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‘We have $1000 CAD that we have earmarked for aur trip to Canada and that are deposited inthe account Win the ame of20000Kn the local Bank COOK S.A de CV. ‘The work experience acquire in Canada, wllalow me to suppetin providing stably tomy fami, contribute to improve the conditions and quality of fe tat my spouse wisest ive us since part ‘of cur Ife projec ist have access to our own home and at the moment we already have the “approval of 2 housing ian fora resident pret in constuction paces wth cllvery projection ‘within 24 months, whichis why Its essentia to return to my country since our plan itive inthis ‘rouse upon our return and remodel t as muchas posible. Pease fin the purchase contrac for ‘urhouse anche. ‘Addtionaly, wil be able to support my spouse to promote the welding consumables supper ‘business that she hopes to reactivate upon our return to the country, 50 that we can have another source of incame to improve ou? qualty a te nou county. {im aati tthe fact that my mothe ves in the county shes an elery indy, very emotionally tached to her grandchildren, itis Imporant to me tat upon my return she continues to Ssengten er tional ond once of any emergeny ean move na iney mane sce {the Canada - £1 Svador rote moderately oes, {aired Fg liters eet Sol al leet eerpeny manic) ‘Briony et sre comply with ll the conditions sted with my work permit and te remain In your country ony | have legal status; above aly It my pority to respect the vales and moral printpes as an exemplary persona of outs lamin every poston te provide ny adtianal ‘documents tat conser neal forthe process. ‘you have any questions, please contact me 2 telephone number ($03) XK and emall meat Finally although Ihave not raveled abroad, am a law-abldingcten witha clean criminal record who seets tobe a supportive wf to her husband. ‘Thank you for your tne and consideration othe above Sincerely yours, (Handwritten slanature) ‘Ariana Usseth Aon Gales San Miguel, Ape 15th, 2023 Tote Canacin Embssey ‘Tome visa ocr Mexico ty, Mexico OF ‘Subject: Application for MIA exempt work perm ‘ewhom it may encom: My name i Ariana Usa Avalos Gales, 35 years ol, mato Shadorean with Passport No. ‘side inthe cy of Sar Miguel in avador wth my hushand Antoni Alera ihaPotil and ‘ur son Diego Alexander Siva Avalos, 15 years od. ‘My husband, Aston Alerander Siva Porlo, has admitted tothe ful-ime Welding Techlque Program at Soult College [U No.0183856777683) wih a start date of September 05,2023 and an end date of Apri 26th, 2028 located inthe cy of Sault St. Mari, Canada, therefore, am applying aniMIA exempt work permit. Pease find my spouse's College acceptance lee attached. vty my husband we havea relationship of 17 years together, of which the lst years ae marie, ‘ur relationships genuine and began during ou schoel days, In 2003, For this reason | would ike tobe abl to accompany and proude emotional suppor tomy husband and Son whe ey Sat Es ew projet abo, | understand that studying Canadas ery ‘emaing ac they need ally suppor whe studying. "havea Bachel’'s Degree in Business Adminstration from Universidad Gerardo Barrios obtained in 2017 and work at Sociedad Cooperativa de Ahortoy Mcrocréios de Responsablida imitada de ‘Capital Variable (AMC de RL de CV) a «Process Analyst earing « month¥y salary of $0 USD ‘equivalent to approximately SOOO CAD. lease find attached labor eartete. "have stable n my court sins | have worked for 13 years fr AMC de RL de CV, 2 company ‘that has 25 Agencies throupbut the courry and more than 460 employee, entered the labor in 2008 a ausstanttothe Commercial Management ntl 201 thecompany gave mete op90tuity te develop profesional and tom 2014 ta 2018, | delded to study the university degree, 0 stive topresare myself poessonaly, applying my knowledge in my daly werk and thanks to this was bromoted as Executive Management Assistant and afte graduating frm the University anethanks tomy good performance in the 2 postions I executed for 9 years | was prometed again to the positon a Process Anais, a positon have held since 2018, 50am coined that the opprtuity {olive acoad wil help me to improve my command ofthe Erlih anguage, a wel 3 rerease my sil n the labor market upon my return to the country and an aces eter ob opportunites, | ‘an apy to companies such as Senor Salesforce Developer n the company Siveine Cental ‘America: 35 an Operations Analyst forthe food chan Macdonald's, or Process Coordinator for Financalnsttuton, al basedin the ctyof San Miguel since one ofthe fundamental requirements sto be bilingual and they ae very wel pid jobs, addtonly having experience In operational processes abroad wil alow me a bevery compettiveto acess ths type ob ters. 9 tachment supporting my pan: Colese 104-saut cote, ‘Program Resenation Payment Voucher Frat Term Payment Voucher Aetevant iplomas. ‘iploms of he degre obtained in Chil Engineering and Construction assodated Degree. Welding course Proto Financ Support ‘Settlement letter fom my previous jobs toon approval eter rom local bank Bank statement fr the lst 4 months Employment Lecter commendation frm previous employers Job offer avaabe Cetieate of Salary Payments forthe st 3 months shor certieate from employer. amy status Mariage cortieate Dien carieate of my ci Registration of the enterprise nd VAT declarations Promise of Sle Contractor the residental projec #20000 Fenelon fund contrition ‘semester of the program equivalent to $900000% CAD, which payment was covered with funds ‘tom ou sings Please ind payment supportattached. : ‘The second semester lus the ing expenses for me and my companions wil be covered bya ree Investment lan granted to me by one of the banking istutions in my county, which currently ‘eing paid wth the income from my job and when travel to Canada il continue a Be paid with the sale of my vehicle, consiseig that wll not be ued or «year and tat upon my returns ‘vue willbe much lower thanit inom. In tta we have an amount of $000000 CAD, since a payment has een made to Sault Cllgein ‘the amount of 90000000 CAD, ‘My parents vel Salvador aswell an have no fmt tes in Canada Beng the ely male child ‘and the youngest of 3 siblings allows me to have avery dose relationship with my parents and to ‘every attentive total wall beings they are elder. during my absence it wlbe ry oer sisters ‘who will bein charge of thelr cae wile! return tomy aunty | woul ke our son to alto benef during my study period, s0 that he can improve his Enh language sls, he s cure studieg at the this wl be his rst study experience outside the ‘country and we beeve that the cultural exchange wih children of is age besides fearing new atures during his say, wil alow him to reflect on cultural diversity, babs, coastonce and ‘respect for tha tere countries of te wore and he wil be abe to chare them upon our etn tothe country 2¢ 2 eultual exchange experienc, ‘Asan international student in your country, | understand the resposibites with the College and With the Government asa temporary resident and my pity Is to strict comply with ll he condor sted wih my stud permit ant stay in your country ony nave legal status; above ‘a eis priory to respect the values and moral principles as an exemplary person and of course "amin very postion toprovise any adetional document tat consider use forte proces. youve any questions, please contact me atthe phone number (3030000 and ema me at Srcerely yours, (andwrtn signature) Antoni Alexander Siva Porto Involved This specan level of content relates to welding is ot offered n my home courty and ‘hs program wit slow me to excel nthe abor market of weing in E Sahar and seneut new protesional gous that nave 2rojeced inthe short tam Atthis moment my profesional objective sto update my technial knowledge withthe added bonus thet it wi be na second language, to develop professionally in the aes cf waldng project management, sing avait of methods tots ferent types of welds. ‘Sowhen | return home, my dice In Welding fom ane of Canada's top ccleges wl ge me a Teundstion fora practical future Inthe appleaton of a variety of methods fe testing welaing processes, a | wile able t prepare drawings, common vews and base drafting and sketching ‘operations fr welding projects, sis that rn high demand in my home country, Curent there ‘area reduced number of people accredited in my county forthe supervision of the diferent welding processes the construction of suuctures at industrial evel andthe cuiedum template ‘that Sout College offers me wil allow me tobe part ofthis grup, wil ate me more empoyable ‘because it offers a technica, racial and updated perspective ofthe welling proceses under International standards an¢ is oriented tothe tralnngof people to become Specialized technicians In this eld. This, together with my experience as an industal salesman plus the basic knowledge ‘of welding that have acqured during tis time willow me to steure 2 Job as an ncependent -sunerdsor of welding processes for compris suchas Monelea SA. de CV, Mbronta SA, de CV. and in we range of manufcturing and construction industries that are emerging in my country, de to the expansion Inthe field of new construction wands development tha the government of my country i showing. [Additionally wil beable to resume professionally my enterprise since | wl hav the sis provide specaled sevice a a aupervsor of welding works and the marketing of concunables Lnder the quality standards that govern the current market nthe fed of welding. experience that ‘havealready developed very well in these 15 years of workin industrial sls. This wil alow me to prove stably to my fay tats curent growing withthe upcoming arrival of my second baby, since | wil have greater economic capacty for thei care and provide better conditions and quai fife since pat four if projects to have accesso home of our ‘own and at te moment we at eady have the approval ofa howsing lon fora residental project Under constructon wit projected delivery within 24 month...enson why is essen t etn tomycountry since our lan ito vein this house upon my etre. Peas adhe purchase contract ‘for ournousestached ‘Asam aware hat the cost ofthe chosen program S100000000 CAD forthe year of study andthe ‘tundsinceated by immigration and iizenship Canada, since during my stay | willbe accompanied ‘ym an my mine, makes atl minimum fund needed for ur sta of $HK0000K CAD, urng our working years we have contributed peridialyby depositing toa savings acount in my name tthe cal bank 2000000005. de CV number pus the setlement funds from my previous Jobs and as of Februar there wasa total of approximately $X0000000% CAD. ‘current two peyments have area been made to Sault College, the rst ne corresponds tothe ‘tesersatin of the program fr S0ONGK CAD, and the second payment coresponds to the rst ‘San Miguel, Ap 23,2023 “othe Embassy of canada ies ie fice ‘Meno cy, meico DF. Subject Study Pert Request. ‘Te whom it may concer: ‘have been admite tothe Welding Techniaues Program at Sout Caege nthe Chy f Sout te ‘Marl, Canada, here you wl find al the information dealing my panto study in Canada Pleas find the acceptance ler attached. ‘am Antonio Alexander Siva Poti, 37 years od, mari, Salvadoran wth passport No, XO, ‘singin they of San Miguel in Salvador th my wile Ariana ales, or son Diego Alexander ‘Sua Avalos 15 years od, and a baby onthe way, 1 have a degree ln CilEegneerng and Construction Associated Degree from Gerardo Barios [University cbtalnes in 2039 and am currently ence in LAC taking a PATHWAY under the online ‘modality {WAC Kis) with 3 duration of 2¢ weeks, of which Ihave already completed 42,1 am current taing PATHWAY 1 andthe cours Is scheduled to er on May 26 hs ear. Pease fing latached my acceptance eter and grades or heist 12 weeks completed. Inthe ast 15 years have worke for 3 compares, nthe fst company worked for 1 year, here, "receved continuous training though varaus workshops and court offered By the company, startedin 2000 and 2010 nthe speciation in indust/aalesreluding welding andsaety at work, fer te year 2012 received a base welding course acting 6 months, and nthe las 10 year have portlpated in varous workshops ote to the use of machinery ang construction material Tis preparation, boosted my profesion sping n sles and welding 3 for my second job for ‘the nest 3 years | was theses representative ofthe Eastern Region of my country, fr the year 2020 | cecided to undertake with the creation of my own bushes at suppl of welding ensumables restering my company personal, but due tothe impact f the pandemic COMID-19 | was foredtopu the project on pause andcurtentiy work or Amacenes Vid s.Aée CV. achaln ‘ofindusria sles warehouses wih presence in Cental Amer, bt aay worked at an Indust ‘salesman nthe Ester Region of my country. "chase to take the 4 year Welding Techniques program a Saul College in Canada, because Sault ranks st in Ontario fr the overall quaty of is graduates and secondin the proves for grade satsfacton At Soult College wil beable to update my knowledge inthe welding fl ue tothe level af queity offered by the program, state-of the-art campus and aberatovis. The program has a complete curiulum, the courses are interesting and especially the Materials and Process ‘Qusity subject ilalow met bacome certified to evaluate and inspect welding processes, sce ‘el raln me specially on the metaburty and characteristics ofthe materials, | ll beable to pertorm weling evaluations and inspections, ab the Sueprint Reading - Advanced Course wil ‘low me to develop more deeply the reading of ometre and orthographic sans in complex ‘dromings of structures that ned to be built, repaired o modified where the welding proces is

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