduate.
why Adverb: for what reason, question word used to find a reason
Ahmed: Why were you absent?
Ali: Because I was sick.
camera Noun: a thing used to take photos
Load the film in the camera before you take a picture.
film Noun: used in cameras to take a picture
Load the film in the camera before you take a picture.
hotel Noun: a place to stay when you travel
I stay at the Al Khozama hotel when I’m in Riyadh.
lake Noun: a body of water with land on all sides
I like to swim in the lake when I take a vacation.
mountain Noun: a high piece of land often with steep sides
There is a lot of snow in the mountains.
ocean Noun: a large body of water
There are many ships on the ocean.
rest Noun: break, the stopping of work or activity
I’m very tired. I need some rest.
roll (of) Noun: a unit of film
I have two rolls of film for my camera.
spoonful Noun: a full spoon of something
Bob is sick. The doctor told him to take a spoonful of medicine.
tree Noun: a plant composed mainly of wood
There are many palm trees in Saudi Arabia.
vacation Noun: a time when you don’t have to work
I will take a one month vacation in July. I’m going to travel.
sight (s) Noun: the interesting places to visit in a town or city
I hope we get a chance to see the sights.
sightseeing Noun: when you visit the famous or interesting places in a town or
In the afternoon, we went sightseeing in Paris.
at first Prepositional Phrase: in the beginning
At first, I was afraid of the dog, but now I like it.
at last Prepositional Phrase: finally
I studied for 6 hours. At last, I’m finished.
go / went Verb Phrase: see famous or interesting things
sightseeing I went sightseeing in Washington. I saw the White House.
take a picture of Verb Phrase: to use a camera to take a photograph of something
/take pictures of I want to take a picture of the mountains.
/took pictures of
take / took a Verb Phrase: to relax
rest I’m tired. I want to take a rest.
take / took a Verb Phrase: to stop working for a period of time to relax and rest
vacation He works very hard. He needs to take a vacation.

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