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G present perfect (simple and continuous)

1 V illness and treatment

P consonant and vowel sounds

C You’re the doctor!

1 SPEAKING & VOCABULARY illness and treatment 2 P R O N U N C IATI O N consonant and

a Read about the two situations and work out the meaning of vowel sounds
the highlighted words. Then decide which you think is the
correct answer for each one. The phonetic symbols in a dictionary help you check
the pronunciation of words which have an irregular

You’re the doc!

sound–spelling relationship.

a 1.13 Use the phonetic symbols to help you

pronounce these words. Then listen and check.
1 cough /kQf/ 4 bruise /bru;z/
2 heart /hA;t/ 5 blood /blVd/
3 asthma /"&sm@/ 6 diarrhoea /%daI@"rI@/

b How do you pronounce the sounds below? Write the

words from the list in the correct column.
ache infection ankle bandage specialist chemist
choking GP allergy pressure rash check-up
stomach temperature unconscious
You’re at home with some friends watching a football match on
1 TV. In the excitement, one of your friends suddenly starts having
a nosebleed .
a get some ice from the freezer and put it on his nose
b get some toilet paper, tell him to put it in his nose, and suggest that
he goes to the doctor to check his blood pressure
c tell him to pinch the soft part of his nose for five minutes

c 1.14 Listen and check. Practise saying the words.

d p.160 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings
for these sounds.
e Ask and answer the questions below with a partner.
1 What are the main symptoms of…?
a a cold
You’re having a barbecue with some friends on the beach. b flu
2 One of your friends accidentally picks up a very hot piece of wood
and burns her hand. It hurts a lot and she has blisters on her skin.
c a twisted ankle
d a heart attack
DO YOU…? e an allergic reaction
a pour cold water on the hand and then cover it with a plastic bag f food poisoning
b cover the burn with suncream 2 What should you do if you have the illnesses or
c break the blisters and put on antiseptic cream injuries above?

b Communication You’re the doc! p.116. Check your answers.

c p.147 Vocabulary Bank Illness and treatment.
3 R EAD I N G & LI STE N I N G b Take turns to tell each other your story. Explain…
1 what the situation was.
a You are going to read an article about two people who 2 what the person who was giving first aid did.
found themselves involved in life or death situations. Work
in pairs. A read the first article and B read the second. c Discuss whether you think they did the right
thing or not.
d 1.15 1.16 Now listen to what happened next

Help! My friend’s choking! and answer the questions.

1 What happened to Mrs Johnson in the end? Did
Trisha Goddard do the right thing?
Library assistant, Mrs Johnson was
having dinner with friends in a 2 What happened to Peter in the end? Did his
restaurant. They were all having mother do the right thing?
steak and Mrs Johnson had just
swallowed a piece of meat when 4 S P EAKI N G
she suddenly found that she
couldn’t breathe. Her friends hit
GET IT RIGHT keep going!
her hard on the back, but the piece
of steak remained stuck in her Even when you know a lot of vocabulary connected
throat. She was starting to panic. with a topic, you may find that you don’t know the
One of her friends shouted out exact word or phrase for what you want to say. If
Trisha Goddard this happens, don’t freeze! Paraphrase (use other
desperately, ‘Excuse me, can
anyone help my friend? She’s choking.’ At another table in words to say what you mean) and keep going!
the restaurant Trisha Goddard, a TV chat show presenter, Useful language
saw what was happening and What I mean is…
rushed over to try to help. She I can’t remember / I don’t know the word, but it’s…
stood behind Mrs Johnson and put She had a sort of / kind of…
her arms round her waist, and then
pulled hard inwards and upwards
three times… Talk to a partner.
Have you ever had to give first aid?

The day my little boy Who to? Why?
What happened?
swallowed a tomato
‘Look at me, Mum,’ giggled my three-year-old son. I could
hardly understand him, as his mouth was full of cherry Has anyone ever had to give you first aid?
tomatoes. He had taken them out of the fridge while I was
making lunch. ‘Oh Peter, don’t be silly,’ I laughed. This
was a big mistake. Peter tried to laugh too, and
as he did so, one of the tomatoes
got stuck in his throat. He
tried to cough, but nothing
What happened?
happened. He was choking.
I hit Peter on the back, but
the tomato didn’t move.
Peter began to turn blue. How much do you know about first aid?
I ran outside into the street, Where did you learn it?
screaming for help, but the
road was completely
deserted. I was desperate.
From The Times

I put my whole hand in What do you think you should do if…?

his mouth and pushed a someone is stung by a wasp
my fingers as far as I could
down his throat… b someone has too much to drink and loses consciousness
c someone accidentally takes too many painkillers

1C 13
5 G R AM MAR present perfect (simple and continuous)
a Check what you know: present perfect / past simple. Right (✔) or wrong (✘)? Correct the wrong highlighted phrases.
1 A Have you ever had an operation? 4 A Have you gone to see the doctor?
B Yes, I’ve broken my leg two years ago. B Not yet. I’m going this afternoon.
2 A How long was your uncle in hospital? 5 Ouch! I cut my finger! Have you got a plaster?
B Since last Tuesday. He’s coming home tomorrow. 6 I know my doctor for ten years . She’s very good.
3 You haven’t taken your medicine yet.
Any problems? Workbook p.10

b 1.17 New grammar. Read the jokes and use your instinct to cross out
the wrong form (present perfect simple or continuous). Listen and check.

Patient Doctor, my son has swallowed / has been swallowing my pen,

what should I do?
Doctor Use a pencil until I get there.

Doctor You look exhausted!

Patient Yes. I’ve run / I’ve been running after a cat.
Doctor After a cat?
Patient Yes, I think I’m a dog, doctor.
Doctor I see. How long has this gone on / has this been going on for?
Patient Since I was a little puppy.
Doctor OK. Just lie down here on the couch and we’ll talk about it.
Patient I can’t!
Doctor Why not?
Patient I’m not allowed on the furniture.

Patient Have they sent / Have they been sending you the results
of my tests yet?
Doctor Yes. The news isn’t good, I’m afraid.
Patient How long have I got to live, doctor?
Doctor Ten…
Patient Ten WHAT? Months? Weeks?
Doctor Nine, eight, seven, six…

c p.132 Grammar Bank 1C. Read the rules and do the exercises.
d In pairs, use the prompts to ask and answer the questions. Is there anything you could do to improve your health?
1 / drink much water? How many glasses / drink today?
2 / do any physical exercise? What? How long / do it?
3 / eat a lot of fruit and vegetables? How many portions / have today?
4 / walk to school/work/university? How far / walked today?
5 / smoke? How long / smoke? How many cigarettes / have today?
6 / take any vitamins at the moment? How long / take them?
7 How many hours / sleep a night? / sleep well recently?
8 / allergic anything? / ever have a serious allergic reaction?

14 1C
1 What does the future hold? C O LLO Q U IAL E N G LI S H

a You are going to listen to an interview with Frank Clifford, an astrologer and
palmist. Before you listen, read the glossary and look at how the words are
pronounced to help you understand what he says.

birth chart /b3;T tSA;t/ a map which shows the position of the planets
when a person was born
unalterable /Vn"Qlt@r@bl/ which can’t be changed
destiny /"dest@ni/ what will happen to somebody in the future
genuine /"dZenjuIn/ real, authentic
scared the life out of me terrified me
curse /k3:s/ a word or phrase which has magic power to make
something bad happen d 1.20 Listen and complete the phrases. What do you
think they mean?
b 1.18 Listen to part 1. Answer the questions with a partner.
1 What does an astrologer find out from a person’s birth chart? 1 …or he may do a print and have at what
2 What does a palmist find out from reading someone’s palm? is being shown in the hands now…
3 How can astrologers and palmists help people with their 2 So it’s our job really to encourage people to live their
future? .
4 Would Frank Clifford tell people if he ‘saw’ that they were 3 I’m not a doctor so I wouldn’t . (informal)
going to have a serious illness? Why (not)?
4 …so I thought I’d learn this subject and understand
c 1.19 Listen to part 2. Answer the questions with on earth she was talking about. (informal)
a partner. 5 A lot of people would expect bored housewives, and
What does he say about…? people with to do, or…
1 choosing an astrologer or palm reader 6 …but in fact the truth is you tend to get
2 a palmist he visited when he was 17 of people . (informal)
3 the kind of people who visit him
e Listen to the interview again with the tapescript on
4 the different attitudes of men and women
page 121. Would you like Frank Clifford to read your
5 predicting his own future
palm or do you a birth chart? Why (not)?

I N TH E STR E E T b Listen again and write the name of the person.

a 1.21 Listen to five people talking about horoscopes. 1 Who thinks they are typical of their star sign?
Write the number of the speakers next to their star sign. 2 Who thinks you can often know what someone is like if
you know their star sign?
Which people believe strongly that star signs can influence
3 Who nearly forgets what star sign they are?
people’s personality?
4 Who is the most sceptical about horoscopes and star signs?
1 2 3 4 5 5 Who sometimes enjoys reading his / her horoscope?
c 1.22Listen and complete the phrases with one word.
What do you think they mean?

Cherry Miles Mike Theresa Kurt

1 particularly , no.
Aries /"e@ri;z/ Libra /"li;br@/ 2 I think it’s minimal . (informal)
Taurus /"tO;r@s/ Scorpio /"skO;pi@U/ 3 You can definitely their, sort of, personality
Gemini /"dZemInaI/ Sagittarius /s&dZI"te@rI@s/ straight away.
Cancer /"k&ns@/ Capricorn /"k&prIkO;n/ 4 whatsoever .
Leo /"li;@U/ Aquarius /@"kwe@rI@s/
d Listen to the interviews again with the tapescript on page 122.
Virgo /"v3;g@U/ Pisces /"paIsi;z/
Then answer the same questions with a partner.
16 Study Link MultiROM
An informal email / letter W R ITI N G 1
If you are writing an email, it is more usual to start with Hi. c You’re going to answer Chris’s email. Look at
If you are writing a letter you should start with Dear. the Useful language expressions and try to
complete them.
a Read the email from Chris. It has 12 mistakes: four grammar,
four punctuation, and four spelling. With a partner, correct Useful language
the mistakes. Opening expressions
Thanks 1 your email / letter.
b Read Chris’s email again and find phrases that mean… 2
It was great hear from you.
I haven’t written or phoned. Sorry for 3 writing earlier / that I haven’t
I’ve been reading and replying to my emails. been in touch for a while.
Say hello to your family from me. I 4 you and your family are well.
Responding to news
Sorry 5 hear about your exam results.
Glad 6 hear that you’re all well.
From: Chris
Good luck 7 the new job.
Hope you 8 better soon.
To: Eva

Subject: News Closing expressions

Anyway, / Well, that’s all 9 now.
Hi Eva, Hope to hear from you soon. / Looking 10
to hearing from you soon.
Sorry that I havent been in touch for a while but I’ve been 11 my regards (love) to…
ill. I got flu last week and I had a temprature of 39°C so Take 12 / 13 wishes / Regards / (Lots
I’ve been in bed since four days. I’m feeling a bit better of) love from…
today so I’ve been catching up on my emails. Luckly my 14 (= something you forgot and want to
classes at university don’t start till next week. add) Please send me the photos you promised.
How are you? What have you been doing? Anything
exciting. Here everyone are fine – apart from me and my
flu! My brother Ian has just started his new job with a
record-company – I think I told you about it when I last PLAN the content.
wrote – anyway, he’s really enjoying it. How are your 1 Underline the questions in the email that
family? I hope they’re well. Chris wants you to answer.
I have a good news – I’m going to a conference in your 2 Underline other places in the letter where you
town in may, from 16th to 20th. Could you recomend a think you need to respond, e.g. I’ve been ill.
hotel where I could stay in the centre of town? It needs to 3 Think about how to respond to each of the
be somewhere not too expensive because the university is things you’ve underlined.
paying. I’ll have a free half-day for siteseeing. Do you think
you’ll can show me around? That would be great. WRITE 120–180 words, in two or three
Well, that’s all for now. Please give my regards to your family. paragraphs. Use informal language
(contractions, colloquial expressions, etc.),
I hope to hear from you soon.
and expressions from Useful language.
Take care,
Chris CHECK your email for mistakes ( grammar ,
punctuation , and spelling ).

1 What do you remember?
a Complete the sentences with one word. a Word groups. Underline the word that is different. Say why.
1 What were you and Sarah talking ? 1 vain stubborn possessive wise
2 You didn’t like the film, you? 2 cheerful loyal insincere conscientious
3 flu blister cold asthma
4 GP A&E specialist doctor

b Complete the sentences with a preposition.

1 Who were you talking on the phone?
2 She’s very good listening to people.
3 Sam is a real pain the neck.
4 She’s allergic milk.
5 What are you waiting ?

c Complete the sentences with an adjective made from the word in bold.
1 Damien is very . He never remembers our anniversary. forget
2 I’m – I want to go far in my profession. ambition
3 My father loves opera, and so my 3 My brother is very . I can always depend on him for anything. rely
mother. 4 Luke is very – happy one moment and sad the next. mood
4 A I’ve been to India twice. 5 Madeleine is very . It’s very easy to hurt her feelings. sense
B you? I’d love to go.
5 What have you doing since d Write words for the definitions.
I last saw you? 1 b (verb) when blood comes out of, for example, your finger
2 s (adj) bigger than normal, especially because of an injury
b Circle the right answer, a, b, or c. or infection
1 Could you tell me what time ? 3 b (noun) a piece of cloth used to tie round a part of the body
a the bus leaves that has been hurt
b leaves the bus 4 b -t (adj) (a person who) gets angry very easily
c does the bus leave 5 b (adj) (a person who is) always telling other people what to do
2 How many people usually 6 a (adj) (a person who) thinks he / she is superior to other people
to this class?
a do come P R O N U N C IATI O N
b come
a Underline the word with a different sound.
c did come
3 at least three books so far this
1 cheerful headache choking stitches
a I’ve been reading
b I read 2 sociable unconscious pressure bossy
c I’ve read
4 That was the best film ! 3 funny impulsive blood flu
a I’ve ever seen
b I’ve never seen
4 cough open swollen throat
c I’ve ever been seeing
5 The sooner you start, you’ll
finish. 5 heart calm earache arm
a sooner
b the sooner
c the sooner than b Underline the stressed syllable.
arrogant immature injection allergic specialist

What can you do? R E VI S E & C H E C K


a Read the article and choose a, b, or c.
Passwords reveal your personality
HE WORD OR PHRASE that you use to open your email account may
1 The survey was paid for by
a Dr Petrie
b City University c CentralNic
T provide a key to your personality as well as to your correspondence ,
according to a British psychologist. Helen Petrie, professor of human /
2 If your password is ‘family oriented’, you . computer interaction at City University in London, analysed the responses
a probably have a large family of 1,200 Britons who participated in a survey funded by CentralNic,
b probably don’t use a computer very often an Internet domain-name company. The results were recently published
c are likely to be an animal lover on CentralNic’s website.
3 If your password is ‘Brad Pitt’, you probably . Petrie identifies three main password ‘ genres ’. ‘Family oriented’
a want to identify yourself with a famous person respondents numbered nearly half of those surveyed. These people use
b watch a lot of TV their own name or nickname, the name of a child, partner, or pet, or a
c go to the cinema very often birth date as their password. They tend to be occasional computer users
4 People who belong to the ‘cryptic’ group . and have strong family ties . ‘They choose passwords that symbolize
a worry about other people reading their emails people or events with emotional value,’ says Petrie. One third of
b don’t spend much time trying to invent a password respondents were ‘fans’, using the names of athletes, singers, movie stars,
c can’t think of an interesting password fictional characters, or sports teams. Petrie says fans are young and want
5 Passwords say something about our personalities to ally themselves with the lifestyle represented by a celebrity. Two of the
because . most popular names were Madonna and Homer Simpson. The third main
a we think for a long time before choosing one group of participants are ‘cryptics’ because they pick unintelligible
passwords or a random string of letters, numerals, and symbols such as
b we choose words which we will remember easily
‘Jxa+157’. Petrie says cryptics are the most security-conscious group. They
c we choose something without thinking about it
tend to make the safest but least interesting choices.
Passwords are revealing for two reasons. First, because they are
b Look at the highlighted words and phrases. Can you invented on the spot . ‘Since you are focused on getting into a system, for
guess what they mean? example your email account, you’re likely to write down something that
comes quickly to mind,’ says Petrie. ‘In this sense passwords tap into
CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? things that are just below the surface of consciousness. Also, to remember
your password, you pick something that will stick in your mind. You may
a 1.23 Listen and circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. unconsciously choose something of particular emotional significance.’
1 How did the woman meet her current partner?
a By speed dating.
b Through a friend. b 1.24 You will hear two women who visited a psychic
c On an Internet dating site. talking about their experiences to a man from the Psychic
2 How does the man describe the girl he met? Association. Answer the questions.
a shy 1 Why did Lorenna go to a psychic?
b extrovert 2 What did the psychic tell her?
c hard-working 3 Was it good advice?
3 How will the man be travelling? 4 What’s the man’s opinion of the psychic Lorenna saw?
a By train and taxi. 5 Why doesn’t Alice agree with Lorenna?
b By bus and taxi. 6 What did the psychic tell her?
c By train and bus. 7 How did the psychic’s advice help her?
4 What does the doctor tell Mr Strong to do? 8 What advice does the man give Alice?
a Take antibiotics.
c Stay in bed.
5 What do the two commentators agree about? Can you…?
a That the player won’t be playing in the next match. ask questions with or without auxiliaries and with
b That the player has twisted his ankle. prepositions
c That the player won’t be able to play again for describe your and your friends’ / family’s personalities
two months. talk about health problems and describe symptoms to
a doctor

6 R EAD I N G Get stressed, stay young
a What symptoms do people have when they feel stressed? 1 For decades doctors have warned us about the dangers
b Which three of these things do you think are the most of stress and have given us advice about how to cut
down our stress levels. Everyone agrees that long-term
stressful? Number them 1–3 (1 = the most stressful) and
stress, for example having to look after someone
compare with a partner.
who has a chronic illness, or stressful situations
Packing for a trip at the last minute. where there is nothing we can do, for example
Being stuck in a traffic jam when you have an appointment. being stuck in a traffic jam, is bad for our
Writing a report for your boss when you don’t have much health and should be avoided whenever
time to finish it. possible. However, some medical experts
Running for a bus or train. now believe that certain kinds of stress may
Looking after a family member who has a chronic illness. actually be good for us.
Shopping in your lunch break. 2 Dr Marios Kyriazis, an anti-ageing expert, claims that
Programming a DVD player using the instruction manual. what he calls ‘good stress’ is beneficial to our health
and may, in fact, help us stay young and attractive and
c Read the article once quite quickly and then tick (✔) the even live longer. Dr Kyriazis says that ‘good stress’ can
activities that are bad for your health. What does the article say strengthen our natural defences which protect us from
about the others? illnesses common among older people, such as
Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and heart problems. He believes
d Read the article again more slowly. Circle the correct main idea that ‘good stress’ can increase the production of the
for each paragraph. proteins that help to repair the body’s cells, including
1 a Being in traffic jams is bad for our health. brain cells.
b Some people think that not all kinds of stress are bad for us. 3 According to Dr Kyriazis, running for a bus or having to
c Doctors don’t agree how we can reduce our levels of stress.
work to a deadline are examples of ‘good stress’, that is
2 a Young people suffer more from stress than older people. situations with short-term, low or
b Alzheimer’s is one of the illnesses many old people suffer from. moderate stress. The stress usually
c Good stress stops us from getting ill. makes us react quickly and efficiently,
3 a Situations which produce good stress are always short term. and gives us a sense of achievement –
b Some stress can make our cells stronger. we did it! However, in both these
c Too much protein can make us ill. situations, the stress damages the cells in
4 a We need some stress to exercise our cells’ self-repair mechanism. our body or brain and they start to break
b Doing physical exercise makes us feel less stressed. down. But then the cells’ own repair
mechanism ‘switches on’ and it produces
c Packing your suitcase in a hurry is an example of good stress.
proteins which repair the damaged cells
e Complete the sentences using words from the article. and remove harmful chemicals that can
1 When we try to do less of something, we try to c gradually cause disease. In fact, the body’s
d (paragraph 1). response is greater than is needed to repair
2 An illness that you have for a very long time is called a c the damage, so it actually makes the cells
illness (1). stronger than they were before.
3 Something which is good for us is b (2). 4 ‘As the body gets older, this self-repair
4 The verb to make something stronger is s (2). mechanism of the cells starts to slow down,’
5 Our body is made up of millions of c (2). says Dr Kyriazis. ‘The best way to keep the
6 When we treat our body badly we d it (3). process working efficiently is to ‘exercise’ it, in
7 Another word for illness is d (3). the same way you would exercise your
8 Something which is bad for us is h (3). muscles to keep them strong. This means
having a certain amount of stress in our
9 Doing exercise helps to make our m bigger and
lives.’ Other stressful activities that Kyriazis
stronger (4).
recommends as being good stress include
f Use your dictionary to check the pronunciation of the words in e. redecorating a room in your house over a
weekend, packing your suitcase in a hurry
g Discuss these questions with a partner. to reach the airport on time, shopping for
1 Do you agree with what you have read in this article? Why (not)? a dinner party during your lunch break
2 What kinds of ‘good stress’ do you have in your life? or programming your DVD player by
3 What other health stories have you heard about recently? following the instruction manual.
From The Times

Do you pay much attention to them? Do you believe them? So next time your boss tells you that she wants to see
that report finished and on her desk in 45 minutes,
p.157 Phrasal verbs in context File 1.
don’t panic; just think of it as ‘good stress’ which will
have benefits for your long-term health!
1C 15
ed at an unstated time in the past. The exact time is
not important, so it is not mentioned. The emphasis is
placed on the action.
a) He has broken his arm. (The exact time is not mentioned.
What is important is the fact that his arm is broken.)
b) Peter has been to Paris four times. (The exact time of each
of his visits is not mentioned. What is important is the fact that
he has visited Paris four times.)

The present perfed is also used for an action which has

happened within a specific time period, which is not over
at the moment of speaking, such as today, this morning1
afternoonlweeklmonthlyear, etc.
She has received three faxes this morning. (The action has
been repeated three times up to now and may happen again
because the time period - this morning - is not over yet.)
She received three faxes this morning. (The time period - this
morning - is over. It is now afternoon or evening).

The perfect eorlhuars is used to express anger,

annoyance or irritation.
Who has been reading my business papers? (The speaker is

dh the present perfect and the present perfect The present perfect Is usually used with the follow-
~tinuousare used with the following time eqms- ing flme erpeeskns:
e.g. We have already seen this film.
6.g. How long have you known Jack? Have you finished already?
How long have you been learning English? r e.g.
a Has Roger leit yet? Simon has not finishedyet.
for (duration)
e.g. I have known Jack for five years. 7. 1 have lust phoned Jill,
Ihave not seen Emily for a long time.
She has been working here for twenty years. e.g. She has always loved animals.
s h e (starting polnt) w a #
e.g. They have been married since last April. e.g. Have you ever been abroad?
We have been living here since 1980.
I have not talked to Ann since last Sunday. e.a. She has never been to France.

e.g. Have you seen any good films latelylrecently? e.g. I have sent twenty invitations so far.
She has been going out a lot lately/recently. What have you done so far?

............. I moved to York, I have been much happier.

nir in for or since. Have you been waiting ............. a long time?
I have been waiting for you ............. four o'clock.
I have lived in this village .......~lnw ....... 1 was born. She hasn't bought a new coat .............three years.
It has been raining ............hours. I wish it would stop. Karen has been on the phone ...................... ages!
My father has been the manager of this firm ............. I have known Neil ............. 1994.
ten years. Jane has been my best friend .............many years.

In pairs, make up short exchanges using The people below are on a cruise ship. What , 1
the prompts below, as in the example. have they been doing since 10 o'clock this morn- \ 1:
ing? In pairs, make up exchanges using ..
the prompts below, as in the example.
SA: The water I6 cold. Haven't you turned on the 1
w;art;trheater? I
SA: Mrs Petem is tiunbathing.
SB: No, I h n ' t turned Et on. SB: Yes, she'e been sunbathing slnce 10 oklock this ,
1 The water is cold. (turn on / the water heater) morning.
2 The fridge is empty. (do / the shopping)
1 Mrs Peters 1 sunbathe 5 Mr Burrows / walk on .,
3 There is no electricity. (pay / the bill)
2 Tom and Jerry 1 swim the deck
4 It's raining. (bring 1 your umbrella)
3 Miss Houston 1 read 6 Tim and Alan I play

5 The cat is hungry. (feed / it)
her book chess
6 The bedroom is a mess. (tidy I it)
4 Sandra and Helen /talk
7 The landlord is on the phone. (pay 1 the rent)
8 1 can't see anything. It's dark. (bring I your torch)

The Parkers have recently won the lottery. As

a result, their life has changed. Look at the
pictures and the prompts and describe
the changes, as in the example.
Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from
the list in the present perfect continuous.

try, snow, jog, play, work, walk

e.g. Mr Parker has put on weight.

I1 He's wet. He ... ....

L been

3 She's cold. She ...... the ...................................
I snow for three hours. ! . all niaht. \

put on weight grow a beard

take up tennis all buy new clothes
hire a butler join the pony club ................................... ............... to solve the
lose weight buy some nice furniture
problem all morning.
move to a bigger house

It is 11 o'clock. The following people all started Put the verbs in brackets into the
work earlier this morning. Look at the infor- present perfect or continuous, using
mation and say how long they have short forms where appropriate.
been working and how much work they
have done so far, as in the example. 1 A: How long ...have you known... (youlknow) Alison?
B: We ........... (be) friends since we were children.
31: Sandra'e b m w ~ ing einm 9 o%l& / for two 2 A: Who ............................................ (use) the car?
houm. B: 1 was. Is there a problem?
S2: 5he'e typed twenty IcttGrs scr far. 3 A: What are Andrew and David doing?
B: They ........................................................(work)
in the garden for three hours.
4 A: Why is Sally upset?
9 o'clock I type B: She ......................................... (lose) her bag.
5 A: I ................................................(alwayslbelieve)
8 a'clodc / dean
the house that exercise is good for you.
B: Of course, it's good to keep fit.
10 o'clock Iexamine

7 o'clock / d e h x
3 patients
I 6 A:

Emily ...................................................... (teach)
maths since she left university.
Yes, and she's a very good teacher, too.
7 A: Fred ...................................(open) a new shop.
parcels B: Really? Where is it?
10 o'clockf draw 8 A: This pie is delicious.
picture - B: Is it? I .................... . . . ......... (notltaste) it yet.
9 A: Have you found your umbrella yet?
B: No, I ..................... (look) for it for an hour now.
10 A: You look exhausted.
Fill in the gaps with recently, how long,
yet, for, always, ever, already, since, so far or B: Well, I .................... . .................. (clean) the
just. Sometimes more than one answer windows since 8 o'clock this morning.
is possible. 11 A: Can I have some more lemonade, please?
B: Sorry, your brother ............................................
1 A: Has Tom finished his exams ...y&.. ? (justldrink) it all.
B: No. He finishes next Thursday. 12 A: Have you got new neighbours?
2 A: .......................... has Janet been working at the B: Yes, they ..................... (just/move) to the area.
! hospital?
B: She has been working there ................she left
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect or the present perfect continuous.
3 A: How are you finding your new job?
B: Great. I haven't had any problems .................. . . -
4 A:
Is John at home, please?
No, I'm afraid he's .............................gone out.
Dear Connie, 1
5 A: Have you been waiting long? I hope you are enjoying yourself at university. I'm sureJ
B: Yes, I've been here .......................... two hours. . you 1) ...'wh aiu&@... (study) hard. Everything is
6 A: Has Martin ................................ been to Spain? fine here at home. Billly 2) .................................................
B: No, I don't think so. (justlreceive) his school report. It was bad, as usual. He
3) ........................
7 A:
Have you spoken to Matthew ...........................
Yes. I phoned him last night.
, (decide) to leave school next
year and find a job. Fiona 4) ..................................
'(go) to the gym every day for the past two weeks. She
8 A: Can you do the washing-up for me, please?
B: Don't worry. Mike has .......................... done it. 5) ................................................... (try) to get in shape
9 A: Lucy has ................. been musical, hasn't she? for the summer. She 6) ...................................................
B: Yes, she started playing the piano when she .............(already/plan) her holiday in the sun.Your father
was five years old. 7 ) ................................................ (sell) the old car and he
10 A: Shall we go to that new restaurant tonight? 8) ......................................... (buy) a new one. It's lovely -
" lnuch nicer than the old one.
B: Yes. I have ............. been there. It's really nice.
Anyway, write soon.

A :
11 A: Your dog's been barking .............. three hours! v
B: I'm sorry. I'll take him inside. Love,
12 A: Have you finished reading that book yet? Mum
B: No, I've .....:A ....................................started it.

B are tho k

Where have

ito Buenos Aires.,

They have gone to the theatre. (This means they have not come back yet They are still at the theatre.)
4 He has been to Japan. (This means that he has visited Japan; he is not there now. He has come back.)

Fill in the gaps with havelhas been (to) or 'Have you been for a walk?'
havelhas gone (to). 'Yes. I often .............for walks in the evenings.'
A have gone B am going c go
Jack: Hi, Jill: Where's Paul?
Jill: Oh, he 1) ...hrsgom to... London for a few days.
'Have you seen any films lately?'
'Yes. Actually, I ............. two this week.'
Jack: Really! 1 2) .............................London recently. A have seen B am seeing C see
I came back yesterday. 3) ........ you ........ there?
Jill: No, I haven't. Paul 4) ............................... twice 'What ..............

before, though. Where's Sarah? 'It's a piece of cherry pie. Mum made it yesterday.'
Jack: She 5) ........................................ Spain for two A are you eating B do you eat C have you eaten
weeks with her parents. They 6) ....................... 'Are you going on holiday this summer?'
there to visit some friends. 'Yes. I ............. enough money.'
Jill: When is she coming back? A am saving B have already saved C save
Jack: They'll all be back next weekend. 'Is Todd reading the newspaper?'
'No. He .............dinner at the moment.'
A has been making B makes C is making
Choose the correct answer. 'Have you bought any new CDs recently?'
- )
'Yes. Actually, I .............two this week.'
1 'What time does the train leave?' A have bought B have been buying C am buying
'I think it ..A... at 2 o'clock.' 'What time does the play start?'
A leaves B has been leaving C has left '1 think it ............. at 8 o'clock.'
2 'Where are Tom and Pauline?' A has been starting B starts C has started
'They ............. to the supermarket.' 'Where is Mark?'
A have just gone B have been going C go 'He ............. to the library to return some books.'
3 'What is Jill doing these days?' A has gone B has been C is going
'She .............for a job for six months.' 'What ............. ?'
A is looking B has been looking C looks 'It's a letter to my pen-friend. I'm telling her my
4 'Is Mandy watching TV?' news.'
'No. She ............. her homework right now.' A have you written B do you write
A is always doing B is doiri'g C does C are you writing
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
Underline the correct tense. tense.

Liz and I are good friends. We knowlhave known Who ......hae been ualng....... (use) my toothbrush?
each other for four years. 'What ......................................................(youldo)?'
Sarah is very tired. She has been workinglis work- 'I ........................(write) a letter.'
ing hard all day. ~ a m a n t ...............................
d (play) tennis with
'Where is John?' 'He's upstairs. He doeslis doing friends every weekend.
his homework.' Tim and Matilda ........... ................... (be)
I can't go to the party on Saturday. I am leaving1 married since 1991.
have been leaving for Spain on Friday night. Uncle Bill ............ ........ (justldecorate)
Jane has finishedlis finishing cleaning her room, the bathroom.
and now she is going out with her friends. Pauline and Tom ........................................... (sing)
I didn't recognise Tom. He lookslis looking so dif- in the school choir twice a week.
ferent in a suit. Who ..................................... (youlspeak) to?
I don't need to wash my car. Jim washeslhas Sarah is very happy. She .....................................
washed it for me already. (win) a poetry competition.
Ian has been talkinglis talking to his boss for an He ..................................(drink) two cups of coffee
hour now. this morning.
Claire's train arriveslhas arrived at 3 o'clock. I My friend ........ ...... (live) in America
must go and meet her at the station. at the moment.
'Would you like to borrow this book?' 'No, thanks. I They ..................................... (usuallylchange) jobs
have readlhave been reading it before.' every five years.
'Where are you goingldo you go?' 'To the cinema. I .................... ......... (normallylcut) my hair myself.
Would you like to come with me?' Linda .......................... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (study)
. in
Have you seen my bag? I am searchinglhave the library for three hours.
been searching for it all morning. We .....................................(play) in a concert next
'Is Colin here?' 'I don't know. I haven't seen1 weekend.
haven't been seeing him all day.' Who ...................... . . . ............(read) my diary?
Sophie is very clever. She is speakinglspeaks Tim ................... . . .....
..... (leave) the house at
seven different languages. 7 o'clock every morning.
We are movinglhave moved house tomorrow. .................................(your motherlwork) in a bank?
Everything is packed. ........................ .. . ..... (youldrink) coffee with your
breakfast every day?
We .....................................(make) plans for our
r Put the verbs in brackets into the correct summer holidays right now.
1 tense. They ..............................(move) house in September.

What you dolng... (youldo)?

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
Nothing. I ....................... (justlfinish) my lunch. tense.
Where ............................. (youlbe) all morning?
I .................. (clean) my house since 8 o'clock.
....................(youldo) anything next weekend?
No, I ......................... (notlmake) any plans yet.
This is just'a short note to tell you I 1) ...??Irnki
Jane looks great. ...............................................
ing/aniw...,(arrive)<atthe airport at 5 pm on Saturday,
(shellose) weight?
10th.December. 1 2) ..............................(be) very busy
Yes, she .....................(exercise) a lot recently.
recently, and that!s.why 1 3) ..........................................
.................................. (belyou) busy right now?
(not/write).to you for a while. 1 4) ...................................

Yes, I ...................(justlstart) typing this report.

(plan) this trip for months, so now 1 5) ...........................
Where is Peter?
(look foward) to spending some time with you and
He ....................(wash) the car at the moment.
your family. 1 6) ........................ (hope) you will be able
Who .........................(be) your favourite actor?
.to meet me at the airport. :Please.give my love to your
I ................................... ...... (like) Sean Connery
wife and the children.
since I was a child.
See you soon,
........................... (youldo) your homework yet?
Almost; I ......................................... (do) it now.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Correct the mistakes.
correct tense.

Molly: Hi Peter. I 1) ...haven't: men... (nottsee) you for 1 They have been to the shops. They'll be home
a long time. soon.
Peter: Hi Molly. 1 2) ........................................................ 2 Joe plays in the garden at the moment.
(travel) for the past two months. 3 1 am going to work by car every day.
Molly: Really? 1 3) ............................................... (plan) 4 The builders finish the block of flats already.
a trip at the moment. 1 4) .................................... 5 He has been breaking his arm.
(leave) next month for Australia. 6 Sam have just finished reading a very interestins
Peter: That's great. 5) ........................ . ........................ book.
(yoularrange) a place to stay once you get there? 7 Water is boiling at 100°C.
Molly: Yes, a campsite. It 6) ............................... (be) a 8 John is living here since 1986.
very nice place.
9 1 study this subject for five years.
Peter: And 7 ) .................................................( ~ o u / b u ~ )
10 Who has use my scissors?
your ticket yet?
Molly: No, not yet. Actually, 1 8) ........................ (go)
to the travel agent's this afternoon to buy it.
Peter: Oh. 1 9) ........................................ (go) into town
later today. You can come with me in my car. Study these examples. The second sentence
Molly: Thanks. 1 10) .......................................... (meet) has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
my brother for lunch at 1 o'clock, so I'll come to
your house at 2 o'clock. 1 I've never had such a good meal.
Peter: Great! See you then. ever It's the best meal I have ever had.
2 She started collecting postcards four years ago.

a Choose the correct answer.

' ..C... your sister recently?'

been She has been collecting postcards for
four years.
3 They haven't finished painting the house yet.
still They are still painting the house.
4 I've never ridden a camel before.
'Yes, she came to visit last weekend.' first It's the first time I've ridden a camel.
A Have you been seeing B You have seen
C Have you seen
'I didn't know Sarah could drive.'
'Oh yes, she ............. since last April.'
A has been driving 6 has driven C is driving
Complete each sentence with two to
five words, including the word in bold.
'Where is Jason?'
'He ............. at the swimming pool.' She hasn't finished cooking the meal yet.
A is being B is C has been still She still cooking.......... the meal.
'This is a great book.' I've never met such an interesting person.
'I know. I .............. it twice already.' ever He's the most interesting person I ..........
A have read B am reading ........................................................... met.
C have been reading He started repairing the roof three hours ago.
'Hello, Jane. I'm home.' been He .................... . ................... .....................
'Where have you been? I .............. for you all day!' the roof for three hours.
A have been looking B look C am looking They've never visited an old castle before.
'Are you having a holiday this year?'
first It's ........................... . . ............
have visited an old castle.
'Yes, I .............. to Hawaii.'
Robert is still decorating the flat.
A am going B have been C have gone
finished Robert ................................. the flat yet.
'Who does your hair for you?' It's the most boring book I've ever read.
'My mother usually .................. it.' never I ......................... . . ..................................
A is cutting B cuts C has cut such a boring book.
'Your socks are all wet!' He started playing rugby four years ago.
'Don't worry. I ................. another pair with me.' been He .................... . . ...... . .......................
A am bringing B bring C have brought rugby for four years.
7 -L_C
Prese rms
look at sblsth
m e h m fa place) stay at (a place)'
Men lo sb/sth wait for sblsth .
$, ., ,L
- ' $

ive In {a place) work for Wsth Life M carlh is shsnglng. Look at the informa&'&,-
in the chart and make &nlmws, as k the exam@$;
*.* . -
6.g.'S I : Trees provide oxygen and homes for anh&
However, lrees are disappmriing because
Q Fill in the correct preposition. fires and logging.
S1: But many governments have started to pl&t
1 What are you waltlng ... for...? -.
2 Why are you looking ............ yourselt In the rn~rror'? The Facts....
3 How often do you listen ................ the radio? C-

4 My parents live ............... a small cottage. 1 Trees Iprovide / oxygen and homes for animals.
5 My brother works father. 2 Many different spec% of fish / live on cord reefs.
3 Many people I use I coal and oil as fuel for
6 Those books belong ................ John Srnith
bating in their homes,
7 We aren't going out tonight. We're staying ....
home. 7 Ocean l i i l produce E 90% of our oxygen.

8 My father comes ..............Ireland.

- -
1 Trees / dbqpear J because of fires and laggmg.
2 %hI&I~wfsebm/deshoy/oorai~~.
3 Coal and d w p p h f ctfxmm.
weak down 1) stop working (of cars, etc.) 4 We J pollute Ithe oceans with mbbish.
2) lose control of feelings (of people)
The Action Taken,... -
btaak idbreak
'rvto a bullding: enter by force 1 hkmy gwemmem l starttto plant n
2 Some fishermen / stop f fishing near
Break Into: start singing, smiling, etc, suddenly
3 Masry people l change l to other so
break out: 1) begin suddenly (war, fire, etc.) tteaing. -. 4 . -
But: a storm breaks 4 We f begin /to recycle rubbish insteadd m
2) escape
Sreak up: stop for holidays (of schools, etc.)

Fill in the correct particle.

1 War broke ...out... in 1992 and it lasted until 1995

2 Children are always happy when school breaks Are YOU aware of the damage
.................. for the holidays.
3 The burglars broke ................... the house In the )% ). se
being done to our planet? We all
know that trees provide oxygen

middle of the night and stole all the jewellery.
His serious face broke .................... a grin when he
read the joke.
The bus broke ..................... so all the passengers
had to get off and wait for another one to come.
The little girl broke ........................ and cried when
her dog died. -.
C and homes for animals. However, trees are disap-
pearing because of fires and logging. Fortunately,
many governments have started to plant new
trees. We also know that ........................................
We must stop the destruction now, before it is too
7 The dog broke ......................... of the garden and
chased the cat down the street.

- ,-
, HeIShellt has ('s) lefttarrived.
. Have you leftlarrived?Yes, Ihave./No, Ihaven't.
You have not (haven't) leftlarrived.
HeIShellt has not (hasn't) leftlarrived.

$he present perfect and the present perfect continuous connect the psst and the present. That is, they
describe actions which started in the past and continue up to the present or actions whkh were completed
in the past but whose results affect the present.
4 The present pertect is used to describe an
action which stwted in the psst and continues I 4 The present perlect continuous Is used to put
amphasis on the duration of an actlon whlch
up to the present, especially with state verbs started in the past and continues up to the present,
such as have, like, know, be, etc. In thls case, we
often use for and since.
They have been friends for twenly years. (They met
each other twenty years ago and they are still friends.)
i especially with time expressions such as for, since,
all morningldayl
week, etc.

Sarah has been

vegetables for
two hours. (She
started picking
vegetables two
hours ago and
she is still picking
them now.)

is also used for a1

action which started I
and flnlshed in the
1 The present perlecr is also used for an action past and lasted for
whteh has recently finished and whose result is some Elme. The result
visible in the present. , . of the actlon is visible
in the present.
He is dirty. He has
been playing football.
(He is no longer
playing football, but the
fact that his clothes are
dim is visible now.)
Note: With the verbs feel (have a particular emotion]
Ilve, work and teach we can use the presen
perfect or present perfect continuous with nl
difference In meaning.
e.g. He has fettihas been feeling unwell all marniry

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