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Book 5 Lesson 1 Vocabulary

hurt / Verb: to injure, to damage

hurt Ahmed can’t run today. He hurt his leg.
move Verb: to go from one place to a different place
My arm hurts. I can’t move it.
point (to) Verb: to use a finger to indicate where something is located
Point to your ankle.
touch Verb: to lay a hand on something
My arm is sore. It hurts when I touch it.
about Preposition: concerning, regarding, concerned with
TITANIC is a movie about a ship that hit an iceberg and sank.
large Adjective: big, opposite of small
We have a large car because we have 6 children.
last Adjective: final, after everything else, opposite of first
The last thing I do each day is go to bed
left Adjective: a direction or location, opposite of right
Turn left at the stop light. I have a left arm and a right arm.
long Adjective: greater than an average length of time or distance
It took a long time to drive to Kuwait. It is a long distance to Kuwait.
next Adjective: afterward, after that, then
First, he wakes up. Then he takes a shower. Next, he eats breakfast.
of Preposition: belonging to a larger group
The first month of the year is January. He is a member of the team.
one Pronoun: a pronoun that refers to a previously known thing
Ahmed: Do you have a pencil? Ali: Yes, I have one ( a pencil).
right Adjective: a direction or location, opposite of left
Turn right at the corner. I have a left arm and a right arm.
short Adjective: not tall, not long
My leg is long. My finger is short.
sore Adjective: painful
I hurt my leg yesterday. Today it’s very sore.
then Adverb: afterward, after that, next
First, open your book. Then, read page 10.
which Determiner: used in questions where a choice to be made between two
or more items
Doctor: Which arm did you hurt? Ali: I hurt my left arm.
arm Noun: a limb attached to the shoulder
I have two arms and two legs.
body / Noun: all the parts of a person are part of the body
bodies Our bodies have a head, a trunk, and limbs.
bone Noun: white solid parts of the body that make up the skeleton
I have bones and muscle under my skin.
date Noun: a date consists of a month, day and year
Ahmed: What’s today’s date? Ali: It’s June 2, 2002.
ear Noun: a part of the body used for hearing
I hear with my two ears.
eye Noun: a part of the body used for seeing
I see with my two eyes.
finger Noun: four fingers and a thumb are on each hand
Point to the clock with your finger.
foot / feet Noun: a part of the body located at the bottom of the leg
I can’t walk. My feet hurt.
ankle Noun: the part of your body where your foot joins your leg
I twisted my ankle and now it is swollen.
hand Noun: a hand has four fingers and a thumb
I use my hand when I write.
head Noun: top part of body where the eyes, nose, ears, mouth are located
My head is above my neck.
leg Noun: a limb that people use for standing, walking or running
I have two legs and two arms. I use my legs for walking.
medicine Noun: pills, drugs, medication
I’m sick. The doctor gave me medicine.
mouth Noun: a part of the body where food is taken in and sounds come out
I eat and talk with my mouth.
nail Noun: Nails are located at the ends of all toes, fingers and thumbs
Many women like to color their nails.
neck Noun: a part of the body that supports the head
My head is above my neck.
nose Noun: a part of the body used for breathing and smelling
I smell with my nose. My nose is between my eyes.
skin Noun: the outer covering of the body
Skin is on the outside of my body.
throat Noun: the part of the body through which air enters the lungs and food
enters the stomach
My throat is inside my neck.
thumb Noun: each hand has one thumb
I have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs.
toe Noun: each foot has five toes
I have 5 toes on each foot.
drugs Noun: a medicines or a substances for making medicines
The cost of prescription drugs nowadays is high.
elbow Noun: the joint in the middle of your arm, where your arm bends
I've hurt my elbow playing tennis.
eyebrow Noun: the line of short hairs above your eye
He raised his eyebrows in surprise.
eyelash Noun: one of the small hairs growing on the edge of your eyelids
When an eyelash gets in your eye, it can be painful.
eyelid Noun: one of the pieces of skin that cover your eyes when you close
Some women like to shade their eyelids.
fingernail Noun: the hard flat part that covers the top end of your finger
I smashed my fingernail with a hammer! Ouch!
first – twelfth Noun: ordinal numbers
a number such as first, second, or third, etc.
heel Noun: the back part of your foot
I cut the heal of my foot with glass on the floor.
knee Noun: the middle part of your leg, where it bends
He was on his knees, praying in the mosque.
limb Noun: an arm or leg
The child broke a limb when he fell out of the tree.
lip Noun: the edge of your mouth where your skin is red or darker
The nervous student bit his lip while taking the English test.
muscle(s) Noun: one of the pieces of flesh inside your body that you use in
order to move
You must exercises to strengthen your muscles or else your will
grow weak.
mirror Noun: a piece of special glass made so that when you look at it you
see yourself
He glanced at his reflection in the mirror.
order Noun: the way that several things are arranged in relation to each
Can you keep the pictures in the same order?
ordinal Noun: a number that refers to a position in a series, such as first,
second, or third.
part Noun: one of the pieces, areas, times etc that together form the
whole of something
Your fingers are part of your hand.
shoulder Noun: one of the two parts of your body at each side of your neck
where your arm is connected
She rested her head on my shoulder.
toenail Noun: the hard part that covers the top of each of your toes
If one doesn’t clip his toenails, they will grow too long to wear
tongue Noun: the soft part inside your mouth that you move and use for
tasting and speaking
The child stuck out his tongue at me when I told him to be quiet.
trunk Noun: the main part of your body, not including your head, arms, or
He had bruises all over his legs and trunk.
wrist Noun: the joint between your hand and your arm
The child fell down on his arm and broke his wrist.
take medicine Phrasal verb: to put medicine in a persons mouth and swallow it
I am taking medicine because I am sick.
What’s the Phrase: a question used to ask what is wrong with a person
matter? Ahmed: What’s the matter?
Ali: I hurt my leg yesterday.
What’s wrong? Phrase: a question used to ask what the matter is with a person or
Ahmed: What’s wrong?
Ali: I hurt my leg yesterday.

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