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LTHS Professional Appraisal System

Growth Plan Proposal Form

To be completed by a certified staff member and turned into the appropriate division chair by
the end of the first full week of September.
Certified Staff Member Date September 15,
Kirsten Manthei 2022

Division Language Arts Division Administrator Karen Raino

Evaluation Cycle 9/15/21 Evaluation Cycle 6/1/23

Start Date Completion Date

Professional Practice Goal

(Does Not Include Year 1 Certified Staff)
Intended Duration of Professional Practice Goal (1 year or 2 years)

2 Years

State the goal and provide a short rationale

ORIGINAL GOAL FROM 2019: By the end of two years, I will create an environment of
empowered learners. I will accomplish this goal by utilizing formative assessments to
establish the growth-mindset within my classroom, and to encourage my students to feel safe
to take risks in their learning. I have always valued my curriculum and my lesson planning, but
over the next two years I really want to place more emphasis on student voice and my
students’ emotional well-being.

REVISED 2021 GOAL: By the end of two years, I will create an environment of authentic
learning opportunities. I will accomplish this by utilizing formative assessments to establish
the growth-mindset within my classroom, and to encourage students to have a voice
through a variety of real world assessments. I have always valued my curriculum and my
lesson planning, but over the next two years I really want to place more emphasis on
student voice and student connection to the learning.

Identify domain(s) and competencies from the Danielson rubric for this goal

1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students

1f: Designing Student Assessments

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2a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
2b. Establishing a Culture for Learning
2c: Managing Classroom Procedures
2d: Managing Student Behavior
3a. Communicating Clearly and Accurately
3c. Engaging Students in Learning
3d. Providing Feedback to Students
3e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
4a. Reflecting on Teaching

Describe means to achieve this goal (process/steps to reach goal, resources needed, etc.)

I recently finished my Master’s in Curriculum and Educational Technology through Ball State
University, and this program has provided me with a sense of direction regarding authentic
learning and constructing meaningful learning opportunities for my students. I plan to focus
on aligning my formatives and summatives with my teaching teams and the standards/skills
that we teach in order to ensure that students are engaged, empowered with opportunities
to express their own voices in the classroom, and utilizing the new technology as well.
Additionally, I am a member of the Equity Ambassadors team which will help me in revising
the IPC curriculum.

Identify specific measures of the goal: (artifacts to be included in Growth Portfolio)




Goal One

1) Type of Assessment Used: (Type II or Type III)

Type II

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2) Year in evaluation cycle to be administered: (Year 1 or Year 2)

Year 1 (year 2 if video evidence is required as I only have the data for year 1)

3) Course Information: (Course name, grade levels, and interval of instruction)

IPC Accel, Sophomore Year, semester course

4) Why did you choose this course?

I have taught this course for 18 years and have invested considerable time and energy into
creating the curriculum and the PERA task.

5) Describe the targeted skill:

I can present information clearly and appropriately so that my listeners can follow the line
of reasoning.

6) Identify the content standards (EU, EO, CCSS, NGSS, etc.) associated with the targeted
skill. Include the text of the content standards:

Present information, findings and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically
such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development,
substance, and style are appropriate to the purpose, audience, and task.
(Common Core State Standard ELA Literacy/CCRA. SL.4)

7) Describe the assessment task:

Students will present short mini-speeches and be assessed upon both their vocal and
physical delivery skills.

8) What type of assessment are you using (performance, constructed response, selected


9) How will you use this assessment information to monitor student progress and inform
your instruction?

The data collected will help me to see which of the delivery elements my students are
struggling with, and which ones need more attention prior to moving forward.

10) How often will you collect data to monitor student progress toward this learning goal?

I will collect data three times during the semester.

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11) Identify the data collection tool that you will use: (Mastery Manager, Excel, Other)

Excel spreadsheet

Goal Two

1) Type of Assessment Used: (Type II or Type III)

Type III

2) Year in evaluation cycle to be administered: (Year 1 or Year 2)

Year 2

3) Course Information: (Course name, grade levels, and interval of instruction)

Literature of Comedy, Senior Prep, Semester

4) Why did you choose this course?

(I originally chose this skill a few years ago, but due to the pandemic the data was
inconclusive). I have made many revisions to the Comedy course in the past several
years, and I want to assess whether students are truly developing the necessary
writing skills.

5) Describe the targeted skill:

I can write narratives to develop real or imagined settings, experiences, or events using
effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

6) Identify the content standards (EU, EO, CCSS, NGSS, etc.) associated with the targeted
skill. Include the text of the content standards:

Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and

multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.

7) Describe the assessment task:

Students will be writing comedic narratives

8) What type of assessment are you using (performance, constructed response, selected

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9) How will you use this assessment information to monitor student progress and inform
your instruction?

The pre-assessment will allow me to determine how to frame my initial instruction, and
then the mid-point will determine whether reteaching is required.

10) How often will you collect data to monitor student progress toward this learning goal?

I will collect at the start of the unit (pre-assessment), a mid-point just after teaching the
skills, and then the post-assessment (summative) at the end of the unit. This will occur
after several practice opportunities.

11) Identify the data collection tool that you will use: (Mastery Manager, Excel, Other)

Mastery Manager

Kirsten Manthei

Signature of Certified Staff Member Date


Signature of Division Administrator(s) Date

● Certified Staff Member
● Division Administrator
● Building Administrator
● Human Resources File (Original)

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